满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

All the photographs in this book, stated...

All the photographs in this book,     stated otherwise, date from the 1950s.

A.unless B.until C.once D.if


A 【解析】 考查连词辨析。句意:除非另有说明,所有的图片始于19世纪50年代。A. unless除非; B .until直到;C. once一旦; if .如果。分析句子可知,本句缺少表示“ 除非”的连词。且从句省略了主语All the photographs和 are。故选A项。  

An agreement seems to be impossible because the majority of the committee members are ________it.

A.against B.for

C.to D.with



The Smiths don’t usually like staying at        hotels, but last summer they spent a few days at a very nice hotel by ________ sea.

A./; a B.the; the C./; the D.the; a





2.经过迁址,上海音乐厅重现了往日的风采。(with, bring

3.自己做老板有很多优势,但很难平衡工作和个人生活。(advantage, it

4.作为一个声名鹊起的年轻导演,他已被视为电影界的传奇人物了。(as, regard

5.几十年来,音乐家门改编了传统音乐形式,使之更能吸引普通大众。(adapt, appealing




Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.

Are you still disappointed at your failure? Stop sighing, and change your mental model.

Change your view on “success” and” failure”.

Most people have the following mental model: SUCCESS—YOU—FAILURE. 1.but what if you change that model? YOU—FAILURE—SUCCESS. Instead of for viewing failure as something to be avoided, turn it into a “steppingstone” on the path to success

Increase your failure rate.

If it is true that the more we fail ,the more we succeed then your immediate goal should be to intentionally increase your failure rate! 2.Intentionally increasing failure means the more people tell you “no”, the closer you will get to ultimate success.

Set “No” goals.

3.But how about setting goals for failure? The exciting aspect is how it keeps people “in the game ”when they are “red hot”. If all you have is “yes” goals and then you slow down or quit when you are successful, the hot steak end .But if you keep going when you get the “yeses” of life, the sky is the limit


If the key to success is to increase our failures, then it makes sense to celebrate our setbacks. Yes, you heard right: if someone turns you down, celebrate it! Instead of mentally punishing yourself for not succeeding, buy yourself ice cream and say ,”I am one step closer to success ! ”Stop letting failure have a negative impact on your thoughts and emotions.

A.See courage as a muscle

B.Celebrate your failures.

C.Everyone sets success goals

D.With this thought in mind, you are succeeding even when you fail

E.All the courage you need to achieve success is already in you ,just waiting for you to take action

F.They see themselves in the middle, and do everything they can to move toward success and away from failure



    Is there any evidence that the standard of English as a foreign language has improved in the years since the Second World War? Naturally, as it is the world language, more and mere people are taught it and use it. But do they speak it or write it or understand it better than their patents’ or grandparents’ generations?

Have standards declined? There is no objective way of answering this question. Tests of the traditional sort — compositions, precis writing, and so on — have always been subjective, so they cannot be used to judge whether people have got better or not over the years. But so-called objective tests are useless as a measure of progress too. They have not been used consistently (一贯的) in the same “concentration” over the period they have been in use, so there is no way of comparing exams “now” and “then”. Moreover, usually in the form of multiple choice questions, they do not, by and large, test the things that really count in mastering a language.  Even comprehension is a partly “creative” activity in real life, as we have to think of possible meanings for ourselves rather than have them suggested for us from outside. And people can be trained in the techniques of multiple choice, while others fail the tests because they have been led astray (离开正道) precisely by their “suggestive” nature, so they are not really objective at all. We are left with only personal impression to go on.

My own is that, if anything, standards have declined somewhat in the last thirty or forty years, despite all the new theories, tools and techniques that have been developed. I am not alone in this judgment. In Sweden, for instance, Professors Johannes Hedberg and Gustav Korlen, two of the most experienced workers in the field; have on several occasions drawn attention to the lack of progress in the teaching of foreign languages since the late fifties. Yet Sweden is a sophisticated (先进的) society with extremely high educational and academic standards, and very concerned not to be cut off from the rest of the world. If such a country cannot achieve advances in the study of foreign languages, it is unlikely that many, if any, others have done so.

Japan is another community where remarkably little progress has been made in the learning of English. It is probably as important for Japan as for Sweden to master that language, and there is much academic effort put into linguistic (语言学的) research of various kinds. Yet the average standard of language learning is abysmally low, particularly for such a highly literate and educated society. This is no doubt in part the result of a vicious circle (恶性循环): many of the professors of English at Japanese universities are themselves incapable of speaking or writing or even understanding the language well.

1.Which of the following is TRUE according to the author?

A.Multiple choice questions are objective because people cannot be trained any techniques.

B.Sweden emphasizes the teaching of English without paying attention to other countries.

C.We have to depend on our own impression to judge the English standards.

D.Compositions are useful to test people’s English ability because people have to write out their viewpoints.

2.The so-called objective tests cannot be used as a measure of progress because _______.

A.the people who design the tests are changing constantly

B.the tests do not always focus on the same thing

C.the way of scoring is not scientific

D.they contain too many reading comprehension questions

3.The author’s attitude towards present English standards is _______.

A.negative B.indifferent (漠不关心的)

C.sympathetic D.positive



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