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All of my five children played team spor...

    All of my five children played team sports in middle school and high school, and four of them are in college. 1..

Teenagers may get into bad habits. 2. According to a study in Archives of Pediatric & Adolescent Medicine, a survey of more than 14,000 teenagers found that those who had taken part in team sports were less likely to smoke or have unhealthy eating habits.

As children get older, they naturally develop their own lives and there will be fewer ways for parents to be involved(参与). Some teenagers shut their parents out of their room.3..

Sports build strong and healthy bodies. Children who compete know that they are only at their best if they eat and rest well.4. In sports, strength and speed are wanted. Team sports help kids avoid obesity(肥胖) problems even better than activities like running or biking.

5. The joy of a sports season stays with us long after the season is over. Our children may forget who was in their English class or which math teacher they had in the 10th grade one day. But they will never forget their sports teams.

A.Team sports can bring lifelong memories.

B.Team sports make a child’s social world wider.

C.As a matter of fact, doing sports makes us a better family.

D.However, they still want their parents to attend their games.

E.Cigarettes and drugs harm their performance and every athlete knows that.

F.But teenagers who often take part in team sports have less time for bad behavior.

G.From their experiences, I’ve learned it’s important for children to play team sports.


1.G 2.F 3.D 4.E 5.A 【解析】 本文是说明文,介绍了参加团体运动的重要性。 1.空前All of my five children played team sports in middle school and high school, and four of them are in college.(我的五个孩子在初中和高中都参加过团队运动,其中四个在上大学。)作者讲了自己的孩子参加团体运动,可推知,空处应为全文的主旨句,即团体运动的重要性。故G选项“从他们的经历中,我了解到对孩子们来说团队运动很重要。”符合上下文语境。故选G。 2.根据下文According to a study in Archives of Pediatric & Adolescent Medicine, a survey of more than 14,000 teenagers found that those who had taken part in team sports were less likely to smoke or have unhealthy eating habits.(《儿童与青少年医学档案》杂志上的一项研究显示,对1.4万多名青少年进行的一项调查发现,那些参加过集体运动的青少年吸烟或养成不健康饮食习惯的可能性较小。)可知,参加团体运动的青少年有较少的不良行为。故F选项“但是经常参加团队运动的青少年很少有不良行为。”符合上下文语境。故选F。 3.根据上文As children get older, they naturally develop their own lives and there will be fewer ways for parents to be involved. Some teenagers shut their parents out of their room.(随着孩子年龄的增长,他们自然会发展自己的生活,父母参与的方式也会越来越少。一些青少年把父母关在房间外面。)主要介绍孩子在成长中逐步独立,与父母互动少,可知本段主要关于青少年和父母的互动关系展开。空处应通过转折道出团体运动对改变这种局面的作用。故D选项“然而,他们仍然希望他们的父母参加他们的游戏。”符合上下文语境。故选D。 4.根据上文Sports build strong and healthy bodies. Children who compete know that they are only at their best if they eat and rest well.(运动使身体强壮健康。参加比赛的孩子们知道,只有他们吃得好,休息得好,他们才能发挥出最佳水平。)可知本句是对前一句的引申拓展,说明什么样的事物会影响孩子们比赛。故E选项“香烟和毒品会影响他们的表现,每个运动员都知道这一点。”符合上下文语境。故选E。 5.根据下文The joy of a sports season stays with us long after the season is over. (体育赛季结束后,快乐会一直伴随我们。)以及But they will never forget their sports teams.(但是他们永远不会忘记他们的运动队。)可知本段是在说明团体运动会给孩子们带来终生的回忆。故A选项“团队运动可以带来一生的记忆。”符合上下文语境。故选A。

    Sweetest Day is celebrated on the third Saturday in October as a day to make someone happy. It is an occasion which offers all of us an opportunity to remember not only the sickthe agedand children who have lost their parentsbut also friendsworkmatesrelatives and neighbors whose helpfulness and kindness we have enjoyed.

Over 60 years agowhen a Cleveland man noticed that some peoplesuch as children who lost their parents and patients who lay in bedtoo often felt forgotten and neglectedhe developed in his mind the idea of showing them that they were remembered. He did this by giving them small gifts. With the help of his friends and neighborshe gave those people small gifts on a Saturday in October. During the years that followedother Clevelanders began to take part in the celebrationwhich came to be called "Sweetest Day". Over timethe Sweetest Day's idea of spreading cheer to the poorthe sick and children who had lost their parents was broadened(扩大)to include everyoneand became an occasion for remembering others with a kind act or a small gift. Soon the idea spread to other cities all over the USA.

Sweetest Day is not based on any single group's religious beliefs or on a family relationship. It is a reminder(提醒人记忆之物)that a thoughtful word or deed enriches life and gives it meaning. Because of many people remembering to take the form of gift givingSweetest Day offers us the opportunity to show others that we carein a positive way.

1.What can we learn from the first paragraph

A. Sweetest Day is a day to bring happiness to others.

B. Sweetest Day is just an occasion for caring about disabled people.

C. Sweetest Day is an occasion for lovers to express love.

D. Sweetest Day is celebrated on the third Sunday in October.

2.Which of the following has little relationship to Sweetest Day?

A. Visiting sick people in the hospital.

B. Visiting children who have lost their parents.

C. Giving friends small gifts.

D. Giving flowers to sweethearts.

3.The underlined word "neglected" in the second paragraph means" __________".

A. remembered B. hated

C. paid little or no attention to D. disappointed

4.What do most people usually do to show their care to others according to the passage

A. Give them some money.

B. Give them gifts.

C. Send them their regards.

D. Offer help directly.



    Encouraging pupils to keep noise to a minimum should be a valuable component of all children’s education, according to new research.

Dr. Helen Lees, from Stirling University’s school of education, says that “enforced silence” is seen as a punishment and often acts to suppress children’s natural ability. But she says that teaching children about the benefits of “enforced silence”deliberate stillness that gives them the opportunity to focus and reflect in a stress-free environmentcan have a significant effect on pupils’ concentration and behavior.

It is the latest in a string of researches to establish a link between the classroom environment and pupils’ academic ability.

A study almost a decade ago in London found that children’s exam results were cut by as much as a third if they were taught in noisy classrooms. Teaching unions have also called for a limit of 26℃ to be put on classroom temperatures because teachers and pupils struggle to work in hot conditions, and some educationalists claim that too much clutter on classroom walls can prevent children from concentrating.

Dr. Lees said, “When we take some research on school settings and put it all together, what we see is that education without silence does not make much sense. In areas of better learning outcomes, better self- confidence and well-being measures, enforced silence in a person’s life and an individual’s education is shown throughout the relevant research to be a benefit.”

Dozens of schools across Britain have already introduced periods of “reflective silence” into the timetable.

Kevin Hogston, head of Sheringdale Primary, south London, has just introduced a minute’s silence at the start of twice-weekly meetings in which children are taught breathing techniques and encouraged to reflect. The school plans to introduce it into classrooms every day.

1.According to Dr. Helen Lees, “enforced silence” __

A.is an effective way of punishment B.does not make much sense in class

C.can improve pupils’ confidence D.makes pupils more creative

2.The underlined word “suppress” in the second paragraph probably means “_________”.

A.prevent B.improve

C.apply D.reveal

3.What can be inferred from the research on school settings?

A.Students are more active if taught in noisy classrooms.

B.Silence makes a great difference to pupils.

C.Clutter on the walls can help students concentrate.

D.Most schools are not satisfactory in terms of classroom temperatures.

4.What would be the best title for the text?

A.Arranging classroom settings benefits studies

B.Achieving silence is beneficial for people

C.Using enforced silence is effective punishment

D.Keeping quiet in class improves academic performance



    Just a year ago, the colors were bright under the waves. Now it’s gray — the Maldivian reef is dead. The coral is killed by the pressure of rising temperatures.

Coral reefs are areas underwater where small creatures live. The coral is hard material formed on the bottom of the sea by the skeletons of those creatures. But the world has lost about half its coral reefs in the last 30 years. Scientists are working to prevent their destruction. Due to global warming, over 90 percent of corals are expected to die by 2050. “To lose coral reefs is to fundamentally undermine the health of a very large proportion of the human race,” said Ruth Gates, director of the Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology.

Why are coral reefs important? Coral reefs support a fourth of all marine species, as well as half a billion people worldwide. They serve as barriers to protect coastlines from the storms. They provide billions of dollars from tourism, fishing and other trade. They are also used in medical research for cures for diseases. “Everyone should be concerned,” said biologist Ove Guldberg at Australia’s University of Queensland. “This is not just some distant dive destination. This is the basic structure of the ecosystem we depend on.”

The ocean is getting warmer. A rising temperature of just one to two degree Celsius can force coral to expel the algae (驱逐海藻) that live there. This leaves their white skeletons uncovered. It is a process called “bleaching”. Sixteen percent of the world’s corals died of bleaching in 1998. The problem has become much worse in recent years.

“We’ve lost 50 percent of the reefs, but that means we still have 50 percent left,” said Ruth Gates, who is working in Hawaii to breed corals that can better withstand increasing temperatures. She is also trying to “train” corals to survive rising temperatures. Gates says it is time to start “thinking outside the box”— find creative ways to help them.

1.The underlined word “undermine” in paragraph 2 means ___________.

A.weaken B.regain C.promote D.overlook

2.What’s the major concern of the scientists like Ove Guldberg?

A.People won’t find a dive destination in the future.

B.The effort to save corals will turn out to be fruitless.

C.The destruction of coral reefs will affect the earth ecosystem.

D.The bright sea has lost its charm because of those dead corals.

3.The fourth paragraph is mainly about ___________.

A.the harm of algae B.the process of “bleaching”

C.the importance of coral reefs D.the change of ocean temperature

4.Ruth Gates’ attitude towards the protection of corals is ___________.

A.proud B.cautious C.optimistic D.casual



    Welcome to Arundel Castle which is situated in West Sussex, England. The castle has a history of nearly 1000 years and has welcomed visitors traveling from all over the world. Arundel Castle also plays a starring role in many films.

The Gardens

The White Garden is planted with soft white Iceberg Roses, and Snow White Lilies.

The Rose Garden is newly planted with lovely old-fashioned English roses that are at their very best in June and July.

The Organic Kitchen Garden produces a wide range of seasonal fruit and vegetables, pears, cherries and apples.

The Castle Shop

In the Castle Shop, you will discover a wide and interesting range of gift ideas for everyone. It offers gifts and souvenirs designed to appeal to all tastes and pockets. Foods, china, books, and stationery (文具)are all available. Many are sold in this Castle Shop only.

At Arundel Castle we pride ourselves on supporting local suppliers and actively encourage environmentally friendly products.

The Arundel Festival 2014

Saturday 16th to Monday 25th August

The annual Arundel Festival gets bigger and better every year. It is one of the most amazing, diverse and easily accessible arts festivals in the UK, offering a mix of visual arts, music, theatre and street entertainment.


Coaches and mini-buses can drop off at the main Castle entrance in Mill Road and park in the main town car park that is opposite the Castle entrance. Please inform us when making your booking of how many parking permits are required.

1.When visiting the castle, you can___.

A.get old-fashioned English roses as gifts B.see how the local gifts are being made

C.get seasonal fruit and vegetables for free D.buy eco-friendly products in the Castle Shop

2.Where can you park the coach?

A.In Mill Road B.Inside the Castle

C.In the main town car park D.At the main Castle entrance

3.How long does the Arundel Festival last this year?

A.10 days B.One week C.16 days D.One month









参考词汇:疫情epidemic situation 新冠肺炎novel coronavirus pneumonia




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