满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 续写...

阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 续写的词数应为150左右。

I think about him every time I pass by a pink magnolia(木兰)tree in bloom(开花). My Irish granddaddy, tall and thin, bursting with energy and laughter, held a special place in my heart. He lived across the street with Grandma, and their home was open to us whenever we ran over to visit. We wouldn't go into their home to find him. however, we would run to the backyard where he would be working in his garden.

Flowers, vegetables—whatever he planted grew well. From early spring through late autumn, the backyard exploded with colors.

On the side of the yard grew two apple trees and a small pear tree. A high magnolia tree stood in the middle. Its shiny, dark green leaves and large pink flowers attracted the attention of all who saw it. Besides being beautiful, it was perfect for climbing, but I didn't know how to climb it!

My granddaddy wanted to teach me. He really tried. But I was afraid I wouldn't be able to get back down, or that I would get stuck high up in the tree, so I didn’t want to try.

Except that I did want to try. One early spring morning, granddaddy was standing on his porch (门廊)waiting for me when I walked outside. ''Come over here'' he said excitedly. ''The tree is blooming lollipops(棒棒糖) instead of flowers! ''

''What? '' I ran across to the backyard to see a wonderful sight. ''No pink magnolia flowers this year,'' he said sadly as he shook his head. They'll all turn brown and drop down. What a waste that will be. But this is the first year ever for our tree to bloom lollipops!”

He looked at me. ''Do you think you could climb up the tree— just to the lowest branch — and gather one or two? Then throw them down to me. I would love a lollipop!''

Paragraph 1:

I was staring in amazement. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Paragraph 2:

I climbed down and burst into the kitchen, hands tightly holding my treasures.



Paragraph 1: I was staring in amazement. Never had I seen a tree full of my favorite candy! I carefully placed my feet on the lowest branch and picked two lollipops. Just as I was about to slide down, I saw some lollipops on a higher branch. So I climbed up to the next branch. And slowly, branch by branch, I reached the top of the tree. I looked down and saw Granddaddy smiling at me. ''You did it, girl! '' he called up to me. ''That was fun! '' I said excitedly. Paragraph 2: I climbed down and burst into the kitchen, hands tightly holding my treasures. ''Look at what I just picked from the tree! '' I said to Grandma and Mom. ''That's amazing, sweetie!'' Grandma replied. ''But how did that tree bloom lollipops instead of flowers? '' I asked Grandma. ''Did you know that your granddaddy is an expert at climbing? This morning I saw him…'' Grandma stopped mid-sentence and smiled when she saw Mom shake her head. ''You know, sweetie. He can make anything grow—even lollipops on trees! '' 【解析】 这是一篇读后续写。在文章中作者回忆了自己爷爷,他是一个热爱生活、喜欢种花的人,他的后院总是开满了各种颜色的花。此外,他用自己的办法,教会了作者爬树。 续写分为两部分。第一部分的开头是:我吃惊地看着……所以可以接着写:我从来没有看见过上面长满了我喜欢的糖果的树。我小心地把脚放在最低的枝桠上,摘了两个棒棒糖。正当我准备下去时,我看到稍微高一点的枝桠上有一些棒棒糖,因此我顺着树往上爬。就这样慢慢地我爬到了树顶上。向下看,我看见爷爷对我微笑。“你会爬树了”他大声地朝我喊道。“这简直太有趣了!”我高兴地回答。 第二部分的开头是:我从树上下来时,掉进了厨房里,但手却紧紧拽着我的宝贝。我对爷爷和妈妈说:“看,这是我刚刚从树上摘的!”爷爷听了,笑着说:“这可太好了!”我问爷爷“怎么树上不开花却结了帮帮糖呢?”“你知道爷爷是爬树的专家吗?今天早上我看见他……”祖母话说到一半,看到妈妈对她摇头,就停下不说了。“宝贝,你知道吗?爷爷可以让所有东西生长——甚至棒棒糖也可以长在树上。” 续写时应注意直接引语和间接引语的时态和人称。


1. 表示道歉;2. 解释原因。

注意:1. 字数80个字左右;


Dear Mary,



Li Hua



阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个恰当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

We often like new things—new clothes, new phones, new furniture. But when it comes to cities, older is often better. This is 1. (certain) true of Montreal, one of Canada’s oldest cities.

Begin your visit with Mount Royal, the 2. (high) point in the city. At various viewing 3. (point) you can see and photograph much of the city below. If your visit is in the fall, enjoy Montreal’s glorious autumn colors. The foliage (树叶) on every tree will be bright red, orange, yellow and purple. But at any time of year, you will likely meet people 4. (speak)many languages from many backgrounds.

The road down from Mount Royal 5. (pass) through McGill University, one of Canada’s top schools. Below McGill is the Golden Square Mile, 6. is a great area for walking tour. If it is too hot 7. too cold outside, you can walk Montreal’s more than 32 kilometers of underground streets.

8. you may not want to miss is to wander in the Old Port of Montreal district, ride the huge Observation Wheel for wonderful views of the city and look for huge “Grand Chapiteau”, or circus tent 9. (see) Cirque du Soleil’s travelling shows. Each show carries with it 10. unique feeling. It’s a flavor of the historic city, Montreal.



    Luke is a cute dog, living together with me for five years. We get lots of  _________  in our area during the summer season. Many forests are badly _________ by fire each year. That hot summer, not far from our shelter, a forest  _________ fire. It was July, and there had been a heat wave going on for three days.

Somehow, Luke rushed toward the forest. There was no longer any hope at that moment to wait for Luke to come back to the _______. In fact, I was waiting for firefighters to tell me that he had _______ in the forest. Suddenly, a fireman burst into my office and   _______   me that Luke had succeeded in saving four kittens who had been _______by the flames. I _______  accompanied the fireman to the forest to get him back. _______ we got to the scene of the incident, we didn’t see Luke. Then we heard the  ________ of a dog barking in the forest. I ________the barks as Luke’s. The firemen ________ the tracks of the dog until they found him barking loudly by the side of an injured ________. Thanks to Luke, four kittens and a fireman were saved. This true story shows us that pets are loving, caring and compassionate. We should love and ________them. Little animals can do   ________   things for humans.

1.A.rain B.sun C.noise D.fires

2.A.damaged B.removed C.changed D.treated

3.A.made B.caught C.set D.burned

4.A.forest B.house C.area D.shelter

5.A.lost B.died C.appeared D.remained

6.A.warned B.reminded C.informed D.promised

7.A.buried B.trapped C.controlled D.swallowed

8.A.immediately B.slightly C.approximately D.particularly

9.A.Since B.Unless C.When D.Until

10.A.call B.shout C.voice D.sound

11.A.understood B.recognized C.treated D.realized

12.A.recorded B.noticed C.followed D.wanted

13.A.fireman B.doctor C.farmer D.teacher

14.A.save B.raise C.protect D.hate

15.A.fun B.enormous C.little D.risky



    Mother’s Day is a time for children, young and old, to show how much they appreciate their mothers. Mother’s Day started in the US, where it’s celebrated on the second Sunday in May. 1.

It became an official US holiday in 1915. It was the result of the love of one girl, Anna Jarvis of West Virginia.2. As a girl, Anna helped her mother take care of the garden and filled it with white carnations (康乃馨), her mother’s favorite flower.

When Mrs. Jarvis died on May 5, 1905, Anna was determined to honor her. 3. On the same Sunday in Philadelphia, a minister honored Mrs. Jarvis and all mothers with a special Mother’s Day service. Anna Jarvis began writing to the government, asking them to set aside a day to honor all mothers. In 1910, the governor of West Virginia made the second Sunday in May Mother’s Day.

4.  Other children give their mothers gifts that they’ve made themselves or bought from stores. Adults give their mothers red carnations, the official Mother’s Day flower. White carnations are placed on the graves of mothers who are no longer alive.

Mother’s Day is now celebrated in more than 40 countries, including Denmark, Finland, Italy, and Australia. 5. In France, Mother’s Day is the last Sunday in May. A cake in the shape of flowers is presented to mothers at a family dinner.

A.So why is it celebrated on different dates?

B.But do you know the origin of Mother’s Day?

C.Anna’s mother provided great support for the family.

D.But not all countries celebrate Mother’s Day at the same time.

E.The second Sunday in May was the Sunday closest to her mother’s death.

F.She asked the minister of her church to hold a special service in honor of her mother.

G.On the morning of Mother’s Day, some American children serve their mothers breakfast in bed.



    There’s a reason humans have been building homes from wood for 10,000 years. It’s an excellent building material. But since it’s not transparent (透明的), we’re still in the habit of cutting windows in our houses.

But what if wood could be made transparent?

Researchers in Sweden have been trying to do just that. They’ve created a clear wood material they hope could one day be used for more energy-saving building.

“We chemically made wood transparent”, says Celine Montanari, a researcher at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm.

Montanari and her team took wood and removed its lignin(木质素), and filled the resulting micro holes with a special chemical. Then the wood looked rather like the frosted glass of a shower door. They took the material one step further, mixing it with polyethylene glycol, a material that melts at 80 degrees Fahrenheit. When it melts, it absorbs energy and becomes transparent, then releases energy when cooled. In theory, this means the new wood material could be used to make windows that absorb energy during the hot part of the day and release it into the home when it gets cold at night. It makes the new wood an even more eco-friendly material by keeping indoor temperatures constant.

This is not a new technique, says Mark Swihart, a professor at University at Buffalo. Materials that store and release energy are not new either. “The thing that seems to be new is their way of the energy storage.” Swihart says.

Using wood as a base material is attractive because it has strength that’s hard to reproduce in other materials at the same cost, Swihart says. Whether or not the new transparent wood will be successful will depend in large part on how cheaply it can be made, he says. It’s also difficult to get new material widely used by the building industry, as there are existing supply chains for things like glass.

Montanari and her team are currently looking at increasing the heat storage capacity(储热性能) of the transparent wood, for greater energy savings. They’re also studying how to increase production to an industrial scale(规模). They hope to have a product ready for market within five years.

1.What are researchers in Sweden trying to do?

A.Construct all-glass buildings.

B.Develop see-through wood.

C.Create new frosted glass for future buildings.

D.Figure out the reason people use wood for buildings.

2.How is the fifth paragraph developed?

A.By giving example.

B.By analyzing reasons.

C.By describing processes

D.By making comparisons.

3.What does Swihart say about the invention of Montanari and her team?

A.It costs too much

B.It uses a brand-new technique.

C.It will face uncertainty in the market.

D.It will be widely used in the building industry.

4.What are Montanari and her team doing with their new invention now?

A.Making it cheaper.

B.Improving its performance.

C.Putting it into production.

D.Building a supply chain.



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