满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

My father was born in a small town in th...

    My father was born in a small town in the US. He wasn’t sure what he wanted from _______, but something told him to _______ and begin a new adventure. He began that adventure traveling to cities in the US before going on to Australia, New Zealand and the Philippines. He took my mother and us three daughters with him and went wherever the road _______ him.

It’s easy to feel _______ when you’re on the road. We made lots of new friends on our trip — most of them are mechanics, since we often _______ hours in repair shops. But that was a way much  _______ than sitting by the roadside while waiting for the engine to _______ when it was 40 outside.

Getting along well sometimes seemed _______. There were always a lot of _______, especially among us back-seat passengers about who had to _______ in the middle. But even if it was hard, we learned a lot about _______. When we were traveling in the Philippines, we drove to Quezon City one day. It should have been an hour’s drive but was nearly three thanks to bad roads and _______ traffic. “Did you put our suitcases in the car?” my father asked my mother as we arrived there. From the back seat, we saw her slowly turn towards my father. “No,” she said. “I thought you did.” That was how a three-hour car trip turned into a nine-hour one, which was mostly spent in _______.

On occasions like that, we had to learn to let go of our anger because we were _______ in a rolling box with the same people for the rest of the _______. Even if I sometimes felt like opening the car door and _______ one of my sisters out, I kept my feelings to myself.

This is why road trips were like _______ universities to us. We _______ our PHDs in how to get along with other people just by traveling in our old car.

If we were _______ given a second chance at life, we would do it all over again. Only this time would I put the _______ in the car myself.

1.A.move B.belief C.experience D.life

2.A.get out B.struggle on C.live up D.walk around

3.A.drove B.took C.served D.controlled

4.A.anxious B.upset C.lonely D.helpless

5.A.wasted B.spent C.worked D.chatted

6.A.easier B.safer C.better D.cleverer

7.A.break down B.turn over C.clear up D.cool off

8.A.impossible B.alternative C.necessary D.available

9.A.discussions B.arguments C.embarrassments D.amusements

10.A.settle B.rest C.watch D.sit

11.A.tolerance B.sharing C.communication D.respect

12.A.light B.quick C.thick D.fast

13.A.sadness B.silence C.panic D.disappointment

14.A.buried B.crazy C.impatient D.stuck

15.A.journey B.holiday C.exploration D.march

16.A.dragging B.sending C.helping D.pushing

17.A.unusual B.common C.mobile D.free

18.A.expected B.earned C.missed D.valued

19.A.somewhere B.anyway C.anytime D.somehow

20.A.suitcases B.phones C.boxes D.books


1.D 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.B 6.C 7.D 8.A 9.B 10.D 11.A 12.C 13.B 14.D 15.A 16.D 17.C 18.B 19.D 20.A 【解析】 这是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者在文章中讲述了作者父亲带着母亲和三个女儿开车去旅行,在路上遇到了很多困难,也从困难中学到了很多关于宽容和容忍的东西,对生活有了新的看法。 1.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他不确定自己想从生活中得到什么,但总有一种力量告诉他,要走出去,开始一场新的冒险。A. move迁居,移动;B. belief信念,信任;C. experience经历,经验;D. life生命,生活。根据If we were ___19___ given a second chance at life, we would do it all over again.可知此处表示他不确定自己想从生活中得到什么。故选D。 2.考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:他不确定自己想从生活中得到什么,但总有一种力量告诉他,要走出去,开始一场新的冒险。A. get out 离开,出去,泄露;B. struggle on挣扎下去,继续努力;C. live up 快乐地过日子;D. walk around四处走动。根据下文He began that adventure traveling to cities in the US before going on to Australia, New Zealand and the Philippines.可知此处表示有一种力量告诉他,要走出去。故选A。 3.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他带着我的母亲和我们三个女儿,随路而行。A. drove开车;B. took拿,取,接受;C. served服务;D. controlled控制。根据and went wherever可知此处表示路向哪里,我们就向哪里走。故选B。 4.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当你在路上时,很容易感到孤独。A. anxious焦虑的;B. upset沮丧的;C. lonely寂寞的;D. helpless无助的。根据下文We made lots of new friends on our trip可知此处表示旅途中感到孤独所以交了很多新朋友。故选C。 5.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们在旅途中结识了许多新朋友,其中大多数是机械师,因为我们经常在修理厂待上几个小时。A. wasted浪费;B. spent度过;C. worked工作,运转;D. chatted聊天,闲谈。根据hours in repair shops可知此处表示在修理厂度过几个小时。故选B。 6.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:但这比坐在路边等引擎冷却好得多,因为外面的温度是40度。A. easier更容易的;B. safer更安全的;C. better更好的;D. cleverer更聪明的。根据when it was 40℃ outside.对比可知在修理厂待上几个小时这情况好得多。故选C。 7.考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:但这比坐在路边等引擎冷却好得多,因为外面的温度是40度。A. break down出故障,分解;B. turn over翻阅,移交给,仔细考虑;C. clear up清理,打扫;D. cool off平静下来,冷却,变凉。根据waiting for the engine 和when it was 40℃ outside可知此处表示等待引擎冷却下来。故选D。 8.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:有时,和睦相处似乎是不可能的。A. impossible不可能的;B. alternative交替的,供选择的;C. necessary有必要的;D. available可获得的,可得到的。根据下文especially among us back-seat passengers about who had to ___10___ in the middle.可知此处表示有时和睦相处似乎是不可能的。故选A。 9.考查名词词义辨析。句意:总是有很多争论,特别是在我们这些后座乘客之间,争论关于谁必须坐在中间。A. discussions讨论;B. arguments争论;C. embarrassments尴尬;D. amusements娱乐。根据bout who had to ___10___ in the middle可知此处表示争论的情况。故选B。 10.考查动词词义辨析。句意:总是有很多争论,特别是在我们这些后座乘客之间,争论关于谁必须坐在中间。A. settle定居;B. rest休息;C. watch看;D. sit坐。根据back-seat passengers和in the middle可知此处表示争论谁必须坐在中间的情况。故选D。 11.考查名词词义辨析。句意:但即使很难,我们也学到了很多关于宽容的东西。A. tolerance忍受;B. sharing分享;C. communication交流;D. respect尊敬。根据下文On occasions like that, we had to learn to let go of our anger…可知此处表示学到了很多关于宽容的东西。故选A。 12.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:本来是一个小时的车程,但由于路况不佳和交通拥挤,差不多开了三个小时。A. light明亮的,轻的;B. quick敏捷的,快的;C. thick大量的,厚的,粗壮的;D. fast快的。根据bad roads and可知此处表示交通拥挤。故选C。 13.考查名词词义辨析。句意:这就是为什么三小时的车程变成了九小时的车程,大部分时间都是在沉默中度过的。A. sadness悲伤;B. silence寂静;C. panic慌张;D. disappointment沮丧,失望。根据上文的对话可知大多数时间都是在沉默中度过,短语in silence在沉默中。故选B。 14.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在那样的场合,我们必须学会放下愤怒,因为在接下来的旅程中,我们和同样的人一起困在了一个滚动的盒子里。A. buried埋藏的;B. crazy疯狂的;C. impatient焦躁的,不耐烦的;D. stuck卡住的,被困住的。根据in a rolling box可知此处表示被困在了路上。故选D。 15.考查名词词义辨析。句意:在那样的场合,我们必须学会放下愤怒,因为在接下来的旅程中,我们和同样的人一起困在了一个滚动的盒子里。A. journey旅行,行程;B. holiday假日;C. exploration探究;D. march前进,游行示威。根据上文That was how a three-hour car trip turned into a nine-hour one可知此处表示接下来的旅程。故选A。 16.考查动词词义辨析。句意:即使我有时想打开车门把我的一个妹妹推出去,我也把我的感受藏在心里。A. dragging拖动,牵引;B. sending邮寄,送达;C. helping帮助;D. pushing推出。根据Even if I sometimes felt like opening the car door可知此处表示想打开车门把妹妹推出去一个。故选D。 17.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这就是为什么公路旅行对我们来说就像移动的大学。A. unusual不寻常的;B. common共同的;C. mobile可移动的,机动的;D. free免费的。根据下文in how to get along with other people just by traveling in our old car可知此处表示是在车上学习到的道理,因此把它比作移动大学。故选C。 18.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们获得了博士学位,专门研究如何开着我们的旧车与人相处。A. expected期待;B. earned挣得,获得;C. missed错过;D. valued重视。根据our PHDs可知此处表示获得了博士学位。故选B。 19.考查副词词义辨析。句意:如果我们有第二次生命的机会,我们会再次做这样的事。A. somewhere在某处;B. anyway无论如何;C. anytime任何时候;D. somehow不知怎么地,以某种方法。根据given a second chance at life可知此处表示有可能获得第二次生命的机会的话。故选D。 20.考查名词词义辨析。句意:只是这次我会自己把行李箱放进车里。A. suitcases行李箱,手提箱;B. phones电话;C. boxes盒子;D. books书本。根据上文we would do it all over again可知表示继续做这样的旅行,因此是把行李箱放进车里。故选A。

So he told you you’d got the job?

_____,but he said they were impressed with me.

A.Not exactly B.Don’t mention it

C.Not a little D.Don’t say so



In the global economy, a new drug for cancer, ________  it is discovered, will create many economic possibilities around the world.

A.whatever B.whoever

C.wherever D.whichever



When he ______ the bill in the restaurant, he suddenly realized that he had left his wallet in the car.

A.paid B.would be paying

C.was to pay D.had paid



—The new machines have arrived and are being tested in the workshop.

—I’m glad we _____ them in the years ahead.

A.will be operating B.have been operating

C.would be operating D.had been operating



Their team _____first prize in the 4×100 relay race, but the last runner fell down half way.

A.could get B.must have got

C.must get D.could have got



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