满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。 1.Why does the woman n...


1.Why does the woman need some special things?

A.To celebrate her wedding anniversary.

B.To make her pretty at the wedding.

C.To have a happy marriage.

2.What has the woman got from her grandmother?

A.A diamond ring. B.A wedding dress. C.Blue flowers.

3.What is the woman looking for?

A.Something borrowed. B.Something new. C.Something old.

4.Where does the man usually put the coin?

A.In his purse. B.In his shoe. C.In his pocket.


1.C 2.A 3.A 4.B 【解析】 【原文】 M: Well, your wedding day is this weekend. Are you ready? W: Yeah, I think so, except for one thing. M: What’s that? W: Well, I’m supposed to wear some special things to the wedding for good luck. M: I thought you were planning to wear a wedding dress. W: I am, of course! But it says that to have a happy marriage, I have to wear something old, something new, something borrowed-something that I borrow from another person-and something blue. M: Old, new, borrowed, and blue, huh? I’ve never heard that one. So what are you going to wear? W: Well, for something old, I’m wearing my grandmother’s diamond ring. And my wedding dress is something new, and I’m wearing blue flowers in my hair. M: OK, that’s something old, new, and blue. You still need something borrowed. W: Yeah, I just don’t know what, though. M: Hey! How about this? It’s my lucky coin. I always wear it inside my shoe when I need good luck. You can borrow it and put it in your shoe during the wedding. W: Oh, thanks! Now I’m ready for my wedding day.


1.What are the speakers mainly discussing?

A.The food. B.Different customs. C.The health.

2.How does the host know the guest is full according to the man?

A.The guest refuses the offered food.

B.The guest eats up all the food.

C.The guest leaves some food on the plate.

3.Where does the woman come from probably?

A.China. B.The USA. C.The UK.




1.What does the girl want to do?

A.Borrow a car. B.Get a concert ticket. C.Pick up her mother.

2.Who wants to go to a concert with the girl?

A.Eric. B.Smelly Toes. C.Her mother.




1.Who are the speakers?

A.Teachers. B.Students. C.Workers.

2.What will the woman probably do in the end?

A.Rent an apartment.

B.Buy an air-conditioner.

C.Move into another dormitory.



Where is the history section?

A.In the front of the store. B.Up the stairs. C.Down the hallway.



What will the man do next?

A.Pay Laura for her ticket.

B.Buy an extra ticket for Laura.

C.Ask Laura for some suggestions.



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