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When Edgar Allan Poe, the 19th century A...

    When Edgar Allan Poe, the 19th century American writer best known today for his horror stories, first introduced the world to his fictional detective C. Auguste Dupin, he hit on a winning formula.

Dupin was Sherlock Holmes before Sherlock Holmes, a genius detective who first appeared in the story of “The Murders in the Rue Morgue”. Though the roots of the detective story go as far back as Shakespeare, Poe's tales of rational crime-solving created a unique type. His stories mix crime with a detective narrative, inviting readers to try to solve the puzzle too.

The key figure in such a story, then, is the detective. Poe's detective, Dupin is a gentleman of leisure who keeps himself occupied by using “analysis” to help the real police solve crimes. The real police are, of course, absolutely incompetent, like Inspector Lestrade and Scotland Yard are to Holmes. Like Holmes, he smokes a pipe and is unnaturally smart and rational, a kind of superhero who uses powers of thinking to accomplish great tasks of crime-solving.

“The elements Poe invented, such as the socially-awkward genius detective, his 'ordinary' helper, the impossible crime, the incompetent police force, the locked room mystery, etc. , have become firmly fixed in most mystery novels of today,” says English professor Karen 'Tan.

Poe's formula appealed in the 19th century because detective stories promised that reasoning could hold the answer to every question. At the same time, with mysterious overtones, they appealed to 19th-century readers' addiction to the mystical.

The detective story, writes book critic William Mullins, was particularly appealing because it promised that “intellect will win out, the criminal will be caught by the rational detective, science will track down the evil-doer and allow honest people to sleep at night.” At the same time, MacIntyre writes. 19Ih-century anxieties about the Industrial Revolution and new ways of living supported the idea that evil was everywhere. These two instincts  — “people's increasing faith in reason and mistrust of appearance”- are what made 19th century readers love detective stories, a love that endures today.

1.What do we learn about Poe's fictional detective stories?

A.They created a new style of detective story telling.

B.They eventually became Poe's most famous stories.

C.The main character was inspired by the Sherlock Holmes.

D.Dupin was the first detective to appear in a fictional story.

2.What is Dupin's major strength as a detective?

A.His experience. B.His determination.

C.His fearlessness. D.His intelligence

3.What can we infer about the Dupin and Sherlock Holmes stories?

A.They are both set in England. B.They get readers to think and find.

C.Both of the assistants are incompetent. D.Both of their detectives are very sociable.

4.What made detective stories popular according to William Mullins?

A.Readers' growing interest in the mysterious plot.

B.People’s concern about the increasing level of crime.

C.The public's confidence in the power of rational thought.

D.Economic insecurity resulting from the Industrial Revolution.


1.A 2.D 3.B 4.C 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了以恐怖小说闻名于世的19世纪美国作家Edgar Allan Poe所创作的侦探故事的特色,将其笔下的侦探Dupin与Holmes相对比,以及分析了其小说流行的原因和人们对其侦探小说的看法。 1. 细节理解题。根据第二段中Though the roots of the detective story go as far back as Shakespeare, Poe's tales of rational crime-solving created a unique type.可知尽管侦探故事的根源可以追溯到莎士比亚,Poe的理性破案故事却创造了一种独特的类型。由此可知,Poe的虚构侦探小说创造了一种新的侦探故事讲述方式。故选A。 2. 细节理解题。根据第三段中Like Holmes, he smokes a pipe and is unnaturally smart and rational, a kind of superhero who uses powers of thinking to accomplish great tasks of crime-solving.可知和福尔摩斯一样,他也抽烟斗,非同寻常的聪明和理性,他是一个超级英雄,利用自己的思维能力,完成破案的伟大任务。由此可知,Dupin作为一名侦探的主要优势是他的智慧。故选D。 3. 推理判断题。根据第三段中Poe's detective, Dupin is a gentleman of leisure who keeps himself occupied by using “analysis” to help the real police solve crimes.可知Poe笔下的侦探Dupin是一位休闲的绅士,他通过运用“分析”来帮助真正的警察破案。以及后文Like Holmes, he smokes a pipe and is unnaturally smart and rational, a kind of superhero who uses powers of thinking to accomplish great tasks of crime-solving.可知和福尔摩斯一样,他抽烟斗,聪明而又理性,是一种超级英雄,利用思维能力完成了大量的犯罪解决任务。由此可推知,我们能从Dupin和Sherlock Holmes的故事中推断出他们让读者去思考和发现。故选B。 4. 细节理解题。根据最后一段中These two instincts — “people's increasing faith in reason and mistrust of appearance”- are what made 19th century readers love detective stories, a love that endures today.可知这两种本能——“人们越来越相信理性和不信任外表”——让19世纪的读者爱上了侦探小说,这种爱一直延续到今天。由此可知,William Mullins认为是公众对理性思维力量的信心让侦探小说流行起来的。故选C。

    What were you doing when you were nine years old? Making crafts from a Klutz book? Kicking around a soccer ball? Designing a business plan to deal with plastic pollution and relieve childhood poverty? Zymal Umar shoved us the latter. The Pakistan's youngest businesswoman has started a project entitled Zee Bugs, which aims to reduce plastic pollution by providing an environmentally-friendly alternative to plastic grocery bags.

When Zymal was on a shopping trip with her parents three years ago, she was shocked by the number of plastic bags on the streets. Depressed by the plastic pollution, she was reminded of the severe consequences our habits have on the environment. Then, she noticed a shopkeeper handing out newspaper bags. And at that moment, Zymal knew she had to act. Since then she has created beautiful, unique reusable newspaper bags for hundreds of customers.

It's amazing to see this youngster using her brains and business skills for good. And she should certainly feel proud of the work she is doing. After all, plastic grocery bags are killing thousands of marine animals every year through their contribution to plastic waste According to The Earth Institute, over one trillion plastic bags are used worldwide annually — that's about two million bags used per minute around the world.

And those bags certainly don't disappear into thin air. Instead, they end up in our oceans, putting approximately 700 marine species in danger of extinction due to the threat from pollution. And plastic bags are just one of the many forms of plastic trash that ends up in the oceans — in fact, an astonishing 8.8 million tons of this material make their way from land to the oceans every single year.

But with Zee Bags, we're all empowered to make more thoughtful choices about our trash production. And Zymal's amazingness doesn't stop there — the profits from her sales go towards helping poor children.

1.What is the second paragraph mainly about?

A.How Zymal felt about her shopping trip.

B.How Zymal learned about plastic pollution.

C.How Zymal was received by the shopkeeper.

D.How Zymal was inspired to create her bags.

2.Why are figures mentioned in the third and fourth paragraphs?

A.To praise Zymal for her great efforts.

B.To urge readers to stop using plastics.

C.To stress the seriousness of plastic pollution.

D.To show the rich knowledge of the author.

3.What can we infer about Zymal from the last paragraph?

A.She is amazing in every aspect of her life.

B.She has concern for the disadvantaged.

C.She urges everyone to be eco-friendly.

D.She earns a lot of money from her business.

4.Which of the following best describes Zymal?

A.Caring. B.Determined.

C.Confident. D.Selfless.



    Obviously, you want to make the most of your precious time, to squeeze every last drop out of the days. Here we've rounded up the best events for you and your family to enjoy in June in Shanghai.

Dog Day Saturdays

On the first Saturday of the month, The Rooster (Jing'an) throws a backyard party where dogs are welcome. There will be free hot dogs, Flying Dog Beers and dog treats for the little buddies. Donations will also be collected for local animal rescue group, Best Friends China.

June 6, 3~5p.m., RMB 50. The Rooster (Jing'an).

Shanghai International Literary Festival

The undisputed literary event champion of Shanghai is back! Every type of author is set to appear at this year's fest, including legendary Chinese American writer Amy Tar (The Joy Luck Club and The Bonesetter's Daughter), Internet business expert Duncan Clark (Alibaba: The House That Jack Ma Built) , the Anthill founder Alec Ash (Wish Lanterns: Young Lives in New China) and many more. Stay tuned for our full festival preview and author features.

June 10 ~ 22, various times, RMB 85 or RMB 150 (for literary lunches). Clam.

Mom to Mom Sale

Sell or stock up on clothes, toys, books, strollers and other family goods at this twice-a-year market organized by Shanghai mothers. Sellers will contribute 15 percent of all their profit to the charity group, Heart to Heart.

June 21 ~ 22, 2-6p.m. (Sun.) 10a. m. ~ 2p. m. (Mon.), free entry. Shanghai Racquet Club.

Vivienne Westwood — Get a Life

The iconic fashion designer is the subject of this crossover exhibition of Chinese contemporary art and eco-friendly fashion inspired by Westwood's strong stance towards a climate revolution. Participating artists include Sun Xun, Wu Junyong and Zhang Ruyi.

Until June 28, free entry. Chi K11 Art Museum.

1.Who could you possibly meet al Glam on 21, June?

A.Jack Ma. B.Alec Ash.

C.Bonesetter's daughter. D.Joy Luck.

2.Which event is most likely to attract the environmentalists?

A.Dog Day Saturdays. B.Shanghai International Literary Festival.

C.Mom to Mom Sale. D.Vivienne Westwood — Get a Lile.

3.What do Dog Day Saturdays and Mom to Mom Sale have in common?

A.They are organized annually.

B.They take place at the same time.

C.Participants can support charily work.

D.Participants are admitted free of charge.



假定你是李华,大学刚毕业。你看见某公司在China Daily上刊登了一则广告,招聘英文秘书一名,要求如下。请你根据其要求,写一封求职信。

1. 20~25周岁,身体健康,身高1.75米以上;



注意: 1.词数100左右;


Dear sir,



Li Hua









To get teenagers better involved in creating an environmental friendly society, an activity was called “I Make a Contribution to Environmental Protection” will be organized at the City Square this Sunday. It will start at 9:00 in the morning or end at 5:00 in the afternoon. Volunteers were expected to gather at the school gate at 8:30 am. Then we will walk together to a square to pick up litter. We will also give instructions to passer-by on how to help protect the environment by start in their own backyard.

Those interesting in participating, please sign up at the Student Council office before this Thursday. Please inform Li Hua, the activity director, any suggestions you have about the activity.

We are looking forward to you early participation.




Turning Deserts to Oases

Miracles are occurring in northwest China where stretches of deserts are turning green with thriving trees and luxurious grass. Decades of efforts have resulted 1. victory in the battle against desertification and China has not only achieved the UN sustainable development goal of zero net land degradation by 2030 well ahead of schedule, but also reversed(逆转)the trend of desertification and sandification.

The eco warriors have come up with a series of 2. success practices to end desertification, like the farmers’ group in Minqin, 3. county in Gansu Province, northwest China. Their success in fighting the approach of the desert offers important experience for desertification prevention and treatment. It is also the Chinese 4. wise for global ecological management.

China has the largest desert area in the world, with the largest number of people 5. expose to deserts and sandstorms. It is home to eight major deserts and four major sandy lands, which cover one 6. five of its territory. The western and northwestern parts are 7.serious affected by desertification.

Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949the goverment 8. give priority to the prevention and control of deserts, 9. is listed as one of the strategic missions of the nation.

Major ecological projects have been carried out to green the country. The Great Green Wall also known as the Three-North Shelter Forest Program, is the biggest tree-planting project in the world, 10. create a green barrier to keep the encroaching desert in the north at bay.



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