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假定你是李华,你校中国功夫俱乐部(Chinese Kung Fu Club)将面...

假定你是李华,你校中国功夫俱乐部(Chinese Kung Fu Club)将面向国际学生招收新成员。请你用英语写一篇招募新成员的启事,内容包括:






Dear international students


Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


Dear international students, Welcome to the Chinese Kung Fu Club! The club was set up 3 years ago with the purpose of serving all the students. Many wonderful activities have been organized and arranged in our club. Participating in our club will benefit you a lot. You can keep fit by performing Kung Fu, during which you can have a chance to appreciate the great charm of Chinese Kung Fu culture. Besides, You can also make a lot of Chinese friends. The training on how to perform Chinese Kung Fu is open and free to all new members. Anyone who is interested in Chinese Kung Fu is welcome. Please contact us at chinesekungfu@126.com. Look forward to your participation. Yours sincerely, Li Hua 【解析】 本篇书面表达属于应用文。要求考生写一则中国功夫俱乐部招新启示,面向国际学生招收新成员。 第一步:审题 体裁:应用文 时态:根据提示,时态应为一般现在时 结构:总分法   总分法指把主题句作为总说,把支持句作为分说,并以这种方式安排所写内容。 要求:1. 本俱乐部历史; 2. 参加本俱乐部的益处; 3. 本俱乐部的联系方式(邮箱chinesekungfu@126.com)。 第二步:列提纲(重点词组) set up;with the purpose of doing sth.;participate in;have a chance to do sth.;be interested in 第三步:连词成句 1. The club was set up 3 years ago with the purpose of serving all the students. 2. Participating in our club will benefit you a lot. 3. during which you can have a chance to appreciate the great charm of Chinese Kung Fu culture. 4. Anyone who is interested in Chinese Kung Fu is welcome. (根据提示及关键词(组)进行遣词造句,注意主谓一致和时态问题) 第四步:连句成篇(衔接词) 1.表文章结构顺序:First of all, Firstly/First, Secondly/Second… And then, Finally, In the end, At last, Last but not least 2.表并列补充关系:What is more, Besides, Moreover, Furthermore, In addition, As well as, not only…but (also), including, also 3.表转折对比关系:However, On the contrary, but, Although + clause(从句), In spite of + n/doing, On the one hand…,On the other hand… Some…,while others…,as for, so…that… 4.表因果关系:Because, As, So, Thus, Therefore, As a result 5表换一种方式表达:In other words, that is to say, 6.表进行举例说明:For example; For instance; such as + n/doing 7.表陈述事实:In fact, frankly speaking 8.表选择:either…or…,or 连句成文,注意使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡,书写一定要规范清晰。 第五步:润色修改







I was living a life in my screen but hardly noticed what was around me. I looked through news websites and checked my emails using his mobile phone. When I wake up at midnight, I did the same thing. The problem with me that I felt anxious every night. So when my friends invited me to the weekend camp with the cell service, I thought this was exact what I needed. Keep away from my phone for 48 hours changed my way of the life. I fell asleep listening to the song of frogs and insects. I listened to what my body wanted instead of that my phone was telling me to do.




Earth is most likely experiencing its sixth mass extinction (灭绝). The planet has been through at least five such catastrophes 1., but this is the first one in human history — and the first one with human fingerprints.

A report by the World Wildlife Fund2.(offer) the details about this decline, which has cut the planet's vertebrate (有脊椎的) wildlife populations3. an average of 60 percent in just 40 years. Habitat loss is the main threat to many 4. (danger) land animals. "Science shows us the cruel 5. (real) that our forests, oceans and rivers are suffering at our hands now," says Marco Lambertini, director of WWF International, in a statement. "Inch by inch and species by species, 6.(shrink) wildlife numbers and wild places are an indicator of the huge influence and pressure we are putting on the planet. "

"The statistics are7.(scare), but all hope is not lost, "says Ken Norris, science director for the Zoological Society of London. The report exposes some environmental 8.(problem) around the world, but it also throws light on the ways we can still protect and recover what9.(leave). We have an opportunity to design a new path forward10. allows us to co-exist with the wildlife we depend upon.



    Mevan Babakar had a difficult start in life. Her parents ______ lraq during the Gulf War in the 1990s, travelling through Turkey and Russia until the family reached the Netherlands and spent a year in a refugee(难民)camp. Although she was a child, she used to think it could be the ______ of world every day. Life was dark and future, to her, was a ______ that would never come true.

However, she never ______ the refugee camp worker all those years ago. That day, watching other children playing, running and shouting on the ground in the camp, she, ______, stood there in the old coat and woolen cap, and with a dirty face. Their ______ and happiness made her find herself nowhere to go.

He came into ______ , pushing a red, shiny bike on the dirt road. Out of the kindness of his own heart, he came to her, saying to her, "It's ______ you." The five-year-old heart exploded with _______. She could hardly believe her ears. She laughed _____ , covering her mouth with her dirty hands. From then on, she believed that there would be _____ ; there would be chances, maybe very______, but chances would be there.

Mevan, today aged 29, now works for a fact-checking charity(慈善机构)and lives______ in London. She decided to ______ the man and posted an old photo of the two of them in the camp on Twitter. To her______ , within 36 hours the charity worker, Eabert, was found in Germany .

The pair were_______ and Mevan posted another photograph: "This is Egbert. He's been helping refugees since the '90s. He thought the ______ was too small a gesture to be mentioned."

For Mevan, the ______ is that small actions can have big consequences: "The ______ Egbert showed me continues to shape me. It doesn't cost anything and it ______ the world one person at a time."

1.A.reached B.fled C.served D.visited

2.A.recovery B.goal C.end D.birth

3.A.reward B.puzzle C.promise D.dream

4.A.missed B.forgot C.recalled D.assessed

5.A.alone B.instead C.often D.thus

6.A.loneliness B.coldness C.generosity D.laughter

7.A.existence B.effect C.power D.view

8.A.on B.for C.with D.beyond

9.A.joy B.anger C.hesitation D.admiration

10.A.loudly B.shyly C.guiltily D.artificially

11.A.hope B.advice C.assumptions D.achievements

12.A.strong B.proper C.fair D.slim

13.A.carefully B.worthily C.honestly D.fashionably

14.A.pick up B.call on C.look after D.track down

15.A.sadness B.regret C.surprise D.advantage

16.A.matched B.adopted C.reunited D.blamed

17.A.bike B.coat C.photo D.cap

18.A.idiom B.rule C.lesson D.tip

19.A.trust B.independence C.kindness D.optimism

20.A.changes B.faces C.explores D.seeks



    A lot of kids struggle with reading. Parents have tried encouraging them in all sorts of ways, but nothing seems to work. Actually many factors(因素)can cause reading problems.1. Here are a few things you can do to help your kid become a better reader.

Read to your kid-and have him/her read to you

Grab one of the books you loved when you were your kid's age and read it to him/her or take turns reading it to each other. 2. Make reading a regular part of the night-time routine.

Don't be pushy

Just because you're a science fan or read on history and other nonfiction doesn't mean your kid will be remotely interested in any of those things. In fact, you've been pushing your tastes on your kid. 3.

Choose books that interest your kid

Most kids love movies. Did your kid like Ready Player One or Ender's Game? They are based on books. 4. If your goal is to get your kid interested in reading and improve his/her skills, what your kid's reading is less important than how much time he/she spends doing it.


Kids who have trouble reading often feel that there's something wrong with them. So work with your kid to come up with manageable goals and make a big deal every time he/she accomplishes one. With time, gradually make the goals more challenging.

A.Achieve your goals

B.Celebrate small steps

C.Reading books can help your kid get a head start in school.

D.If your kid stops or makes a mistake, be patient and don't judge.

E.Overcoming them can sometimes be an annoying process for everyone.

F.Starting with something your kid is already interested in could help draw him into reading.

G.You may have contributed to his/her reading problems rather than helping overcoming them.



    In 2006, documents were published by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). They suggested that cloned animals and cloned animal products would be allowed into the American food supply.

The FDA has stated that cloned animal products are safe for consumption, and has performed many studies to support this view. In fact, products from cloned animals have already been eaten by some Americans without ill effects. The FDA analyzed the structure(结构)and content of cloned animal products and compared it with that of traditionally reproduced animals, and discovered no statistical difference between the two.

Consumers raised serious concerns about cloned animals. The first is the question of whether or not cloned tissue and animal products are truly safe. The second is that many clones are also genetically modified(转基因的)animals, which the FDA has said are unsafe for human consumption. The third is that consumers want to be able to choose what they put into their bodies.

The first concern about cloned animals is almost unnecessary due to the price of producing a clone. Making a clone needs hard work and is very costly. These clones live spoiled lives because they are very valuable, despite biologists' warning that cloned animals decrease diversity.

The second concern, about genetic modification of cloned animals, is more problematic. It may be very difficult to separate genetically modified animals from normal ones. The purpose of genetically modified cloned animals is unclear, and the FDA hasn't allowed their products onto the market, due to health concerns, but the risk of genetic pollution of healthy animals still exists.

Finally, the matter of choice is a large one. Many animal rights activists are worried about clone rights because cloned or not, the animals still have lives. Other consumers are simply trying to eat healthy foods, and have doubts about the cloned animals. If the FDA does not make labeling (贴标签)laws, people may not be able to make informed choices about their food.

1.Why did the FDA allow cloned animal products for consumption?

A.They appeal to consumers very much.

B.They differ from traditional animal products.

C.They taste better than normal animal products.

D.They have been proved safe in several aspects.

2.What do we know about producing clones of animals?

A.It takes much more efforts and money. B.It provides some new medical benefits.

C.It needs less time than raising animals. D.It helps increase the diversity of animals.

3.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

A.Cloned animals should be forbidden to enter market.

B.Cloned animals should have the same rights as humans.

C.Laws should be made to protect people's right to choose food.

D.Animal rights activists are strongly against cloned animal products.

4.What's the text mainly about?

A.Doubts about cloned animals rights. B.Discussions about how to clone animals.

C.Concerns about animal cloning technology. D.Worries about cloned animal consumption.



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