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With the Covid-19 virus sweeping the glo...

    With the Covid-19 virus sweeping the globe, the science on quitting smoking offers welcome news for smokers who want to build up their defenses in case they contract the virus. Though it may still take many months for a smoker's lungs to heal from damage caused by long-term smoking, your health can noticeably improve in the days and weeks after quitting in ways that could make a difference against the virus. Covid-19 creates an added sense of urgency, and there's enough reason to believe that quitting smoking during the pandemic(流行病)could increases your opportunities of fighting off the virus.

If you make the decision to quit, the cilia(纤毛)in your lungs are one of the first parts of your body to heal. These hair-like projections wave back and forth like a brush as air moves in and out of your lungs. They help your body fight off colds and infection. They also help clear mucus(黏液), so if they're not functioning as well as they should, mucus can build up in the lungs. Your body's tendency to cough during an infection helps inspire the bodily process of clearing out mucus. That's vital in fighting the Covid-19 condition. The elderly are at a greater risk for too much lung fluid that often limits breathing following coronavirus infection because they don't have a strong enough cough to clear it up.

A second short-term gain from quitting smoking comes from reducing ongoing inflammation(炎症)in your body, which can make you infect Covid-19 more easily. Having your lungs in as good of shape as you can in case of a corona virus infection is key.

Besides lung-related issues, quitting smoking can also deliver healthy benefits to the heart that could help prevent possible heart attacks, which are another cause of death in Covid-19 cases. After you quit smoking, your blood becomes thinner and less possible to setting. Heart attacks are less likely. One reason this happens is because smoking makes it harder for the heart to distribute blood throughout the body.

1.What is the use of the lung cilia?

A.Cleaning up the lungs. B.Killing the Covid-19 virus.

C.Predicting lung infections. D.Reducing breathing difficulty.

2.Why are the old at higher risk to the corona virus?

A.They cannot go out during the pandemic. B.There is too much mucus in their lungs.

C.Most of them are heavy smokers for years. D.They are lacking in the care of their children.

3.What good does quitting smoking do to heart

A.Strengthen the heart muscle. B.Turn blood to be much thicker.

C.Make the blood flow smoother. D.Speed the heartbeat up apparently.

4.What is the text mainly about

A.Quitting smoking can help defend the Covid-19.

B.Ways to make a difference against corona viruses.

C.The Covid-19 virus is threatening humans worldwide.

D.Protecting the smokers' lungs to heal from damage.


1.A 2.B 3.C 4.A 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章讲述了,戒烟有助于改善肺部功能以抵御新冠病毒的侵袭。 1. 细节理解题。由第二段中的“These hair-like projections wave back and forth like a brush as air moves in and out of your lungs. They help your body fight off colds and infection. They also help clear mucus(黏液), so if they're not functioning as well as they should, mucus can build up in the lungs.”(当空气进出肺部时,这些毛发状的突起像刷子一样来回摆动。它们帮助你的身体抵御感冒和感染。它们也有助于清除粘液,所以如果它们的功能不好,粘液会在肺部积聚。),可知肺部纤毛的作用是清洁肺部。故选A项。 2. 细节理解题。由第二段中的“The elderly are at a greater risk for too much lung fluid that often limits breathing following coronavirus infection because they don't have a strong enough cough to clear it up.”(老年人患冠状病毒感染后肺液过多的风险更大,因为他们没有足够强烈的咳嗽来消除肺部积液。),可知老年人肺部积水更多导致他们感染病毒的风险更大。故选B项。 3. 细节理解题。由最后一段中的“After you quit smoking, your blood becomes thinner and less possible to setting. Heart attacks are less likely. One reason this happens is because smoking makes it harder for the heart to distribute blood throughout the body.”(戒烟后,你的血液变得稀薄,不太可能凝固。心脏病发作的可能性较小。发生这种情况的一个原因是吸烟使心脏更难将血液输送到全身。),可知戒烟会使血液流动更加顺畅。故选C项。 4. 主旨大意题。由第一段第一句“With the Covid-19 virus sweeping the globe, the science on quitting smoking offers welcome news for smokers who want to build up their defenses in case they contract the virus.”(随着Covid-19病毒席卷全球,戒烟科学为那些想增强防御能力以防感染病毒的吸烟者带来了可喜的消息。)和第一段最后一句“Covid-19 creates an added sense of urgency, and there's enough reason to believe that quitting smoking during the pandemic(流行病)could increases your opportunities of fighting off the virus.”(Covid-19会增加一种紧迫感,而且有足够的理由相信在大流行期间戒烟可以增加抵抗病毒的机会。),可知本文论述戒烟有助于抵御新冠病毒的侵袭。故选A项。

    The care center told us Dad's case was hopeless. Mom took him home and his spirits lifted under her care. Several months later, we decided to fly out and give my mother a break from nursing him.

On the last day of our trip, after finishing his walking treatment, I suggested that he "exercise" his fingers by playing his piano, but the fingers that had once flown over the keys with ease could barely strike one note. Paralysis(瘫痪)had taken away the number-one joy in Dad's life.

Helping him from his wheelchair to the piano bench, I placed his hands on the keys and the list on the piano. Seeing his stiff fingers devastated me and Dad. I lay back in my chair, closed my eyes and expected the worst. I couldn't believe my ears when The War We Were rang out, flowing with feeling and no mistakes. He continued playing down his list.

Quickly wiping my eyes, I felt grateful for what had taken place. I never thought I'd hear my dad's beautiful music again. Dad couldn't grasp what had happened during that hour and seemed confused. Instead of getting back in his wheelchair, he asked me to turn him around on the bench so that we could talk.

Starting with his earliest childhood memories, Dad shared his life story, telling tales I'd never heard before. It was a magical time for us, and we took turns wiping our eyes. When he became silent, I knew this moment had ended.

For the next hour, I found myself reliving priceless memories. Happy tears flowed as my father played every song I'd ever heard growing up, including favorites that we had danced to as children. Apparently, the wonderful stories he'd just shared had sparked his memory.

1.Why did the author decide to go on a holiday?

A.To ease his father's feeling of hopelessness.

B.To accompany his father for the last family trip

C.To give his mother a rest from attending his father.

D.To help the doctor treat his father for his paralysis

2.What does the underlined word "devastated" in Paragraph 3 refer to?

A.Delighted. B.Interested

C.Worsened. D.Discouraged.

3.What made the author's father puzzled?

A.He still remembered his childhood dreams. B.He could play his familiar music on the piano.

C.He was left alone at home with the author. D.He could stand up without the author's help.

4.What did the author do after his father got silent?

A.Reflect on his old memories. B.Choose his father's favorite music.

C.Dance to the music his father played. D.Take his turn to take care of his father.



A Seasonal Guide to Copenhagen

With each season offering a new range of experiences, there's never a bad time to visit Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark.


Winter in Copenhagen is a great time to search for the abstract Danish feeling of "hygge", which roughly translates to an atmosphere of warm and comfortable companionship. The Copenhagen winter can be freezing in a very literal(字面)sense, but that just means it's time to search out some fun in the great indoors.


It's easy to spot when spring has arrived in Copenhagen—just look out for all the Danish people out in the streetsThe Scandinavian winter is generally pretty rough, so when that warmth is felt in the air the locals can't help but celebrate. The funfairs(游乐场)and parks of Tivoli Gardens reopen. May sees temperatures rise enough for carnivals and street parties in true Danish style.


A busy schedule of festivals, events and markets typify the season, and the parks and watersides of Denmark's capital will be packed with people almost every day. At the height of summer, Denmark's Midnight Sun means your explorations of Copenhagen can go well into the evening, with many attractions and bars staying open until the sun begins to set.


There's one very good reason to visit Copenhagen in the autumn, and that's because winter is coming. The autumn months are the last chance to enjoy everything the city has to offer. Tivoli Gardens throws a three-week Halloween extravaganza and October's Night of Culture showcases the best of Danish art, music and literature. The autumn weather also means splendid sunsets that bathe the city in a soft orange glow—a painting by nature that you won't soon forget

1.Which of the following best explains the feeling of "hygge"

A.People read good books and enjoy staying alone.

B.Children laugh and play together with snow.

C.Many friends walk on the snow-covered path

D.The families chat happily around the fire

2.What can we infer about Copenhagen's summer

A.Nights are very short. B.It has nice weather.

C.Shops are open all night. D.The visitors are friendly.

3.Which season of Copenhagen is the best for literary and art youth

A.Winter B.Spring.

C.Summer D.Autumn




I have a friend who is afraid of spiders. This isn’t very unusuala lot of people are afraid of spiders. I don’t really like spiders much myself. But my friend isn’t afraid of spiders in any normal way. She isn’t just afraid of spidersshe is totallycompletely and utterly terrified of them. When she sees a spidershe shivers all over and sometimes she freezes completely—she can’t move at all because she is so scared. Sometimes she even faints.

She decided to do something about her terrorso she went to visit a doctor. After knowing my friend’s situationthe doctor got out a small spider from his desk. It wasn’t a real spider. It was made of plastic. Even somy friend screamed when she saw it. “Don’t worry”said the doctor. “It’s not a real spider. ”“I know”said my friend. “But I’m afraid of it just the same. ”

“Hmm”said the doctor. “A serioos case. . . ”He put the plastic spider on the desk. When my friend stopped screamingthe doctor told her to touch it. When she stopped screaming again—the idea of touching the plastic spider was enough to make her scream—she touched it. At first she touched it for just one second. She shivered all overbut at least she managed to touch it. “OK”said the psychiatrist. “that’s all for today and you can go home now. ”

My friend went back the next dayand found the plastic spider was already on the doctor’s desk. This time she touched it and held it for five minutes. Then the doctor told her to go home and come back the next day. The next day she went back and the plastic spider was on her chair. She had to move the spider so she could sit down. The next day she held the spider in her hand while she sat in her chair. The next daythe doctor gave her the plastic spider and told her to take it home with her. After a deep breathshe agreed.


The next dayshe went back with the plastic spider and then she had a shock. . . a big shock.


Paragraph 2

“Guess what?”my friend said to me one day. “I’ve got a new pet!”




假如你是李华,是你校“英语报”的主编,请你根据提示,用英语写一封邮件向你的笔友Tom为“To be the master of your cellphone”栏目约稿。


1. 该栏目的意义;

2. 稿件要求:词数400左右;

3. 截稿日期:620日。


1. 邮件词数80左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 电子邮件的开头已为你写好。

Dear Tom,

How is everything going?



Li Hua




The Chinese lunar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms. It was created thousands of years ago 1. (guide)agricultural production.

Grain in Ear(芒种)the 2. (nine)solar termbegins on June 5 this year and signifies the ripening of wheat. Regions neat the Yangtze River 3. (be)about to enter the Plum Rains season. Plum Rainsoften 4. (occur)during June and Julyrefer to the long period of continuous rainy or cloudy weather. It happens to be the time for plums(李子)to ripen5.explains the origin of its name. Green plums contain a variety of natural and high-quality organic acids and are rich in minerals. 6. fresh plums are acerbic(酸的)and need to be boiled before serving. There was an allusion(典故)that Cao Cao and Liu Beitwo central figures in the Three Kingdoms period(AD 220—280)talked about 7.(hero)while boiling green plums.

“An Miao”(meaning seedling protection)is a traditional farming activity of southern Anhui province that 8.(practice)since the early Ming Dynasty(1368—1644). People make different types of bread with wheat flour and color them with vegetable Juice. The bread is used 9. a sacrificial offering(祭品)to pray for a good harvest and people’s 10. (safe).



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