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London Fashion Week will not feature any...

    London Fashion Week will not feature any animal fur clothes or accessories(配饰) on the runway this year, making it the first fur-free major fashion week.

In a statement, the BFC said: "The BFC survey results reflect a cultural change not only based on ideals and choices made by designer businesses, international brands as well as consumer feeling but also encouraged by the attitude of multi-brand stores who are moving away from selling fur.”

There is increasing pressure from anti-fur protesters(抗议者) to ban fur or boycott designers that use the material. During last year's London Fashion Week, there were 250 anti-fur protesters, The Guardian reported, and a show in February saw an activist storm the stage at a Mary Katrantzou show. Following the incident, Mary Katrantzou's team made a statement insisting that the collection was animal fur-free and “only man-made fur was used.”

Ahead of this year's fashion week, set to take place from September 14 to 18, an open letter written by singer Paloma Faith and published by Peta also called for a ban of animal fur.

The letter read: “The BFC shouldn't be approving a material whose production is considered so cruel that it is outlawed in the UK. With the vast number of cutting- edge, eco-friendly man-made furs available on the market today, I'm sure you'll agree that there's no longer any excuse for killing animals for their fur.”

London Fashion Week's fur-free runway follows a similar policy recently adopted by Burberry Design to end the use of fur including rabbit, fox, mink, racoon, and angora wool, as is confirmed by Burberry CEO Marco Gobbetti in an interview with Business of Fashion.

The BFC's news has been met with support from people on social media, who have applauded the designers choosing to give up the use of animal fur.

“I am so excited that fur has been banned from London Fashion Week! Progress!” Faith wrote on Twitter.

Another said: “London Fashion Week is ditching fur and leading the way towards a fur-free future in fashion.”

1.Why are examples of last year's London Fashion show and Mary Katrantzou show in February are given in paragraph 3?

A.To compare the two fashion shows.

B.To prove Mary Katrantzou was wronged.

C.To show pressure from anti-fur protesters.

D.To indicate the popularity of London Fashion Show.

2.Why does Paloma Faith think there is no excuse for killing animals for their fur?

A.It is expensive to kill animals for fur.

B.BFC has banned the use of animal fur.

C.Production of animal fur is illegal in the world.

D.Good Man-made furs are available on the market.

3.What's the ordinary people's attitude towards the first fur-free major fashion week ?

A.Critical. B.Ambiguous.

C.Favorable. D.Indifferent.

4.What is the best title of the passage?

A.The BFC reports a cultural change in fashion.

B.London Fashion Week will be fur free this year.

C.Famous singer writes open letter to ban animal fur.

D.Animal fur is sure to be replaced by man-made fur.


1.C 2.D 3.C 4.B 【解析】 这是一篇新闻报道。文章介绍伦敦时装周。今年的伦敦时装周不会在t台上展示任何动物毛皮服装或配饰,这使它成为第一个没有动物毛皮的主要时装周。 . 1. 细节理解题。根据第三段第一句There is increasing pressure from anti-fur protesters(抗议者) to ban fur or boycott designers that use the material.“反皮草抗议者的压力越来越大,他们要求禁止使用皮草,或者抵制使用这种材料的设计师。”由此可知,第3段给出了去年伦敦时装秀和2月份玛丽·卡特兰佐时装秀的例子以显示反皮草抗议者的压力。故选C。 2. 推理判断题。根据第五段中The BFC shouldn't be approving a material whose production is considered so cruel that it is outlawed in the UK. With the vast number of cutting- edge, eco-friendly man-made furs available on the market today, I'm sure you'll agree that there's no longer any excuse for killing animals for their fur.“英国电影协会不应该批准这样一种作品,它的制作被认为是如此残忍,以至于在英国是非法的。现在市场上有大量的先进的、环保的人造毛皮,我相信你会同意,再也没有理由为了毛皮而杀死动物了。”由此可知,帕洛马·费斯认为屠杀动物获取皮毛是没有理由的,因为好的人造毛皮在市场上有售。故选D。 3. 推理判断题。根据第七段The BFC's news has been met with support from people on social media, who have applauded the designers choosing to give up the use of animal fur. “英国时装协会的这一消息在社交媒体上得到了人们的支持,他们对设计师放弃使用动物皮毛的做法表示赞赏。”由此可知,普通民众对第一届无动物皮毛时装周是“支持的”。故选C。 4. 标题判断题。根据第一段London Fashion Week will not feature any animal fur clothes or accessories(配饰) on the runway this year, making it the first fur-free major fashion week. “今年的伦敦时装周不会在t台上展示任何动物毛皮服装或配饰,这使它成为第一个没有动物毛皮的主要时装周。”由此可知,今年的伦敦时装周将不穿动物皮草。所以B项为最佳标题。故选B。

    Taking paternity leave (陪产假) shortly after the birth of a new son or daughter may be the key to developing strong father-child bonds that last for years, says new research from Ball State University.

“We find that 9-year-olds report greater satisfaction with father involvement,” said Richard Petts, a Ball State sociology professor who carried out the research with Chris Knoester at the Ohio State University and Jane Waldfogel at Columbia University. “They feel closer to their fathers and report better communication with their dads if their fathers take paternity leave, and especially if their fathers take two or more weeks of leave.”

“We found evidence that part of the reason why two or more weeks of paternity leave may lead to 9-year-olds expressing greater satisfaction seems to be that longer periods of paternity leave-taking link to parental relationship satisfaction,” said Petts.

The study is the latest in a series examining the effects of parental leave in the development of children and its influence on the family. It is also the first research known to assess the associations between paternity leave and children’s opinions of father-child relationship quality in the United States, Petts said.

Petts said the findings of the study will help families and policymakers (政策制定者) who aim to strengthen families and improve higher quality father-child relationships.

The present structure (结构) of paternity leave in the United States provides limited opportunities for fathers to take leave and, in fact, often discourages fathers from taking leave, he said.

“The possibility to take leave is often limited to higher-income families,” Petts said. “A lack of a national paid family leave policy limits access to important benefits for American families. The present structure may be increasing inequalities.” Petts said that providing equal access to paternity leave may help to change these patterns and strengthen family relationships.

1.How was the research probably carried out?

A.By tracking families. B.By talking with mothers.

C.By interviewing the kids. D.By recording children’s behavior.

2.What is found about paternity leave?

A.It makes young kids become dependent.

B.It is determined by parental relationships.

C.It encourages men to become better fathers.

D.It improves father-child relationship quality.

3.What do we know about the research?

A.It is welcomed by young fathers. B.It is the first to study parental leave.

C.It is probably helpful to policymakers. D.It is more important than similar studies.

4.What is the problem with the present structure of paternity leave in the US?

A.Paid paternity leave is only two weeks long.

B.There is no policy to encourage paternity leave.

C.Low-income families think little of paternity leave.

D.High-income fathers are too busy to take paternity leave.



    My wife and I were at a crowded grocery store not long ago. It was a weekday evening, cold and wet-and tense. People were carelessly blocking aisles, complaining and cutting one another off with their carts.

Things got worse at the checkout line. The cashier scanned a man’s discount card, but he misread the savings on her screen as an additional charge. He decided she was acting deliberately and began to argue.

“She is being spiteful (恶意的) !” he yelled. “This is unbelievable.”

Other customers looked away as the cashier tried to reason with him. She called a manager, who accompanied him to customer service. Shaken, she moved to the next customer in line.

We’ve all witnessed uncomfortable scenes like this in public places. The grocery scene was another example of how our trust in others has eroded. But it was also a teachable moment on how we can rebuild our faith-starting with just one person.

Back at the grocery store, my wife and I reached our uneasy cashier. I grabbed a bottle of water from a nearby cooler and handed it to her. “We felt bad about how that man treated you and wanted to buy this for you.” I said. Her face lit up, and we talked as she scanned our items. She told us she had been working that evening through severe foot pain and would be having surgery later that week. We wished her well in her recovery, and she thanked us as we left.

Those are the balancing acts, the moments of responding social and emotional pain with healing, which will add up to restore trust among people. You can start that pattern in someone else’s life, even in a place as ordinary as the neighborhood grocery store.

1.Why did the man at the checkout line argue with the cashier?

A.The cashier called a manager to help her.

B.Someone jumped the queue waiting to check out.

C.There was something wrong with his discount card.

D.He believed the cashier charged him more on purpose.

2.The underlined word “eroded” in Paragraph 5 probably means ________.

A.changed B.increased

C.faded D.formed

3.The author bought a bottle of water for the cashier because ________.

A.he thought the cashier might feel a little bit thirsty

B.he knew she had gone through much trouble recently

C.he wanted to restore the trust between her and the man

D.he wanted to comfort her after the terrible experience just now

4.The last paragraph in the passage is intended to ________.

A.add a warning B.make a suggestion

C.introduce a topic D.present an argument



    Castle Rock, Colorado, is in the Front Range between Denver and Colorado Springs. The town was first settled in the 1870s and named for the rock formation on its western edge. More than 5,400 acres of open space, 250 acres of parks and 57 miles of trails surround the town. Castle Rock offers many activities throughout the year.

Douglas County Fairgrounds

The Douglas County holds a rodeo every August. Many activities are held in the city during the rodeo, including 4-H exhibits, animal shows and the farm yard, a hands-on educational area providing information about animals and agriculture. Local singing and dancing acts perform on the Community Stage. Carnival rides and games ensure that children have fun.

Town Recreation

Activities Castle Rock Recreation Center features 84,000 square feet of fun, including a leisure pool complete with water slides, spa and lazy river. Rent one of the meeting rooms and host your child’s birthday party. Introduce your child to cooking basics through classes such as Little Chefs, Holiday Cooking Arts, Just Desserts and Iron Chefs. Discounts with membership cards.

Metzler Ranch Park

Metzler Ranch Park features many outdoor activities for children. Kids can join a youth baseball or softball league, ride a bike along the paved path or swing and climb on the playground equipment. Bring your child’s in-line skates and glide along one of two in-line hockey rinks or try out skills at the lighted skate park. Discounts book online.

Theatre of Dreams

Theatre of Dreams is a 72-scat theater that presents magic and illusion entertainment. Two professional magicians founded the theater. Children especially enjoy the family-oriented shows. The facility can be rented for special events such as birthday parties and bar mitzvahs. Reserve in advance.

1.Which of the following offers ice sport?

A.Town Recreation. B.Metzler Ranch Park.

C.Theatre of Dreams. D.Douglas County Fairgrounds.

2.What do Town Recreation and Theatre of Dreams have in common?

A.They have various classes for kids. B.They offer discounts for the members.

C.They provide service for special events. D.They are not open to kids unaccompanied.

3.Who would most probably be interested in Castle Rock?

A.College graduates. B.Retired citizens.

C.Newly-married couples. D.Parents with kids.




(1) 介绍你是如何利用网络学英语的(至少2)

(2) 简单谈谈你对利用网络学习英语的看法;

(3) 请友好校的学生分享他们的经验。


词汇:网上学习:online study

Good morning, dear friends. My name is Li Jin. I’d like to take this opportunity to talk about how I learn English on the Internet.


Thank you.



    It’s been said that life turns on small things. Sometimes it’s hard to see how small choices can change your life. But when put together over time, the little things can make the biggest difference.

The theme of Success for Teens is “Little Things Matter”. The book helps teens identify small,positive choices they can make in their lives to help them reach their goals. Lots of teens don’t realize how the little choices in their lives can have lasting effects. Often they focus on the bigger events, such as a major exam, a big game or competition, or choosing a college. The little things, however, can go unnoticed unless your teen understands how important they can be.

The little things that lead to success are mostly easy to do. Help your teen identify a few areas in everyday life where he or she can make small, positive choices. It might be as simple as getting up on time, prioritizing(按重要性排列) their schoolwork, putting in an extra 10 minutes of practice or using some spare time to help someone else.

Nineteen-year-old Kyle Freas used to be on his school baseball team and would play every day after school. When the season was over, he had an empty three hours a day, so he started spending one third of such extra time daily looking for ways to help other kids. Over the past few years, his project has raised thousands of dollars to help abused, homeless and sick children. Kyle spent just a little time each day doing something that ended up benefiting a lot of kids. The important thing to understand is that Kyle made the small and positive decisions necessary for success. Make sure your child understands that even though the results of the positive choices may not be seen right away, they are building on each other and taking him or her on a path that will lead to success.

1.What does the underlined part “turns on” in the first paragraph mean?

A.takes away B.depends on

C.sets aside D.puts out

2.We can learn from Paragraph 2 that .

A.dealing with big events is the most important in one’s life

B.little choices seldom have lasting effects on one’s life

C.teens should try to focus their attention on big choices

D.many teens fail to realize the importance of little choices

3.Which of the following words can be used to describe Kyle Freas?

A.Kind-hearted. B.Creative.

C.Naughty. D.Self-confident.

4.The writer mainly discussed the relationship between .

A.little choices and big choices B.teens’ goals and their actions

C.positive and negative decisions D.small positive choices and success

5.The text is most probably written for .

A.teenagers B.parents

C.pupils D.teachers



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