满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。 1.Where is Bob now? A....


1.Where is Bob now?

A.In a TV station. B.At a friend’s house. C.In his office.

2.Where did Bob grow up?

A.In France. B.In Switzerland. C.In the UK.

3.What satisfies Bob most about Weybridge?

A.The natural scenery. B.The friendly people. C.The living facilities.

4.How does Bob like his neighbor’s dog?

A.Annoying. B.Frightening. C.Acceptable.


1.A 2.B 3.C 4.C 【解析】 【原文】 W: Welcome to our talk show, Bob. Please make yourself at home. First, could you please tell me something about where you live? M: Yes. I was born in France, but I grew up in Switzerland. And I recently moved to the UK. Now I live in Weybridge. W: What sort of place is that? M: It’s a large busy place with beautiful scenery. It’s near London. It has got lots of people and houses. It’s typical of London suburb. W: Is there anything you like best about Weybridge? M: The greatest thing about Weybridge is the facilities. You’ll get everything you need-shops, buses and trains, cinemas, restaurants and entertainment. W: I see, thank you. Now, let’s move on to your new house. M: At the back of my house there is a garden. My wife has grown many plants in it. And my neighbor has a crazy barking dog but luckily I like dogs and the dog likes me, so when she sees me she gets really excited and welcomes me home. W: That’s a nice feeling.


1.How does the woman feel about the news?

A.Disappointed. B.Surprised. C.Nervous.

2.Why did the man quit his job?

A.He lost his interest in the job.

B.His boss often got angry with him.

C.He had little chance to get promotion.

3.What does the woman suggest the man do?

A.Go traveling with his parents first.

B.Find a satisfying job immediately.

C.Try to improve himself.




1.What is the man?

A.A high school student. B.A college student. C.A supermarket manager.

2.Where will the speakers go first?

A.A coffee shop. B.A cinema. C.A supermarket.




1.Why does the woman come to the library?

A.To renew a book.

B.To return the books.

C.To look for her library card.

2.How many books can students borrow at most at a time now?

A.4. B.5. C.10.



Why didn’t the man get the tickets?

A.He forgot about it.

B.The play was canceled.

C.There were no tickets left.



What does the man need a suit for?

A.A dance party. B.A business trip. C.A job interview.



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