满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

My husband and I used to think we had al...

    My husband and I used to think we had all we had ever wanted.A beautiful house,three healthy children and one more on the way,two cars,a couple of four-wheelers for entertainment—We really had it all and we loved it. Then,the market turned and my husband's job at a construction company was gone.The company was closing down forever.

We both started looking for jobs right away,but there weren't any to be found.With each passing day we were getting increasingly worried and we continued to work together in order to pull our family through.The more we pulled together,the closer we got.I felt feelings of admiration for my husband that I hadn't felt for years.

That's why it was so hard for me to watch him blame himself for ou present situation.I continually asked him to stop but he seemed to want to punish himself for not having a job.

Finally,one afternoon I pulled him aside and said,"We have four healthy children and each other.That's what's important.That makes you a rich man."

"But what if we lose the house?They will hate me—you'll hate me,"he replied.

I smiled at him and put my hands on both sides of his face to make him look me in the eye."No matter where we live I will be happy—as long as I have you,"I smiled again as I realized that I wasn't just saying that.In all the struggling together I had found that deep love for him that I had on the day we said "I do".

I could see his shoulders and neck relaxed.He held me close and we were able to talk and plan and dream together in a way that we hadn't for quite some time.It was a turning point for us as a couple and a family.

We are still struggling for our better life,but I consider us well-off because we have something that money can't buy and no one can take away from us.

1.We know from the story that       .

A.they both found good jobs at last

B.her husband was out of work for his not working hard

C.both of them felt anxious about their unemployment

D.they didn't love each other any longer after they got married

2.By saying "The more we pulled together,the closer we got",the wife means       .

A.her husband worked harder for being closer

B.they had closer affection as they struggled together

C.their house was closer to the company than before

D.they were closer to another employment as time went by

3.What is their present life like?

A.Hard but warm. B.Wealthy but annoying.

C.Hard and disturbing. D.Comfortable and admiring.

4.Which of the following might be the best title?

A.Better Life Comes B.Hard Time Goes

C.We Have It All D.We Lose It All


1.C 2.B 3.A 4.C 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。本文主要讲述了我和丈夫虽然失去了工作,但是我们有四个健康的孩子和彼此,因此我们拥有了全部。 1.细节理解题。由第二段With each passing day we were getting increasingly worried and we continued to work together in order to pull our family through.日子一天天过去,我们越来越担心,但我们继续一起努力,使我们的家庭渡过难关。可知,我们对失业感到越来越担忧焦虑,故选C。 2.推理判断题。由第二段The more we pulled together,the closer we got.I felt feelings of admiration for my husband that I hadn't felt in years.我们越团结,我们就越亲密。我对丈夫产生了多年来从未有过的爱慕之情。可知,我们在一起奋斗有了更紧密的感情,故选B。 3.推理判断题。由最后一段We are still struggling for our better life,but I consider us well-off because we have something that money can't buy and no one can take away from us.我们仍然在为更好的生活而奋斗,但我认为我们是富裕的,因为我们拥有金钱买不到的东西,也没有人能从我们这里拿走。可知,我们在为更好的生活努力,生活虽然还是很艰难,但是我们却过得很温暖,故选A。 4.主旨大意题。本文主要讲述了我和丈夫虽然失去了工作,但是我们有四个健康的孩子和彼此,因此我们拥有了全部,因此,本文的最佳标题为“我们拥有了一切”。故选C。

Some Music Festivals

Pitchfork Music Festival

Anyone who adores indie (独立的) music and up-and-coming artists will have an amazing time at the Pitchfork Music Festival in Chicago’s Union Park. This is a wonderful festival that explores more underground and less-known bands than the other big Chicago summer festival, Lollapalooza.

Date: July 14〜16

Location: Chicago, Illinois

Music Type: Indie

Price: $ 75〜$ 365

Essence Music Festival

No matter what time of the year it is, New Orleans is an incredible place to be if you love live music. The Essence Music Festival is a celebration of great artists like Diana Ross, Chaka Khan, and Mary J. Blige.

Date: June 29〜July 2

Location: New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

Music Type: R&B, soul

Price: $ 126〜$ 2,700

Sziget Festival

Budapest knows how to organize a party, and Sziget is one of the biggest celebrations of music and culture in all of Europe. You can expect to watch favorite artists like Bad Religion and Mac DeMarco appearing on the stages here during this seven-day festival.

Date: August 9〜15

Location: Budapest, Hungary

Music Type: Eclectic, indie, rock

Price: $ 70〜$ 96

Flow Festival

The Flow Festival is a great excuse to explore the city of Helsinki. Artists including Lana Del Rey and The XX will be playing, among many others. Come to this festival to enjoy a relaxing atmosphere with an earth-friendly attitude.

Date: August 11〜13

Location: Helsinki, Finland

Music Type: Rock, soul, jazz

Price: $ 106〜$ 199

1.Where can you enjoy a music festival lasting a week?

A.In Chicago. B.In Budapest

C.In Helsinki. D.In New Orleans.

2.Which music festival will be held in Finland?

A.Flow Festival. B.Sziget Festival.

C.Essence Music Festival. D.Pitchfork Music Festival

3.What is special about Pitchfork Music Festival?

A.It is more independent. B.It is held underground.

C.It focuses on unknown bands. D.It is more famous than other festivals.


















We teenager spend our pocket money in different ways. A few of us spent the pocket money on meaningful things while most of us cannot manage your money well. The following ups may useful.

Firstly, divide the money into different parts. By doing so, we can well understand that our money is spent on but how much we spend. Secondly, make a budget (预算) , which help us get into the habit of spending money wise. Opening an bank account is a good idea. Lastly, save some extra money up for future use. For example, I always save some money so that I can buy my parents for a birthday gift or help people in need.




CONFUCIUS1.has been known in China as Kung Tzu, is one of the most 2. (influence) philosophers.

Confucius was born in 551 B C. in the state of Lu, in the southern part of the present Shandong province in eastern China. He lived in 3. (poor) in his youth, but entered the government of Lu and by the time he was fifty, he 4.(reach) high official rank. As a result of political intrigue (阴谋), however, he was soon forced 5. (resign) his position and go into exile (流亡). For the next thirteen years he traveled from state to state always 6. (hope) to find an opportunity to realize his ideal of political and social reform. Nowhere, however, did he succeed, and finally as an old man he returned to Lu, 7. he died three years later in 479 B.C.

8. is more significant and unique is that Confucius was China’s first private teacher. According to tradition, he had several thousand students, of whom several tens became famous 9. (thinker). Known10.Confucianism, his ideas are best known through Confucian Analects, a collection of his sayings which was compiled by some of his followers.



Are small cities the smartest?

When you _________ of urban transformations (转变), you _________ to think of high-rise mega-cities like Shanghai, Dubai or Hong Kong. Or if it's technological advances, San Francisco and Silicon Valley might come to ___________.

But, the cities at the forefront (处于前列) of this growing urban revolution are often the _______.

Take Kalasatama, a city being built from scratch on the outskirts (市郊) of Helsinki, Finland. Developers say that by its _________ in 2030, residents will get an average hour of their day back by living there.

Finland's smart city Kalasatama is custom-built to make daily life more _________. City residents will never again be _________ behind a rubbish lorry on their commute. Engineers have equipped the whole city with a vacuum waste system, where people _______ take their trash to a port and it gets sucked (抽吸) to an underground disposal (处理) center. Another time-saving design is the city layout (布局) itself. Public services, such as schools, hospitals and transportation are close to one another and easily _________.

“ Five more minutes walking in the park, five more minutes with the kids before I have to __________work, five more minutes earlier at home,” Kerkko Vanhanen, the program director for Smart Kalasatama, tells CNN. "Your life is easier because of living in the most ________ city in the world,” he adds.

However, only 3, 500 people currently live in Kalasatama. By 2030, developers hope to have ________ 25,000 people and created 10,000 jobs.

Cities don't have to be custom-built to be able to unlock this potential. The ancient cliffside city of Matera in southern Italy is working to become one of the first 5G-enabled ________ in Europe.

It believes 5G can help it become a center of ________ tourism, using technology such as Virtual Reality to display the cultural and artistic heritage of the city that was named European Capital of Culture in 2019.

High-tech conveniences __________ sharing personal data.

“Data about you is used for delivering all sorts of both public and private services. And people are ________ about what that means to their __________,” says Reichental.

As smart cities develop, governments need to __________the trust of citizens to use their private data __________, says Udo Kock, deputy mayor of Amsterdam, where an open data program is helping to make it one of Europe's most innovative environments.

“Don’t think of Smart Cities as just a technology solution. think of it as cooperation. ____________communities and citizens so it's very important for governments to work together with businesses and private citizens, "says Kock.

1.A.see B.hear C.smell D.taste

2.A.try B.tend C.intend D.keep

3.A.mind B.age C.face D.back

4.A.crazy B.serious C.unexpected D.artificial

5.A.competition B.cooperation C.completion D.combination

6.A.efficient B.hard C.enormous D.risky

7.A.struck B.stressed C.powered D.stuck

8.A.easily B.possibly C.fortunately D.simply

9.A.affordable B.fashionable C.changeable D.accessible

10.A.date from B.leave for C.hold back D.rely on

11.A.quiet B.functional C.alternative D.historical

12.A.housed B.discovered C.harnessed D.switched

13.A.villages B.roads C.cities D.lakes

14.A.equal B.optimistic C.digital D.narrow

15.A.get rid of B.come at the cost of C.run out of D.bring an end to

16.A.concerned B.proud C.thrilled D.uninterested

17.A.resources B.destination C.solution D.privacy

18.A.gain B.lose C.mix D.attach

19.A.happily B.definitely C.responsibly D.stupidly

20.A.Argue B.Command C.Involve D.Charge



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