满分5 > 高中英语试题 >







1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分.

You may have heard story about old people blackmailing (敲诈) those who offer help to them when they fell over. Therefore, I don’t think it’s often the case. On my way to home yesterday, I was about to cross a street when an old granny walked beside me suddenly fell onto the ground. I was trying to help him when someone said, “Better take a picture of scene first, just in case…” I knew that he meant. But without hesitation, I still helped and stayed with her until her son showed off. Happily, both of them were so gratefully to me.


1. story→stories 2. offer→offered 3. Therefore→However 4.去掉to 5. walked→walking 6. him→her 7. scene前加the 8.that→what 9.off→up 10. gratefully→grateful 【解析】 本文为一篇记叙文。文章记叙了作者帮助一位摔倒的老奶奶的故事。 1.考查名词。句意:你可能听说过关于老人敲诈那些当他们摔倒时为他们提供帮助的人。分析句子可知,听说的故事不可能只有一个,用可数名词story的复数形式。故story改为stories。 2.考查时态语态。句意:你可能听说过关于老人敲诈那些当他们摔倒时为他们提供帮助的人。结合后文when they fell over可知,此处用一般过去时。故offer改为offered。 3.考查副词。句意:但是,我认为这种情况并不常见。根据语境可知,前后文有明显的转折含义,此处应使用转折副词however。故Therefore改为However。 4.考查固定搭配。句意:昨天在我回家的路上,我正要过马路时,一位走在我旁边的老奶奶突然倒在了地上。on my way home为固定搭配,意为“在我回家的路上”,地点副词home前无需介词。故去掉to。 5.考查现在分词。句意:昨天在我回家的路上,我正要过马路时,一位走在我旁边的老奶奶突然倒在了地上。分析句子可知,老奶奶与走为逻辑上的主动关系,现在分词形式作定语,修饰an old granny。故walked改为walking。 6.考查人称代词。句意:我正想帮她,这时有人说:“最好先拍张照片,以防万一……”结合前文可知,一位老奶奶摔倒了,我想要帮助她,用her。故him改为her。 7.考查冠词。句意:我正想帮她,这时有人说:“最好先拍张照片,以防万一……”分析句子可知,拍的照片特指当时的景象,应用定冠词。故scene前加the。 8.考查宾语从句。句意:我知道他什么意思。分析句子可知,此处为宾语从句,what在句中作meant的宾语,指代“他的意思是什么”。故that改为what。 9.考查固定搭配。句意:但我还是毫不犹豫地帮助她,陪着她,直到她儿子出现在我面前。show up为固定搭配,意为“露面”。故off改为up。 10.考查形容词。句意:令人高兴的是,他们俩都对我非常感激。分析句子可知,此处作表语,应用形容词。故gratefully改为grateful。  


Having trouble recognizing one furry panda from another? A facial recognition app will make it easy1.you. The image analysis research kicked off in 2017. A database now contains about 120,000 images and 10,000 video clips of giant pandas. Close to 10,000 panda pictures have 2.(analyse) and marked.

3.(use) the database, researchers are able to carry out automatic facial recognition on panda faces 4.(tell) one animal from another. The app and database will help us gather more precise and well-rounded data on the population, distribution, ages, birth and deaths of wild pandas, 5.live in deep mountains and are hard to track. It will 6.(absolute) help to improve efficiency and effectiveness in conservation and 7.(manage) of the animals.

The giant panda was discovered 150 years ago and named in the city of Ya'an, Sichuan. It 8.(remain) one of the world's most endangered species. According to the statistics, last year 9.number of captive pandas was 550 globally as of November. Fewer than 2,000 pandas live in the wild, mostly in the10. (province) of Sichuan and Shaanxi.



    Food is everything to me. I believe in its ________ that brings people together, I’ve had a great ________ in cooking since I was a young boy. My family would sit around the dinner table, telling stories and ________ dishes with all the flavors (味道) of a ________ Puerto Rican meal. The idea of being together as a ________ around a table of traditional recipes ________ led me to where I am today as the chief chef and vice president of Ruth’s Chris Steak House.

I worked in various cooking positions before ________ my place within the company, though I ________ as a dishwasher, I had a dream to succeed in the exciting food industry. Later, as a(an) ________ hand in the team, I worked hard, and our team was given the name FILO (first in, last out) ________ we came in early and stayed late each day.

I came to ________ the true meaning of harmony when I worked with our founder, Ruth Fertel,who had a magic ________ for everything, not only for her famous ________ but also for relationships, ________ everyone like family. Being at Ruth’s Chris gave me a sense of ________ early on in my career. I wanted to be sure that the feeling ________ through in my role at Ruth’s Chris. And I do ________ no effort to take care of both my teammates and each unique guest who ________ me to continue cooking and bring ________ to their faces. I love serving cuisine that leaves a(an) ________ impression with them, just like my family meals did for me.

1.A.benefit B.power C.style D.challenge

2.A.role B.regret C.interest D.limitation

3.A.enjoying B.washing C.cooking D.collecting

4.A.plain B.fresh C.balanced D.classic

5.A.staff B.family C.team D.group

6.A.certainly B.reasonably C.eventually D.obviously

7.A.finding B.losing C.trying D.leaving

8.A.moved on B.took off C.settled down D.started out

9.A.old B.green C.busy D.clean

10.A.when B.whether C.because D.though

11.A.realize B.doubt C.conclude D.forget

12.A.rule B.drug C.show D.recipe

13.A.cakes B.steaks C.desserts D.cookies

14.A.comforting B.greeting C.treating D.hugging

15.A.belonging B.meaning C.stress D.security

16.A.pulled B.looked C.broke D.carried

17.A.make B.spare C.apply D.contribute

18.A.inspires B.reminds C.invites D.promises

19.A.flash B.shame C.smile D.shadow

20.A.general B.initial C.leading D.lasting



Learning from Leonardo

Yes, Leonardo Da Vinci was a genius. 1. However, we can learn from him and try to be more like him.

Be constantly curious.

Leonardo actually did have special talents, but his distinguishing and most inspiring quality was his strong curiosity. He wanted to know what causes people to yawn and how light is processed in the eye. 2.Being constantly and randomly curious about everything around us is something that each of us can push ourselves to do, every waking hour, just as he did.

Seek knowledge itself.

Not all knowledge needs to be useful. 3. By allowing himself to be driven by pure curiosity, he got to explore more horizons and see more connections than anyone else of his times.


When Leonardo came up with an idea, he designed an experiment to test it. When his experiment showed that a theory was flawed (瑕疵的), he abandoned his theory and sought a new one. If we want to be more like Leonardo, we have to be fearless about changing our minds based on new and real information.

Take notes on paper.

Five hundred years later, Leonardo's notebooks are around to astonish and inspire us.5. This way, fifty years from now, our own notebooks, will also be around to astonish and inspire our grandchildren, unlike our tweets and Facebook posts.

A.Show respect to facts.

B.You'd better show interest in writing.

C.We may never be able to match his talents.

D.Work up the enthusiasm to start writing them.

E.Sometimes it should be learned for pure pleasure.

F.Merely a small part of knowledge can be applied to practice.

G.Also, he instructed himself to learn about the light of the moon.



    Ma uka, ma uka ka ua,

Ma kai, ma kai ka ua

So sing the children at Hawaiis Punana Leo Hilo kindergarten on the Big Island of Hawaii. The chant is much like any other “Rain, rain, go away” nursery rhyme, but it has an unusual power: it is one of the tools that has brought about the revival(复兴)of a near-dead language.

The decline of Hawaiian was not, as is the case with most disappearing languages, a natural death caused by migration and mass media. In 1896, after the overthrow of the Hawaiian monarchy (君主政体) by American business interests, schools were banned from using the language, and children were beaten for speaking it. By the late 20th century, aside from a couple of hundred people on one tiny island, English had replaced Hawaiian and only the old spoke the language to each other.

Larry Kimura, a professor there, and his students wanted to bring it back to life. In 1985, when educating children in Hawaiian was still banned, Kauanoe Kamana and her husband Pila Wilson, both students of Kimura's created the first Punana Leo (which means language nest) at Hilo. They gathered together a small group of children and elderly native speakers. The movement grew: there are now 12 kindergartens and 23 schools. The number of children being educated in Hawaiian has risen from 1,877 in 2008 to 3,028 in 2018. Along with Japanese, Hawaiian is the non-English language most commonly spoken among children.

The success has been hard-won. Campaigners had to get the law changed. “People in the community, even in our families, were saying: ‘You'll ruin your children's future. They won't be able to go to college.’ ” Such fears turned out to be unfounded. All the pupils at Nawahi, the main Hawaiian-medium school, complete high school, compared with the state average of 83%; 87% go to college, compared with a state average of 55%.

But academic outcomes are not the primary focus, says Mr. Wilson. “We value our connection with our ancestors more than we value being millionaires,” he says. Mr. Kimura explains that the schools have allowed Hawaiians to pass on their culture.

1.What made the Hawaiian language nearly die out?

A.Migration. B.The ban on it.

C.Mass media. D.Population decline.

2.What effort was made to bring the Hawaiian language back to life?

A.Going on a strike. B.Supporting the law.

C.Setting up a community college. D.Educating more local children in it.

3.What is the main value of the Hawaiian language according to Mr. Wilson?

A.Making a fortune by learning it. B.Focusing on academic outcomes.

C.Passing on the Hawaiian culture. D.Reducing the influence of English.

4.What is the best title of the passage?

A.The value of Hawaiian. B.The revival of Hawaiian.

C.The popularity of Hawaiian. D.The near-death of Hawaiian.



    China Science Daily announced Thursday that it has used software to automatically generate news stories about the latest discoveries from the world’s leading science journals. The robot science reporter, called “Xiaoke”, was co-created by the newspaper and researchers from Peking University in about half a year.

It is the latest case of Chinese news organizations using computer technology to create content. According to its inventors, Xiaoke has generated over 200 stories based on the English abstract of papers published in journals such as Science, Nature, Cell and the New England Journal of Medicine.

Before publication, the automatically generated articles will go through a review process. A group of scientists and the newspaper’s editors will check the content or give supplementary (补充的) information.

Zhang Mingwei, head of the program and vice editor-in-chief of the newspaper, said inventors would make Xiaoke a “cross-linguistic (跨语言的) academic secretary” to help Chinese scientists overcome language barriers and have easy and quick access to the latest scientific advances in English-language publication. Lead researcher Wan Xiaojun, of Peking University in charge of the system’s design and technology, stressed that the content generation tool could do far more than translation. According to Wan, Xiaoke is good at selecting complex words and sentences, which can help turn articles full of confusing technical terms into easy and readable news reports.

The readers of the robot reporter is not limited to professionals but also includes the general public. Science reporting is important in spreading information about discoveries and in popularizing knowledge to people.

1.What can we learn about “Xiaoke”?

A.It is a professional translator.

B.It has the most advanced AI.

C.It can make up fiction stories.

D.It generates science news reports.

2.What do people need to do to improve Xiaoke’s work?

A.Upgrade the artificial intelligence.

B.Select complex words and sentences.

C.Check the content and add information.

D.Help it get the latest scientific advances.

3.In which section of a newspaper may this text appear?





4.What is the text mainly about?

A.The robot writer of science news.

B.The readers of the science reports.

C.The editor-in-chief of the newspaper.

D.The latest case of news organizations.



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