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健康一直是人们关注的话题。假如你是李华,最近你校要举行以How to keep ...

健康一直是人们关注的话题。假如你是李华,最近你校要举行以How to keep healthy?为主题的英语演讲比赛,请根据话题内容谈谈你的看法,写一篇100词左右的演讲稿。





How to keep healthy? Dear boys and girls, Good health is essential to everyone, without which one can hardly live a satisfactory life. As students, under the great pressure of studying, we shall attach importance to good health. Here are some of my suggestions. First, we’d better take more exercise such as playing basketball, running or swimming to build up our body. Second, it is advised that we keep a balanced diet. Don’t eat too much meat or sugar. Instead, more vegetables and fruit are a wiser choice. Third, it is of great importance to form good living habits. Please keep in mind that we shouldn’t stay up late because it is extremely harmful to our health. Enough sleep and rest are beneficial to our growth.Last but not least , have a good mood and take a positive attitude towards whatever happens. I hope we all live a healthy and happy life. Take action now ! A little effort every day, and you will make a big difference. Thank you! 【解析】 本篇书面表达属于应用文,要求写一篇演讲稿。 第一步: 审题:演讲稿 人称:第一人称 时态:一般现在时 结构:总分法,分三部分,第一部分说明健康的重要性,第二部分关于如何保持健康谈谈你的看法,第三部分号召大家行动起来。 要点: 1. 说明健康的重要性:没有健康,就不可能过上令人满意的生活 2.关于如何保持健康谈谈你的看法 ①多锻炼,强身健体 ②保持均衡的饮食,多吃蔬菜、水果 ③养成良好的生活习惯,保证充足的睡眠 ④ 保持良好的情绪、积极的生活态度 3.号召大家行动起来:每天努力一点,会有很大的变化 第二步:列提纲(重点词汇、短语) be essential to;live a … life;under the great pressure of;attach importance to;take exercise;build up our body;have a balanced diet;be of great importance;form good living habits;stay up late;be harmful to;be beneficial to;have a good mood;take a positive attitude;make a big difference. 第三步:连词成句 (1)Good health is essential to everyone (2) We shall attach importance to good health. (3) We’d better take more exercise to build up our body. (4) We have a balanced diet. (5) Don’t eat too much meat or sugar. (6) More vegetables and fruit are a wiser choice. (7) It is of great importance to form good living habits. (8) We shouldn’t stay up late. (9) It is extremely harmful to our health. (10) Enough sleep and rest are beneficial to our growth. (11) Have a good mood and take a positive attitude towards whatever happens. (12) I hope we all live a healthy and happy our life. (13 )A little effort every day , and you will make a big difference. 根据提示和关键词进行遣词造句,适当地运用句型,注意时态和主谓一致问题。 第四步:连句成篇(衔接词) 表示时间顺序: first of all, to begin/start with , in the beginning firstly.... secondly .... lastly / finally/in the end 表示并列或补充关系: what is more; besides, moreover, apart from; in addition, as well as;not only…but(also), meanwhile, in the meantime, some...some…others 表示转折对比关系:but, however, although, though, yet, while on one hand…on the other hand ..., 表示因果关系:because, as, therefore, as a result, as a consequence, consequently, thus 连句成文,运用恰当的衔接词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡,使句与句之间逻辑性更强、 段与段之间结构清晰。





1.If the neighbours do not give any sweets, the children might play a trick to them.

2.People love to get together to eat, drink and have fun each other.

3.She thought she would keep her words.

4.He earned him living by buying and selling old furniture at that time.

5.The weather couldn’t be badso we will not go out.

6.Everything depends on if we have enough money.

7.You’d better to look up the word in the dictionary.

8.His parents died when he was born and he brought up by his uncle.

9.They got married secret, and they were very happy.

10.Nothing could prevent him go out even though it’s bad weather.




A man came to the USA from another country. After 1.(settle) down at an island, he went into a cafeteria to get something 2.(eat). He sat down at an empty table and waited for someone to take his order, but nobody did. 3.(final) a woman with a tray full of food sat down opposite him and told him 4. the cafeteria worked.

“Start out at that end,” she said. “Just go along the line and pick out what you want. At 5. other end they’ll tell you how much you have to pay. ”

“I was 6.(surprise) how everything worked in the USA,” the man told his friend. “Life’s a cafeteria there. You can get anything you want as long as you are willing to pay the price. You can even get success, 7. you will never get it if you wait for someone to bring it to you. You have to get up and get it 8.(you).”

You can’t change the inevitable. The only thing you can do 9.(be) to control your attitude. Once you reach that point in life, 10.(happy) and satisfaction can’t be too far away.




1.She entered the lab without ____(许可).

2.He ____(道歉) to her for being late.

3.The ability to keep calm is one of her many ____ (长处).

4.She told me she planned to ____(节食) and take more exercise.

5.For the____(利益) of these people who arrived lateI’ll just go over the plan again.

6.The reason he gave to ____ (解释) for his absence was unreasonable.

7.I was very sad ____(确实) to hear about the serious accident.

8.Because of the____ (猛烈的) natural disaster, a lot of people have lost their lives.

9.Smoking is____(有害的) to health, but there are still many people picking it up.

10.In the old times people had a____(理论) that the world was flat.



    Article writing has been a way of conveying information through the web. If you’re a writer, being able to let them stay on your article for more than two seconds is already a success. Your writing style can create more readers for your content if you know how to capture the attention of readers. 1.

Be Direct-to-the-Point

Website writing differs from print writing. People do not want to spend much time on a website because they want to get the information they need. 2.

Be Informative

Articles for web content are briefly written. They flesh out the information without decorations. Be sure that your articles are not confusingly worded. 3. Make sure you organize your facts logically so that your reader can effectively process them.

Be Conversational

4.  Be conversational so that readers can grasp what you mean in your article. With quality content, engage your readers so that your article will have that personal and human touch.

Be Connected

Most article writers just place sentences that state a certain fact to form a paragraph. However, in readers’ hopes, these writers fail to establish a human connection. 5.  So it is important to make the connection smooth and not abrupt.

A.Stay away from decorations when writing online content.

B.Most readers like to read articles that “speak” to them.

C.Connection will allow the readers’ minds to effectively process what is written.

D.Get to your point directly so that your readers can process the information.

E.Here are some important points to consider before writing online.

F.Article writing is a fun way of establishing a connection with a reader and a writer.

G.Complex sentences tend to wrongly lead your reader and make them confused.



Have you ever run into a careless cell phone user on the street? Perhaps they were busy talking, texting or checking updates on WeChat without looking at what was going on around them. As the number of this new “species” of human has kept rising, they have been given a new name — phubbers(低头族).

Recently, a cartoon created by students from China Central Academy of Fine Arts put this group of people under the spotlight. In the short film, phubbers with various social identities(身份) bury themselves in their phones. A doctor plays with his cell phone while letting his patient die, a pretty woman takes selfie in front of a car accident site, and a father loses his child without knowing about it while using his mobile phone. A chain of similar events eventually leads to the destruction of the world.

Although the ending sounds overstated, the damage phubbing can bring is real.

Your health is the first to bear the effect and result of it. “Constantly bending your head to check your cell phone could damage your neck,” Guangming Daily quoted doctors as saying. “the neck is like a rope that breaks after long-term stretching.” Also, staring at cell phones for long periods of time will damage your eyesight gradually, according to the report.

But that’s not all. Being a phubber could also damage your social skills and drive you away from your friends and family. At reunions with family or friends, many people tend to stick to their cell phones while others are chatting happily with each other and this creates a strange atmosphere, Qilu Evening News reported.

It can also cost you your life. There have been lots of reports on phubbers who fell to their death, suffered accidents, and were robbed of their cell phones in broad daylight.

1.For what purpose does the author give the example of a cartoon in Paragragh2?

A. To inform people of the bad effects of phubbing.

B. To advertise the cartoon made by students.

C. To indicate the world will finally be destroyed by phubbers.

D. To warn doctors against using cell phones while treating patients.

2.Which of the following is NOT a risk a phubber may have?

A. His social skills could be affected.

B. His neck and eyesight will be gradually harmed.

C. He will cause the destruction of the world.

D. He might get separated from his friends and family.

3.Which of the following may be the author’s attitude towards phubbing?

A. Supportive.    B. Opposed.

C. Optimistic.    D. Objective.

4.What may the passage talk about next?

A. Advice on how to use a cell phone.    B. People addicted to phubbing.

C. Measures to reduce the risks of phubbing.    D. Consequences of phubbing.



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