满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

It was 4 pm. Ahmad was lying on a net __...

    It was 4 pm. Ahmad was lying on a net _______ by two coconut trees. _______ he helped his parents take care of the farm recently, he was prepared to live a quite _______ life on his own.

“Boom!” A coconut fell onto his head. He was _______ about a bump (肿块) on his head. So he decided to cut it into pieces and make it one dish.

Ahmad was cooking when a strange old man knocked on the door. The old man _________ that the

rain was pouring down and that the only shelter _________ was this house. After the man came inside, Ahmad suddenly _________ that his food was boiling and quickly rushed to the kitchen.

After Ahmad finished cooking, his mom asked the old man to eat with them. The old man _________. After dinner, the old man said it was the most _________ food he had eaten. He told Ahmad there would be a(n) ________________ and that he was in charge of finding the best cooks and ________________ them to join in it. And he ________________ asked Ahmad to attend it. Afraid of losing face, Ahmad wanted to ________________ the old man’s good intention. However, with encouragement from his mom, he finally participated. And to his ________________, he won first place and was hired by a big restaurant. From this experience, Ahmad learned when the ________________ comes, we should take it bravely. Maybe the result is far beyond our expectation.

1.A.decorated B.controlled C.supported D.hidden

2.A.Since B.Although C.As D.If

3.A.peaceful B.healthy C.independent D.busy

4.A.annoyed B.careful C.anxious D.curious

5.A.whispered B.proved C.argued D.explained

6.A.in return B.in sight C.in use D.in public

7.A.admitted B.complained C.remembered D.ignored

8.A.left B.hesitated C.apologized D.agreed

9.A.expensive B.delicious C.popular D.ordinary

10.A.competition B.exhibition C.experiment D.ceremony

11.A.inviting B.begging C.preparing D.ordering

12.A.suddenly B.gratefully C.casually D.sincerely

13.A.accept B.refuse C.appreciate D.question

14.A.surprise B.embarrassment C.disappointment D.admiration

15.A.judgement B.adventure C.accident D.opportunity


1.C 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.D 6.C 7.C 8.D 9.B 10.A 11.A 12.D 13.B 14.A 15.D 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述的是作者抓住机会参加厨艺比赛并得到第一的故事。作者想告诉我们“当机会来临时,我们应该勇敢地抓住它。也许结果远远超出了我们的预料。” 1. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:当时是下午4点,艾哈迈德躺在由两棵椰子树支撑的网上。A. decorated装饰;B. controlled控制;C. supported支持;D. hidden躲藏。根据第1空前后的内容a net和by two coconut trees可知,此处指两棵树“支撑着”网。故选C。 2. 考查连接词词义辨析。句意:尽管他最近帮父母照料农场,但他已经准备好独立生活了。A. Since既然;B. Although尽管;C. As由于;D. If 如果。根据第3空后的on his own.可知,此处指“尽管”照顾农场,但要独立生活。这里是一个让步状语从句,故选B。 3. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:尽管他最近帮父母照料农场,但他已经准备好独立生活了。A. peaceful和平的;B. healthy健康的;C. independent独立的;D. busy忙碌的。根据第3空后的on his own.可知,作者要独立生活。故选C。 4. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他对自己头上的肿块感到好奇。A. annoyed烦恼的;B. careful细心的;C. anxious焦虑的;D. curious好奇的。根据第4空前的A coconut fell onto his head.可知,椰子把作者头砸了一个“肿块”。故选D。 5. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:老人解释说:雨下得很大,唯一可用的遮蔽物就是这所房子。A. whispered低语;B. proved证明;C. argued争论;D. explained解释。根据第5空后的the rain was pouring down and that the only shelter可知,老人在“解释”。故选D。 6. 考查介词短语辨析。句意:老人解释说:雨下得很大,唯一可用的遮蔽物就是这所房子。A. in return作为报答;B. in sight看见;C. in use使用;D. in public公开地。 根据第6空前后的内容the rain was pouring down and that the only shelter和was this house.可知,房子是唯一“使用的”遮蔽物。故选C。 7. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:这名男子进屋后,艾哈迈德突然想起他的食物正在沸腾,便迅速冲进厨房。A. admitted承认;B. complained抱怨;C. remembered记得;D. ignored忽视。此处指作者“想起”在做饭。故选C。 8. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:老人同意了。A. left 离开;B. hesitated犹豫不决;C. apologized道歉;D. agreed同意。根据第9空前面的After dinner, the old man said可知,老人“同意”吃饭。故选D。 9. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:晚饭后,老人说这是他吃过的最美味的食物。A. expensive昂贵的;B. delicious美味的;C. popular受欢迎的;D. ordinary普通的。根据下文的he was in charge of finding the best cooks和 them to join in it以及asked Ahmad to attend it.可知,老人认为他们做的饭“好吃”,所以邀请他参加比赛。故选B。 10. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:他告诉艾哈迈德,将有一场比赛,他负责寻找最好的厨师,并邀请他们参加。A. competition竞争,比赛;B. exhibition展览;C. experiment试验;D. ceremony典礼,仪式。根据第10空后的he was in charge of finding the best cooks可知,将有一场厨艺“比赛”。故选A。 11. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:他告诉艾哈迈德,将有一场比赛,他负责寻找最好的厨师,并邀请他们参加。A. inviting邀请;B. begging祈求;C. preparing准备;D. ordering命令,预订。 根据第11空后的them to join in it可知,老人邀请作者一家参加比赛。故选A。 12. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:他真诚地邀请艾哈迈德出席。A. suddenly突然地;B. gratefully感激地;C. casually 随便地,休闲地;D. sincerely真诚地。根据第13空前的Afraid of losing face, Ahmad wanted可知,老人“真诚”邀请艾哈迈德。故选D。 13. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:艾哈迈德怕丢脸,想拒绝老人的好意。A. accept接受;B. refuse拒绝;C. appreciate鉴赏,感激;D. question询问。根据第13空前的Afraid of losing face, Ahmad可知,作者想“拒绝”。故选B。 14. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:令他吃惊的是,他获得了第一名,并被一家大饭店雇用。A. surprise惊讶;B. embarrassment尴尬;C. disappointment失望;D. admiration钦佩,赞美。根据第14空后的he won first place and was hired by a big restaurant.可知,作者感到“惊讶”。故选A。 15. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:从这次经历中,艾哈迈德明白了,当机会来临时,我们应该勇敢地抓住它。A. judgement判断;B. adventure冒险;C. accident事故,意外;D. opportunity机会。根据文章最后一句Maybe the result is far beyond our expectation.可知,此处指要抓住“机会”。故选D。

    Taking care of a sick loved one can put stress on your health. When taking care of the other person, you may ignore your own physical needs. You may find that your own health is failing. If you fall ill, you won’t be able to help. 1.

Eat well. When things seem out of control, you may have no time to focus on good eating habits. 2. Both of those put stress on you. Try to eat as healthily as you can, even if sometimes you have to rely on simple meals like salads.

Try to get enough sleep. Sleep can also be difficult when you're caring for a loved one. You may be too worried to sleep at times, or the task may interrupt your sleep. 3. Therefore, try to get as much as you can.

Take time to exercise. Exercising will also help you keep healthy while you're caring for a loved one. Exercise can reduce your stress level. 4. So you'll need to find ways to work it into your schedule. You can take a short walk a couple of times a day or do yoga at home.

5. It can be easy to overlook (忽视) the health problems in yourself when you're caring for someone else. If you fall ill, that does not do anyone any good. So it's best to make sure you're in good health.

A.Don't ignore signs of illness in yourself.

B.Therefore, it's important to take care of yourself.

C.You may not eat much, or you may end up eating junk food.

D.Not getting enough sleep can make you less effective in the task.

E.However, it can be difficult when you are taking care of a loved one.

F.The best plan is to visit a doctor regularly to make sure you're in good health.

G.Don't be afraid to ask for help when you're ill, as that can help take some of burden off you.



    How do you feel about socks? Depending on how you view them, they can either be a necessity — in which case black, blue or grey will do — or they are a window to the way you can show off your personality and attitudes different from others’. Sounds too dramatic and crazy? Well, a new study has found the crazy socks you choose not only say a lot about you, but also say a lot about how people see you.

Despite our traditional attitudes, the study published in The Journal of Consumer Research confirmed the theory that people who are nonconformists (不墨守成规的人) can potentially be viewed as having higher status and more competent (能干的) than those who obey social rules. So what does this say about your choice of wearing bright neon or rainbow-striped socks?

Well, it found people who have shown to deliberately (故意地) choose to wear strange socks, are seen as having increased status and competency in the eyes of others.

“We believed that, under certain conditions, nonconforming behaviors can be more beneficial to someone than simply trying to fit in. In other words, when it looks deliberate, a person can appear to have higher status and a sense of competency,” stated authors of the study, Silvia and Francesca Gino from Harvard University.

Dr. Adam, a social psychologist from the Northwestern University, conducted a study that showed what we wear affects the way we think, feel and act. And this includes our socks. When we put on our silly and crazy socks, we are, in part, showing off our uniqueness and our confidence. It’s this belief that helps us to skillfully achieve more success without lack of bravery or confidence.

So, if you’re a lover of fun and unusual socks, then go out into the world and embrace them. Not only will you give people an insight into your nonconforming, unique personality, but they will hold you in good status as a result!

1.What is the study published in The Journal of Consumer Research mainly about?

A.The function of socks. B.The different characters of people.

C.The influence of wearing crazy socks. D.The reason why people achieve success.

2.How do people view those who wear unusual socks?

A.They hate social rules. B.They appear silly and crazy.

C.They are much wealthier. D.They are more outstanding and talented.

3.What does the author advise people to do?

A.Wear the socks they like. B.Have fun and enjoy the life.

C.Hold good status in the world. D.Let people have their own personality.

4.What can be inferred from the passage?

A.Trying to fit in will help you have higher status. B.Unusual socks are fashionable in society.

C.People should avoid wearing silly socks. D.What we wear may affect who we are.



    For most of us, there is no debate — bananas are yellow. Color isn’t as objective as you might think though. Our brain decides what color we are looking at based on the light that comes into our eyes, and how we see colors actually varies a lot.

There are many ways color can confuse our brains. Positioning and shading can change what we think we are looking at. Two people can see the same thing very differently because of how our brains deal with light.

How we see color, however, is governed by much more than just our bodies. Our emotions or even the time of year, can change how our eyes and brains react to what we see. Yellow looks different to us depending on the season, according to scientists at the University of York. In the summer yellow appears more “greenish” whereas in the winter yellow appears more “reddish”. This is the result of living in an environment where the level of green light increases in the summer. When the trees are full of leaves, our eyes need to adapt. With extra green all around us, our brain has to recheck its understanding of yellow.

Researchers in Rochester, New York have found that feeling sad can impact on your ability to identify (辨别) colors. Participants were shown some small pieces of cloth which had most, but not all, of the colors removed from them. Later, they were asked to identify what color they were looking at. A group who had watched the death of Mufasa in The Lion King found it harder to pick out blue and yellow than others who had not seen the film. Psychologists believe that dopamine — which controls our brain’s reward and pleasure centers — has an impact on how we identify these colors. So while color might seem to be one of the simplest things in our world, it is actually a mystery scientists are only just beginning to solve.

1.What does the passage mainly focus on?

A.Why we see colors differently. B.How our brains receive colors.

C.Why colors affect our emotions. D.How people can identify colors.

2.Which of the following is unable to affect people’s ability to identify colors?

A.Position. B.Intelligence.

C.Environment. D.Feeling.

3.Yellow looks different in summer and winter because of ___________.

A.people’s different sight B.the different temperatures

C.the different levels of green light D.people’s different body conditions

4.What can we learn from the last paragraph?

A.The sad feeling weakens people’s ability to identify colors.

B.We can find out the secret of dopamine in some movies.

C.Scientists have found the answer to the color mystery.

D.There are many ways that color can entertain our brains.



    At the age of four, I suffered from epilepsy (癫痫). Having a physical disability and a learning disability, I felt like I was an outcast. When I was a teenager, I was being told what I couldn’t do in the future. My doctor said that I had brain damage and I wouldn’t be able to do analytical things. I wanted to be a counselor (顾问) more than anything else in the world, but he crushed my dream.

When I graduated from high school in 1994, I entered a local community college. I met two people that impressed me a lot. One was my college professor, who thought I was an amazing, articulate (能说会道的) student. She encouraged me to apply for the Human Services program at Western Washington University. The other one was my best friend, who helped me with my math. He showed great faith in my abilities. He himself was visually damaged, but he never quit on his dreams. I admire his positive attitude very much.

In 1997, I decided to attend Western Washington University. I knew exactly what I wanted and I was determined that no one could stop me. My parents had a hard time grasping that I could go to university. They did not want to see me get hurt. But I was willing to get hurt. To me, that was part of growing and gaining experience. I wanted to experience the same opportunities as everyone else.

Later, not only did I receive my bachelor’s degree in Human Services program, but I got a master’s degree in Psychology! After finally becoming the counselor, I wanted to explore a new direction. This new direction had something to do with writing and inspiring others to see their inner power, as well as their freedom to choose their own life path.

Now, I am fortunate to have family and friends standing by me through all the successes and failures. They remind me that I am worth it.

1.The underlined word “outcast” in Paragraph 1 probably means “_________”.

A.someone facing lots of treatment B.someone with hard work to do

C.a legally protected person D.an abandoned person

2.What can we know about the author from the second paragraph?

A.He felt sorry for his friend’s visual problem.

B.He was often laughed at by other students at school.

C.His teacher and friend had an important influence on him.

D.His teacher thought he was a normal person like all of us.

3.Why did the author decide to go to Western Washington University?

A.To gain a higher degree. B.To experience life like others.

C.To get praise from his parents. D.To repay his college professor.

4.The passage is organized ___________.

A.by the order of time B.by listing examples

C.by comparing facts D.by the order of space



    Take a look at the best musicals and shows in London’s West End right now. Find your favorite West End musical from heartwarming adaptations and award-winning scores to funny musical theatres. Don't wait. Book discounted theatre tickets online with us now to enjoy unforgettable, world-class theatre performances!

The Book of Mormon at the Prince of Wales Theatre

This comedy musical follows the troubling situation of a pair of teenage Mormon missionaries (传教士), who were sent to change a village in a dangerous part of Uganda. The Book of Mormon has won nine Tony Awards, including Best Musical. Booking until July 2020. Prices from £ 20.00.

Wicked at the Apollo Victoria

Based on the praised novel by Gregory Maguire, Wicked tells the untold story of the Witches of Oz (奥兹国女巫). Experience this unforgettable, award-winning musical and discover the hidden story of Oz. Booking until Oct. 2020. Prices from £19.50.

Kinky Boots at the Adelphi Theatre

The multi-award-winning hit musical arrives in London’s Adelphi Theatre. Featuring a book by Tony Award winner Harvey Fierstein, and music and lyrics by pop icon Cyndi Lauper, this heartwarming tale based on a real event is sure to amaze the audience. Booking until Sept. 2020. Prices from £19.50.

School of Rock at New London Theatre

Rock out with the whole family at this award-winning new musical. Based on the popular movie in 2003, School of Rock follows the funny story of Dewey Finn and his exploration to change a class of A-grade students into the best rock group. Booking until Nov. 2020. Prices from £15.00.

1.Which musical is adapted from a true story?

A.Wicked B.Kinky Boots

C.School of Rock D.The Book of Mormon


2.Where can we probably see a musical about school life?

A.At the Adelphi Theatre B.At the Apollo Victoria

C.At New London Theatre D.At the Prince of Wales Theatre

3.What is the lowest price to see all the musicals?

A.£39 B.£59

C.£89 D.£74



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