满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。 School mo...


School mornings were always busy. The first sentence I usually heard was, “It’s time to rise!” It was Mom’s loudest voice and there was no way I could pretend not to hear it or hide from it.

“Okay, Mum. I’m getting up and dressed!” I would manage to call back.

Mum spoke loudly again as she announced, “Breakfast is ready!”

By then, I couldn’t get to the kitchen fast enough. In fact, it was a race between my sister, my brother, and me. We usually seated ourselves at the same time, sometimes knocking each other out of our places. After breakfast, we all rushed out to the bus stop as we took our lunch bags that contained a sandwich, fruit and dessert.

Then, one day, much to my surprise, there was no dessert in my lunch! What could have happened to it? Did Mom forget to make or buy it? Oh, well, I thought. It’s only one time, so it’s no big deal. But, for the next few days, my lunch contained no dessert! So one day, after school, as soon as I got home, I asked, “Mum! Why haven’t you been putting a dessert in my school lunches?”

Mum answered, “Why, Eugene, I have been including a dessert in your lunch. If you ‘re not getting them, then who is?”

So then we thought of my activities and what I did with my lunch each day. As soon as I arrived at school, I always put my lunch in the classroom closet (储物间) along with all of the other lunches. And that brought us to Carl    the bad boy of the third-grade classroom. The teacher didn’t like him in class and would send him to the closet, where he would spend most of each day.

Carl lived in a group of foster home (集体寄养之家). He was loud and somewhat of a thief, he would take just about anything that wasn’t fastened down, so he wasn’t welcome at school. Mom and I concluded that with nothing else to do Carl was probably going through the lunches and eating what he liked.

注意:1. 所续写短文的词数应为 150 左右;

2. 至少使用5个短文中标有下标线的关键词语;

3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;

4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。

Paragraph 1:

My mother and I talked about ways to solve the problem.


Paragraph 2:

Another day, Carl asked me if he could come to my house and meet my mother.   



Paragraph 1: My mother and I talked about ways to solve this problem. Overwhelmed with irritation, I insisted that we should play a trick on Carl to teach him a good lesson. However, so tolerant and considerate was my mother that she said in a tender voice that we should protect his pride rather than criticize him relentlessly. Therefore, the following weeks, I took two desserts in my lunch bag with a note saying, “Should you be in need of aid, please let us know.” Paragraph 2: Another day, Carl asked me if he could come to my house and meet my mother. Aware that he had read the note, I nodded with a smile and his face lit up. Much to my surprise. Carl actually turned up in my house after school, looking nervously and timidly “Welcome to my house and make it your home.” My mother hugged him tightly, tears of gratitude welling up in his eyes. “It is your desserts that teach me how sweet the world is.” said he. Casting admiring glances at him, I came to realize that tolerance is a kind of virtue, making a great difference to the world. 【解析】 本篇书面表达是读后续写。文章主要讲述了作者带到学校的午餐甜点总是消失,后来他想到可能是另外一个年级名叫Carl的孩子偷的。这个孩子住在集体寄养之家,行为习惯很差,老师和同学们都不喜欢他。 续写部分分为两段,第一段开头是:妈妈和作者谈论解决问题的方法…,所以接下来写想到的解决方法,妈妈认为应该保留Carl的自尊心而不应该谴责他,所以妈妈决定做两份甜点,并附上字条询问其是否需要帮助。第二段开头是:有一天Carl问作者他是否可以去作者家看作者的妈妈…,所以接下来可能写作者表示同意,同时描写Carl在见到作者妈妈后他非常的温顺并且紧张,因为甜点和纸条让他感受到了这个世界的甜美。同时,作者也认识到宽容是一种美德,对这个世界起着重要作用。


1. 作为青少年,深受许多无名英雄和科学家的事迹感动;

2. 他们的价值;

3. 力争做一个真正的明星


注意:1. 词数80左右;

2. 可适当增加情节,以使行文连贯。

3. 开头已给出,不计入总词数。

Good morning, everyone. During the tough battle against COVID-19,


That’s all. Thank you for listening.




Beijing, the capital of the country for over 850 years, is a perfect combination of classic grace and modernity, which makes it the first 1. (choose) of international travelers. Among Chinese people there is an old saying 2. one who fails to reach the Great Wall is not a true hero.

Different from the long-lasting tradition that Beijing holds, Shanghai shows visitors an 3. (unbelievable) urban atmosphere. It 4. (recognize) as the centre of the country’s commerce and fortune and titled “the shoppers’ paradise” (天堂) with a unique scenery 5. (leave) by the colonial history. The high-rise Oriental Pearl Tower, World Financial Center, and Jin Mao Tower stretch (伸展) upwards, 6. (form) one of the world’s most splendid skylines. This sleepless city will impress you 7. flashing neon lights (霓虹灯), elegant streetlights and ever moving headlights.

If you want to research into the 5,000 years’ history of this ancient oriental land, no city is 8. (suitable) than Xi’an, one of the four major capitals of ancient civilization. 9. famous Silk Road starts from here, stretching through west China to the Mediterranean. Enjoying the scenery of the Big Wild Goose Pagoda (大雁塔) together with the splendid music fountains 10. (be) an amazing experience.



    Alexandra Adams, 25, is a four-year medical student who was born both deaf and blind. However, she has _________ to let her condition prevent her from becoming a doctor.

Being completely deaf in both ears without hearing aids, and with 5 percent sight in only one eye, she relies on her other _________ such as touch to feel for veins (血管). “You can _________ a lot about patients just by listening to them.” she told The Daily Mail.

Miss Adams was _________ to take part in the 2012 Paralympics as a swimmer aged 16, but her previous serious stomach problems went very wrong, _________ her to be hospitalized for 18 months.

The experience _________ her switch her attention from swimming to medicine --- and she was finally _________ to Cardiff University.

Recalling her first placement (实习), she said: “When I arrived, a doctor asked why I was walking with the patient’s stick. I had to explain it was _________ mine. I was told not to touch any patients --- I felt really _________. That first day I had faced a level of discrimination (歧视) I was __________ for.

Recently the student is __________ the older patients in palliative care (姑息治疗), with her __________ proving to be a popular conversation topic. She described the patients’ __________ as ‘wonderful’, adding: “They don’t discriminate”

Miss Adams is __________ about disabled issues. Though having limited __________, she takes photos of other disabled workers around the UK, and __________ their stories in her blog Faces of the NHS to show different __________ of the workers in the health service.

NHS England chief executive Simon Stevens said: “Alexandra is a(an) __________ woman who got over difficulties through hard work and __________. I hope her __________ will inspire thousands.”

1.A.managed B.tried C.decided D.refused

2.A.feeling B.senses C.skills D.spirit

3.A.give up B.go through C.pick up D.work out

4.A.commanded B.expected C.employed D.begged

5.A.forcing B.reminding C.allowing D.encouraging

6.A.heard B.saw C.felt D.noticed

7.A.taken B.connected C.attached D.admitted

8.A.surely B.actually C.usually D.possibly

9.A.nervous B.frightened C.hurt D.tired

10.A.unprepared B.fit C.responsible D.thirsty

11.A.dealing with B.consulting with C.looking for D.spying on

12.A.clothes B.health C.face D.stick

13.A.influence B.reaction C.guidance D.advice

14.A.concerned B.excited C.disappointed D.puzzled

15.A.patience B.hearing C.sight D.evidence

16.A.discovers B.reads C.covers D.includes

17.A.ages B.colors C.habits D.images

18.A.impressive B.attractive C.generous D.reliable

19.A.curiosity B.interest C.determination D.cooperation

20.A.work B.dream C.example D.lesson



    Many people connect gratitude (感谢) with saying “thank you” to someone who helped us, making it a short act of appreciation. According to Robert Emmons, a leading researcher, gratitude is an emotion that can result in long-lasting positivity (积极性). 1.

Gratitude is good for your health.

Through his research, Emmons found that grateful people reported feeling healthier and happier, both mentally and physically. 2. In the workplace, employees who are shown that they are appreciated are healthier and more productive by 50 percent.


Gratitude is a selfless act. We often take for granted the simple things in life. Those who recognize the goodness in life, no matter how simple, are more likely to be sensitive to the needs of others and to help whenever they can. Being considerate to others’ opinions, experiences and backgrounds will make you a better person.

Gratitude makes us more self-aware.

Working in an ever-developing, fast-paced society, we are surrounded by ambitious people who are always struggling for more and better. 4. It starts by paying attention to what’s now going on in your life, and that’s true self-awareness is the key to being successful.

Gratitude helps us build strong relationship.

Gratitude is a powerful tool for strengthening relationship, both at work and in your personal life. People who express their gratitude tend to be more willing to forgive others and therefore able to create long-lasting connections.

5. Taking the time to thank people for their work and kindness --- whether it was today, last month or many years ago-makes you happier and more self-aware.

A.Specially, those who were grateful were 25 percent happier than those who weren’t.

B.Gratitude builds understanding.

C.The old saying goes “It’s never too late to say you’re sorry”, but the same is true of gratitude.

D.All in all, we feel and express our gratitude in different ways.

E.Gratitude makes you reflect (反思) in the moment instead of always thinking about the future.

F.Gratitude helps us build up self-confidence.

G.Here are a few benefits of being grateful.



    For two centuries, the famous University of Cambridge debating society has hosted many prominent figures, from world leaders to scientists to comedians.

On Nov 21, the Cambridge Union hosted another extraordinary guest—a non-human debater called Project Debater. Designed by IBM, Project Debater is a machine that uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) to form a spoken argument. It can even listen and answer to opposite statements, much like a real person.

In the Cambridge test debate, it argued the topic: Al will ultimately (最终) do more harm than good. Before the debate, more than 1,100 arguments for the positives and negatives of AI were submitted (递交) to the IBM website. The machine then analyzed these sources and formed the basis of its arguments in minutes. Project Debater then showed off its AI by arguing for both sides of the debate.

Over a four-minute speech, it argued first that, “AI can only make decisions that it has been programmed to solve, while humans can be programmed for all situations.”

In support of AI, it then argued that AI would create new jobs and “bring a lot more efficiency” to the workplace.

This isn’t the first test for Project Debater. In June 2018, the machine went back-and-forth for 20 minutes against champion debater Harish Natarajan.

According to New Scientist, on both occasions, Project Debater repeated points and didn’t always sufficiently (充分地) support them.

Speaking to Cambridge Independent, Noam Slonim, the project’s lead engineer, said, “The AI is not perfect, but it’s going in the right direction.” The team hopes to improve the AI by researching why humans find certain arguments more persuasive than others. They also hope the test might provide well-informed viewpoints for society, governments and private companies.

1.What does the underlined word “prominent” mean in paragraph one?

A.Intelligent. B.Outstanding.

C.Well-educated. D.Creative.

2.According to the passage, Project Debater ________.

A.can make decisions for all situations

B.argued with itself in the Cambridge test debate

C.can always find enough evidence to support its idea

D.defeated champion debater Harish Natarajan in June 2018

3.What does Noam Slonim think of the AI?

A.It’s not so beneficial to humans. B.It will defeat humans in time.

C.It remains to be improved. D.It will ultimately do more harm than good.

4.This passage above can be most probably read in ________.

A.a newspaper B.a guidebook

C.a textbook D.a research paper



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