满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

--- The Captain is definitely a touching...

--- The Captain is definitely a touching movie, ______ adapted from a true story.

--- Exactly. Captain Liu puts the safety of passengers in the first place.

A.one that B.which C.the one D.one


D 【解析】 考查代词。句意:——《船长》绝对是一部感人的电影,一部改编自真实故事的电影。——没错。刘队长把乘客的安全放在第一位。one可替代前面有不定冠词的可数名词单数,即表示泛指,在词句中代替前面的a touching movie。故选D项。  

This newspaper has a daily ______ of more than one million in this city and if s common to see passengers read a copy in the subway.

A.circulation B.association C.contribution D.accumulation



I should very much like to have gone to Susan's birthday party, but______.

A.I have to give a lecture B.I had to give a lecture

C.I have had to give a lecture D.I had had to give a lecture



The president of Harvard pioneered the elective system______ students were able to choose their own courses of study.

A.on which B.about which C.to which D.by which



Parents should keep their children company as much as possible because children feel _______ if they don’t see their parents regularly.

A.rejected B.offended C.interrupted D.mistaken



—How could she have let something so important ________ her mind?

—She’s fully applied to work recently and gets burnt out.

A.occupy B.cross

C.slide D.slip



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