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When my roommates and I left campus for ...

    When my roommates and I left campus for spring break, we told each other we’d be back soon. Little did we_______that within the next three days, “soon” would become “who knows when.” Stuck at home from college, we felt filled with a strong_______to do something to help, but_______about what we could do.

Ever since the corona-virus outbreak_______, we found ourselves_______by stories of front-line workers who remained at their posts and yet their calls for_______to basic necessities were overlooked._______, the problems they were facing_________from daily supplies.

Just before midnight on April 8, we_________Give Essential, an on-line matching platform where front-line workers can tell us what__________they need, and__________tell us what they can give. And then we create__________based on their best-fit needs and donations, with things directly sent to these workers.

After glued to our screens for 36 hours and building a website from scratch, we posted the__________on Facebook, to tell everyone we knew about Give Essential. Within 24 hours, we________over 300 front-line workers, and many donors have________to help with gifts________from bars of soap to several grocery gift cards.

Give Essential started as an idea, and snowballed into a ,__________with hundreds of connections across the country. In this state of lockdown, it is easy to feel__________by the four walls and front door that we're__________not to leave. With Give Essential, we wanted to__________the public that our ability to connect with and help others is not limited in that same way.

1.A.decide B.know C.agree D.promise

2.A.urge B.research C.pity D.relief

3.A.confident B.excited C.unsure D.scared

4.A.turned B.left C.hit D.waited

5.A.touched B.tired C.amused D.frightened

6.A.ability B.access C.right D.idea

7.A.Fortunately B.Suddenly C.Easily D.Obviously

8.A.adapted B.arose C.heard D.differed

9.A.gave way to B.put up with C.came up with D.went back to

10.A.positions B.plans C.suggestions D.items

11.A.experts B.customers C.viewers D.donors

12.A.matches B.clubs C.accounts D.tasks

13.A.role B.link C.letter D.job

14.A.employed B.changed C.reached D.dismissed

15.A.refused B.regretted C.pretended D.offered

16.A.skipping B.sharing C.flowing D.ranging

17.A.group B.trap C.store D.hole

18.A.depressed B.thrilled C.ashamed D.satisfied

19.A.invited B.advised C.controlled D.trained

20.A.shock B.warn C.remind D.surprise


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.C 5.A 6.B 7.D 8.B 9.C 10.D 11.D 12.A 13.B 14.C 15.D 16.D 17.A 18.A 19.B 20.C 【解析】 本文是记叙文。由于新冠疫情被困在家,作者得知许多一线工作人员缺乏生活用品,创建了Give Essential在线配对平台,把捐赠者的物品及时送给需要的工作人员。平台迅速壮大,成了在全国各地拥有数百名联系人的团体。平台的应用提醒人们在条件受限的情况下,依然可以想办法帮助别人。 1. 考查动词辨析。句意:我们不知道在接下来的三天里,“很快”会变成“谁知道什么时候”。A. decide决定;B. know知道;C. agree同意;D. promise允诺。因为疫情的爆发是人们没有想到的,不知道结果。故选B。 2. 考查名词辨析。句意:我们被困在家里,心里充满了想要帮助别人的强烈愿望,但又不知道自己能做些什么。A. urge强烈的欲望;B. research研究;C. pity同情;D. relief安慰。因为疫情的爆发,许多人需要帮助,作者非常想帮助他们。故选A。 3. 考查形容词辨析。句意:我们被困在家里,心里充满了想要帮助别人的强烈愿望,但又不知道自己能做些什么。A. confident自信的;B. excited激动的;C. unsure不确定的;D. scared害怕的。but表示转折,作者想帮助别人,但又不确定做些什么。故选C。 4. 考查动词辨析。句意:自冠状病毒爆发以来,当得知很多坚守在一线的工作人员要求获得基本必需品的呼吁却被忽视的故事时,我们被触动。A. turned使变成;B. left离开;C. hit袭击,打击;D. waited等候。此处指疫情的袭击,爆发。故选C。 5. 考查形容词辨析。句意:自冠状病毒爆发以来,当得知很多坚守在一线的工作人员要求获得基本必需品的呼吁却被忽视的故事时,我们被触动。 A. touched受触动的;B. tired疲劳的;C. amused愉快的;D. frightened害怕的。作者被这些事情触动,有了帮助一线工作人员的想法。故选A。 6. 考查名词辨析。句意:自冠状病毒爆发以来,当得知很多坚守在一线的工作人员要求获得基本必需品的呼吁却被忽视的故事时,我们被触动。 A. ability能力;B. access进入,通道;C. right权利;D. idea想法。表示“接近,获得”是access to,此处指获得基本必需品。故选B。 7. 考查副词辨析。句意:显然,他们所面临的问题来自日常用品。A. Fortunately幸运地;B. Suddenly突然地;C. Easily容易地;D. Obviously明显地。根据basic necessities和daily supplies可知缺乏生活用品是明显地,故选D。 8. 考查动词辨析。句意:显然,他们所面临的问题来自日常用品。A. adapted使适应;B. arose出现;C. heard听见;D. differed使……不同。此处指出现的问题是缺乏日常用品,故选B。 9. 考查动词短语辨析。句意:就在4月8日午夜之前,我们推出了一个名为Give Essential的在线配对平台,在这个平台上,一线工作人员可以告诉我们,他们需要什么,捐赠者也可以告诉我们,他们可以捐赠什么。A. gave way to让位给;B. put up with忍受;C. came up with提出,想出;D. went back to重新回到。此处指作者推出了一个帮助平台,故选C。 10. 考查名词辨析。句意:就在4月8日午夜之前,我们推出了一个名为Give Essential的在线配对平台,在这个平台上,一线工作人员可以告诉我们,他们需要什么,捐赠者也可以告诉我们,他们可以捐赠什么。A. positions位置;B. plans计划;C. suggestions建议;D. items物品,项目。上文提到一线工作人员缺乏日常用品,此处指他们需要的物品。故选D。 11. 考查名词辨析。句意:就在4月8日午夜之前,我们推出了一个名为Give Essential的在线配对平台,在这个平台上,一线工作人员可以告诉我们,他们需要什么,捐赠者也可以告诉我们,他们可以捐赠什么。A. experts专家;B. customers顾客;C. viewers观众;D. donors捐赠人。根据an on-line matching platform ,they can give 和donations可知此处指捐赠者,下文many donors have___15___to help是原词复现,故选D。 12. 考查名词辨析。句意:然后我们根据他们最合适的需求和捐赠来创造匹配,直接把东西送到工作人员那里。A. matches匹配;B. clubs俱乐部;C. accounts账目;D. tasks任务。根据an on-line matching platform可知作者创立的是在线配对平台,故选A。 13. 考查名词辨析。句意:我们在屏幕前待了36个小时,从零开始建立了一个网站,然后我们在Facebook上发布了这个链接,告诉所有我们认识的人Give Essential。A. role角色;B. link链接,联系;C. letter信;D. job工作。根据building a website可知是在Facebook上发布了链接,让它发挥作用。故选B。 14. 考查动词辨析。句意:在24小时内,我们找到了300多名一线工作人员,许多捐助者提供了从肥皂到几张杂货店购物卡等各种礼物。A. employed雇佣;B. changed改变;C. reached延伸,到达;D. dismissed解散。此处指在平台上找到了300多名一线工作人员,故选C。 15. 考查动词辨析。句意:在24小时内,我们找到了300多名一线工作人员,许多捐助者提供了从肥皂到几张杂货店购物卡等各种礼物。A. refused拒绝;B. regretted遗憾;C. pretended假装;D. offered提供。根据平台的作用和many donors ,help 等信息可知是捐助者给一线工作人员提供日常用品,故选D。 16. 考查动词辨析。句意:在24小时内,我们找到了300多名一线工作人员,许多捐助者提供了从肥皂到几张杂货店购物卡等各种礼物。A. skipping跳过;B. sharing分享;C. flowing流动;D. ranging变化。range from表示范围“从……到……”,故选D。 17. 考查名词辨析。句意:Give Essential一开始只是一个想法,然后像滚雪球一样发展成为一个在全国各地拥有数百名联系人的团体。A. group组,团体;B. trap陷阱;C. store商店;D. hole洞。根据with hundreds of connections across the country可知Give Essential很快发展成了一个在全国各地拥有数百名联系人的团体。故选A。 18. 考查形容词辨析。句意:在这种封闭的状态下,我们很容易因为被建议不要离开的四面墙和前门而感到沮丧。A. depressed沮丧的;B. thrilled激动的;C. ashamed羞愧的;D. satisfied满意的。此处指在疫情期间,在封闭的状态下,被困在家会让人沮丧。故选A。 19. 考查动词辨析。句意:在这种封闭的状态下,我们很容易因为被建议不要离开的四面墙和前门而感到沮丧。A. invited邀请;B. advised建议;C. controlled控制;D. trained训练。疫情期间,人们被建议居家,不出门。故选B。 20. 考查名词辨析。句意:通过Give Essential,我们想提醒公众,我们与他人联系和帮助他人的能力并不会受到同样的限制。A. shock震惊;B. warn警告;C. remind提醒;D. surprise惊奇。平台的应用提醒人们在条件受限的情况下,依然可以想办法帮助别人。故选C。

    When is the best time to exercise and what times will yield the best results?1.This means anytime that our bodies are not feeling exhausted and at least an hour after a meal to allow the enzymes (酶)to break down the food and help the body return to its normal state.

2.However, those who prefer to exercise in the morning but end up feeling bored and worn out, do so because of a lack of sugar in the body.3. If you dont have time to enjoy a delicious one, just have a couple of biscuits to fill your stomach.

For exercise in the afternoon or evening, it is strongly advised that you do not allow your stomach to start growing after a session of exercise either. The body requires about 2, 000 kilocalories per day, but when exercising, we will burn up to 500 kilocalories extra.4. If we do not refill our energy stores, we are easier to feel cheerless or even exhausted.

For those who do not have the time to exercise properly, it is advisable that you by to use stairs instead of lifts and walk to get your lunch rather than drive. Even though these activities will not burn as many calories as serious exercise, they will ensure that your muscles are working harder than usual.5.

A.That is why eating breakfast is so important.

B.The best time for exercise is different for each person.

C.It’s said that people who work out early are most likely to stick with a routine.

D.The truth is that anytime you are available and prepared to exercise would be okay.

E.When this energy is running out, our bodies will send us a message that food is needed.

F.If these activities then become habits, they will have a positive effect on how well your body energy.

G.Not only will these activities help improve our physical wellbeing, they can increase productivity at work.



    At the Virginia Convention in 1775, Patrick Henry gives a superb speech to inspire a revolution against Great Britain in which he uses various rhetorical (修辞的) devices to urge the President to take up arms against the oppressive British.

Henry uses rhetorical questions (反问句) to make everyone at the convention start to think about a war against Britain. For example, Henry says “And what have we to oppose to them?” to make people think that there is no other option except war if the colonists want freedom and justice from Britain. He is not looking for an actual answer back, but by making the people come up with the answer themselves, they can see the true necessity of a revolution. Then Henry asks his audience “But when shall we be stronger? Will it be the next week, or the next year? Will it be when we are totally disarmed, and when a British guard shall be stationed in every house?” Henry is explaining that waiting and debating on the topic of war does not do any good. Instead, the colonies must move immediately.

Additionally, Patrick Henry uses the technique of restatement. Throughout his speech, Henry constantly restates that there is no time left, nor another option apart from war to separate from the British: “There is no longer any room for hope.” Restating the important conclusion stresses the importance of whatever the speaker is arguing, in this case, the colonists’ last resort of a revolution.

In the speech, Henry also uses pathos (悲情) to persuade the audience. He asks “Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?” Henry indicates that slavery will be the outcome if the colonists do not take up arms and fight for freedom. By saying this, Henry uses pathos to strike at the hearts of the colonists to show that their freedom 13 worth the sacrifice and risk of death.

1.What does the passage mainly deal with?

A.Language techniques. B.Social revolution.

C.A Historical figure. D.America history.

2.What does Patrick Henry warn to underline by asking “But when shall we be stronger”?

A.The necessity of war. B.The value of freedom.

C.The urgency of action. D.The power of speech.

3.Patrick Henry’s speech at the Virginia Convention is      .

A.humorous B.persuasive

C.controversial D.confusing

4.We can conclude that Patrick Henry      .

A.was elected President of the U. S. A B.was killed in the battle against Britain

C.managed to start the American Civil war D.contributed to American independence



    While the novel coronavirus is dangerous for everyone, it is particularly so for the first respond-ere who are being exposed to the illness daily. In the US alone, almost 5,500 nurses, doctors, and other healthcare professionals have been infected with COVID-19. Unfortunately, of these, dozens have succumbed to the disease. Now, hospital workers worldwide may get some relief thanks to Spot, a semi-autonomous four-legged robot developed by Waltham, Massachusetts-based robotics company, Boston Dynamics.

Starting in early March, Boston Dynamics started receiving inquiries from hospitals asking if our robots could help minimize their staff ’s exposure to COVID-19,” the company writes in a blog post. In response, the company reconfigured (改装)the 3-foot tall robot to operate as a mobile telemedicine platform, enabling healthcare providers to determine a patient’s condition remotely.

The first four-legged robotdog” was working in the Brigham and Womens Hospital of Harvard University on April 9, 2020. Equipped with an iPad “face” and a two-way radio that allows for real-time conversation, Spot helps doctors to speak to patients without coming in contact with them.

With current practice at local hospitals, patients suspected to have COVID-19 are asked to line up in tents outside to answer questions and get initial assessments for temperature. This process requires up to five medical staff, placing those individuals at high risk of being exposed to the virus,Boston Dynamics explains.With the use of a mobile robot, hospitals are able to reduce the number of necessary medical staff at the scene and conserve their limited PPE (personal protective equipment) supply.” The company says the doctors can even use Spot to talk to patients from the safety of their own homes.

Though Spot has already proved extremely helpful, the robotics manufacturer believes it can be even more so. The engineers are currently working onteaching” the robot to perform tasks like temperature checks. The company is also developing new technology that will allow Spot to aid in the disinfection (消毒)of hospitals as well as other public areas.

1.What does the underlined phrasesuccumbed to” probably mean in the first paragraph?

A.Suffered from. B.Recovered from.

C.Died from. D.Resulted from.

2.What will happen with the help of the robot?

A.No medical workers will be needed at the scene.

B.Medical workers will become much safer.

C.Suspected patients needn’t line up in tents.

D.Medical workers won’t be infected with viruses.

3.What can Spot do at present?

A.Communicating with the suspected patients.

B.Checking a person’s temperature in the clinic.

C.Assisting people in the disinfection of hospitals.

D.Showing people how to wear protective masks.

4.Which of the following is the best title of the passage?

A.Boston Dynamics Developed A Robot Dog

B.A Robot Was Developed to Assist Doctors

C.COVID -19 Virus Endangers Medical Workers

D.Robot Dog Joins The Fight Against COVID-19



    In 1972, Richard Sears, a young American from the state of Tennessee, began learning Chinese because of his fascination with traditional Chinese culture.

“Chinese characters are the only ancient script now still in use in the world and it’s a miracle of human history,” said Sears in fluent Chinese.

As a primitive form of Chinese characters and the oldest fully developed characters in China, Jiaguwen, or oracle bone inscriptions, were first discovered in 1899 and aimed for their inscriptions on tortoise shells and animal bones.

Drawn to the ancient language, Sears often went back and forth between China and the US. In 1994, he made a decision to make the ancient Chinese characters available online. Taking advantage of his professional skillSears started programming and building a database of oracle bone inscriptions on his own. It took him seven years just to scan the characters in Chinese ancient books. In 2002, the Jiaguwen enthusiast’s website was launched, though with only a few page views per day in the beginning. However, it surged to 600,000 per day in 2011 after a blogger recommended the site on Chinese social media platform Weibo. “I became a web celebrity overnight and was given a nickname ‘Uncle Hanzi’,” Sears said with a smile. Hanzi means Chinese characters.

During the past 26 years, he has accumulated a great deal of information on his website-more than 96,000 ancient Chinese character forms from archeological sources. Up till now, the web site has been continuously updated, giving lovers of the ancient language from all over the world free access to browse at their leisure. In order to reveal the mystery behind the ancient characters, he spent a great deal of money and time buying and going through dozens of books, living on a shoestring.

Since last year, Sears has been working with a Chinese technology company on a smartphone application for children to learn about how the characters evolved. The app is expected to be launched next year.

1.Which of the following is true of oracle bone inscriptions?

A.They used to spread to other countries in Europe.

B.It is over 100 years since they were first discovered.

C.They are the only ancient language still in use today.

D.They were named for their inscriptions on hard rocks.

2.What can we infer about Richard Sears?

A.He has a good command of the computer. B.He is promoting his website in the U. S. A.

C.He developed a smartphone app for adults. D.He has made a fortune from the website.

3.What happened to Sears’s website in 2011?

A.It was attacked by hackers. B.It declined gradually.

C.It boomed suddenly. D.It suffered a big loss.

4.What kind of life is Richard Sears leading now?

A.He is now leading a wealthy life. B.He is now leading a lonely life.

C.He is now leading a quiet life. D.He is now leading a plain life.



Local 10 Third EARTH Day Art Contest

Open only to Florida schools within the Monroe, Miami-Dade and Broward County viewing area.

Local 10 is inviting South Florida art teachers and students, from grades K-12, to participate in its third annual EARTH Day Art Contest.

In the last two years, the popular, environmentally-centered contest has recognized two schools, Air Base K-8 in Homestead and Lawton Chiles Middle School in Hialeah, for their winning entries and awarded a total of $9,000 to the schools’ art programs.

As part of a class project, art students are encouraged to create a work of art with an environmental theme. The entry must be novel and unique. To enter the class project into the contest, the art teacher representing their students and schools must go to www. loca110. com, click on the contest link to enter and submit a photo of the class’s innovative EARTH Day work of art. The art teacher must fill out an entry form, giving school name, teacher name and class, address, email address and phone number. Only paintings and sculptures are eligible. Special consideration will be given to works of art featuring materials taken from nature.

Local 10 will determine the ten finalists. The final winner will be chosen from among the finalists by viewer votes on the Internet. Photos and entry forms may be submitted online from February 3,2020until 11:59 p.m. March 9,2020. The voting period is from March 23,2020through April 13,2020. Only timely submitted entries will be eligible to win. The winning school will be announced on Earth Day, Wednesday, April 22 and will receive $4,500 in art supplies for their school’s art department.

For more information, click here. The Local 10 EARTH Day Art Contest is proudly sponsored by Publix, where every day is Earth Day.

1.According to the rule, the entry must be      .

A.attractive B.original C.classic D.portable

2.What is the art teacher expected to do?

A.To complete an entry form. B.To create a work of art.

C.To submit his / her photo. D.To offer kids art supplies.

3.How will the final winner be determined?

A.By Local 10. B.By art teachers.

C.By the sponsor. D.By online voting.



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