满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

One day in early December, we woke up to...

    One day in early December, we woke up to discover a heavy fall of snow. “Mom, can we go _______ after breakfast?” my eleven-year-old daughter Erica begged. I didn’t want to _______ her request, so we headed towards the only _______ in our town.

When we arrived, the hill was crowded with people. We found an open spot next to a thin man and his three-year-old son. The boy was already lying in the sled, _______ to be launched. “Come on, Daddy!” he called.

The man looked over at me. “Okay if we go _______?” he asked.

“Sure. Looks like your son is ready to go,” I said. With that, he gave the boy a huge _______, and off he flew! And the father ran after his son at full speed.

“He must be afraid that his son is going to _______ somebody,” I said to Erica. “We’d better be _______, too.”

Then we also skied down the hill at a great speed. As we returned to the top, I noticed that the man was _______ his son, who was still lying in the sled, back up to the summit. When we reached the top, the boy was ready to play again. Again, the father ________ him down the hill, and then pulled both the boy and the sled back up. The little boy was terribly spoilt by his father, I thought. ________ he was small, the child could pull his own sled up the hill once in a while. This ________ went on for more than an hour, but the man never ________ , and he was very happy instead. Finally, I could ________ it no longer. I called to him, “You have tremendous ________ !”

The man smiled and said, “He has cerebral palsy (脑瘫). He can’t walk. ”

I was dumbstruck (惊呆的). It had all seemed so happy, so ________ , that it never occurred to me that the child might be ________ . Although I didn’t know the man’s name, I told the ________ in my newspaper column. Either he or someone he knew must have recognized him, ________ shortly afterward, I received this letter:

Dear Mrs. Silverman,

The energy I expended on the hill that day is ________ compared to what my son does every day. To me, he is a true hero.

1.A.camping B.hiking C.shopping D.skiing

2.A.answer B.refuse C.allow D.accept

3.A.hill B.lake C.market D.gym

4.A.promising B.advising C.waiting D.warning

5.A.too B.second C.last D.first

6.A.wave B.ability C.push D.touch

7.A.look at B.run into C.come across D.call on

8.A.natural B.honest C.careful D.special

9.A.attracting B.following C.pulling D.forbidding

10.A.found B.chased C.drove D.noticed

11.A.As if B.Even though C.Now that D.Ever since

12.A.accident B.signal C.pattern D.adventure

13.A.doubted B.laughed C.tired D.cried

14.A.interrupt B.stand C.change D.demand

15.A.energy B.value C.skills D.attitude

16.A.fair B.frightening C.normal D.unlucky

17.A.homeless B.disabled C.technical D.creative

18.A.joke B.story C.meeting D.news

19.A.because B.unless C.if D.although

20.A.all B.everything C.something D.nothing


1.D 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.D 6.C 7.B 8.C 9.C 10.B 11.B 12.C 13.C 14.B 15.A 16.C 17.B 18.B 19.A 20.D 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。作者与女儿一起去山上滑雪,遇到了一位父亲一遍遍把脑瘫儿子用雪橇拉上山,又一起追着儿子下山,作者非常感动,把这个故事发表在报纸上,不久,那位父亲认出报纸上写的是他,写信给作者,认为自己的儿子才是真正的英雄。 1. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:妈妈,早饭后我们可以去滑雪吗?A. camping露营,野营;B. hiking徒步旅行;C. shopping购物;D. skiing滑雪。根据下文句子The boy was already lying in the sled.(那男孩已经躺在雪橇上了)可知,她的女儿向她提出的要求是去滑雪。故选D项。 2. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:妈妈不想拒绝女儿的要求。A. answer回答; B. refuse拒绝;C. allow允许;D. accept接受。根据下文so we headed towards the only ___3___ in our town.(所以我们去往镇上唯一的山。)可知去了山上是不想拒绝女儿的要求,故选B项。 3. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:所以我们去往镇上唯一的山。A. hill小山;B. lake湖;C. market市场;D. gym健身房。根据下文句子the hill was crowded with people(山上挤满了人)可知,我们去的是一座小山。故选A项。 4. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:小男孩在雪橇上已经做好了准备,正等着出发。A. promising许诺,答应;B. advising建议;C. waiting等待;D. warning警告。根据上文The boy was already lying in the sled(小男孩已经躺在了雪橇上)可知此处表示他正等着出发,故选C项。 5. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:我们先走好吗?A. too太;B. second第二;C. last最后;D. first第一。根据下文我的回答Sure. Looks like your son is ready to go (当然。看来你儿子已经准备好了)可见,是针对滑雪做出的询问,即他们能否先出发。故选D项。 6. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:说完,他用力推了男孩一下,然后就飞了出去!A. wave摇动;B. ability能力;C. push推;D. touch接触。根据空后的and off he flew(然后他就飞了出去)可知此处表示父亲给孩子一个很大的推力,推孩子滑出去。故选C项。 7. 考查动词短语辨析。句意:他一定害怕儿子会撞到其他的人。A. look at看;B. run into撞上;C. come across遇见;D. call on号召。根据上文And the father ran after his son at full speed(父亲全速追赶儿子)及常识可推理知父亲在儿子后面追赶是担心他儿子撞到其他的人。故选B项。 8. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我们也应该小心。A. natural自然的;B. honest诚实的;C. careful小心;D. special特别的。根据上文He must be afraid that his son is going to ___7___ somebody(他一定害怕儿子会撞到其他的人。)可知我看到他担心儿子撞倒其他人,我觉得我们在滑的时候也需要“小心”,故选C项。 9. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我们回到山顶时,我注意到那个男人正在把他仍然躺在雪橇里的儿子拉回到山顶。A. attracting吸引;B. following跟随;C. pulling拉;D. forbidding强迫。根据下文who was still lying in the sled, back up to the summit可知,男孩仍然躺在雪橇上,可见他父亲是把他拉到山顶的。故选C项。 10. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:父亲又一次追他下山,然后把男孩和雪橇都拉上来。A. found发现;B. chased追着;C. drove驾驶;D. noticed注意。根据上下文,由again可见,这次他父亲仍然是追在他的后边到山下,然后把他拉上来。故选B项。 11. 考查连词词义辨析。句意:尽管他很小,孩子也能把自己的雪橇拉上山去。A. As if好像;B. Even though即使,尽管;C. Now that既然;D. Ever since自从。根据上文The little boy was terribly spoilt by his father, I thought.可知,作者认为那位父亲把自己的孩子宠坏了,即使孩子自己能把自己的雪橇拉上山去。故选B项。 12. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:这种模式持续了大约一个小时。A. accident事故;B. signal信号;C. pattern模式;D. adventure冒险。根据上文Again, the father ___10___ him down the hill, and then pulled both the boy and the sled back up.(父亲又一次追他下山,然后把男孩和雪橇都拉上来。)可知此处表示的是这一“模式”持续了约一小时,故选C项。 13. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:但是这个男的不觉得累,反而很高兴。A. doubted怀疑;B. laughed笑;C. tired厌倦,疲劳;D. cried哭。根据空后的and he was very happy instead(反而很高兴)可知,此处表示与“高兴”相反的“疲劳(tired)”,故选C项。 14. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:最后,我再也受不了了。A. interrupt打扰;B. stand承受,忍耐;C. change改变;D. demand要求。从下文I called to him, “You have tremendous ___15___ !”(我对他说:“你有着惊人的精力!”)可知此处表示作者不能再忍耐这件事,对他说出了这样的话。故选B项。 15. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:你有着惊人的精力。A. energy精力, 能量;B. value价值;C. sills技能;D. attitude态度。根据上文This ___12___ went on for more than an hour, but the man never ___13___ , and he was very happy instead.(这种模式持续了大约一个小时,但是这个男的不觉得累,反而很高兴。)可知我认为他精力充沛,故选A项。 16. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这一切看起来都是那么快乐,如此的正常,我从来没有想到孩子可能是残疾的。A. fair公平的;B. frightening令人害怕的;C. normal正常的;D. unlucky不幸运的。根据上文It had all seemed so happy(这一切看起来都是那么快乐)及上下文感情色彩可知此处表示“那么正常”,故选C项。 17. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这一切看起来都是那么快乐,如此的正常,我从来没有想到孩子可能是残疾的。A. homeless无家可归的;B. disabled残疾的;C. technical工艺的;D. creative创造性的。根据上文He has cerebral palsy. He can’t walk.(他得了脑瘫。他不会走路。)可知这里是指这孩子是个残疾人。故选B项。 18. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我把这个故事发表在了报纸上。A. joke笑话;B. story故事;C. meeting会议;D. news新闻。上文讲述了我和女儿去滑雪时遇到一对父子的故事,故选B项。 19. 考查连词词义辨析。句意:他或他认识的人一定认出来这个故事是他的故事,因为不久之后,我收到了这封信。A. because因为;B. unless除非;C. if是否;D. although尽管。两句之间是因果关系,因为他是认出来这个故事是他的故事,所以他给我写了信。故选A项。 20. 考查代词词义辨析。句意:那天我在山上所耗费的精力与我儿子每天所做的相比算不了什么。A. all全部;B. everything每件事情;C. something某事;D. nothing没什么。根据最后一句To me, he is a true hero.(对我来说,他是个真正的英雄。)及感情色彩可知此处表达的是这位父亲认为他的精力与儿子每天所做的相比算不了什么。故选D项。

—Could Martha afford the money to go on a trip abroad with us?

—I’m afraid not. She is ___________ at the moment.

A.physically challenged B.between jobs C.not all there D.all ears



Our high-tech zone has__________guidelines for sustainable development in the next five years.

A.fallen for B.got over C.broken down D.laid out



I can’t figure out why some foreigners must go out_______staying at home is the safest way during the outbreak of the virus.

A.until B.before C.unless D.when



Our school often organizes various after-school activities, _____our stress to some degree.

A.to relieve B.relieved C.having relieved D.relieving



_______for the wrong turning on the highway, I would be having dinner with my friends now.

A.Had it not been B.Were it not C.It had not been D.It were not



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