满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The moon may shine white above us most n...

    The moon may shine white above us most nights of the year, but how much do we know about Earth’s neighbor and what lies beneath its surface? Scientists are aiming to find out.

On Jan 3, 2019, China’s Change 4 spacecraft landed on the far side of the moon a first for humanity. It released a small probe(探测器),Yutu 2, or Jade Rabbit 2, which began to search beneath the moon’s surface using Lunar Penetrating Radar(探测雷达). These radio signals can reach 40 meters underground, three times the depth of the Chang’e 3 lunar probe launched in 2013 for the near side of the moon, China Daily reported.

In a study published in the journal Science Advances, researchers found that the lunar soil’s top layer on the far side of the moon was much thicker than expected ﹣ about 40 meters. Other scientists only expected about 6 millimeters of soil based on NASA observations during the Apollo moon landings, according to The New York Times.

“It’s a fine, dusty, sandy environment, said one of the authors of the study, Elena Pettinelli, a physics and mathematics professor at Rome Tre University, Rome.

Yutu 2 is specifically exploring the Von Karman crater(大坑),a large hole that’s 180kilometers wide and also the landing site of Chang’e 4. It’s part of an even larger, older crater spanning more than 1,770 kilometers.

“The subsurface at the Chang’e 4 landing site is very complex,” said Li Chunlai, a research professor and deputy director﹣general of National Astronomical Observatories of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Observations suggest that the subsurface material is totally different than the previous landing site of Chang’e 3, she said.

Radar waves revealed various layers beneath the moon’s surface: grainy( 颗粒状的)material, boulders(岩石),and further layers of fine and coarse(粗糙的)particles. This information is helping scientists to gain new understanding of the moon’s history and formation, as well as volcanic activity and lunar impacts.

Yutu 2 is the longest﹣working rover(巡视器)on the moon, but it won’t last forever. China plans to launch the Chang’e 5 probe later this year, Xinhua News Agency reported. The spacecraft is expected to bring pieces of the moon back to Earth for closer study.

1.What can we learn about the Chang’e 4 probe?

A.It was the first to land on the moon’s near side.

B.It explored areas as wide as 1,770 kilometers.

C.Its signals could reach 40 meters beneath the moon’s surface.

D.It is three times as large as the Change 3 lunar probe.

2.What does the lunar soil’s top layer on the moon’s far side look like, according to the text?

A.It looks like a large hole.

B.It is about 6 millimeters thick.

C.It goes farther down than expected.

D.It is covered by boulders and fine and coarse particles.

3.According to the passage, why is the Chang’e 4 probe exploration is important?

A.It observed material beneath the moon’s surface which is helping scientists to know the moon better.

B.It has offered us relevant information on the near side of the moon.

C.It told scientists the landing site is very complex.

D.It revealed the surface material on the moon which is helpful to know the moon’s activity and impact.

4.What is the Chang’e 5 probe expected to do?

A.Explore the Von Karman crater.

B.Replace Yutu 2 to explore the moon.

C.Identify the moon’s various layers.

D.Bring lunar samples back to the Earth.

5.What is the text mainly about?

A.A history of Chinese lunar missions.

B.How Yutu 2 explored beneath the moon’s surface.

C.report on the Chang’e 4 probe’s findings.

D.A comparison of the Change 3 and 4 probes.


1.C 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.A 【解析】 本文为说明文。文章描述了中国的玉兔2号和嫦娥4号探测器对月球及其地下情况的探索。 1. 细节理解题。根据文章第二段These radio signals can reach 40 meters underground, three times the depth of the Chang’e 3 lunar probe launched in 2013 for the near side of the moon, China Daily reported。据中国日报报道,这些无线电信号可以到达地下40米,是2013年发射的嫦娥3号月球探测器在月球附近的深度的三倍。 可知它的信号可以到达月球表面以下40米处,故选C。 2. 推理判断题。根据文章第三段In a study published in the journal Science Advances, researchers found that the lunar soil’s top layer on the far side of the moon was much thicker than expected— about 40 meters。 在《科学进步》杂志上发表的一项研究中研究人员发现,月球远侧的月球土壤表层比预期厚得多﹣大约40米。可知月球远端的月球表层比预测的厚的多,故选C。 3. 细节理解题。 根据文章倒数第二段 Radar waves revealed various layers beneath the moon’s surface: grainy( 颗粒状的)material, boulders(岩石),and further layers of fine and coarse(粗糙的)particles。 This information is helping scientists to gain new understanding of the moon’s history and formation, as well as volcanic activity and lunar impacts。(雷达波揭示了月球表面下的不同层次:粒状物质、巨石和更多的细颗粒和粗颗粒层。 这些信息有助于科学家对月球的历史和形成,以及火山活动和月球撞击有新的了解)可知,它观测到的物质在月球表面之下,这有助于科学家更好地了解月球。故选A。 4. 推理判断题。根据文章最后一段China plans to launch the Chang’e 5 probe later this year, Xinhua News Agency reported.The spacecraft is expected to bring pieces of the moon back to Earth for closer study.(中国计划在今年晚些时候发射“嫦娥5号”探测器。该航天器有望将月球碎片带回地球进行更深入的研究)可知嫦娥五号探测器预计要把月球样本带回地球,故选D。 5. 推理判断题。作者通过这篇文章主要向我们描述了中国的玉兔2号和嫦娥4号探测器对月球及其地下情况的探索。 可知文章的最佳标题是中国登月史,故选A。

    During the outbreak of novel coronavirus, cities are locked down and borders are closed. Science, on the contrary, is becoming more open. And this “open science” is already making a difference.

Soon after the epidemic started in China, a research team from Fudan University in Shanghai successfully sequenced(测定序列)the DNA of the virus. But they didn’t keep the information to themselves. Instead, they placed the sequences on GenBank, an open-access data platform, so researchers around the world could download them for free and start studying the virus.

Due to this openness, pharmaceutical(制药的)companies across the globe are now able to work simultaneously to develop a vaccine. “There may be room for multiple different vaccines for different purposes and different age groups,”Amesh Adalja, a senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins University Center for Health Security in the US, told Al Jazeera.“The bigger menu we have of vaccines, the more resilient(有适应力的)well be against coronavirus outbreaks in the future. ”

Major drug companies around the world are also sharing their study results. Remdesivir, a drug originally developed by US company Gilead Sciences to treat Ebola, s found to be promising in fighting against the novel coronavirus. Currently, two trials of the drug are already underway in China, and the results might be available as soon as April, according to The Verge.

This openness in science is going to be even more crucial in the future. With climate change, increasing globalization, and population shifts, epidemics will not go away, and might even become more frequent, Dan Barouch, a Harvard Medical School professor, told Harvard Magazine.

He said, “No one group can do everything. It has to be a coordinated(合作的)approach. But I do think that the world has a greater sense of readiness this time to develop knowledge, drugs, and therapeutics(疗法)very rapidly.

Every epidemic is indeed a crisis, but it can also be a learning opportunity. One redeeming(补偿的)factor of the COVID﹣19 outbreak is that it is helping science adapt for the better.

1.What does the article mainly talk about?

A.Coordinated efforts to fight the epidemic.

B.The significance of openness and sharing of scientific knowledge.

C.Something positive we’ve learned from the epidemic.

D.What needs to be done to prevent future epidemics.

2.What is the positive effect of the research team from Fudan University placing the genetic sequence of the virus onto GenBank?

A.They alerted the world to the danger of the virus.

B.They helped remove people’s fear of the virus.

C.They invited collective efforts worldwide to develop a vaccine.

D.They showed the world how to produce a vaccine.

3.What does the underlined phrasework simultaneously” in paragraph 3 probably mean?

A.work at the same time.

B.work effectively

C.work continuously

D.work happily

4.What is the author’s purpose of mentioning remdesivir in the text?

A.To introduce a possible cure for the epidemic.

B.To prove that many drug companies readily share their discoveries.

C.To compare the treatment of Ebola and the novel coronavirus.

D.To show that the novel coronavirus will soon be contained.

5.Which of the following would Dan Barouch probably disagree with?

A.The increase in globalization may worsen future epidemics.

B.Epidemics will be less frequent thanks to scientific development.

C.No single group can fight against the epidemics independently.

D.The world is becoming better prepared to deal with epidemics.




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1.What writing style does this passage belong to?





2.Why does the writer write in detail about their company in the first paragraph?

A.To persuade readers to take more examinations.

B.To make readers believe the company is legal.

C.To conclude that the company has overcome difficulty.

D.To make readers feel the company is great.

3.What does the underlined phrasecoupled within the first paragraph mean?

A.Combined with.

B.Concerned with.

C.Covered with.

D.Contrasted with.

4.What qualities should a person have to get the job?

A.The ability to solve the problems between him and the company.

B.Having a firstclass university degree and relevant work experience.

C.The ability to use computers and bargain with customers.

D.Having writing experience and the nice working habit.

5.What might the writer continue to write in the next paragraph?

A.How to attract testtakers.

B.How to make a good first impression.

C.How to get in touch with the company.

D.How to improve writing skills.



    My father was born in a small town in the US. He wasn’t sure what he wanted from _______, but something told him to _______ and begin a new adventure. He began that adventure traveling to cities in the US before going on to Australia, New Zealand and the Philippines. He took my mother and us three daughters with him and went wherever the road _______ him.

It’s easy to feel _______ when you’re on the road. We made lots of new friends on our trip — most of them are mechanics, since we often _______ hours in repair shops. But that was a way much  _______ than sitting by the roadside while waiting for the engine to _______ when it was 40 outside.

Getting along well sometimes seemed _______. There were always a lot of _______, especially among us back-seat passengers about who had to _______ in the middle. But even if it was hard, we learned a lot about _______. When we were traveling in the Philippines, we drove to Quezon City one day. It should have been an hour’s drive but was nearly three thanks to bad roads and _______ traffic. “Did you put our suitcases in the car?” my father asked my mother as we arrived there. From the back seat, we saw her slowly turn towards my father. “No,” she said. “I thought you did.” That was how a three-hour car trip turned into a nine-hour one, which was mostly spent in _______.

On occasions like that, we had to learn to let go of our anger because we were _______ in a rolling box with the same people for the rest of the _______. Even if I sometimes felt like opening the car door and _______ one of my sisters out, I kept my feelings to myself.

This is why road trips were like _______ universities to us. We _______ our PHDs in how to get along with other people just by traveling in our old car.

If we were _______ given a second chance at life, we would do it all over again. Only this time would I put the _______ in the car myself.

1.A.move B.belief C.experience D.life

2.A.get out B.struggle on C.live up D.walk around

3.A.drove B.took C.served D.controlled

4.A.anxious B.upset C.lonely D.helpless

5.A.wasted B.spent C.worked D.chatted

6.A.easier B.safer C.better D.cleverer

7.A.break down B.turn over C.clear up D.cool off

8.A.impossible B.alternative C.necessary D.available

9.A.discussions B.arguments C.embarrassments D.amusements

10.A.settle B.rest C.watch D.sit

11.A.tolerance B.sharing C.communication D.respect

12.A.light B.quick C.thick D.fast

13.A.sadness B.silence C.panic D.disappointment

14.A.buried B.crazy C.impatient D.stuck

15.A.journey B.holiday C.exploration D.march

16.A.dragging B.sending C.helping D.pushing

17.A.unusual B.common C.mobile D.free

18.A.expected B.earned C.missed D.valued

19.A.somewhere B.anyway C.anytime D.somehow

20.A.suitcases B.phones C.boxes D.books



So he told you you’d got the job?

_____,but he said they were impressed with me.

A.Not exactly B.Don’t mention it

C.Not a little D.Don’t say so



In the global economy, a new drug for cancer, ________  it is discovered, will create many economic possibilities around the world.

A.whatever B.whoever

C.wherever D.whichever



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