满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Tim Cook is both blind and deaf. And try...

    Tim Cook is both blind and deaf. And try as they might, staff on a recent flight just couldn’t figure out how to _______ with the man, who was travelling all alone.

But then, a 15-year-old girl used sign language and genuine compassion(同情心) to _______ the day.

Teenager Clara Daly was _______ with her mother Jane from Boston to Los Angeles when the flight attendants made a(an) _______ over the speaker. They were _______anyone onboard who knew sign language.

Clara _______ the call button, as she’d studied a year of American Sign Language in school. She was the only one on the plane _______ of truly communicating with Tim, and her heart went out to him.

_______ six hours of just not being able to talk to anyone,” she said.

Clara used fingerspelling to talk to Tim, which is where you _______ each letter in every word. This way, Tim could __________ Clara’s hands and they could communicate. First, Clara helped the flight attendants __________ all of Tim’s needs were met. Then, she spent the rest of the time just __________ with him.

Together, they shared stories about their families and Clara’s future plans, while Clara __________ about Tim’s past as a salesman.

A nearby passenger named Lynette Scribner took a photo and __________ it on social media. She mentioned how __________ she was to have witnessed such incredible __________.

After writing about Clara’s real-life act of __________ on social media, Lynette’s post__________. In fact, it has since been shared over 730,000 times on US social media platform Facebook.

The __________ teen was quick to point out that she just did what any one of us should do when given the opportunity: help out.

“Everyone should just be __________ each other just because that’s the nature of people, ” Clara said.

1.A.cooperate B.connect C.communicate D.meet

2.A.save B.enjoy C.spend D.live

3.A.shopping B.travelling C.working D.staying

4.A.forecast B.effort C.suggestion D.announcement

5.A.looking for B.waiting for C.standing by D.hearing from

6.A.picked B.fixed C.hit D.made

7.A.afraid B.capable C.aware D.fond

8.A.Notice B.Predict C.Describe D.Imagine

9.A.draw B.mark C.sign D.say

10.A.feel B.see C.shake D.move

11.A.discover B.ensure C.prove D.recognize

12.A.chatting B.dealing C.playing D.joking

13.A.cared B.thought C.heard D.learned

14.A.considered B.missed C.shared D.printed

15.A.contented B.amazed C.nervous D.doubtful

16.A.compassion B.adventure C.courage D.wisdom

17.A.politeness B.bravery C.patience D.kindness

18.A.put up B.came up C.put off D.took off

19.A.proud B.funny C.modest D.thankful

20.A.believing B.helping C.accepting D.understanding


1.C 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.A 6.C 7.B 8.D 9.C 10.A 11.B 12.A 13.D 14.C 15.B 16.A 17.D 18.D 19.C 20.B 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。本文讲述的是15岁的小女孩Clara Daly帮助航班乘务员与一位聋哑人Tim用手语交流的故事,她认为每个人都应该帮助彼此,因为这是人们的本性。 1.本题考查语境判断之对应原文。句意:尽管他们尽了一切努力,最近一次航班上的工作人员就是想不出如何与这个独自旅行的人沟通。A. cooperate合作;B. connect连接;C. communicate交流;D. meet遇到。根据后文truly communicating with Tim可知,Tim Cook是一名聋哑人,航班的乘务员不知道如何与他交流,故选C。 2.本题考查语境判断之其他线索。句意:但后来,一个15岁的女孩用手语和真诚的同情拯救了这一天。A. save拯救;B. enjoy欣赏;C. spend花费;D. live生活。根据下文anyone on board who knew sign language可知,一位15岁的小女孩用手势语解决了问题,拯救了Tim Cook这一天。故选A。 3.本题考查语境判断之逻辑关系。句意:十几岁的Clara Daly和她的母亲Jane一起从波士顿到洛杉矶旅行时,乘务员通过广播做了一个通知。A. shopping购物;B. travelling旅行;C. working工作;D. staying停留。根据下文with her mother Jane from Boston to Los Angeles可知,Clara 是去旅行,故选B。 4.本题考查语境判断之其他线索。句意:十几岁的Clara Daly和她的母亲Jane一起从波士顿到洛杉矶旅行时,乘务员通过广播做了一个通知。A. forecast预测;B. effort努力;C. suggestion建议;D. announcement通知。根据后文over the speaker可知,航班的乘务员通过广播做了一个通知,故选D。 5.本题考查语境判断之其他线索。句意:他们在寻找懂手语的人。A. looking for寻找;B. waiting for等待;C. standing by准备;D. hearing from收到来信。根据下文anyone on board who knew sign language可知,他们在寻找会手语的人,故选A。 6.本题考查语境判断之逻辑关系。句意:Clara按下了呼叫按钮,因为她在学校学了一年的美国手语,她是飞机上唯一一个能和Tim真正交流的人,她很同情他。A. picked捡起;B. fixed修理;C. hit按;D. made制作。根据后文the call button可知,Clara 按了呼叫按钮,故选C。 7.本题考查语境判断之其他线索。句意:Clara按下了呼叫按钮,因为她在学校学了一年的美国手语,她是飞机上唯一一个能和Tim真正交流的人,她很同情他。A. afraid害怕的;B. capable能够的;C. aware意识到的;D. fond喜欢的。根据上下文语境She was the only one on the plane…of truly communicating with Tim可知,她是飞机上唯一能与Tim交流的人,故选B。 8.本题考查语境判断之其他线索。句意:她说:“请想象一下你有6个小时不能和任何人说话的情况。”A. Notice通知;B. Predict预测;C. Describe描述;D. Imagine想象。根据下文six hours of just not being able to talk to anyone可知,是想象六个小时不能和任何人说话。故选D。 9.本题考查语境判断之逻辑关系和对应原文。句意:Clara用手势语和Tim说话,每个字母都需要用手势表示出来。A. draw画;B. mark标记;C. sign手势;D. say说。根据前文Clara used fingerspelling to talk to Tim, which is where you sign each可知,每个字母都需要用手势表示出来,故选C。 10.本题考查语境判断之其他线索。句意:这样,Tim就能感觉到Clara的手,他们就能交流了。A. feel感觉;B. see看见;C. shake摇晃;D. move移动。根据常识及后文Clara’s hands and they could communicate可知,Tim可以感觉出Clara的手势,从而进行交流,故选A。 11.本题考查语境判断之词义辨析。句意:首先,Clara帮助空乘人员确保满足了Tim的所有需求。A. discover发现;B. ensure确保;C. prove证明;D. recognize辨认。Tim是聋哑人,所以Clara要确保Tim的需求都能得到满足。故选B。 12.本题考查语境判断之其他线索。句意:然后,她把剩下的时间都花在和他聊天上了。A. chatting聊天;B. dealing处理;C. playing玩耍;D. joking开玩笑。根据下文about their families and Clara’s future plans… about Tim’s past as a salesman可知,Clara花费了其余的时间与Tim聊天,故选A。 13.本题考查语境判断之其他线索。句意:他们一起分享了关于他们的家庭和Clara未来计划的故事,Clara也了解了Tim当推销员的过去。A. cared关心;B. thought认为;C. heard听见;D. learned学习,了解。结合后文about Tim’s past as a salesman.可知,了解到Tim过去是推销员。故选D。 14.本题考查语境判断之逻辑关系。句意:附近一位名叫Lynette Scribner的乘客拍下了这张照片,并在社交媒体上分享。A. considered考虑;B. missed错过;C. shared分享;D. printed印刷。结合后文it on social media可知,是将照片分享到了社交媒体上。故选C。 15.本题考查语境判断之感情色彩。句意:她提到她看到如此令人难以置信的同情心是多么的惊讶。A. contented满意的;B. amazed惊讶的;C. nervous紧张的;D. doubtful怀疑的。结合后文she was to have witnessed such incredible可知,她对自己的所见感到很是惊讶,故选B。 16.本题考查语境判断之逻辑关系和对应原文。句意:她提到她看到如此令人难以置信的同情心是多么的惊讶。A. compassion同情;B. adventure冒险;C. courage勇气;D. wisdom智慧。根据前文and genuine compassion to save the day可知,此处是指令人难以置信的同情心,故选A。 17.本题考查语境判断之其他线索。句意:在社交媒体上报道了Clara现实生活中的善举后,Lynette的帖子火了。A. politeness礼貌;B. bravery勇敢;C. patience耐心;D. kindness善良,善举。Clara自愿帮助聋哑人Tim,这是一种善良的举动。故选D。 18.本题考查语境判断之逻辑关系。句意:在社交媒体上报道了Clara现实生活中的善举后,Lynette的帖子火了。A. put up张贴;B. came up走近;C. put off推迟;D. took off取得成功,起飞。结合后文In fact, it has since been shared over 730,000 times on US social media platform Facebook.可知,Lynette的帖子取得了成功,在网上火了。故选D。 19.本题考查语境判断之感情色彩。句意:这位谦虚的少女很快指出,她只是做了我们每个人在有机会时都应该做的事情:帮助别人。A. proud自豪的;B. funny有趣的;C. modest谦虚的;D. thankful感谢的。根据下文teen was quick to point out that she just did what any one of us should do可知,Clara是一名非常谦虚的青少年,故选C。 20.本题考查语境判断之对应原文。句意:Clara说:“每个人都应该互相帮助,因为这是人的本性。”A. believing相信;B. helping帮助;C. accepting接受;D. understanding明白。根据上文help out可知,Clara认为人们应该互相帮助。故选B。

    Going to university is a hugely exciting time: you’ll meet new and interesting people, live independently, and no doubt have experiences that will stay with you for the rest of your life. But making such a big move can also be stressful. 1.

It is helpful to know about the town, city or area you re going to live in before you arrive. Work out where the center of town is in relation to your accommodation and the university campus. 2. If not, it’s a good idea to explore the local public transport so you know what to expect head of arriving.

Technology is your friend here. 3. You can join social media groups, chat to other students, find out who is in your halls, and prepare for your course before you’ve even finished packing.

And if you can, keep active. Regular exercise can improve your confidence and help you concentrate, sleep better and feel better. Exercise keeps the brain and other vital organs healthy. 4.

Exercise doesn’t have to be running miles and miles on a treadmill (跑步机). Street dance, rock and roll class, self-defense and playing a competitive sport can keep you in shape.

5. Both of them can have a long lasting effect on physical and mental health. A healthy diet should include different types of fruit and vegetables, wholegrain breads, nuts and seeds, oily fish and plenty of water.

A. Is it within walking distance?

B. Eating and drinking well are also of great importance.

C. In addition, it is a significant benefit to your mental health.

D. Spend time building networks and meeting like-minded people.

E. University should be a time of growth, both mentally and academically.

F. Social media is also a great way for students to stay connected with their parents.

G. Fortunately, there are a few easy steps you can take to prepare yourself for your new life.



    The second little pig was unlucky. He built his house from sticks, which was blown away by a wolf. His brother, by contrast, built a wolf-proof house from bricks. The fairy tale could have been written by an agent for the construction industry, strongly favoring brick, concrete and steel. However, in the real world it would help reduce pollution and slow global warming if more builders copied the wood-loving second pig.

No other building material has environmental credentials (认证信息) as exciting and overlooked as wood. The energy required to produce a laminated wooden beam (层压木梁) is one-sixth of that required for a steel one of comparable strength. As trees take carbon out of the atmosphere when growing, wooden buildings contribute to negative emissions by storing the stuff. And for refitting older buildings to be more energy efficient, wood is a good insulator (绝缘体). A softwood window frame provides nearly 400 times as much insulation as a plain steel one of the same thickness and over a thousand times as much as an aluminium () equivalent.

But such bigger stories are still uncommon. Governments can help push the industry to use more wood, particularly in the public sector — the construction industry’s biggest client. That would help wood-building specialists achieve greater scale and lower costs. Zero-carbon building regulations should be altered to take account of the emissions that are presented in materials.

Construction codes could be regulated to make building with wood easier. Here the direction of travel is wrong. Britain, for instance, is banning the use of timber on the outside of tall buildings after 72 people died in a tower fire in London in 2017. That is a nonsense. Grenfell Tower was covered in aluminium and plastic, not wood. Modern cross-laminated timber (交叉层叠木板) panels perform better in fire tests than steel ones do.

Carpentry alone will not bring the environmental cost of the world’s buildings into line. But using wood can do much more than is appreciated. The second little pig was not wrong, just before his time.

1.The purpose of the writer telling the story in the first paragraph is to _______.

A.attract the readers’ attention B.make the argument more convincing

C.criticize the author of the tale D.lead in the topic of the text

2.Paragraph 2 is intended to inform us _______.

A.wood is a good insulator

B.such skyscrapers with wood are uncommon currently

C.the unique advantages of wood material being friendly environmental

D.how wood reduces the emission of carbon dioxide

3.Which of the following does NOT belong to the governments’ measures to help the scheme?

A.To encourage the construction industry’s biggest client to use more wood.

B.To transform Zero-carbon building regulations.

C.To arouse the public’s awareness of protecting the woods.

D.To regulate the Construction codes.

4.The author may imply that _______.

A.the second pig in the tale was unlucky

B.the outside of tall buildings Grenfell Tower could have been constructed in wood

C.we haven’t appreciated the characteristics of using wood at all

D.wood-building specialists will achieve greater profits



    Why elephants rarely get cancer is a mystery that has confused scientists for decades. A study led by researchers at Huntsman Cancer Institute (HCI), at the University of Utah and Arizona State University may have found the answer. 

According to the results, elephants have 38 additional modified copies of a gene that encodes p53, a definite tumor suppressor, as compared to humans, who have only two. Further, elephants may have a more powerful mechanism for killing damaged cells that are at risk for becoming cancerous. In isolated elephant cells, this activity is doubled compared to healthy human cells, and five times that of cells from patients with Li-Fraumeni Syndrome, who have only one working copy of p53 and more than a 90 percent lifetime cancer risk in children and adults. The results suggest extra p53 could explain elephants’ increased resistance to cancer.

“Nature has already figured out how to prevent cancer. It’s up to us to learn how different animals overcome the problem so we can adapt those strategies to prevent cancer in people,” says co-senior author Joshua Schiffman, M.D., pediatric oncologist (儿科肿瘤医生) at Huntsman Cancer Institute, University of Utah School of Medicine.

But Prof Mel Greaves, from the Institute of Cancer Research in London, says we should focus on why humans have such high levels of cancer. He pointed to the rise of unhealthy, cancer-causing behaviors, such as obesity and sunbathing. “You’ve never seen an elephant smoke!” he added.

According to Schiffman, elephants have long been considered a walking problem. Because they have 100 times as many cells as people, they should be 100 times more likely to have a cell slip into a cancerous state and cause the disease over their long life span of 50 to 70 years. And yet analysis of a large database of elephant deaths estimates a cancer death rate of less than 5 percent compared to 11 to 25 percent in people.

1.Why are elephants less likely to get cancer than humans?

A.Elephants are bigger than humans.

B.Elephants have more p53 genes and mechanism killing damaged cells.

C.Elephants are not as clever as humans in walking.

D.Elephants eat more than humans.

2.Which of the following can be the equivalent of the underlined word “suppressor”?

A.multiplier B.complex C.restrainer D.coordinator

3.What’s Prof Mel Greaves’ attitude towards the discovery?

A.Doubtful. B.Neutral. C.Critical. D.Favorable.

4.What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A.Elephants have longer life than people.

B.There is no chance that elephants die from cancer.

C.The rate of elephants dying from cancer is increasing.

D.It was thought theoretically that elephants could get cancer more easily.



    When I was a child growing up in Ohio, the butterflies would sometimes pass through on their way to Mexico. And it was awesome to see football fields full of them — and I wanted to revisit that on a larger scale. I knew I had to go to see the migration in Mexico.

But I was on a budget. I didn’t want to rent a car in Mexico or take a bus to Valle de Bravo, the starting point for most butterfly adventures, so I called the guys at the Muddy Boot, travel experts in Mexico who can make almost anything happen at a reasonable rate.

And so, on January 2, I found myself in the Muddy Boot van (货车), being driven two hours from Mexico City to Valle de Bravo, a lovely town on a volcanic lake which is a central point for the butterfly journeys. I booked a two-night stay at the Hotel Rodavento, an all eco-friendly hotel with individual wooden houses spread throughout the forest and around a lake.

The first sanctuary (保护区) I visited was Piedra Herrada, a popular destination, as it is only 40 minutes away from Valle de Bravo. The climb up is tiring. It is advisable to hire a horse. But the horse cannot take you all the way, and there is some hiking in thin air, so you must be patient, drink a lot of water, and be in reasonably good shape.

The walk is more than worth it, though. As I struggled to catch my breath, I looked up and lost my breath again. At first glance, the trees had turned into different shapes, but on closer inspection, every inch of them was covered with butterflies.

A few flew through the air (Most of them were not warm enough). As the sun rose, they began to come alive. Soon the air was filled with flying butterflies, transforming the forest into something magical and straight out of a fairy tale.

1.Why did the author choose to take the Muddy Boot van?

A.She couldn’t afford to rent a car.

B.She preferred to travel alone.

C.She wanted to save some money.

D.She hoped to reach the destination earlier.

2.What can we learn about Piedra Herrada?

A.It is at a high altitude. B.It is far from Valle de Bravo.

C.It is full of wild animals. D.It is only accessible by riding a horse.

3.What made the author’s hiking worthwhile?

A.Becoming healthier. B.Breathing in fresh air.

C.Finding trees of different shapes. D.Seeing the butterfly migration.

4.What type of writing is the text?

A.A news report. B.A scientific paper. C.A travel diary. D.A commercial ad.



Chicago Botanic Garden


Midwest Fruit Explorers

March 31-April 10, 1–4 pm

The Midwest Fruit Explorers presents this hands-on workshop with step-by-step instructions on how to graft (嫁接) and care for fruit trees.

    Midwest Daffodil (水仙花) Society Show

April 22-28, 10 am–4:30 pm

The Midwest Daffodil Society Show features hundreds of daffodils on display that will be judged by the society. The show includes floral (花卉的) design and photography competitions.

    Ikebana International Show

May 11-19, 9 am–3:30 pm (Saturday & Sunday only)

The Ikebana International Society presents an exhibition of traditional Japanese flower arranging.

    Gardeners of the North Shore Show & Sale

The Gardeners of the North Shore host this annual show.

June 27-30, 9 am–4:30 pm

This show includes a judged exhibition with more than 500 entries of anything a home gardener can grow, including flowers, vegetables, herbs (草本植物), and houseplants.

    Garden tours & trams

Enjoy a tram tour for an overview of popular areas. Return each season to experience different views.











Children (3-12 yrs)



Children (2 and under)



Ten-visit pass




Accessibility at the garden

Service animals

Service animals are welcome. No pets please.

Electronic Convenience Vehicles (ECVs)

They are available for rent in the Visitor Center on an unreserved, first-come first-served basis. The following fees apply: members: $15, nonmembers $20. ECVs will not be rented for indoor use.


Wheelchairs are available free at the Information Desk in the Visitor Center.

Daily Hours: 8 am–7 pm

Garden View Café: 8 am–4 pm

Garden Shop: 10 am–4 pm

1.What can you do at Midwest Fruit Explorers?

A.Design flower patterns

B.Learn about tree planting.

C.Take part in its photography competition.

D.Buy some fruit at a good price.

2.At which show can you enjoy traditional Japanese flowers?

A.Midwest Fruit Explorers.

B.Midwest Daffodil Society Show.

C.Ikebana International Show.

D.Gardeners of the North Shore Show & Sale.

3.What service can visitors enjoy in the garden?

A.They can rent ECVs for indoor use.

B.They can visit the garden with their pets.

C.They can have free coffee from 8 am to 4 pm.

D.They can use free wheelchairs if they need to.



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