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In a classic episode (片段)of The Simpsons...

    In a classic episode (片段)of The Simpsons, Homer's class reunion ends in shame when one of Homer’s guilty secrets is exposed: he never graduated from high school. To get his diploma, he must pass a science test. As he sits down to retake the exam, he holds one of his trademark dialogues with his brain. “All rightbrain. You don’t like me and I don’t like you. But let’s just do this and I can get back to killing you with beer.”

Many a true word is spoken as a joke. Homer Simpson’s Everyman character really is an Everyman. For most people, engaging in the kind of effortful thinking that is required to pass a science test feels too much like hard work. It is so much easier to quit and let the brain’s autopilot take over.

And no wonder. Evolution has blessed the human brain with all kinds of mental shortcuts that make life manageable. If we had to think about every action or weigh up every decision, we would break down. As a result, certain ideas and modes of thinking come naturally to us, such as effortless thinking.

But at huge cost. Our mental shortcuts work fine at the level of individuals and small-scale societies, but in an increasingly interconnected and globalized world, they are a danger to society. Effortless thinking is at the root of many of the modern world’s most serious problems: terrorismhatred, inequality and religious extremism. All are caused by people disengaging their critical thinking and going with their gut (非理性的)feeling.

Everybody is capable of gut feeling, but also of the critical thinking. Both thinking styles are needed to make the world go round. Unfortunately, the latter requires training that is unavailable or unappealing to many people.

One of the bright spots in 2017 was the start of a movement called the March For Science. Those who believe in the power of science need to keep on marching, or give more power to people who don’t much like their own brains — or other people’s.

1.What does the author want to convey through Homer's story?

A.Feeling is very important.

B.Drinking beer is harmful to one’s brain.

C.High school seniors should work hard.

D.Most people hate effortful thinking like Homer.

2.What is the fourth paragraph mainly about?

A.Our mental shortcuts function well.

B.Effortless thinking is expensive for people.

C.Effortless thinking is dangerous to society.

D.People prefer effortless thinking to critical thinking.

3.What does the author think of critical thinking?

A.It makes the world go round.

B.It needs necessary training.

C.It works fine at the level of personal affairs.

D.It leads to the March For Science in 2017.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.We Need to March Towards Science

B.Thinking Contributes to Social Problems

C.Effortless Thinking Is Out of Date

D.Critical Thinking Is Urgently Needed


1.D 2.C 3.B 4.D 【解析】 这是一篇议论文。文章以电影《辛普森一家人》中Homer失败的同学会开始,揭露出大部分人不喜欢进行需要花费努力的批判性思维,论述了非理性思维的危害以及当代世界迫切需要批判性思维这一话题。 1. 推理判断题。由第一段中的“As he sits down to retake the exam, he holds one of his trademark dialogues with his brain. “All right,brain. You don’t like me and I don’t like you. But let’s just do this and I can get back to killing you with beer.”’’(当他坐下来重考时,他与大脑进行了一次标志性的对话。“好吧,大脑。你不喜欢我,我也不喜欢你。但我们就这么做吧,我就可以用啤酒杀了你。”)和第二段中的“For most people, engaging in the kind of effortful thinking that is required to pass a science test feels too much like hard work.”(对大多数人来说,从事那种通过科学考试所需的轻松思考,感觉太像是艰苦的工作。),可推断出Homer不喜欢理性思考,而他这种性格和大部分人是一样的,多数人都把需要花费努力进行的思考看成是很辛苦的事,因此很容易就放弃而任由大脑进行随意的非理性思考。故选D项。 2. 主旨大意题。由第四段中的“But at huge cost. Our mental shortcuts work fine at the level of individuals and small-scale societies, but in an increasingly interconnected and globalized world, they are a danger to society. ”(但代价巨大。我们的思维捷径在个人和小规模社会层面上运作良好,但在一个日益相互关联和全球化的世界里,它们对社会是一种危险。)和第四段中的“Effortless thinking is at the root of many of the modern world’s most serious problems: terrorism,hatred, inequality and religious extremism. All are caused by people disengaging their critical thinking and going with their gut (非理性的)feeling.”(不费吹灰之力的思考是当今世界许多最严重问题的根源:恐怖主义、仇恨、不平等和宗教极端主义。所有这些都是由于人们脱离了他们的批判性思维,随波逐流。)可知,非理性思维的代价是很大的,C项“非理性思维对社会是危险的”符合题意。故选C项。 3. 推理判断题。由第五段最后一句话“Unfortunately, the latter requires training that is unavailable or unappealing to many people.”(不幸的是,后者需要的培训对许多人来说是不可能或没有吸引力的。),可推断出作者认为批判性思维需要进行一些必要的培训,B项正确;由第五段第二句话“Both thinking styles are needed to make the world go round. ” (这两种思维方式都需要让世界运转。)可知,批判性思维和非理性思维两种思维方式推动世界运转,A项“它推动世界的运转”属于以偏概全;由第四段第二句话“Our mental shortcuts work fine at the level of individuals and small-scale societies, but in an increasingly interconnected and globalized world, they are a danger to society. ”(我们的思维捷径在个人和小规模社会层面上运作良好,但在一个日益相互关联和全球化的世界里,它们对社会是一种危险。)可知,对于个人层面的事情很适用的是思维捷径,而不是批判性思维,C项“它对于个人层面的事情很适用”属于偷换概念;D项“它导致了2017年的科学运动”属于无中生有。故选B项。 4. 主旨大意题。由第二段中的“For most people, engaging in the kind of effortful thinking that is required to pass a science test feels too much like hard work.”(对大多数人来说,从事那种通过科学考试所需的轻松思考,感觉太像是艰苦的工作。),第四段中的“Effortless thinking is at the root of many of the modern world’s most serious problems: terrorism,hatred, inequality and religious extremism. All are caused by people disengaging their critical thinking and going with their gut (非理性的)feeling.”(不费吹灰之力的思考是当今世界许多最严重问题的根源:恐怖主义、仇恨、不平等和宗教极端主义。所有这些都是由于人们脱离了他们的批判性思维,随波逐流。),倒数第二段中的“Everybody is capable of gut feeling, but also of the critical thinking. Both thinking styles are needed to make the world go round.”(每个人都有直觉的能力,也有批判性思维的能力。这两种思维方式都需要让世界运转。)和最后一段中的“Those who believe in the power of science need to keep on marching, or give more power to people who don’t much like their own brains — or other people’s.”(那些相信科学力量的人需要继续前进,或者给那些不太喜欢自己或他人大脑的人更多的力量。),可知本文主要介绍了现在多数人不喜欢批判性思维,即理性思维,而当今世界一些严重问题的根源在于人们缺乏理性思维,所以D项“批判性思维迫切被需要”作为标题最合适;A项“我们需要向科学进军”属于以偏概全;B项“思考导致社会问题”属于断章取义,文章虽然提到了社会问题,但是这种表达是错误的;C项“非理性思维已经过时”属于无中生有。故选D项。

    More than half of UK species have suffered declines in recent years and 15 percent are at risk of vanishing (消失), a report has warned. There is little evidence to suggest the rate of loss is slowing down.

Farming is key to what is happening,with more intensive agriculture affecting nearly half of the species studied and responsible for nearly a quarter of the total impact on wildlife. A loss of mixed farms, changes to sowing patterns,increased use of pesticides and fertilizers and a loss of habitat (栖息地)have taken their toll. The report said government farming policies had led to dramatic changes in farming practices,almost doubling wheat and milk yields since the 1970s, but often at the expense of nature by interrupting the food sources and habitats species rely on.

Climate change is also increasingly affecting UK nature although the impacts are mixed with some species spreading north or surviving better in warmer winters, but others are hit by the loss of coastal habitat, increased sea temperature and wilder weather. In the long term, global warming poses one of the greatest threats to nature around the world. Wildlife is also being hit by urban development, loss of town green areas, changes to the way land and forests are managed and over-abstraction (过度抽取)of water.

“The natural world needs our help as never before,” said naturalist and TV presenter David Attenborough. “We must work together, governments, conservationists, businesses and individuals to help it.”

The good news is that the creation of new wetland by conservation programs and the planting of new woodland, as well as wildlife-friendly farming programs, are providing habitats for struggling species. Reintroduction of species such as the pine marten (松貂)and large blue butterflies is also helping, but more needs to be done, the report said.

1.What does the underlined phrase “taken their toll” in Paragraph 2 mean?

A.Cost much money. B.Had bad effects.

C.Changed farming policies. D.Interrupted the food sources.

2.What is the main cause of UK species decrease?

A.The development of agriculture.

B.The over-use of water.

C.The change of climate.

D.The loss of habitats.

3.What does the author intend to tell us in the last sentence?

A.More large blue butterflies are needed in UK.

B.More should be done for the diversity of species.

C.The report sounds the alarm for the UK’s wildlife.

D.Enough measures have been taken to protect the natural world.

4.Where is this text most likely from?

A.A poster. B.A brochure.

C.A magazine. D.A notice.



    As an elementary school student in New York City, Robert Lee would stare in disbelief at his classmates throwing away half-eaten sandwiches after lunch. His Korean immigrant parents had taught him not to waste food.

While studying finance and accounting at New York University, Robert remembered this lesson all the time. When Robert and his friend Louisa Chen entered a college entrepreneurship (创业)contestthey proposed an idea for a food-rescue nonprofit group Their program would deliver leftovers from the dining hall to homeless shelters seven days a week all by volunteers. Their idea won the competition. With the $ 1,000 prize, they founded Rescuing Leftover Cuisine (RLC) in July 2013. In just the first few weeks, Robert’s team delivered a donation of enough spaghetti and meatballs to feed 20 people at a New York City homeless shelter.

Robert, who had taken a job as an analyst at J. P. Morgan, devoted his spare time to creating a network of New York City restaurants, from small delis (熟食店)to large chains like Starbucks and Panera Bread, agreeing to donate food, and he enlisted volunteers to make food deliveries. After RLC received national press attention, homeless shelters and soup kitchens in Portland, Oregon, Washington, DC and other cities reached out to Robert for partnership advice. The organization now reaches 16 cities around the country.

Only a year into his finance job, Robert gave up his six-figure salary to focus on RLC. “I compared one hour of impact at J. P. Morgan to one hour at RLCand the difference was just tremendous,” he says. “One shelter told us that our donations allowed them to provide entire dinners for more than 300 people, three nights a week” Robert says. “Things like that make me gladly quit my job.”

1.How did Robert feel when his classmates threw away food?

A.Astonished. B.Embarrassed.

C.Disappointed. D.Interested.

2.What do we know about the RLC?

A.It won $ 1,000 prize.

B.It got supported by many restaurants.

C.It asked the homeless shelters for advice.

D.It has branches all over the world.

3.Why did Robert leave his job at J P Morgan?

A.One shelter spoke highly of him.

B.RLC offered him six-figure salary.

C.He could make a bigger difference in society.

D.The work at J. P. Morgan was not suitable for him.

4.Which of the following best describes Robert?

A.Confident. B.Modest.

C.Humorous. D.Selfless.



Sign up for the Los Angeles Times Book Club

Welcome to the L. A. Times Book Club, an opportunity to see, hear and interact with world-class authors, celebrities and newsmakers as they discuss their books and tell their stories. What stories do you want to share with the city? What authors would you most like to meet? Here’s your chance to help us build something amazing.

The latest

On Saturday, Feb. 15author and former Los Angeles poet laureate (获奖者) Luis J. Rodriguez will discuss From Our Land to Our Land, a new collection of stories and essays about race, culture, identity, and belonging. Rodriguez will be in conversation with Times reporter Daniel Hernandez at the Colony Theatre in Burbank. Call 213-804- 2722 to get tickets.

On March 11, the book club authors Jeanine Cummins (American Dirt) and Reyna Grande (A Dream Called Home) in conversation with Times Column One editor Steve Padilla. Ticket information is coming soon.

Earlier, we read The Library Book by bestselling author Susan Orlean and hosted a community forum where Orlean and readers shared library stories. We also took a deep dive to explore what L. A. is reading right now and showed book lovers how to read for free with library apps.

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Want to share an idea? On Twitter, you can reach us @Latimesbooks. Or send an email to bookclub© latimes. com.

1.What is special about the L. A. Times Book Club?

A.It has all kinds of library apps.

B.It gives readers access to different cultures.

C.It provides information about some celebrities.

D.It invites you to communicate with great authors.

2.Which author will you meet if you book a ticket now?

A.Susan Orlean. B.Jeanine Cummins.

C.Luis J. Rodriguez. D.Reyna Grande.

3.How can you get more information from the Club?

A.Subscribe to the club news.

B.Contact the club @latimeshooks.

C.Call the organizer.

D.Send an email to bookclub©Latimes. com.







注意: 1.词数100左右;


Dear Terry,


Best wishes!

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua







意: 1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词:


We live in the countryside. Most of which we see is the beauty of nature. One of the exceptions to the beauty is the litter some people throw out their windows as they are driving on the roads. One of the few drawbacks to living in the countryside is that public service, such as litter collection, are little available than they are closer to the city.

A helping habit that my family practise regularly are picking up litter in our surrounding area. We have become so accustomed to do this that my little brother will often say, “There’s some litter. Daddy, stop the car!” and we would often pull over and pick it up. It may seem strange, and we actually enjoy it. We pick up litter in parks, on sidewalks, practically anywhere. Once I even saw a complete stranger picking up litter close to where we live in. He smiled at me and said, “I saw you doing it, and it seemed like the good idea.”



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