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We all have at least a few bad habits. B...

    We all have at least a few bad habits. But when it comes to sleep, bad habits may be preventing you from getting the rest you need. Below are some common bad habits that can affect your quality of sleep.

Exercising too close to bedtime: 1.. But if you exercise too close to bedtime, it can excite you and keep you from falling asleep. If you’re hitting the gym in the evening, make sure it’s three or four hours before you plan to sleep.

2.: Screen light tricks your body into thinking it’s daytime. It causes the hormone (激素) which helps regulate sleep to stop working. Consider limiting screen time to an hour or two before bed.

Late-night eating: It can affect sleep, for example, lying down shortly after eating a heavy meal can cause heartburn. 3..

Working right up until bedtime: 4., if you’re thinking about work. Instead of working before bed, do something relaxing like listening to music or taking a warm bath.

Getting up late on the weekends: 5., though it might feel good. Consistency is key to developing sleep patterns that improve the quality of your sleep. So, consider sticking to the same sleep schedule even on the weekends.

A.Extra sleep may break your body’s natural habit

B.Have a light snack if you’re hungry at bedtime

C.Enough sleep plays a key role in keeping fit

D.Doing sports is great for overall health

E.It’s hard for your mind to settle down

F.Leaving your phone beside you

G.Watching your phone in bed


1.D 2.G 3.B 4.E 5.A 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章介绍了几个影响睡眠的坏习惯以及解决方法。 1. 根据后文But if you exercise too close to bedtime, it can excite you and keep you from falling asleep.可知但如果你在睡前锻炼,它会让你兴奋,让你无法入睡。由此可知,后文提出了睡前运动对睡眠不利,but表示转折,那么本句是在说明做运动对健康有利。故D选项“做运动对健康有好处”符合上下文语境,故选D。 2. 根据后文Screen light tricks your body into thinking it’s daytime.可知屏幕的光线会欺骗你的身体,让你以为现在是白天。由此可知,本段介绍的是在床上看手机这一坏习惯。故G选项“躺在床上看手机”符合上下文语境,故选G。 3. 根据上文Late-night eating: It can affect sleep, for example, lying down shortly after eating a heavy meal can cause heartburn.可知深夜进食:会影响睡眠,例如,吃了一顿大餐后不久躺下会引起胃灼热。由此可知,本句是在针对上文提出解决方法,如果在睡觉时饿了,可以吃点零食,这样不容易引起胃灼热。故B选项“如果你在睡觉的时候饿了,吃点零食”符合上下文语境,故选B。 4. 结合后文Instead of working before bed, do something relaxing like listening to music or taking a warm bath.可知睡前不要工作,做一些放松的事情,比如听音乐或洗个热水澡。由此可知,本句说明的是睡前工作会让你的大脑很难平静下来,不利于睡眠。故E选项“你的大脑很难安定下来”符合上下文语境,故选E。 5. 结合后文So, consider sticking to the same sleep schedule even on the weekends.可知所以,即使是在周末,也要考虑坚持同样的睡眠时间表。由此可知,本句是在解释周末额外的睡眠可能会打破你身体的自然习惯,要保持稳定的睡眠规律。故A选项“过多的睡眠可能会打破你身体的自然习惯”符合上下文语境,故选A。

    Princess quiz time! How did Snow White survive? How did Cinderella (《灰姑娘》) leave her evil stepmother? How did Sleeping Beauty finally wake up?

A kind-hearted person always comes to save the princess, like a prince or a godmother. Princesses cannot protect themselves, though they are very pretty and nice. They always need the help of others.

However, in fact, women can’t put their life in the hands of a prince-like man. They need to work and even fight for their own happiness. The traditional image of a princess is getting out of date.

Recently, Disney, a company famous for its princess movies, posted the “top 10 rules for being a modern princess”. You will not find any rules related to beauty or looks. The rules focus on loyalty, honesty and other moral values. The rules say princesses need to believe in themselves and try their best to get out of trouble, instead of waiting for a prince’s help.

It’s not the first time Disney princesses have caught up with society’s development. In 1950, when people’s hearts were broken by World War II, Disney created Cinderella. In 1990, Princess Belle from Beauty and the Beast (《美女与野兽》) loved reading when education was a man’s special right in the past. Belle showed the improvement of women’s position in society. Now is Elsa from the film Frozen (《冰雪奇缘》), a symbol of modern princess.

“This is brilliant – ‘The top 10 rules of being a modern princess’ – (it’s) about time,” a group named Confidently Mom said on social media website Twitter. Princesses are still very beautiful, but inner character is the key to being a princess.

1.What does the story think modern women should be like?

A.They should turn to others for help.

B.They should depend on themselves for their own happiness.

C.They don’t need to care about their appearances.

D.They should depend on men to do most things.

2.Disney’s rules for being a modern princess focus on a girl’s _____.

A.looks B.education

C.position in society D.thought

3.The images were created to catch up with the society’s development except _____.

A.Belle B.Cinderella

C.Godmother D.Elsa

4.What does the group Confidently Mom think of the rules?

A.Fantastic B.Meaningless

C.Doubtful D.Social



    China has entered the cinematic(电影制作的) space race. Wandering Earth, the country’s first blockbuster science fiction film, is on track to be one of the highest grossing (票房收入) films in China’s history.

The film has brought in more than 2bn yuan (£232m) in the six days since its release on February 5. So far, it is the highest-grossing film released over the holiday season, a peak time for the Chinese box office(票房收入).

Wandering Earth is based on the work of Liu Cixin, the author of the Three-Body Problem series and the first Chinese author to win a Hugo award.

“Wandering Earth fills the gap in Chinese science fiction movies. It means that China’s science fiction movies have officially set sail,” one fan of the film wrote on the review site Douban.

The film is seen by some as the dawn of Chinese sci-fi — a genre(类型;体裁) that has long been led by Hollywood. Several other Chinese-made sci-fi films are due to debut (首映) this year, including Shanghai Fortress, about an alien invasion, and Pathfinder, which follows a spaceship that has crashed on a deserted planet.

Frant Gwo, the director of Wandering Earth, said, “2019 could be remembered as year zero of Chinese science-fiction blockbusters. It is not just about one successful movie but about multiple films.”

Critics of the film have pointed out the plot holes(剧情漏洞) and cloying of sentimentality(刻意煽情) — something Wandering Earth shares with its Hollywood peers.

In response to plot criticisms about the necessity of ejecting (喷射) Earth from the solar system, Liu said: “Of course we don’t need to escape soon. That’s why it’s a movie instead of a real-life crisis.”

1.What’s the Chinese meaning of the underlined word?

A.非常成功的事物 B.非常成功的人

C.外星人 D.英雄人物

2.What is the fan’s attitude toward the film according to Paragraph 4?

A.Doubtful. B.Negative.

C.Positive D.Uncaring.

3.Which of the following does not belong to Chinese-made sci-fi film?

A.Shanghai Fortress B.Wandering Earth

C.Pathfinder D.Avatar

4.Which aspect do the critics think is a shortcoming of the film?

A.The theory. B.The ending.

C.The special effects. D.The plot holes.



    Long time ago, there was an apple tree. A little boy loved to come and play with it every day. He climbed to the tree top, ate the apples... He loved the tree and the tree loved him.

Time went by... the little boy had grown up and he no longer played around the tree every day. One day, the boy came back to the tree. “Come and play with me,” the tree asked the boy. “I am no longer a kid; I don’t play around trees anymore.” The boy replied, “I want toys. I need money to buy them.” “Sorry, but I don’t have money. But you can pick all my apples and sell them. So, you will have money.” The boy was so excited. He picked all the apples on the tree and left happily. The boy never came back after he picked the apples. The tree was sad.

One day, the boy returned and the tree was so excited. “Come and play with me,” the tree said. “I don’t have time to play. I have to work for my family. We need a house for shelter. Can you help me?” “Sorry, but I don’t have a house. But you can cut off my branches to build your house.” So the boy cut all the branches off the tree and left happily. The tree was glad to see him happy but the boy never came back since then. The tree was again lonely and sad.

Finally, the boy returned after he left for so many years. “Sorry, my boy. But I don’t have anything for you anymore... the only thing left is my dying roots,” the tree said with tears.

“I don’t need much now, just a place to rest. I am tired after all these years.” The boy replied.

“Good! Old tree root is the best place to rest. Come, Come to sit down with me and rest.” The boy sat down and the tree was glad and smiled with tears...

1.Why did the tree feel sad?

A.Because her apples were eaten. B.Because the boy had grown up.

C.Because she lost all her branches. D.Because the boy never came back to see her.

2.Which one is the most important for the tree?

A.The boy can play with him. B.The boy is happy.

C.The boy comes back to see him. D.A and C.

3.What does the tree stand for in our real life?

A.Our friends. B.Our parents

C.Our teachers. D.Strangers.

4.Who does the passage write for?

A.Children. B.Parents.

C.Builders. D.Everyone.



    From an innocent children’s cartoon character to a top cultural icon, Peppa Pig, a British preschool animated TV series, has undergone an amazing journey in adapting to Chinese culture and China’s market.


In June, the Peppa Pig TV series was introduced to the Chinese market by Entertainment One and first aired on the CCTV Children’s Channel. Shortly after its publication, Peppa Pig attracted billions of views on social media platforms like iQiyi, Youku and Tudou.


The Peppa Pig TV series was broadcast on the CCTV Children’s Channel for a second round. It also gained more viewers on the Golden Eagle Animation Channel, Hunan TV.


The phrase “Peppa Pig Girl” became one of the hottest buzzwords(时髦术语) on China’s Internet. It refers to a girl who holds a positive attitude toward life even though she tends to be lazy in her daily life. She might look a bit silly and often have tasty food as a top priority on her mind.


Rumors claimed that Peppa Pig was banned from Douyin, China’s major video sharing platform, saying it “violates the community regulations and has not passed censorship ”. In May, however, representatives from Douyin said the app was not forbidding Peppa Pig.


According to Entertainment One, more than 40 million Peppa Pig books have been sold since its second round broadcast on CCTV. In the year of the Pig, more companies are adding Peppa-themed elements to their products for promotion.

1.Since ________, more than 40 million Peppa Pig books have been sold.

A.2015 B.2016

C.2017 D.2018

2.Which of the following social media platforms first broadcast the Peppa Pig TV series?

A.CCTV Children’s Channel B.iQiyi

C.Youku D.Tudou.

3.What can we learn about Peppa Pig according to the passage?

A.The TV series was first broadcast on Hunan TV.

B.Food is the favorite of a Peppa Pig Girl, who is silly.

C.Year of the Pig will help promote the sales of the Peppa-themed products.

D.Peppa Pig was banned in Douyin because it broke the law.




1. 练习太极的好处;

2. 报名方式及截止日期;

3. 表示愿意进一步提供帮助。

注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

参考词汇:太极社团Tai Chi Club; 武术:martial arts










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