满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

My husband Val and I had not been gettin...

    My husband Val and I had not been getting along well lately. We didn’t argue, but we hardly _______. I knew that one _______ was that I often scolded him. Unluckily, I looked only at his fault(缺点)and forgot to notice how _______ he had done in everything.

I really didn’t want to be _______ talking too much, but it seemed as if I couldn’t _______. However, I made up my mind to have a _______. Could I ?

I decided to try. Each day I would find one thing I liked in _______ and mentioned it to him.

The first day, again, appeared the greatest problem. I noticed _______ things I didn’t like about Val. Why did he leave his books everywhere in his study instead of putting them _______?

How could he wear that ____________shirt again? And I had a difficult time ____________with anything good I could mention.

I thought and thought. ____________ he was good sometimes. When something needed repairing around the house, Val ____________until he discovered what was wrong. ____________ , I told Val I was glad he was patient ____________my fault and said something about the way I often scolded him. He smiled,a small, weak smile ____________ made me angry, “Maybe this isn’t going to work.” I said to myself. But as three weeks continued, finding something good about my husband came more ____________ . He deals honestly with everyone; he treats our children with ____________. Why had I seen so many unpleasant things?

By the end of the 21 days, I couldn’t believe how easy ____________ had become to praise Val. And Val did seem ____________. In fact, he mentioned that I seemed to have changed a lot.

1.A.exchanged B.spoke C.touched D.communicated

2.A.result B.idea C.problem D.method

3.A.well B.badly C.angrily D.really

4.A.a girl B.a lady C.a student D.a wife

5.A.improve him B.scold him C.help myself D.believe myself

6.A.rest B.chance C.look D.change

7.A.my husband B.myself C.our children D.himself

8.A.quite a few B.few C.much D.little

9.A.in ways B.in order C.on the way D.out of order

10.A.clean B.smart C.dirty D.tidy

11.A.making up B.putting up C.turning up D.coming up

12.A.After all B.In all C.At all D.All above

13.A.paid attention B.took care C.worked hard D.was tired

14.A.Next day B.Someday C.The next day D.After a day

15.A.to B.with C.for D.in

16.A.that B.what C.who D.whose

17.A.difficultly B.easily C.directly D.surprisingly

18.A.kindness B.pride C.rudeness D.fear

19.A.this B.that C.it D.I

20.A.the same B.active C.bad D.different


1.D 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.C 6.D 7.A 8.A 9.B 10.C 11.D 12.A 13.C 14.C 15.B 16.A 17.B 18.A 19.C 20.D 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。本文主要讲述了作者和她丈夫之间因为不沟通等原因产生了相处不愉快的问题,通过她自己的努力改变,开始发现丈夫的优点,夸赞丈夫,夫妻之间的问题也随之解决了。 1. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们不争吵,但是我们也几乎没有沟通。A. exchanged交换;B. spoke说;C. touched触碰,感动;D. communicated沟通。从文中“My husband Val and I had not been getting along well lately. We didn’t argue, but we hardly ___1___.”可知,作者和丈夫最近相处地不好,相处不好一般会有争吵,但是他们连争吵都没有,说明他们之间已经几乎没有沟通了,故选D项。 2. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我知道其中一个问题就是我总是责备他。A. result结果;B. idea想法;C. problem问题;D. method方法。从本句里的定语从句部分“that I often scolded him.”可知,是作者责备他丈夫,所以说明这个应该是他们相处不好的问题之一。故选C项。 3. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:不幸地是,我只看到他的缺点,而且也没有注意到他在做事情时做得有多好。A. well好地;B. badly糟糕地;C. angrily生气地;D. really真正地。从句中“I looked only at his fault(缺点)and forgot to notice how ___3___ he had done in everything.”并列连词and可知,连词前面是说作者只看到是他丈夫的缺点,连词后面也应该是与前面相同,所以后面就应该是讲作者没有注意到他在做事情时做得有多好,故选A项。 4. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我真地不想成为一个说太多话的妻子,但似乎我自己控制不了自己。A. a girl一个女孩;B. a lady一位女士;C. a student一位学生;D. a wife一位妻子。从上文“My husband Val and I had not been getting along well lately.”可知,文中是在讲作者和他丈夫之间的问题的,所以这里也应该是在作者在家庭里的角色,一位妻子,结合选项,故选D项。 5. 考查固定搭配。句意:我真地不想成为一个说太多话的妻子,但似乎我自己控制不了自己。从句中“I really didn’t want to be ___4___ talking too much”可知,作者自己并不想成为一个说太多的妻子,but转折,但是她又控制不住自己,情不自禁就成这样了, can (could)help myself(情不自禁,自己控制不了自己)为固定搭配。故选C项。 6. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:不管怎么样,我下定决心要做出改变,我应该怎么做?A. rest休息;B. chance机会;C. look看;D. change改变。根据下文 I seemed to have changed a lot可知,作者下定决心要做出改变,故选D项。 7. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我决定试一试,每天我都会在我丈夫身上发现一个我喜欢的优点,并且告诉他。A. my husband我的丈夫;B. myself我自己;C. our children我们的孩子;D. himself他自己。从文中“mentioned it to him.”可知,是作者要在丈夫身上发现优点,故选A项。 8. 考查限定词辨析。句意:我注意到许多我不喜欢的事情,为什么他把书房里的书丢的到处都是而不是把书有序地摆放。A. quite a few许多的;B. few几乎没有的;C. much许多的;D. little几乎没有的。选项里只有AB两个是可以修饰后面的things的,而且在下文中“How could he wear that ___10___shirt again?”还提到了一些让作者不喜欢的事情,所以本句表达肯定的意思。故选A项。 9. 考查介词短语辨析。句意:我注意到许多我不喜欢的事情,为什么他把书房里的书丢的到处都是而不是把书有序摆放。A. in ways在方法上;B. in order有序地;C. on the way在路上;D. out of order有毛病地。从句中“Why did he leave his books everywhere”可知,作者丈夫把书乱放,而不是有序摆放。故选B项。 10. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他怎么又穿上那件脏衬衫?A. clean干净的;B. smart聪明的;C. dirty脏的;D. tidy整洁的。从上文中“I noticed ___8___ things I didn’t like about”作者在举例她看到很多不喜欢丈夫做的事,穿上那件脏衬衫是其中的一件事情,结合选项,故选C项。 11. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我很难想出任何一件我可以提到嘴上的好事情。A. making up编造,化妆;B. putting up张贴;C. turning up调大;D. coming up被提出。由前文可知,作者不喜欢做的很多事情,所以很难想出任何一件可以提到嘴上的好事情。come up with 提出,故选D项。 12. 考查副词短语辨析。句意:我想了想,毕竟他有的时候也是不错的。A. After all毕竟;B. In all总之;C. At all根本;D. All above以上全部。从下文中“When something needed repairing……”可知,在这里作者不再说丈夫的缺点,而是开始讲述她丈夫的优点,毕竟他有的时候也是不错的,故选A项。 13. 考查动词短语辨析。句意:当房子周边有需要修复的,他会一直努力工作,寻查着问题,直到他发现问题。A. paid attention注意;B. took care照顾;C. worked hard努力工作;D. was tired累了。从文中“until he discovered what was wrong.”可知,直到作者丈夫发现问题,说明他丈夫一直在努力工作着,寻查着需要修复的地方。故选C项。 14. 考查副词短语辨析。句意:第二天,我告诉我丈夫Val ,我很高兴他对我很有耐心,包容我的缺点。A. Next day明天;B. Some day某一天;C. The next day第二天;D. After a day一天之后。因为本文是在讲述过去的事情,而且与前文the first day呼应,故选C项。 15. 考查介词词义辨析。句意:第二天,我告诉我丈夫Val,我很高兴他对我很有耐心,包容我的缺点。A.to到; B.with和; C.for因为; D.in在......里。be patient with(对……有耐心,包容)为固定搭配,故选B项。 16. 考查关系词辨析。句意:他微微笑了一下,这让我很生气,“也许这也不能行得通。”我自言自语道。从句中“He smiled, a small, weak smile ___16___ made me angry”可以判断出smile后面的句子是定语从句,先行词是物,从句中缺主语,故选A项。 17. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:但是继续了三周后,我发现我更容易找到一些我丈夫的优点了。A. difficult困难的;B. easily容易地;C. directly直接地;D. surprisingly惊讶地。从文中“But as three weeks continued, finding something good about my husband came more ___17___ .”可知But表转折,表示事情从好的方向开始发展了,相较于之前作者很难发现她丈夫的优点,现在她比较容易地发现她丈夫的优点了。故选B项。 18. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:他对待每个人都很真诚,对待我们的孩子很和蔼。A. kindness和蔼;B. pride骄傲;C. rudeness粗鲁;D. fear害怕。根据“He deals honestly with everyone”可知,丈夫对待我们的孩子很和蔼。故选A项。 19. 考查代词辨析。句意:21天之后,我都不敢相信,夸赞丈夫Val变得如此容易。A. this这个;B. that那个;C. it它;D. I我。分析本句“I couldn’t believe how easy ___19___ had become to praise Val.”可知句中缺一个主语,夸赞丈夫是真正主语,所以需要形式主语it,故选C项。 20. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:并且Val看起来也不一样了。A. the same相同的;B. active积极的;C. bad坏的;D. different不同的。根据句In fact, he mentioned that I seemed to have changed a lot.可知,作者改变了对丈夫的看法,在作者眼里,丈夫不一样了,而丈夫由于妻子态度的改变也变得不一样了。故选D项。

_____ is known to us that the Amber Room belongs to the Russians.

A.As B.Which C.It D.What



He bought a new building _____top is different from those of the others around.

A.what B.which C.that D.whose



Once fighting _________ between the two villages and many people were killed.

A.broke out B.was broken out

C.had broken out D.had been broken out



The other day, my brother drove his car down the street at _____ was a dangerous speed.

A.as B.what C.which D.that



The final decision is ____ Bob will carry out this difficult task.

A.that B.which C.who D.whether



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