满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The Greatest Olympic Stadiums of All Tim...

    The Greatest Olympic Stadiums of All Time

The following are some buildings that have stood the test of time and continue to be as amazing and groundbreaking as the games themselves.

Montreal Olympic Stadium, Montreal, Canada

The 1976 Summer Games were a perfect excuse for then-mayor Jean Drapeau to green light a stadium that could be used for the city’s Major League Baseball team. The building is an extraordinary achievement of engineering and its 45-degree angled tower is the world’s tallest inclined (倾斜的) tower.

Aquatics Centre, London, the United Kingdom

This roof that bends both inside and outside is one of the most recognizable structures by the famous architect Zaha Hadid. Built for the 2012 Summer Olympics, this building is meant to copy the movement of not only the water inside the structure, but also of the neighboring Waterworks River.

Spyros Louis Olympic Stadium, Athens, Greece

The two bent poles running over the open roof of this stadium from the 2004 Summer Olympics look more like a bridge than a stadium. The stadium itself was built in 1982, but its most recognizable aspects were added during the 2004 refurbishment (翻新).

Beijing National Stadium, Beijing, China

Built for the 2008 Summer Games, the Beijing National Stadium stands apart for its unique appearance like a bird’s nest and the plans for it to be reused at the 2022 Winter Games. Designed to allow the audience a clear view from anywhere in the stands, the stadium is especially eye-catching when lit up at nigh.

1.What is special about Montreal Olympic Stadium?

A.It copies the movement of water.

B.It is shaped like a bridge.

C.It looks like a birds nest.

D.It is recognizable for its inclined tower.

2.Where is the stadium that relatively has the shortest history?

A.In Montreal. B.In London. C.In Athens. D.In Beijing.

3.Which of the stadiums will be reused for the Winter Olympics?

A.Montreal Olympic Stadium. B.Aquatics Centre.

C.Spyros Louis Olympic Stadium. D.Beijing National Stadium.


1.D 2.B 3.D 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章列举了四个史上最伟大的奥运体育馆。 1. 细节理解题。根据“its 45-degree angled tower is the world’s tallest inclined (倾斜的) tower.”可知,Montreal Olympic Stadium的特殊之处在于它的45度角高塔是世界上最高的斜塔,故选D。 2. 细节理解题。根据“The 1976 Summer Games were a perfect excuse for then-mayor Jean Drapeau to green light a stadium that could be used for the city’s Major League Baseball team.”可知,Montreal Olympic Stadium修建于1976年,根据“Built for the 2012 Summer Olympics,”可知,Aquatics Centre修建于2012年之前,根据“The stadium itself was built in 1982”可知,Spyros Louis Olympic Stadium修建于1982年,根据“Built for the 2008 Summer Games”可知,Beijing National Stadium修建于2008年之前,所以Aquatics Centre的历史最短,Aquatics Centre位于伦敦,故选B。 3. 细节理解题。根据“the Beijing National Stadium stands apart for its unique appearance like a bird’s nest and the plans for it to be reused at the 2022 Winter Games.”可知,北京国家体育馆会在2022年冬运会被重新使用,故选D。


Radio Station Contest

Alexis and Zoe were sitting at the kitchen table doing homework. They were having a hard time concentrating on their assignment because the radio station was playing music from their favourite band, the Shape Shifters.

“I can’t believe the Shifters are going to be playing here and we can’t go!” Alexis mopped.

“I know,” pouted Zoe. “Tickets were sold out in five minutes, and even if we could get some, they are so-o-o expensive!”

Zoe turned the radio up a little louder. Their favourite song was on, and the girls had an impromptu (即兴的) dance party right there in the kitchen. Using a pencil and a banana as microphones, they belted out the lyrics they knew so well.

As it ended, they collapsed into their seats again. The radio disc jockey started talking about the concert. “They are playing in town this weekend, and we’re giving away two tickets to Saturday’s sold-out show, right now! We’re looking for the 5th caller who can correctly answer this question: Who is the oldest member of the Shape Shifters?”

Alexis and Zoe looked at each other. They couldn’t believe how easy the question was. “It’s Georgie!” said Alexis.

“No, it’s Natasha,” answered Zoe. “What do you mean?” asked Alexis. “Everyone knows Georgie is 29, he’s much older than the rest of the band.”

“Yeah, I know he’s the oldest person, but the question was who’s the oldest member of the band. Natasha started the band when she was just 15. The others joined the group after her.”

As they listened, they heard the D.J. taking calls from excited fans. “Caller Number Three, you’re up! Who is the oldest member of the Shape Shifters?” “It’s Georgie,” said the nervous voice through the radio speakers. “Wrong again,” boomed the D.J.. “Nobody seems to know the answer! Next caller!”

Para 1:

Alexis turned to Zoe. “You’re right! It is about who has been in the band the longest! CALL THE STATION NOW!”


Para 2:

The girls waited, unable to move. The kitchen clocked ticked, stretching out each slow second.




假如你是李华,你的英国笔友Peter对于中国粉丝给国外明星取昵称的行为非常感兴趣,比如说“卷福”、“霉霉”、“小李子”、“寡姐”等。请你给他写一封邮件,介绍一个你认为最喜欢的中文昵称。内容包括:1. 中文昵称的含义;2. 中英文名字在含义或发音等方面的关联;3. 粉丝起该昵称的原因。

注意:1. 该昵称可用中文或拼音表示;2. 邮件词数在80词左右。

Benedict Cumberbatch

Taylor Swift

Leonardo DiCaprio

Scarlett Johansson











How Netflix Became So Popular

We've all heard the phrase ''Netflix and chill'', which means ''watch Netflix and hang out''. Why not ''Amazon Prime and chill? '' There are many other websites and apps 1. (allow) people to watch TV shows and movies. Similarly to Netflix, many streaming services offer original programs and movies. So what made Netflix have the impact it has 2. society?

In the past few years, Netflix 3. (grow) exponentially in popularity, leaving other streaming services and regular television in the dust. Netflix was created in 1997, 4. (original) as a way to send rental DVDs to people. In 2007, Netflix began offering streaming television shows and movies online. But 5. wasn’t until 2013 that Netflix began offering original programming, enabling viewers to watch 6. whole season of TV all at once.

Viewers are satisfied with Netflix's many different options for TV shows. One of the biggest appeals of Netflix was 7. it would release all seasons of any old TV shows, something that Amazon Prime wouldn't do. In addition, Netflix releases monthly statements about which series and movies 8. (remove) from the service. But other sites can remove full series without any notice.

While other services might have their 9. (succeed), Netflix seems likely to continue its reign over the TV world and 10. (become) more popular than regular TV in the next few years. Netflix has discovered what people like to watch and how they like to watch it, and if they keep on this path, television might be a thing of the past.



    Today, I was sitting with some other students and teachers as the judges of the annual singing contest of Beijing National Day School (BNDS). Watching the wonderful performances on stage, I could not help _______ what happened last year.

Last year was the first year I came to the BNDS International Department. The first month at BNDS was almost a(n) _______: Curiosity quickly _______, replaced by a heavy workload. To make matters worse, I was _______ a total stranger in a new environment. When I was in trouble, I was too _______ to turn to anyone for help. I shut the door to the outside world.

I thought I might continue to _______ in darkness by myself, until one day, I saw the _______ of the annual singing contest. If I was not brave enough to communicate in words, maybe I could sing my heart out. Having made my decision, I joined the audition (试镜). Luckily, I _______ among more than 100 contestants and entered the top 32. After another three rounds of competition, I made it to the finals together with three other contestants. _______ more and more students knew that I joined the contest, they went to watch my performance, volunteered to ________ for me and then shared my singing videos on social media. It seemed that I became well-known overnight.

Finally, the big day came. When I ________ the nerve to walk onstage, I could not believe my eyes. The dark theater was suddenly lit up by ________ sticks, which were like stars in a dark sky. “Come on, Becky!” A shout broke the silence, followed by kind laughter. When it became ________ again, I began to sing.

The music started, which drew me back to reality. Now I might not remember clearly what songs I sang last year, but I would never forget the ________ in the darkness.  From then on, I had my fans, made friends, and I even joined the singing club. Singing opens the door to a brand-new world. I know I will stay at BNDS, and I won’t be ________.

1.A.conveying B.evaluating C.recalling D.scanning

2.A.alarm B.disaster C.growth D.turning

3.A.distributed B.faded C.choked D.split

4.A.digitally B.elegantly C.practically D.vitally

5.A.shy B.sharp C.shallow D.sceptical

6.A.crash B.struggle C.sacrifice D.withdraw

7.A.application B.detail C.poster D.sample

8.A.came out B.chewed out C.dropped out D.stood out

9.A.As B.Though C.While D.When

10.A.approve B.applaud C.qualify D.vote

11.A.filled in B.swelled up C.wound up D.got up

12.A.circulating B.linking C.crossing D.waving

13.A.calm B.dull C.quiet D.stable

14.A.lights B.devices C.receivers D.circumstances

15.A.alone B.casual C.abnormal D.accessible



    Animals can provide joy and companionship (陪伴). Animals can also provide emotional support for people with mental health concerns. These animal companions are known as emotional support animals (ESAs), and they have been growing in popularity in recent years.

An emotional support animal is an animal companion that offers some type of benefit to an individual with some form of disability. The animal is intended to provide companionship and support that will help relieve at least one aspect of the disability. 1. However, cats are quite common as well. Other types of animals, such as mini horses and ducks, can also serve as emotional support animals. Therefore, the vast majority of emotional support animals are not rare creatures.

2. Research has long supported the idea that animals can provide significant mental health benefits. One research review found that owning a pet has positive effects on mental health by promoting emotional connections and helping people manage in hard times. 3. For this reason, emotional support animals are often used to help people struggling with anxiety.

Animals can provide companionship. Pets can provide comfort for people who are dealing with difficult situations. Emotional support animals are often used to help people who have experienced some type of trauma (创伤). 4. Research has found that having a pet can help lower blood pressure and improve people's ability to deal with pain.

Emotional support animals may provide some other benefits. 5. This can be especially important for people who live alone, particularly if they also experience symptoms of depression and anxiety.

A.ESAs provide conditional love and companionship.

B.Animals can also lead to improvements in physical health.

C.Do emotional support animals have side effects on people?

D.For example, they can help to fight feelings of loneliness.

E.Dogs are the most common type of emotional support animal.

F.Why would an individual choose to use an emotional support animal?

G.Simply petting an animal can create a relaxation response and make people happier.



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