满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I have some students who are in a diffic...

    I have some students who are in a difficult stage of life. One student called Susie_________.

It was in October and an after-school_________I started teaching in September was well_________. I was in my_________when Susie came in. I could see something was_________. “I can’t stay after school today because I have to _________my little sisters,” I assured her that it would not be a problem for her to_________it. Five minutes later, Susie walked back in. I thought she had left something behind and asked if she was okay.

She said she was_________and would like to sit in while she was waiting for her mother to pick her up. I asked Susie if she would like to_________it. Susie answered she preferred not to. Susie____________sitting in with us for the entire activity____________.

When the activity was over and the students were____________gone, I asked Susie why her mother hadn’t come yet. She told me, “My dad went out drinking two nights ago and hasn’t been home yet. It’s my____________to take care of my sisters, and I think my mom is out looking for dad.” I wanted to make sure that Susie was really okay. After I was____________that she was, I told her. “It’s okay to be tired of being strong for the adults in your life. It’s okay to be angry because you are expected to do adult things now. It’s okay to be____________that your dad may not be all right. You are allowed to be frustrated because you are____________a mess you can’t get out of.” Susie began to____________.

That Susie’s family was failing her didn’t mean Susie would____________. I allowed her to know a little of my childhood. She saw I’d____________ in my own life and realized that there was a good____________for her.

1.A.grows up B.stands out C.drops out D.breaks up

2.A.interview B.tour C.celebration D.activity

3.A.in advance B.in vain C.under way D.on display

4.A.office B.home C.company D.store

5.A.unfair B.fun C.significant D.wrong

6.A.look after B.turn to C.take over D.call for

7.A.admit B.understand C.miss D.avoid

8.A.free B.pleased C.embarrassed D.fine

9.A.keep up with B.participate in C.care about D.take advantage of

10.A.focused on B.put off C.put up with D.ended up

11.A.argument B.meal C.class D.conference

12.A.finally B.nervously C.abruptly D.cautiously

13.A.policy B.request C.attempt D.responsibility

14.A.confused B.satisfied C.annoyed D.astonished

15.A.confident B.grateful C.patient D.afraid

16.A.stuck in B.curious about C.fond of D.frightened at

17.A.move B.escape C.shake D.cry

18.A.laugh B.leave C.fail D.complain

19.A.stayed B.succeeded C.survived D.struggled

20.A.symbol B.reason C.supply D.future


1.B 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.D 6.A 7.C 8.D 9.B 10.D 11.C 12.A 13.D 14.B 15.D 16.A 17.D 18.C 19.B 20.D 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。作者是一名老师,他有很多学生都在经历着人生的艰难阶段,本文主要讲述了作者鼓励其中的一位学生的故事。 1. 考查动词短语辨析。句意:一位名叫Susie的学生的情况尤为突出。A. grows up长大;B. stands out突出,显眼;C. drops out退出;D. breaks up打破,分解。根据前一句I have some students who are in a difficult stage of life.(我有一些处在生活困难阶段的学生)可知,此处是拿Susie作为一个典型、突出的例子,stand out表示“突出、显眼”,符合语境。故选B项。 2. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:事情发生在十月份,当时我从九月份开始教授的课后活动正在有序进行中。A. interview采访;B. tour旅游;C. celebration庆祝;D. activity活动。根据空前的after-school可推知,此处指“课后活动”,第三段最后一句中the entire activity也是提示。故选D项。 3. 考查介词短语辨析。句意:事情发生在十月份,当时我从九月份开始教授的课外活动正在有序进行中。A. in advance提前;B. in vain徒劳;C. under way正在进行中;D. on display展示。根据下文第四段开头When the activity was over可知,此处指课外活动“正在进行中”。故选C项。 4. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:当Susie进来的时候,我正在办公室里。A. office办公室;B. home家;C. company公司;D. store商店。根据语境可知,作者是一名老师,此时正在进行课后活动,所以此处指在“办公室”,其他选项不符合语境。故选A项。 5. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我能够看出她遇到一些麻烦。A. unfair不公平的;B. fun有趣的;C. significant重要的,有意义的;D. wrong错误的。根据下一句Susie 说的话I can’t stay after school today because I have to ____6____my little sisters.可推知,作者看出来Susie来找自己是有一些异常情况要说,故选D项。 6. 考查动词短语辨析。句意:因为我不得不照顾我的妹妹。A. look after照顾;B. turn to求助于;C. take over接管;D. call for需要,要求。根据I can’t stay after school today可推知,Susie放学后不能在学校逗留是因为要照顾妹妹,下一段中take care of my sisters也是提示。故选A项。 7. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我向她保证她缺席课后活动没有什么问题。A. admit承认;B. understand理解;C. miss错过,思念;D. avoid避免。上文Susie说自己放学后不能逗留,此处是作者安慰她“错过”课外活动没关系。故选C项。 8. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她回答说她很好。A. free自由的;B. pleased开心的;C. embarrassed尴尬的;D. fine好的,(天气)晴朗的。根据上文asked if she was okay及下文I wanted to make sure that Susie was really okay.(我想确认她是否真的很好)可知,此处Susie回答说她“很好”。故选D项。 9. 考查动词短语辨析。句意:我问Susie她是否愿意参加课后活动。A. keep up with跟上;B. participate in参加;C. care about关心,在乎;D. take advantage of利用。根据上文would like to sit in while she was waiting for her mother to pick her up可知,Susie想在这儿坐一会儿等她妈妈来接她,此处指作者问她是否想趁这个时间“参加”课后活动。故选B项。 10. 考查动词短语辨析。句意:结果Susie整个活动课都坐在里面,和我们在一起。A. focused on专注于;B. put off推迟,取消;C. put up with忍受;D. ended up结束。根据Susie answered she preferred not to.可知,Susie说不太想参加,结果就一直坐着,end up doing sth.表示“结果是(做),以做……而告终故”,符合题意。故选D项。 11. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:结果Susie整个活动课都坐在里面,和我们在一起。A. argument争论;B. meal一餐,饭;C. class课,课堂;D. conference会议。根据上文内容可知,学生们正在上活动课,所以选class。故选C项。 12. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:当活动结束后,学生们最终都走了。A. finally最后;B. nervously紧张地;C. abruptly突然;D. cautiously谨慎地。根据When the activity was over可知,此处指“最后”学生们都走了。故选A项。 13. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:照顾我的妹妹是我的责任。A. policy政策;B. request请求,要求;C. attempt尝试;D. responsibility责任。根据空前My dad went out drinking two nights ago and hasn’t been home yet.及空后and I think my mom is out looking for dad.可知,爸爸妈妈都不在家,Susie认为照顾妹妹是自己的“责任”。故选D项。 14. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我听说她没有问题而感到满意之后,我告诉她。A. confused困惑的;B. satisfied满意的;C. annoyed烦恼的,生气的;D. astonished惊讶的。根据上文I wanted to make sure that Susie was really okay.可知,作者想确认Susie是真的没事,再由本句中that she was可知,Susie真的没事,作者感到满意,其他选项不符合语境。故选B项。 15. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:担心你的父亲也许会出问题是正常的。A. confident自信的;B. grateful感激的;C. patient耐心的;D. afraid害怕的。根据空后your dad may not be all right可知,父亲出问题,作为孩子觉得“担心,害怕”是正常的。故选D项。 16. 考查固定短语辨析。句意:因为你陷入困境而无法自拔,所有你可以感到沮丧。A. stuck in陷入;B. curious about对……好奇;C. fond of喜爱;D. frightened at受……惊吓。根据空后you can’t get out of可推知,此处指“陷入”困境无法自拔。故选A项。 17. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:Susie开始哭了起来。A. move移动;B. escape逃跑;C. shake摇晃;D. cry哭。上文作者安慰并鼓励Susie,此处指Susie听了之后“哭”了起来。故选D项。 18. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:Susie的家庭使她失望并不意味着她会失败。A. laugh大笑;B. leave离开;C. fail失败;D. complain抱怨。根据上文作者一直鼓励Susie可知,作者认为,虽然Susie家境不好,但是这并不能决定Susie的命运,此处“fail”符合语境。故选C项。 19. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:她看到了我在我自己的生活中成功了。A. stayed逗留;B. succeeded成功;C. survived生存;D. struggled挣扎。根据I allowed her to know a little of my childhood.可推知,作者的童年和Susie类似,现在作者是一名老师,所以虽然有不好的童年,但是现在是成功的。此处succeeded与上文中fail形成对比。故选B项。 20. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:她意识到她也会有一个好的前程。A. symbol象征;B. reason原因;C. supply供应;D. future将来。此处指Susie知道作者的经历后,意识到她自己也会有一个美好的“将来”。故选D项。

    After nearly a decade of being in love with yoga, I made a courageous decision. I decided that I wanted to become a yoga teacher. Meanwhile, I made a list for those who will chase or are chasing a dream.

Remember that it’s meant to challenge you.

1.The only way that growth can occur within you is that you can find something that challenges you, and work through it. You may feel overwhelmed by challenge at some point, but the reward of achieving your dream is a way more fulfilling than never going after what you want to achieve at all.

Be careful who you ask for advice.

While chasing your dream, you will get to a point where you want to give up. You’ll question the cause of your dream and question whether you should continue.2.Find wisdom from those who are encouraging of your dream, and who understand what it means to you.

Believe in yourself.

The only way you’ll be able to follow through with your commitment to your dream is by believing that you can do it.3.However, their opinion only goes so far if you believe that you are capable. In addition, if you believe in yourself, when others doubt you, it isn’t worth being concerned about because you have found faith in yourself, and that’s all that matters.


It takes a lot of courage to give everything that you have to achieve a goal when it might be criticized, judged or rejected. Many see failure as an ending, when it could be a beginning of another journey that leads to your dream.

Starting trying today.

In a year, you’ll wish you’d started today what you hope to achieve. If you don’t try today, how will you feel in a year? Time passes quicker than we can sometimes grasp, and today will eventually lead to the following year.5.

A.Be open to failure and rejection.

B.Yes, your dream needs to be big.

C.Others can tell you that you’re capable.

D.Everything begins in the heart and mind.

E.Don’t just sit around and think about what you want.

F.During this time, be cautious with where you seek advice.

G.Growth doesn’t happen by living in stability, comfort or at ease.



    HONG KONG—The government said early Thursday(today) that its first charter flight will take home at least 92 Hong Kong passengers who have been quarantined aboard the Diamond Princess cruise ship in Japan since early this month. The number of passengers to be evacuated via the first flight that was scheduled to arrive in Hong Kong on Thursday morning was higher than the 45 announced on Wednesday, The 45 are among 52 Hong Kong passengers who were allowed to disembark from the ship and chosc to take the flight, according to Under Secretary for Security Sonny Au Chi-kwong, who is in Japan to handle the issue.

Under the HKSAR government's arrangements, all of them will be required to stay at quarantine centers for 14 days on their return to Hong Kong. The Diamond Princess has been quarantined at Yokohama port since Feb 4. So far, 621 people on board have been infected by the novel coronavirus, including 53 from Hong Kong.

The SAR government has arranged two chartered fights to take Hong Kong passengers stranded on the ship back to the city free of charge. The second flight is also expected to leave Tokyo on Thursday, according to Au. He said about 230 among the 352 Hong Kong passengers on the Diamond Princess have indicated thev would like to take the chartered flights home. Secretary for Security John Lee Ka-chiu told the Legislative Council on Wednesday the government may arrange a third chartered flight to Tokyo to take back the rest of the passengers.

Meanwhile, the tally of confirmed cases of the coronavirus in Hong Kong reached 65 on Wednesday, while the fatality toll rose to two following the death of a 70-year-old patient in Princess Margaret Hospital.

In Shenzhen, the authorities have set up a green channel for processing Hong Kong visa applications to visit family members or relatives, study, work or for training programs amid the epidemic. The Shenzhen Municipal Public Security Bureau said the green channel will keep human-to-human contacts to the minimum in processing the applications.

1.How will the SAR government deal with the passengers who are to arrive in Hong Kong?

A.They are required to stay at home for two weeks.

B.They must stay at quarantine centers for a fortnight.

C.They ought to be quarantined in a hotel for two weeks.

D.They should receive medical treatments in hospital for fourteen days.

2.How many HONG KONG passengers aboard the ship have been infected by the novel coronavirus so far?

A.45. B.52.

C.53. D.92.

3.What is the possible meaning of the underlined word “tally” in Para. 4 ?

A.Notice. B.Signal.

C.Feature. D.Record.

4.What is the best title for the news report ?

A.92 stranded HK passengers due back Thursday

B.HK passengers quarantined aboard Diamond Princess cruise ship

C.92 stranded HK passengers would like to take chartered flights home

D.HK may arrange third chartered flight to Tokyo to take back rest of passengers



A super-reflective cooling coating

A team of Columbia University researchers thinks that painting buildings with a new type of coating could help. Some cities already use white roofs to try to cool buildings by reflecting sunlight. But the new coating developed by the scientists can help buildings even cooler.

"It's like snow," says Yuan Yang, an assistant professor at Columbia. Snow, he explains, is filled with micron-sized(微米级的)crystals of ice that create tiny pockets of air that scatter light—the effect that makes snow white rather than transparent like ice, and highly reflective. The researchers created a polymer(聚合物)coating that also has nano to-micro-scale pockets of air that turn it white. "Our paint can be much more reflective than normal paint," he says.

Regular white paint might reflect 85% of the sunlight that hits it. The new coating, depending on its thickness, could reflect as much as 99%. If used with colored paint, it's less effective, but also keeps buildings cooler than they would otherwise be; the coating is also less effective in areas with high humidity(湿度). In a hot, dry city like Phoenix, the white coating could keep a building around 10 degrees Fahrenheit cooler than the outdoor air on a summer day. Most Arizonans have air conditioning, and in a city where temperatures regularly reach well over 100 degrees, the coating isn't likely to replace it. But it could help buildings use less energy to stay cool. For the small fraction of residents there who don't have air conditioning, the coating could potentially help protect their health on the hottest days. In 2018, more than 155 people in Phoenix died in heat waves.

In places where air conditioning is currently uncommon, such as Seattle, where there were a record number of hot days last July, but only one-third of residents have air conditioning, the coating might help stave off (延缓)the need to install new systems. In the developing world, the coating could potentially help those who don't yet have electricity or who can't afford an air conditioner. But the biggest impact of the technology—which the researchers hope to commercialize—is likely to be its ability to help air conditioners use a little less electricity and help cut emissions. Without changes, the emissions from air conditioners are predicted to almost double by mid-century.

1.What is the key information the author wants to give in Para 2?

A.Why snow is reflective. B.What makes snow white.

C.What the polymer coating is. D.How the new coating works.

2.What does the underlined word “it" in Para. 2 refer to?

A.The ice. B.The snow.

C.The new coating. D.The normal painting.

3.What's Paragraph 3 mainly about?

A.The necessity of air conditioners in cities.

B.The effectiveness of the new technology.

C.The widespread use of the white coating.

D.The influence the hot weather has on health.

4.What's the biggest impact of the new coating?

A.Reducing emissions indirectly. B.Helping keep buildings warm.

C.Assisting the poor potentially. D.Stopping using air conditioners.



    A man in Germany may not have been in danger when he called the police on a baby squirrel chasing him, but it all worked out for the best for the furry suspect.

Emergency services in the city of Karistruhe got a call on Thursday from a man afraid that the tiny animal wouldn't stop following him around, The Guardian reported. Police arrived at the scene, where the squirrel finally stopped running after him by lying down and going to sleep.

It turned out that the squirrel actually needed help, the police said, “It often happens that squirrels which have lost their mothers look for a replacement and then focus their efforts on one person,” the police spokesman Christian Krenz told The Guardian.

The squirrel, now named Karl-Friedrich, is in the care of an animal rescue center. Karlstruhe police posted a statement on Facebook about the animal, including several lovely photos. The department wished Karl-Friedrich the best.

The baby squirrel chase is the second police-involved squirrel incident to make international headlines this summer. Last month, a London woman called the police after she heard loud noises in her home and suspected a thief. The unwanted visitor turned out to be a “rogue squirrel”, according to the police who came for help.

Although authorities in the German case said the squirrel did need assistance, wildlife experts generally warn that before dealing with the case where you suspect a squirrel is orphaned, you should do your best to make sure the creature truly requires help. The Wildlife Center of Virginia, which gets hundreds of calls annually about supposedly orphaned squirrels, published this handy guide to help determine whether such an animal really needs help and what to do if so. When in doubt, contact a local wildlife rescuer, a rehab center on animal control.

1.Why did the man in Germany call the police?

A.A baby squirrel was asleep there. B.A baby squirrel tried to bite him.

C.A baby squirrel was lying down there. D.A baby squirrel kept running after him.

2.What does Karl-Friedrich in the passage turn out to be?

A.A woman from London. B.A lovely little squirrel.

C.An unwanted visitor. D.A local policewoman.

3.What do we know about the people making calls when they see squirrels?

A.They are very active in animal protection.

B.They are very eager to help disabled squirrels.

C.They think squirrels are endangered animals.

D.They think squirrels are in a hungry state.

4.What can we infer from wildlife experts' words in the last paragraph?

A.People should try to give first aid to injured or sick squirrels.

B.People should figure out whether squirrels actually need assistance.

C.People should help squirrels who are left alone as soon as possible.

D.People should contact a local wildlife rescuer when seeing orphaned squirrels,




As an online English teacher at EF Education First (英孚教育), you will be teaching English through our EF Online Classroom, which allows students to study English from all corners of Japan.


Teachers in this position play a key role in our mission — opening the world through education. Both full-time online teachers and free online teachers are needed. Full-time teachers work according to our schedule, with no less than ten classes per week, mostly at night. Free ones enjoy a high degree of flexibility in their role, teaching from the comfort of their homes with a wide rangeof class times available.


* Delivering lessons to students through our online learning platform

* Evaluating student's progress and providing individualized instructions

* Providing high-quality feedback (反馈) on students’ written assignments

* Operating the Internet, the slide presentation, EF-developed courseware (课件) efficiently and skillfully.


* High level of English fluency, and certificates are preferred

* A personal desktop or laptop, and a stable Internet connection

* Availability to actively deliver classes on a monthly basis

* Self-motivated, and be able to work independently


* Obtain TEFL certification at work

* Free travel around the country yearly

* Attend training conferences for ongoing professional development

* Learn from EF’s International Culture and chat with our foreign teachers

* Gain proficiency (熟练) in the constantly growing field of online education


Full-time teachers are on a salary of 1,071 yen to 1,836 yen, and free teachers between 612 yen to 1,224 yen per class, depending on how many classes are taught.




1.What does EF Education First ask their teachers to do?

A.Use electronic media expertly.

B.Possess the spirit of teamwork.

C.Obtain a certificate in English.

D.Offer students lessons mostly in the daytime.

2.What can an online English teacher at EF enjoy?

A.Flexible working hours.

B.Opportunities to travel abroad yearly.

C.Guidance on professional development.

D.Being trained by professors to get a TEFL certificate.

3.How much will a full-time teacher at EF be paid a week at least?

A.1,071 yen. B.6,120 yen.

C.10,710 yen. D.18,360 yen.



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