满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

We had a tornado (龙卷风)touch down near th...

    We had a tornado (龙卷风)touch down near the school, and as expected,we went into our emergency tornado procedures. It was a day we never wanted to happen, but _______ prepared for throughout the school year. I wasn't even in the _______ when it happened. I had taken a student with me to the workroom to help _______items for a project. When the alarm stared _______ ,I immediately took my student ’ s hand and _______ as fast as I could back to the classroom.

Never did I imagine needing to put our tornado_______ to use. I never imagined actually needing to _______ my students up against the wall, have them crouch ()down with their knees and heads_______ the ground, hands on the backs of their heads. Their hears were_______ so fast that they couldn’t catch their breathand the ________ filled their eyes looking up at me as they asked i their families and ________ were going to be okay.

In the midst of the very ________and dangerous situation, my students ________ themselves with the attitudes and mindset of children much ________ than them. Never in my life have I seen my students ________directions so quickly, and without hesitation. Even though some tears ________ down, and some hearts were beating fast, my students were brave. They had such a firm ________ in my assistant and me that they were able to be 100% ________ . They were brave beyond their ________ today and for that, I am very grateful.

Right now, I ________ the day and am thankful for our safetycourage, and bravery.

1.A.hardly B.continually C.safely D.suddenly

2.A.classroom B.school C.workroom D.laboratory

3.A.buy B.deliver C.gather D.swap

4.A.coming about B.blowing away C.sending up D.going off

5.A.called B.ran C.drove D.stepped

6.A.drills B.warnings C.events D.details

7.A.get B.put C.line D.set

8.A.kicking B.hitting C.scratching D.touching

9.A.beating B.jumping C.trembling D.striking

10.A.courage B.fear C.hope D.disaster

11.A.brothers B.classmates C.teachers D.friends

12.A.vivid B.unique C.frightening D.practical

13.A.enjoyed B.handled C.provided D.injured

14.A.older B.smarter C.healthier D.luckier

15.A.announce B.describe C.recite D.follow

16.A.looked B.hid C.rolled D.turned

17.A.goal B.emotion C.trust D.conclusion

18.A.clear B.calm C.cautious D.honest

19.A.abilities B.grades C.memories D.years

20.A.look back on B.make up for C.look forward to D.take advantage of


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.B 6.A 7.C 8.D 9.A 10.B 11.D 12.C 13.B 14.A 15.D 16.C 17.C 18.B 19.D 20.A 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。记叙了龙卷风在作者学校附近登陆,他们进入了紧急避险程序。虽然学生们都很害怕,但是都表现得比他们大的孩子还要勇敢和冷静,遵从指示,作者回顾那一天,对他们的安全、勇气和勇敢而心存感激。 1. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:这是我们绝对不想发生的一天,但我们整个学年都在不断地准备着。A. hardly几乎不;B. continually不断地;C. safely安全地;D. suddenly突然。根据后文prepared for throughout the school year可知作者他们整个学年都在不断地(continually)为龙卷风发生的情况进行准备。故选B。 2. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:事情发生的时候我甚至不在教室里。A. classroom教室;B. school学校;C. workroom工作室;D. laboratory实验室。根据后文as fast as I could back to the classroom.可知作者当时不在教室里。故选A。 3. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我曾带一个学生去工作间帮忙为一个项目收集物品。A. buy买;B. deliver递送;C. gather收集,聚集;D. swap交换。结合后文items for a project可知作者当时在带一个学生去工作间帮忙为一个项目收集物品。故选C。 4. 考查动词短语辨析。句意:当警报开始响起时,我立刻抓住我的学生的手,以最快的速度跑回教室。A. coming about发生;B. blowing away吹走;C. sending up射出;D. going off走开,响起。根据上文the alarm started可知此处指警报开始响起。故选D。 5. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:当警报开始响起时,我立刻抓住我的学生的手,以最快的速度跑回教室。A. called打电话;B. ran奔跑;C. drove驾驶;D. stepped行走。结合后文as fast as I could back to the classroom.可知龙卷风发生了,作者是以最快速度跑回教室的。故选B。 6. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我从来没有想过真的需要使用我们对龙卷风的演练。A. drills演习,操练;B. features特点;C. warnings警告;D. details细节。结合上文prepared for throughout the school year.可知作者的学校一直在为龙卷风做准备,因此这次他们用上了之前学到对龙卷风的演练。故选A。 7. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我从来没有想过真的需要让我的学生靠墙排成一排,让他们蹲下,膝盖着地,头着地,手放在后脑勺上。A. get得到;B. put放置;C. line排列;D. set设置。根据后文my students up against the wall可知作者学生靠墙排成一排。短语line up表示“排列起”。故选C。 8. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我从来没有想过真的需要让我的学生靠墙排成一排,让他们蹲下,膝盖着地,头着地,手放在后脑勺上。A. kicking踢;B. hitting碰撞;C. scratching擦伤;D. touching触碰。根据上文have them crouch down with their knees and heads可知学生们蹲下,膝盖着地,头着地,手放在后脑勺上。这样可以避免在龙卷风袭击时受到更多的伤害。故选D。 9. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们的心跳如此之快,以至于无法呼吸,当他们问家人和朋友是否会好起来时,他们抬头看着我,恐惧充满了他们的眼睛。A. beating 跳动;B. jumping跳跃;C. trembling颤抖;D. striking罢工。根据下文 some hearts were beating fast可知是指心跳的很快。故选A。 10. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:他们的心跳如此之快,以至于无法呼吸,当他们问家人和朋友是否会好起来时,他们抬头看着我,恐惧充满了他们的眼睛。A. courage勇气;B. fear恐惧;C. hope希望;D. disaster灾难。龙卷风来袭,灾难面前学生们肯定都是很恐惧害怕的。故选B。 11. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:他们的心跳如此之快,以至于无法呼吸,当他们问家人和朋友是否会好起来时,他们抬头看着我,恐惧充满了他们的眼睛。A. brothers兄弟;B. classmates同学;C. teachers老师;D. friends朋友。结合上文their family and可知是询问家人和朋友的情况。故选D。 12. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在非常恐怖和危险的情况下,我的学生们以比他们大很多的孩子的态度和心态去面对。A. vivid生动的;B. unique独特的;C. scary 恐怖的,吓人的;D. practical实际的。结合后文and dangerous situation可知是指恐怖和危险的情况。故选C。 13. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我为我的学生们当时应对这种情况的表现感到骄傲和惊讶。A. enjoyed欣赏;B. handled处理;对付(某人或某事);C. provided提供;D. injured伤害。结合后文my students faced it with the attitudes and mindset of children much可知作者的学生当时非常勇敢冷静,作者为他们当时应付龙卷风发生情况的表现感到骄傲和惊讶。故选B。 14. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在非常恐怖和危险的情况下,我的学生们以比他们大很多的孩子的态度和心态去面对。A. older更年长的,更老的;B. smarter更聪明的;C. healthier更健康的;D. luckier更幸运的。根据后文than them可知此处理解为学生们以比他们大很多(older)的孩子的态度和心态去面对。倒数第二段中They were brave beyond their years也是提示。故选A。 15. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:在我的生活中,我从来没有见过我的学生如此迅速、准确、毫不犹豫地遵从指导去做这些动作。A. announce宣布;B. describe描述;C. recite背诵;D. follow遵从,跟随。根据上文他们蹲下,膝盖着地,头着地,手放在后脑勺上以及后文directions可知是遵从指示,follow directions“遵从指示”。故选D。 16. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:虽然有人流泪,有人心跳加速,但我的学生都很勇敢。A. looked看着;B. hid隐藏;C. rolled(液体)滚落;D. turned 转动。结合上文some tears可知此处指眼泪滚落下来,roll down“滚下”。故选C。 17. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:他们非常信任我的助手和我,所以他们都能保持100%的冷静。A. goal目标;B. emotion情感;C. trust信任;D. conclusion结论。结合上文学生们都很冷静勇敢,听从老师和助手的指示,可知他们很信任作者和助手。故选C。 18. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他们非常信任我的助手和我,所以他们都能保持100%的冷静。A. clear清楚的;B. calm平静的;C. cautious谨慎的;D. honest诚实的。根据后文They were brave beyond their years可知学生们整个过程中都很冷静。故选B。 19. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:他们的勇敢超越了他们的年龄,今天我对此非常感激。A. abilities能力;B. grades年级;C. memories记忆;D. years年龄。根据上文They were brave beyond their可知作者认为学生们的勇敢超越了年龄,对学生们的表现感到感激。故选D。 20. 考查动词短语辨析。句意:现在,我回顾这一天,为我们的安全、勇气和勇气而心存感激。A. look back on回顾;B. make up for弥补;C. look forward to期待;D. take advantage of利用。结合上文Right now可知事情已经过去,作者在回顾事情发生的那一天。根据故选A。

    At times it can be difficult to maintain a healthy lifestyle while traveling. Here are some healthy habits to help you maintain a healthy lifestyle while enjoying your travels.

Take driving breaks

When you are taking a long-distance trip, you may want to get to your destination as fast as possible. 1.. You will feel healthier and happier if you take advantage of your ability to stop wherever you want, and take a few breaks. Make sure you take time to get appropriate rest, for everyone needs adequate sleep.


Everyone needs to get some exercise, and fortunately you have the opportunity to travel to some extremely beautiful and fascinating destinations. You will find that you get the opportunity to explore the real beauty of your destination by hiking and walking. Take advantage of this fantastic opportunity to develop the healthy habit of getting regular exercise.

Drink water

If you are traveling to a warm destination, especially a desert destination, make sure to stay hydrated. Water is rare in the desert and the sun and heat contribute to easy dehydration.3.. Drinking enough water is also a good habit to practice even when you aren’t in the sun, so make sure to keep drinking water even after you leave the warm environs you travel to.

Stay sun safe

4.. While enjoying the beautiful weather in your vacation destination, make sure to stay sun safe. This means using enough sunscreen, of at least 30 SPF. You can also wear long-sleeved shirts and pants, which provide great protection from the harmful rays of the sun.5..

A.Go for a hike or two

B.Eat enough fresh foods

C.Many places you may travel to are warm and sunny

D.This may lead you to drive for many hours continuously

E.Make sure you always have an abundant supply of drinking water

F.You can also park farther away from your destination and walk more

G.Other sun safe prevention measures like wearing sunglasses can protect your eyes



    Engineers at the University of California San Diego have developed a new method that doesn't require any special equipment and works in just minutes to create soft, flexible,3D-prnted robots.

The innovation comes from rethinking the way soft robots are built : instead of figuring out how to add soft materials to a rigid robot body, the UC San Diego researcher started with a soft body and added rigid features to key components. The strictures were inspired by insect exoskeletons,which have both soft and rigid parts — the researchers called their creations

“flexoskeletons (柔性外骨骼)”.The new method allows for the construction of soft components for robots in a small bit of the time previously needed and for a small bit of the cost.

“We hope that these flexoskeletons will lead to the creation of a new class of soft robots, ” said Nick Gravish a mechanical engineering professor at the Jacobs School of Engineering at the UC San Diego and the paper ’ s senior author. “ We want to make soft robots easier to build for researchers all over the world. ”

The new method makes it possible to build large groups of flexoskeleton robots with little hand assembly (装配)as well as assemble a library of Lego-like components so that robot parts can be easily swapped.

Researchers detail their work in the April 7 issue of the journal Soft Robotics. The team plans to make their designs available to researchers at other institutions as well as high schools.

One flexoskeleton component takes 10 minutes to print and costs less than $1. Flexokeleton printing can be done on most low-cost commercially available printers. Printing and assembling a whole robot takes under two hours.

The final goal is to create an assembly line that prints whole flexoskeleton robots without any need for hand assembly. These small robots could do as much work as one massive robot on its own — or more.

1.What does Paragraph 2 mainly talk about?

A.The origin of the new method.

B.The function of the new method.

C.The advantages of the new method.

D.The cost of the new method.

2.What’s Nick’s attitude towards flexoskeletons?

A.Indifferent. B.Skeptical.

C.Curious. D.Hopeful.

3.What will researchers intend to do with flexoskeletons?

A.Benefit moss students.

B.Produce a lot of flexoskeleton robots.

C.Build robots by hand.

D.Create many larger ones.

4.What can be the best title for the text?

A.New Robos Made of Special Equipment and Materials

B.A New Method of Building Giant,Soft and Flexible Robots

C.Flexoskeletons Make Soft Robots Faster and Cheaper to Make

D.Flexoskeletons Create Lots of Soft Robots with Hand Assembly



    Legos have been a kind of popular toys for children for more than 60 years. When children get older, boxes of plastic Lego bricks often end up unused and stored in out-of-the-way places around the homes. Parents sometimes end up throwing the Legos away.

Now, the Lego Group toy company is testing a program to make sure the unwanted bricks do not go to waste. The program is called Lego Replay. It aims to make sure the unwanted building blocks continue to make children happy.

Tim Brooks is the Lego company’s vice president of environmental sustainability. He said, "Nearly all Lego bricks we see that are out there have lots more play value in them — multi-generation of play value. It’s a waste of energy and resources to grind them up (碾碎)and make new bricks. ”

Brooks said the idea came from parents who do not know what to do with the old bricks. Placing old Legos in waste containers is not a good answer. Birds and other wildlife may try to eat what looks like Colorful food — with deadly results.

With the Lego Replay program, parents load unwanted Legos of all shapes and colors into boxes. Then, they go to the program website and print out a mailing label. The boxes are sent to processing centers, where the bricks are sorted, cleaned and shipped to aid groups and donation centers.

The Lego Replay test program is set to last through March. If it is successful, the program may be expanded to include other Lego products.

The Lego Group is also looking at other materials to use in their toys. While plastic has proved to be the strongest material, Lego has begun making some bricks out of sugar cane(甘蔗).

1.What’s the main purpose of Lego Replay?

A.To entertain those children without toys.

B.To make unwanted Lego bricks reused.

C.To prevent parents to throw the Legos away.

D.To avoid using unwanted bricks by storing them.

2.Where are unwanted Lego bricks sorted and cleaned according to Lego Replay?

A.At processing centers.

B.At donation centers.

C.On the program website.

D.In the owners’ homes.

3.What does Brooks probably agree with?

A.Lego bricks waste too many resources.

B.Unwanted Lego bricks still have value.

C.We should store old Legos in waste containers.

D.Lego bricks are favorite food of some birds.

4.What does the Lego Group explore according to the last paragraph?

A.More other Lego products.

B.Proper use of plastics.

C.Similar products to sugar cane.

D.New materials of producing bricks.



    About 10 years ago,I sat in my office,struggling to write an annual progress report for my leader. I enjoy writing scientific papers that engage my creativity and further my research. But report writing doesn’t come with any reward apart from the momentary satisfaction of finishing something. Like other routine paperwork,I find it hard to get through. So that day,I offered myself a reward : When I finished the report,I'd give myself 2 hours to examine slides (载玻片)under the microscope — a task I've always loved but never had much time for as a staff member. It ’ s a strategy I call " just for fun".

The strategy was born out of challenges I experienced in graduate school. I usually delayed putting together reports for university administrators until threatening letters arrived. I never felt that paperwork was advancing my science, but rather sapping my energy and time for research. One of my committee members recognized and understood my difficulties. Then he told me about his strategy of rewarding himself with a fun project when he completed a task that he didn’t particularly enjoy. He advised me to think about doing something similar. I immediately liked the idea.

Over the course of my careerthis strategy helped me complete and move past the parts of my job that I didn’t particularly enjoy. The rewards I gave myself provided a way to relax and reminded me why I love being a scientist.

As for that annual report,I spent an ordinary morning on it but got it done. Then I hurried over to the microscope eager to inspect a series of slides that my collaborators (合作者) had sent a couple of weeks earlier. To others it may  have looked like work. But to me,it was just for fun.

1.Why does the author dislike report writing?

A.He receives too little from it.

B.It is extremely easy to finish.

C.It needs too much creativity.

D.He doesn’t major in writing.

2.What does the underlined word " sapping" in Paragraph 2 probably mean?

A.Acquiring. B.Consuming.

C.Lacking . D.Providing.

3.How did the author get his strategy?

A.Through the inspiration of his report writing.

B.Through the reward of his collaborators.

C.Through the instructions of university administrators.

D.Through a committee member’s suggestion.

4.What can we learn from the author’s experience?

A.Choose a career you really like.

B.Seek fun when doing science research.

C.Motivate yourself to finish boring tasks.

D.Reward yourself with a new strategy.



    With summer break coming up for children across the United Statesnow it 's time to plan a fantastic summer trip for your family.Her are a few of the best places you can take your family to this year and any year for that matter.


Montgomery is an important site for learning about the history of the Civil Rights Move-ment. Children with their families can visit the Civil Rights Memorial Center to take a tour of the exhibits and learn about the hopes and dreams and the struggle for equality in the country.

Kenai PeninsulaAlaska

If you are looking for a wonderful outdoor adventurethe Kenai Peninsula in Alaska is a fantastic trip. While visiting this region of Alaskayou can explore the Kenai Mountains in Kenai Fjords(峡湾)National Parkwhere your kids can see  glaciersfjords and especially the Harding Icefield Fishing is another wonderful activity to enjoy at this destination.

Channel IslandsCalifornia

The Channel Islands are an amazing archipelago (群岛)) off the coast of California. Here visitors can enjoy the Channel Islands National Park. The Channel Islands National Park protects five of the islands. Within the protection of the park there is a wide variety of wildlifeas well as natural and cultural resources. You should keep an eye out for sealssea lionsdolphins,and many more.


Memphis is a fantastic destination for families that enjoy music. This city played a great role in the evolution of Blues music. You certainly won't want to miss out on a trip to Graceland while exploring Memphis.The home of Elvis Presley is open to visitors for tours,where you can travel through the life and rise of Elvis.

1.Where can you enjoy exhibitions during your trip?

A.Montgomery. B.Kenai Peninsula.

C.Channel Islands. D.Memphis.

2.What can you do in the Kenai Peninsula?

A.Listen to some music.

B.Explore various wildlife.

C.Try risking outdoors.

D.Watch all kinds of fishes.

3.What’s the main purpose of the text?

A.To give children some instructions.

B.To introduce some trip sites for families.

C.To advertise some famous attractions.

D.To encourage children to learn in summer.



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