满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

On Friday afternoon Class Seven had an A...

    On Friday afternoon Class Seven had an Art lesson. It was their favourite lesson of the week. Everyone ______ Trudy Hubble looked forward to it. Trudy had arms that stuck out and always knocked things over.

When Trudy came into the classroom, Rob Mason said, “Look out, here comes Trouble!” All the kids ______. Trudy had to smile and pretended she didn’t mind. How she wished she could be more like Lisa Gibbs, who had small hands and feet and never ______ things over!

That day, they were going to paint animals. Again, Trudy knocked over the jam jar. Dirty water spread in a pool across the table and ______ Lisa’s dragon. Every time Trudy tried to do Art, it was always a ______.

“I hate Art,” Trudy thought as she went home on the bus, wishing never to go to school again.

As soon as she got home, Mum asked her to take a ______ to Mrs. Willow.

Trudy knocked on the door and the door opened. There stood an old lady, so tall and elegant, like her house, which was full of ______ china.

“My mum’s your home help. She won’t be able to come tomorrow. She’s got a cold.”

“I’m sorry to hear that. What she needs is my special cold ______. Come inside and I’ll give you some. ” Mrs. Willow opened the door wider.

Keeping her arms pressed to her sides, Trudy stood ______, much like a statue, afraid to move in.


“I am the clumsiest person in our school! I know something will get broken when I’m ______.”

“I used to be clumsy too, a real ugly little duck,” Mrs. Willow smiled. “But I grew up to be a swan(白天鹅).”

“But I don't think I shall,” Trudy doubted. “I’ll just grow up to be an ugly ______.”

“Not if you do as I did. You have to keep telling yourself that inside, where it matters, you’re really a swan.”

“I’m a swan,” Trudy ______ her throat and took the medicine, heading for home.

Next morning Mum’s cold was much better. “If Mrs. Willow’s cold cure is a kind of ______, then her swan cure must work as well.” Trudy couldn’t wait to try it out.

In the school playground some children stood looking up into the chestnut tree. Lisa was in tears.

“What’s the matter?” asked Trudy.

“It’s my kite,” Lisa said, wiping her eyes. “Rob let go and it’s got ______ up the tree.”

“I’ll get it down for you,” Trudy said kindly.

“No, you’ll tear it!” Lisa looked ______. “It’s a special Chinese kite! I got it for my birthday.”

For a moment Trudy felt like her old ______ self. But then she remembered what Mrs. Willow had said. It didn't matter how she looked outside. Inside, she was really a swan.

She jumped up and grabbed the lowest ______ and began to climb. “Swans never rush,” she told herself. It took her ages, but she didn't rush. At last she managed to ______ the kite. But now she had to climb down again using only one hand. Very, very ______ she swung herself down to the ground. The kite was safe!

“Thanks, Trudy.” Lisa showed it to the others. “Look, it’s all right!”

Trudy felt very, very proud and different. Smiling at everyone, she walked swan-like across the playground and into school, so tall and ______.

1.A.except B.besides C.including D.behind

2.A.danced B.sang C.laughed D.jumped

3.A.took B.turned C.rolled D.tripped

4.A.drew B.drowned C.marked D.colored

5.A.success B.masterpiece C.failure D.disaster

6.A.gift B.textbook C.message D.letter

7.A.delicate B.ugly C.cheap D.messy

8.A.care B.leave C.concern D.cure

9.A.straight B.still C.by D.tall

10.A.around B.apart C.ahead D.away

11.A.dragon B.swan C.tiger D.duck

12.A.touched B.cleaned C.cleared D.wiped

13.A.imagination B.magic C.cheating D.creation

14.A.stuck B.crashed C.torn D.damped

15.A.satisfied B.disappointed C.frightened D.delighted

16.A.beautiful B.clumsy C.dishonest D.smart

17.A.root B.trunk C.branch D.leaf

18.A.fly B.design C.make D.free

19.A.carefully B.doubtfully C.confidently D.anxiously

20.A.eager B.elegant C.enthusiastic D.energetic


1.A 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.D 6.C 7.A 8.D 9.B 10.A 11.D 12.C 13.B 14.A 15.C 16.B 17.C 18.D 19.A 20.B 【解析】 本文为一篇记叙文,讲述了Trudy因自己毛手毛脚而被同学笑话,失去了自信,最终变成了帮助同学,因此找回自信的故事。 1. 考查介词词义辨析。句意:每个人都想上艺术课除了Trudy。A. except除了;B. besides此外;C. including包括;D. behind后面。通过下文Look out, here comes Trouble!可知,Trudy在艺术课上经常惹麻烦,所以不想上艺术课。故此题选A。 2. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:所有同学都笑了起来。A. danced跳舞;B. sang唱歌;C. laughed笑;D. jumped跳。通过上文Look out, here comes Trouble!可知,大家都认为Trudy是麻烦事,所有同学都笑了起来。故此题选C。 3. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:她多么希望自己能像Lisa那样,手脚纤细,从不绊倒任何东西!A. took拿;B. turned转动;C. rolled滚动;D. tripped绊倒。通过下文的knock over可知Trudy想像Lisa那样不要打翻任何东西。故此题选D。 4. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:脏水打翻在桌子上,浸泡Lisa画的龙。A. drew绘画;B. drowned浸泡;C. marked标记;D. colored涂色。上文讲到脏水打翻了,所以画应该是被水浸泡了。故此题选B。 5. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:每次Trudy进行艺术创作时,都是一场灾难。A. success成功;B. masterpiece著作;C. failure失败;D. disaster灾难。上文说到Trudy在画画时,打翻了水浸泡了同学的画可知,她在创作时会引起许多问题。是一场灾难。故此题选D。 6. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:当她一到家,她妈妈让她给柳女士带句话。A. gift礼物;B. textbook教材;C. message信息;D. letter信件。通过下文两个人的对话可知,妈妈是让Trudy转告明天不能来的事情。故此题选C。 7. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:那儿站着一位老太太,高高的,优雅的,像她的房子里面满是精致的瓷器一样。A. delicate精美的;B. ugly丑陋的;C. cheap廉价的;D. messy混乱的。通过句子中的elegant可知,老太太非常优雅,家里的装潢和她的气质一般,所以是精致的瓷器。故此题选A。 8. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:她需要的是我特制的感冒药。A. care照顾;B. leave离开;C. concern担心;D. cure治疗。根据下文Mrs. Willow’s cold cure可知。柳夫人认为作者的妈妈需要的是她特制的感冒药。故此题选D。 9. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:Trudy两臂紧抱,一动不动,就像一尊雕像,不敢进去。A. straight直的;B. still一动不动的;C. by经过;D. tall高的。通过句子中的like a statue可知,她是像雕塑一样的,一动不动。故此题选B。 10. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:我知道在我身边的东西很容易被打破。A. around四周;B. apart分开;C. ahead向前;D. away离开。根据前文描写Trudy的身材描写可知,她身材太高大了,所以在她周围东西很容易打破。故此题选A。 11. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我长大后会变成一只丑小鸭。A. dragon龙;B. swan天鹅;C. tiger老虎;D. duck鸭子。根据上文I used to be clumsy too, a real ugly little duck可知,Trudy也认为自己也是一只丑小鸭。故此题选D。 12. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我是只天鹅,Trudy清了清嗓子,拿上药,准备回家。A. touched触碰;B. cleaned清扫;C. cleared清除;D. wiped擦。这里是指清嗓,使用固定搭配clear ones throat。故此题选C。 13. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:如果说柳太太的感冒药是一种魔法,那么她的天鹅药也一定管用。A. imagination想像;B. magic魔法;C. cheating欺骗;D. creation创造。根据上文Next morning Mum’s cold was much better.可知,妈妈的病好多了,所以Trudy认为这个药是有魔力的。故此题选B. 14. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:罗伯放开它,它就被卡在树上了。A. stuck卡住;B. crashed坠毁;C. torn撕毁;D. damped潮湿。跟据下文Trudy爬到树上取回风筝可知,风筝卡在树上了。故此题选A。 15. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:Lisa看起来很害怕。A. satisfied满意的;B. disappointed失望的;C. frightened害怕的;D. delighted高兴的。根据上文you will tear it可知,Lisa怕风筝被撕坏了。故此题选C。 16. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:有一阵子,Trudy觉得自己像个笨手笨脚的老家伙。A. beautiful漂亮的;B. clumsy笨拙的;C. dishonest不诚实的; D. smart聪明的。根据上文I am the clumsiest person in our school可知Trudy认为自己是学校最笨拙的人。故此题选B。 17. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:她跳起来抓住最低的那根树枝然后开始爬。A. root树根;B. trunk 树干;C. branch树枝;D. leaf叶子。根据句子中grab可知,作者抓住的是树枝,树干是抓不住的。故此题选C。 18. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:最终她成功解救了那个风筝。A. fly飞;B. design设计;C. make制作;D. free释放。上文讲到风筝卡住了,所以这里是把风筝解救了出来。根据Thanks, Trudy.可知,最终她成功解救了那个风筝。故此题选D。 19. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:她非常非常小心地回到地面上。A. carefully仔细地;B. doubtfully怀疑地;C. confidently自信地;D. anxiously焦虑地。这里是从树上回到地面,所以要万分小心。故此题选A。 20. 考场形容词词义辨析。句意:她对每个人微笑着,像天鹅一样穿过操场走进学校,那么高,那么优雅。A. eager渴望的;B. elegant优雅的;C. enthusiastic充满激情的;D. energetic有能量的。根据 she walked swan-like 上文说到天鹅是优雅的,这里Trudy像一只天鹅,也很优雅。故此题选B。


A week before Earth Day, posters1. (put) up around our school, calling upon us to join in the actions for a greener earth.

Our class came up with the idea2. (make) better use of used materials. We brought to our classroom worn-out clothes, pieces of cardboard and empty plastic bottles and turned those into dolls, handbags, tissue boxes and small vases. That weekend, we went to a nearby neighbourhood and gave them away to the people there. All were very happy with those 3. (expect) gifts, especially little kids and elderly people. We did so well that we were invited to share our ideas and experience with all the students of our school.

We are very proud of 4. (we) and believe we can do more for a better world.




About 65% of Americans say they have difficulty falling asleep a few  1. (night) each week, according to a recent study 2. (make) by the National Sleep Foundation. Sleeping too little can lead to a higher risk of becoming fat and getting depressed. Some of your favourite evening habits may have something to do with sleeping problems. For example, the light of your bright alarm clock can prevent you 3. falling asleep. You should make your room as dark as possible. What’s more, it’s not good to exercise late at night. Fierce physical activities raise your body temperature and are bad for a good night’s sleep.




China is developing a next-generation spacecraft for human spaceflight 1.would allow astronauts to travel to the moon and other deep-space destinations. China 2. (become) the third country to independently send astronauts into space in 2003 when Yang Liwei orbited Earth in the Shenzhou-5 spacecraft. However Shenzhou V is not designed for the environment of deep space. The new spacecraft, which has not yet been named, will orbit beyond Low-Earth Orbit (LEO),3. (carry) four to six astronauts.




When I saw her tonight she smiled and recognized me. I smiled back at her. She was looking more relaxed even though she was still busy doing her job. I have noticed her several times this last few months and she always looks so much happier now. Tonight when I talked with her I noticed her name tag. Her name is Pamela.

Pamela works at the express checkouts in a busy supermarket. She deals with problems when the self—service checkout experiences a problem (no price on product, machine problems, etc.). She monitors these checkouts and usually has hardly dealt with one complaint before another is created.

When I first talked to Pamela, I had called her to the checkout I was using. There wasn't any problem with the checkout though. My problem or should I say concern was about Pamela. She looked tired and was under a lot of stress as she quickly moved from one checkout to the next. It's a bit of a fire—fighting job.

I told Pamela that she needed to slow down. I told her that we, the customers, could wait and it was very bad for her health to be putting herself under such pressure. Pamela told me she would slow down. I could tell she was touched. I gently told her things had to change. I told her I would be looking out for her in future to see if she had taken my advice seriously. She smiled and said, “I promise that I will next time.”






Paragraph 1:

When I saw her she was still doing her job but there was such a difference.


Paragraph 2:

I am proud of myself.




假如你是李华,某培训中心准备组织你校学生出国参加英语夏令营(English Summer Camp) ,请 写一封申请信给该培训中心。信的内容必须包括:

1. 申请报名。

2. 为什么想参加这个活动。

3. 对这项活动有怎样的打算和期待。

注意:1. 词数100左右。

2. 信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am very glad that the English Summer Camp will be held to help us improve English and learn more about English culture.______________________________________________________________








Yours truly,

Li Hua



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