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Anyone who knew Jack knew him well. He w...

    Anyone who knew Jack knew him well. He was the first to hide under the bed covers every time the sky grew grey and thunder was heard in the distance. He was in great fear of storms. However, that day changed it all.

With dark clouds in the morning, Jack was in the car with his sister, Emily, who was driving them home. Jack was holding the sides of his seat tightly. As a result, his knuckles (指关节) turned white. Suddenly, the treacherous road conditions sent the car into a slide. The vehicle went off the wet and slippery road, rolled several times and finally rest upside down. Fortunately, both of them were wearing seat belts. Head bleeding heavily, Emily was conscious but unable to move. Thankfully Jack was unhurt.

Water poured through the broken windows of the car. Suddenly, Jack recalled something. He quickly unfastened the seat belt and moved out of the passenger window. With rain beating against his face and arms, Jack made his way to the driver’s side with great difficulty. He managed to pull her through the window. Suddenly, he felt a strong pain on his arms. It was only later that Jack realized the broken pieces of the window had cut them while he was pulling his sister through the window. Finally Jack dragged Emily up to the road. They were soon rescued.

Emily later recalled her terrifying experience and was truly amazed by his courage. Jack’s act of courage was motivated by his favourite book: The Little Engine That Could. In it, when everyone had given up hope, the Little Engine carried the heavy toys and candies over the hill to the children waiting on the other side. The Little Engine had shown courage and taken action.

Obviously, we cannot attribute Jack’s bravery to that one story but without doubt, the book had left a deep impression on him and inspired him to respond positively in a difficult situation.

1.What made it difficult for Jack to go over to the driver’s side?

A.His fear. B.The heavy rain.

C.His injuries. D.The bad road condition.

2.What does the underlined word “treacherous” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?

A.Dangerous. B.Strange.

C.Special. D.Fantastic.

3.How did Emily feel about Jack’s change?

A.Annoyed. B.Embarrassed.

C.Surprised D.Puzzled.

4.What can we infer about the book mentioned in the text?

A.It was once a bestseller. B.It once inspired Emily.

C.It was intended for kid. D.It was a horror story.


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.C 【解析】 本文是记叙文。认识杰克的人都知道他非常害怕暴风雨。但是在一次大雨中,他勇敢地救出了妹妹Emily。 1.细节理解题。根据第三段中“With rain beating against his face and arms, Jack made his way to the driver’s side with great difficulty.”因为雨很大,雨水打在杰克的脸上和手臂上,杰克过去到驾驶座那边就很困难。故选B项。 2.词义猜测题。根据第二段中划线词所在的句子“…road conditions sent the car into a slide. The vehicle went off the wet and slippery road”,可知,路况不好,路面又湿又滑,这样汽车就打滑。因此可以猜测“treacherous”意思为“危险的”。故选A项。 3.细节理解题。根据第四段中“Emily later recalled her terrifying experience and was truly amazed by his courage.” Emily真的被Jack的勇气惊呆了。surprised 与amazed是同义词。因此可知Emily对Jack的变化感到惊讶。故选C项。 4.推理判断题。根据第四段中关于Jack 最喜欢的书“The Little Engine That Could”的介绍“In it, when everyone had given up hope, the Little Engine carried the heavy toys and candies over the hill to the children waiting on the other side.”,通过其中“the heavy toys,candies,the children”等词可以看出,这本书是写给孩子看的。故选C项。

    Want to be more successful? If so, then you need to read a few self-help books. Here are four popular ones to get you going.

59 Seconds ( 2009) by Richard Wiseman

This is a self-help book with a difference. Wiseman, a scientist, uses science to prove many self-help myths(神话) are false. For example, self-help books say that if you want to achieve a goal, you should visualize it. But Wiseman says that's the worst thing to do. Studies show that you need to visualize the steps required to achieve the goal.

How to Win Friends& Influence People ( 1936) by Dale Carnegie

This is the book that launched the self-help type. Carnegie says financial success is 15% professional knowledge and 85% the ability to express ideas, assume leadership, and motivate people. The book is full of practical advice on how to influence people by making them like you.

The Millionaire Next Door (1996) by Thomas Stanley & Wlliam Danko

The authors of this book spent years interviewing American millionaires to figure out the secrets of their success. And they discovered that a majority of millionaires don't live luxury lifestyles. They're rich because they live below their means and reinvest what they earn.

Who Moved My Cheese? (1998)-by Spencer Johnson

Who Moved My Cheese? An Amazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work and in Your Life, published on September 8, 1998, is a motivational business fable. The text describes change in one's work and life, and four typical reactions to those changes by two mice and two “little people”during their hunt for cheese.

1.What is the key to achieving success in 59 Seconds?

A.To employ science. B.To follow examples.

C.To picture procedures. D.To visualize the goal.

2.What is Dale Carnegie's book mainly about?

A.How to master occupational knowledge. B.How to apply practical techniques.

C.How to gain strong management. D.How to become popular persons.

3.Which book can help you adapt to change in your life?

A.59 Seconds B.Who Moved My Cheese?

C.The Millionaire Next Door D.How to Win Friends& Influence People




1. 写信目的;

2. 时间和地点;

3. 活动内容。

注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。




假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文.文中共有 10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处.每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改.




注意:1 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2 只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分.

As a typical student of Senior 3 I devote most time to learn each day with different subject to study and lots of homework to do In my spare time I love watching TikTok videos that are really amusing and always make me feel relaxed

TikTok also know as Douyin in China allows users share 15second videos It is extremely popular and offer people a chance to show their talents Many people have become the big stars since we shared videos on TikTok I will also share funny videos in the future Therefore I've never thought of becoming famous Instead I just want to make others happily




Lijiang Ancient Wall Painting is a special culture and art1.(absorb) the culture of other nationalities. These wall paintings 2. (find) in tens of temples of minority villages in Lijiang County, Yunnan Province. Baisha Town, Yunnan, is the place 3. the most people of Naxi nationality live in. The wall painting of the Big Baoji Palace in the town of Baisha 4.(be) considered to be the center of the Lijiang Ancient Wall Painting and it was well preserved.

There are the 5.(language) of Han and Tibetan (藏语) on the walls of the palace. There is a large painting, 6.(paint) with 118 statues. In the late Ming Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty, people found that each ancient wall painting melts many different kinds of figures from different nationalities. The painters are 7.(most) from Naxi nationality. However, the making level cannot reach 8. formerwall paintings.

The value of the Lijiang Ancient Wall Painting is from the artists of Han, Tibet, and Naxi nationalities, which reflected the 9.(society) life of Naxi nationality. Nowadays a lot of people10. all over the world are attracted to the Lijiang Ancient Wall Painting every year.



    Every Friday and Saturday night I deliver food for a local food delivery company. I need this second job to pay off the _______ that resulted from an accident a few years ago.

Last night I got a(n) _______ in which the restaurant and the customer's house were pretty far away from each other. This was actually a _______ thing. The customer got charged a higher delivery fee, which would be paid to me.

I _______ the customer's food and drove to his house. Though I used Google Maps, I still had problems_______ his house. I called the customer and he told me that the address on the order was _______. When I knew this, I became very _______. By this time I had already _______ half an hour on this order. What's more, I had_______ another order which got reassigned (再分配) to another person during the time.

Another 30 minutes later I got to the customer's door. I ________ him to be in a bad mood because his delivery had taken so long. ________  I was greeted by a very pleasant customer. He________ to me that his wife's eyesight was not that great so she had put in the wrong address in the order ________, so the whole thing was their ________

Knowing the________, I didn't complain to the customer. I________ my anger towards the couple. But he said he felt so ________ for me and decided to give me an additional 30 cash for my ________. I knew I needed money, but I also knew forgiving was a virtue. So I ________

Later the company ________ me for what I had done and I was given an extra amount of money as a reward. You can't imagine how happy I was!

1.A.debt B.ticket C.product D.tax

2.A.form B.reply C.order D.position

3.A.clear B.difficult C.dull D.good

4.A.picked up B.cut up C.paid for D.waited for

5.A.fixing B.finding C.designing D.judging

6.A.common B.strange C.wrong D.secret

7.A.worried B.relieved C.nervous D.angry

8.A.got B.saved C.enjoyed D.wasted

9.A.lost B.finished C.signed D.forgotten

10.A.needed B.wanted C.expected D.proved

11.A.Anyhow B.Besides C.Therefore D.However

12.A.admitted B.explained C.complained D.suggested

13.A.in return B.with pleasure C.by accident D.on purpose

14.A.excuse B.fault C.choice D.request

15.A.truth B.goal C.decision D.opinion

16.A.understood B.regretted C.expressed D.canceled

17.A.anxious B.ashamed C.sorry D.afraid

18.A.trouble B.courage C.progress D.patience

19.A.changed B.refused C.accepted D.agreed

20.A.employed B.fired C.charged D.praised



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