满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

It doesn't take decades of life experien...

    It doesn't take decades of life experience to have a great idea, as many of these young inventors have proved.

The Electronic Television

The electronic television was first designed by a 14-year-old kid in 1920. Philo Taylor Farnsworth shared his concept of an image transmitting (影像传送) device, an early design of the electronic television, with his science teacher, drawing diagrams on several blackboards in class.

By the age of 21 Farnsworth had a working model which served as a basis to all later development and versions of electronic televisions, After discovering a collection of technology magazines in the attic (阁楼) of his family's new home, he developed a passion and interest in electronics, which led him to explore inventions in the field of, specifically, the image transmission.

In 1927, a few years out of high school, Farnsworth was the first inventor to transmit a television image of a dollar sign, composed of 60 horizontal lines.

Braille Language

Louis Braille suffered a serious eye injury when he was just 3 years old. Not only did the accident cause him blindness on that side, but the infection spread and blinded the other eye as well. After more than a decade of struggling with the slow system of tracing his finger over raised letters, Braille was 12 when he learned of a method of silent communication originally created for the French military. He simplified it, and in 1824 the Braille language was born.

Popsicles (冰棍)

A lot of kids are easily distracted (分散注意力)—and thanks to the short attention span of 11-year-old Frank Epperson we now have popsicles. In 1905, Epperson, a San Francisco native, was stirring powdered drink mix into a cup of water when something else caught his attention. The mixture was forgotten outside the door, and when Epperson rediscovered the drink in the morning, it was a deliciously portable frozen popsicle. After years of making the frozen treats for friends, and eventually his own. children, Epperson filed for a patent in 1924.

1.Who contributed his intelligence to the invention of TV?

A.Philo Taylor Farnsworth

B.Farnsworth's science teacher.

C.Louis Braille.


2.Which invention was accidentally made because of poor concentration?

A.The Electronic Television.

B.The Braille Language.

C.Dollar Sign.


3.What do the three inventions have in common?

A.They were all designed for the sake of kids.

B.They were all made by young boys.

C.They were all made in the 20th century.

D.They were all created within a few years.


1.A 2.D 3.B 【解析】 这是一篇应用文。本篇主要介绍了三个由年轻男孩发明的东西。 1. 细节理解题。根据The Electronic Television部分的The electronic television was first designed by a 14-year-old kid in 1920. Philo Taylor Farnsworth shared his concept of an image transmitting (影像传送) device, an early design of the electronic television(1920年,一个14岁的孩子首次设计了电子电视。Philo Taylor Farnsworth分享了他关于影像传送设备的概念,这是一个早期的电视设计)和In 1927,a few years out of high school,Farnsworth was the first inventor to transmit a television image of a dollar sign, composed of 60 horizontal lines.(1927年,高中毕业没几年,法恩沃斯是第一个把美元符号传输到电视上的发明家)可知,Philo Taylor Farnsworth致力于电视的发明。A. Philo Taylor Farnsworth符合以上说法,故选A项。 2. 细节理解题。根据Popsicles (冰棍)部分下的A lot of kids are easily distracted (分散注意力)—and thanks to the short attention span of 11-year-old Frank Epperson,we now have popsicles.(很多孩子都容易分散注意力——由于11岁的Frank Epperson缺乏注意力,我们现在有了冰棍)可知,冰棍是因为一个孩子缺乏注意力而产生的。D. Popsicles.(冰棍)符合以上说法,故选D项。 3. 细节理解题。根据The Electronic Television部分的The electronic television was first designed by a 14-year-old kid in 1920.( 1920年,一个14岁的孩子首次设计了电子电视);Braille Language部分的Braille was 12 when he learned of a method of silent communication originally created for the French military. He simplified it, and in 1824 the Braille language was born.(直到12岁,他才学会了一种最初为法国发明的无声交流方法。他简化了它,1824年,布莱叶盲文诞生了)和Popsicles (冰棍)部分下的A lot of kids are easily distracted (分散注意力)—and thanks to the short attention span of 11-year-old Frank Epperson,we now have popsicles.(很多孩子都容易分散注意力——由于11岁的Frank Epperson缺乏注意力,我们现在有了冰棍)可知,这三项发明的共同之处是它们都是由年轻男孩发明的。B. They were all made by young boys.(它们都是由年轻男孩发明的)符合以上说法,故选B项。


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Dear Tom,



Li Hua









Last weekend, I went hike with some friends. Setting off early in the morning, we gathered at the gate of a park in ours city. Then we headed for our destination. We have planned to climb a hill near the park. On the way, we talked, laughed or sang happily. It took us three hour to reach the top. The wonderfully view from the top made all the efforts worthwhile. We had a nice rest and picnic, sharing that we carried in our bags each other. At about four in the afternoon, we began our back trip. It was so a nice experience to get close to the nature and enjoy fresh air that we had a great day.




This story happened to me last Christmas Eve. I was in the Dollar Tree with1.Ison looking for a particular item. Suddenly, a young girl 2.comeup to us, said

Merry Christmas," and stuck something into my hand. She ran off before I could say a word or realize what was happening. I took it, 3.thinkit was just a kid's homemade card or a religious tract(册子). Then I saw it was 4. envelope and was sort of afraid to open it. I walked around the store a bit and my son told me to go ahead and open it, so I did. There was a $ 100 bill! I 5.actualdidn't know if it was real 6. I had never seen one of the new $ 100 bills before. I am not a needy person.

When my adult 7.kidheard about this, they teased me about "looking homeless. ” Of course I passed on the gift to a 8.muchdeserving person. Anyway, yes, I would take a gift 9. a stranger. People do this as a random act of kindness. It spreads the holiday spirit. Sometimes I do random acts of kindness for strangers, too, and it 10.makeme feel good.



    In 2016, I was part of a group sponsoring a family of refugees(难民).Marwa Ataya and Salem Ajaj had _______ their country with three kids. They _______ in our hometown of Victoria. That year, we drove them to doctor's appointments and _______ them find housing furnish their home and enroll(登记)their _______ in school. They opened a_______ store.

Over time, we _______a friendship, celebrating our kids' birthdays together and chatting whenever we  _______ at their store.

In March 2020, my family traveled to Mexico. When we left Canada, North Americans weren't worried about COVID-19. But the situation changed _______.We were still _______when the Canadian Government's recommendation against travel was released. Upon ________, we decided to self-isolate(自我隔离),just to be safe. That ________ not leaving the house for 14 days—not even to go to groceries.

Partway through our self-isolation I ________ a text from Marwa saying she was outside our house. I opened the door to seven big bags of groceries. Marwa was standing a ________ distance away. She'd brought my family necessaries. I was so ________knew she and her husband were busy at home. That they took the time to care for us was incredibly ________. I would have liked to give her a ________, but I couldn't.

Later, I ________ she'd also dropped off groceries for my parents. Given that they're in their 80s, this was a huge ________. I insisted on paying Marwa. She just refused.

I hope that people will remember how much refugees do for the ________. Canada is a kind and rich country because of the ________ of newcomers. I hope Canadians will step up and help them get to safety.

1.A.fled B.ruined C.betrayed D.reached

2.A.kept B.arranged C.settled D.wandered

3.A.helped B.directed C.let D.watched

4.A.parents B.employees C.friends D.children

5.A.food B.grocery C.fruit D.vegetable

6.A.developed B.formed C.hit D.found

7.A.ate B.played C.. shopped D.worked

8.A.recently B.slowly C.quickly D.finally

9.A.relaxed B.abroad C.nervous D.aboard

10.A.leaving B.hearing C.landing D.returning

11.A.meant B.announced C.showed D.required

12.A.heard B.got C.remembered D.met

13.A.special B.remote C.short D.safe

14.A.moved B.welcome C.interested D.surprised

15.A.smart B.active C.ambitious D.kind

16.A.praise B.comfort C.hug D.smile

17.A.asked B.argued C.hoped D.learned

18.A.secret B.relief C.trade D.challenge

19.A.people B.world C.country D.planet

20.A.preparations B.contributions C.congratulations D.expectations



    As tech gets ever more clever, it opens possibilities - not just for business but for cybercriminals(网络罪犯).Companies are being kept on their toes to find the most up-to-date security. 1. However, the real question is, "How can we use this securely?"

AIs may make it easier to attack company systems. They also give security experts new ways to detect problems and free them up from repetitive(重复的)work. 2.

AIs also provide new solutions for security operation centers. 3. This job used to be done by skilled analysts(分析师). But machine learning can now spot 80 percent of false positives, leaving the analysts to work on the potentially harmful 20 percent.

AIs are very good at recognizing new things which are potentially a problem.4.They spot new threats because they've learned what looks normal and what doesn't. You have to accept you will be attacked and deal with it like an immune system would. The next step is to allow Al systems to take action in real time, so you have self-defending networks.5.

A.So they can focus their efforts where they are needed most.

B.This includes old and new tech working side by side.

C.They're a bit like the human immune system.

D.For example, it is very good at identifying misleading security alarms.

E.It's vital to have a right view of how technology is actually used.

F.Then you will have an Al reacting to attacks and you'll never even know it.

G.When they adopt new technology, they often ask themselves, "Is this secure?"



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