满分5 > 高中英语试题 >








A few months after return to the US from Spain, I took a French course. I could speak well Spanish, so I decided to study other language. In the first lesson, Mr. White guided us to do a lot of pronunciation exercise. He would say a word and two in Frenchand each of us were asked to follow him in turn. When it was my turn, he kept having me to repeat what he said. After class, I ask Mr. White why. “I find it great fun. I've never heard American speak French in a Spanish accent" he said happily.


【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。讲述了是我在几个月前参加法语课上的事情。 1. 考查非谓语动词。本句中after为介词,其后要用动名词。所以return改为returning。故return改为returning。 2. 考查形容词。名词前要用形容词修饰,本句中Spanish西班牙语为名词,其前要用形容词good。故well改为good。 3. 考查限定词。句意:我决定学历另一门语言。此处,相对之前提到的Spanish,另一门语言为不确定的,所以要用another。故other 改为another。 4. 考查名词。exercise作为“锻炼”讲时,为不可数名词;当用作 “练习”时,为可数名词。本句中是用作练习的意思。所以exercise改为exercises。故exercise改为exercises。 5.考查连词。句意:他用法语说一个单词或者两个词。句中为选择关系,所以and 改为or。故and 改为or。 6. 考查主谓一致。本句中主语为each of us,结合语法规则:代词each和由every, some, no, any等构成的复合代词作主语,或主语中含有each, every, 谓语需用单数。所以were改为was。故were改为was。 7.考查非谓语动词。固定结构have sb. do sth.“让某人做某事”,其中do为宾补,本结构中补语前不加任何词,所以to 要删掉。故删除to。 8. 考查一般过去时。根据全文的时态,可知,本文讲述的是我在几个月前参加法语课上的事情,所以时态用一般过去时。所以ask改为asked。故ask改为asked。 9. 考查冠词。根据语法规则:当叙述的事物或对象为初次出现时,要用不定冠词。本句中我从来没听过一位美国人用西班牙语口音讲法语,美国人泛指任何一位,所以要加上冠词,因American为元音开头,所以要在其前加上不定冠词an。故加上an。 10.考查介词。带着西班牙语的口音用介词with。故in改为with。  


Beijing Daxing International Airport, which catches the world's attention, has already been put into operation. It 1. (shape) like a phoenix (凤凰) and it has four main runways at the new airport—three vertical and one horizontal,2.helps shorten flight times and reduce delays. It is the first time that our architects 3.(adopt) such particular pattern in airport construction history. 4.expressways, intercity rails and high-speed rails, passengers can reach Tianjin, Baoding and Tangshan in one hour. This has brought much 5.(convenient) to passengers.

China Eastern Airline Flight MU535 marked6.beginning of the China's new transport hub ( 枢纽). China Eastern Airline is one of the 15 companies currently 7.(operate) at the new airport. The airport will operate 116 routes 8.(global) around the end of this year.

The airport is working with customs to make security checks 9.(easy) and more efficient. Passengers on international flights don't need to have their carry -on luggage 10.(check) again after they go through the security gate.



    “What is one thing that you would want to do now?” Tracy, my best friend, _______such question to me one day when we had a video chat.

"Lie in bed, eat, drink and do some reading. It would be the _______ not getting out of the house ever again!" I replied, _______.Looking back at this memory, I wish I was more_______ and happier with all those fun times I had with friends. I never thought things would go the way I _______. Due to the fast spreading COVID-19the entire school district has been _______for the past 3 weeks. Recently, we have received _______of it being closed until next semester.

It's _______how I've always wanted to be at home and have the _______of never going out again. As soon as I had this opportunity, I was ________. Thinking that I will be ________at home for the next two months, ________I become very unwell.

Whenever I was at________I wished to go home. Now I have to be at home and I ________school. Am I ridiculous? I guess I really am.

In the following daysI have experienced and________the panic caused by the COVID-19. I've ________realized what is the significance of life and how ________ the health is. Also I've learned that good living and studying ________  are vital to all of us. Most importantly, I figure out that the world is whole and ________and we are required to live in ________with each other.

1.A.gave B.threw C.showed D.took

2.A.easiest B.simplest C.toughest D.best

3.A.smiling B.crying C.laughing D.sighing

4.A.content B.confident C.energetic D.accurate

5.A.know B.want C.find D.imagine

6.A.cut off B.moved away C.blocked up D.shut down

7.A.news B.letters C.warning D.punishment

8.A.amazing B.difficult C.strange D.crazy

9.A.right B.option C.permit D.opinion

10.A.upset B.happy C.calm D.awkward

11.A.stuck B.left C.locked D.monitored

12.A.again B.still C.suddenly D.quickly

13.A.outside B.class C.home D.school

14.A.ignore B.miss C.choose D.quit

15.A.got B.shared C.witnessed D.understood

16.A.just B.truly C.never D.quickly

17.A.weak B.safe C.poor D.precious

18.A.habits B.skills C.plans D.problems

19.A.full B.crowded C.connected D.beautiful

20.A.nature B.harmony C.space D.hope



    Most of us don't have millions of dollars to go door- to-door to persuade people to care about climate change. But most of us do have parents.1.Because if we can't convince the people who love us more than anything in the world to take action on climate who can we convince?

It might be a hard conversation. If you do accept this challenge, here are a few suggestions 2.If you've ever used any poisonous terms, please get rid of them from your vocabulary. Otherwise, you 're making everything worse.

Share a couple of informative articles on the topic. Bill McKibben's article in Rolling Stone is great and very readable.3.The most important thing for them to understand is that on our current path we may no longer have a climate that allows for stablesecure societies within the lifetimes of today s children.

Once these unpleasant facts are laid out, making it clear that you aren't blaming them for this. Your parents likely made their decisions with a strong sense of morality and social responsibility, and could only make those decisions based on the information they had at the time.4.But now that you have provided the new information, talk about how it warns them, and all of usto behave in new ways.

Encourage them to buy environmentally- friendly goods and services as much as possible. Talk to them about trying to avoid using non-renewable resources and make it clear that this will not be enough.5.

A.Warn them to care about the change.

B.Talk to them with love and respect.

C.There is no need to flood them with data.

D.So let's talk to them about climate change.

E.There are a lot of interesting articles about climate change in it.

F.Therefore, if they have done something improperly, it is not their fault.

G.This is a challenge that requires us all to act as citizens, not just as consumers.



    The electricity bill for an average family with 2 children is worth about 1 full salary per year, but the revolutionary EcoVolt could put 50% of that money back into your pocket.

In 2017, a revolutionary new product called EcoVolt hit the market. Initially it was separated from the general public, all because it offered the opportunity for average families to save up to 50% of their monthly energy costs. EcoVolt is a small, simple, affordable, and easy to use plug in unit that stops unnecessary power from entering the electrical cables and overloading the network, EcoVolt is the utility (公用事业) provider' s best-kept secret. They 've been trying to hide it from the everyday power consumer and even have banned the sale of it in retail shops —just to maximize their profit. However, thanks to the internet, the secret is now out, and everyday customers are now attaining the rewards of less power consumption overall, as well as less power used by household appliances. Your household appliances (家用电器) may last longer than previously. Basically, EcoVolt provides the opportunity for you to save between 30 and 50 percent on your energy bill. That's a phenomenal saving and leaves few questions as to why this has been hidden from consumers.

The benefits of EcoVolt are huge, and researchers are convinced this device could spell the end of unaffordable power bills that can cripple the average wage earner at the end of the month. Scientists initially spent many months trying to expose its efficiency, but those studies now prove that EcoVolt should be common in every household.

It's easy to connect, simply by plugging it into your wall, and it's suitable for both standard homes and apartments connected to a power grid (电网). It also has a counter which shows how you're making more efficient use of your energy, all the while allowing you to gain the rewards of a more everlasting household appliance lifecycle. In just 1-2 months, you've made your money back on your initial purchase.

1.What do we know about EcoVolt?

A.It is a new affordable website service.

B.It is a revolutionary new network product.

C.It is a new simple electricity- saving device.

D.It is a revolutionary electrical money-saving app.

2.What does the underlined word “cripple" in paragraph 4 mean?

A.Bring many benefits.

B.Bring too much burden.

C.Get rid of difficulty.

D.Get into debts.

3.How does EcoVolt benefit consumers?

A.It helps consumers save much on their electricity bill.

B.It makes it easier for consumers to use appliances.

C.It connects more families to the Internet.

D.It makes electricity use much securer.

4.We can infer from the last paragraph that EcoVolt ______.

A.is very convenient and favourable

B.is suitable for both home and public use

C.will be an everlasting household appliance

D.can help gain rewards of purchase discount



    If you're one of the millions of Americans now trapped in home because of the COVID-19it might feel like you're cooking more than you've ever cooked in your entire life. And maybe you' re planning to reduce your home food wastes. A good way of dealing with them is to learn to make compost (堆肥).

Select your food wastes. Start with fruits and vegetables — the skin of a sweet potatothe top of your strawberry. Also tea bags, coffee grounds, old flowers and even eggshells are good raw materials. Store these food wastes in a container so you can add them bit by bit. The container doesn't have to be bought online. It can just be an old milk carton (纸箱) or an old wooden chest —just work with what you have available. Also, you can store the food wastes in a bag in your freezer or fridge. That's an easy way to avoid odors and insects in your kitchen.

The crucial step is to make the compost mix. In the world of composting you're inevitably going to hear about ''the greens and browns''—the two main elements for your mix. ''Greens'' are typically wet food wastes, like fruit and vegetable peelings. They are a crucial part for the growth of organisms (微生物),''Browns" are typically dry and they are more carbon rich like newspapers, dried leavesand pine needles. A good thing to remember is when you're layering put the dry browns on the bottom with the wet greens on the top because they allow water and air to flow. That will make sure organisms can do their job.

How long do you have to wait for the compost breakdown? If it's hot, you could get there in two months pretty easy. If it's cold, you could be there in six months, And for every component to break down, it might be a year.

In the end ''your nose knows'' when the compost is ready. It just smells so woody, earthy, sweet or sometimes sour. The smell can tell how well you work at your compost.

1.What is a good solution to your home food wastes?

A.Make a plan and reduce the wastes.

B.Collect the picked wastes to make compost.

C.Select the wastes and bury them into the earth.

D.Pick the wastes and put them in a bag in your fridge.

2.What plays a crucial role in making the compost mix?

A.Wet ''greens''

B.Dry "browns''

C.Carbon rich materials.

D.Wet ''greens'' and dry ''browns''.

3.Why should the ''browns'' be put on the bottom with the ''greens'' on the top?

A.To help the organism work on the compost efficiently.

B.To save more space for the water and air to flow.

C.To allow the water and air to flow into the container.

D.To make sure the organism can live longer and better.

4.What does the author feel about making compost?

A.Pretty easy and fun.

B.Complex and time killing.

C.Demanding patience but worthwhile.

D.Calling for hard work but enjoyable.



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