满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

James wrote a play for television about ...

    James wrote a play for television about a family who came to England from Pakistan, and the difficulty they had ______ in England. The play was very ______ , and it was bought by an American TV company.

James was invited to go to New York to ______ the production. He lived in Dulwich, which was an hour’s ride away from Hesthrow Airport. The flight was to leave at 8:30 a.m, ____ he had to be at the airport at about 7:30 in the morning.

He ordered ______ for 6:30, ______ his alarm clock for 5:45, and went to sleep. Unfortunately he forgot ______ the clock, and it stopped shortly after _______. Also the driver of the taxi had to work deep into the night and overslept.

James ______ with that terrible feeling that something was wrong. He ______ his alarm clock. It stood there silently, with the hands ______ ten past twelve. He turn on ______ and discovered that it was ______ ten to nine. He switched on the electric kettle.

He was just pouring the boiling water into the teapot ______ the nine o’clock pips sounded   ____ the radio. The announcer began to read the news… “ ______ are coming in of a crash() near Heathrow Airport. A Boeing 707 leaving for New York crashed shortly after ______ this morning. Flight number 2234…” James _______.

_______,” he said out loud, “If I HADN’T _______, I would have been on that plane.”

1.A.settled B.to settle down C.been settled down D.settling down

2.A.long B.interesting C.successful D.well

3.A.help for B.help with C.help to D.help making

4.A.so B.therefore C.for D.though

5.A.a taxi B.a driver C.a ticket D.his breakfast

6.A.fixing B.fixed C.setting D.set

7.A.to have winded B.having winded C.winding D.to wind

8.A.he fell asleep B.he woke up C.midnight D.his work

9.A.dreamed B.awoke C.went to sleep D.lay down

10.A.looked for B.looked through C.looked at D.looked forward to

11.A.pointing at B.pointing to C.striking to D.striking

12.A.the radio B.the light C.the TV set D.the water

13.A.already B.truly C.as the matter of fact D.in fact

14.A.as B.until C.while D.when

15.A.by B.on C.above D.from

16.A.Words B.News C.Information D.Reports

17.A.taking up B.taking off C.taking away D.taking place

18.A.turned pale B.turned red C.turned up D.turned around

19.A.My play B.My ticket C.My flight D.My mum

20.A.made tea B.slept C.woke up D.overslept


1.D 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.A 6.D 7.D 8.C 9.B 10.C 11.B 12.A 13.D 14.D 15.B 16.D 17.B 18.A 19.C 20.D 【解析】 本文为记叙文。詹姆斯的电视剧,被一家美国电视公司买下了。詹姆斯被邀请去纽约。不幸的是他忘了给钟上发条,午夜过后不久钟就停了。出租车也睡过头了。詹姆斯醒来后听到收音机的报时才知道钟停了,他的飞机已起飞了。但听到了报道说他本来要乘坐的飞机坠机,还是很害怕。但幸运的是由于他睡过了头才避免了这场空难。 1. 考查语境及固定搭配。句意:詹姆斯在电视剧中讲述了一个从巴基斯坦来到英国的家庭的故事,以及他们在英国定居的困难。A. settled定居;B. to settle down定居,安顿下来;C. been settled down定居,安顿下来;D. settling down 定居,安顿下来。分析the difficulty they had _1_in England. 可知,本句是定语从句,其中have difficulty in doing sth.意思为“做某事有困难”。故选D。 2. 考查形容词辨析。句意:这个戏剧非常成功,被一家美国电视公司买下了。A. long长的;B. interesting有趣的;C. successful成功的;D. well健康的。根据后面的“被一家美国电视公司买下了”可知,这出戏非常成功(successful)。故选C。 3. 考查动词短语辨析。句意:詹姆斯被邀请去纽约帮忙制作。A. help for为了……帮助;B. help with帮助某事;C. help to后面跟动词不定式表示帮助的目的;D. help making 帮助制造。help …with sth为固定用法,意为“帮助……某事”,故选B。 4. 考查语境及连词辨析。句意:飞机要早上8:30起飞,因此他必须在早上7:30左右到机场。A. so因此;B. therefore因此;C. for因为;D. though然而。分析句子可知,前后两句是因果关系。so后面直接跟句子,而therefore后面常用逗号与句子隔开。本句中没用逗号隔开,故选A。 5. 考查名词辨析。句意:他叫了一辆6:30的出租车,把闹钟定在5:45,然后就睡着了。A. a taxi出租车;B. a driver司机;C. a ticket票;D. his breakfast他的早餐。根据后面的“Also the driver of the taxi had to work deep into the night and overslept”可知此处是指他叫了6:30的出租车(taxi),故选A。 6. 考查语境及动词辨析。句意:他叫了一辆6:30的出租车,把闹钟定在5:45,然后就睡着了。A. fixing固定;B. fixed已固定的;C. setting设置;D. set设置。根据ordered … ,__6__ his alarm clock for 5:45, and went to sleep可知空格处是与ordered,以及and went to sleep是三个并列的谓语,可知空格处也应是一般过去时。动词set的过去式为set,故选D。 7. 考查语境及动词用法辨析。句意:句意:不幸的是他忘了给钟上发条,午夜过后不久钟就停了。forget to do…意思为“忘记去做某事”,运用尚未发生,即还没有做。所以A. (forget )to have winded是不对的;forget doing/having done意思为“忘记了做过某事,表示动作已经发生了,但忘记了”。B.(forget )having winded忘记了曾做过某事;C.(forget)winding忘记做过某事;D. (forget)to wind忘记要做某事。根据下面的语境,钟停了,可知,他忘记了去给钟上发条,动作没有发生,故D项符合语境,故选D。 8. 考查语境及动词辨析。句意:不幸的是他忘了给钟上发条,午夜过后不久钟就停了。 A. he fell asleep他入睡了;B. he woke up他醒来了;C. midnight午夜;D. his work 他的工作。根据下面的It stood there silently, with the hands ___11___ ten past twelve。钟针指向12:10,可知是午夜(midnight),故选C。 9. 考查语境及动词辨析。句意:詹姆斯醒来时有种可怕的感觉,觉得出了什么事。A. dreamed做梦;B. awoke醒来;C. went to sleep睡着了;D. lay down 躺下。根据前文语境可知,此处指詹姆斯醒来时(awoke),故选B。 10. 考查动词短语辨析。句意:他看了看闹钟。它静静地站在那里,指针指向十二点十分。A. looked for寻找;B. looked through浏览,翻阅;C. looked at看;D. looked forward to 期待。根据常识可知,要知道时间,要仔细地看(looked at)钟。故选C。 11. 考查动词短语辨析。句意:他看了看闹钟。它静静地立在那里,指针指向十二点十分。A. pointing at指向(某个物品或近指);B. pointing to指向(方向或远指);C. striking to向……打去;D. striking 撞,击打。一般情况下point at和point to可互换,但如果主语是物时,用point to。本句的主语是物(钟),故选B。 12. 考查名词辨析。句意:他打开收音机,发现时间准确的说是8:50。 A. the radio收音机;B. the light灯; C. the TV set电视机;D. the water水。根据后面的“___15___ the radio. The announcer began to read the news…”可知,他打开的是收音机(the radio),故选A。 13. 考查副词辨析。句意:他打开收音机,发现准确的说时间是8:50。A. already已经;B. truly真正地;C. as the matter of fact 事实上;D. in fact (用于修正、引出相反意见或对比等)事实上,其实,准确地说,确切地说。上文说他醒来时看见钟是12:10,但打开收音机才发现,确切地说是8:50。in fact用于修正、引出相反意见或对比等,意思为“事实上,准确地说”。可知in fact符合题意,故选D。 14. 考查固定句式及连词辨析。句意:他正往茶壶里倒开水,这时收音机里响起了九点钟的报时声。A. as因为,当……时候;B. until一直到;C. while然而,却,当……的时候;D. when当……时候。“…was/were just doing…when…”为固定句式,意为“正要做……,这时……”。故选D。 15. 考查介词辨析及固定搭配。句意:他正往茶壶里倒开水,这时从收音机里响起了九点钟报时声。A. by凭借;B. on在……上,由……支撑着;C. above在……的上面;D. from来自。on the radio为固定搭配,意为“广播中,从收音机中”,故选B。 16. 考查名词辨析。句意:有报道说希斯罗机场附近发生了一起坠机事件。A. Words消息,话语;B. News消息;C. Information信息;D. Reports报道。 根据语境,詹姆斯听到收音机里“播音员开始读新闻……”可知,是指报道(reports),故选D。 17. 考查动词短语辨析。句意:一架飞往纽约的波音707客机今早起飞后不久坠毁。A. taking up拿起,开始从事;B. taking off起飞;C. taking away拿走;D. taking place 发生。根据A Boeing 707 leaving for New York可知,是起飞(taking off)不久坠毁,故选B。 18. 考查语境。句意:“有报道说希斯罗机场附近发生了一起坠机事件。今天早上一架飞往纽约的波音707飞机起飞后不久坠毁。第2234次航班……”詹姆斯脸色苍白。A. turned pale变成苍白的;B. turned red变成红色;C. turned up出现;D. turned around转身。詹姆斯因为闹钟停了睡过了头,没有赶上这班飞机,从收音机中听到飞机坠毁的消息,感到害怕,才会脸色苍白(turned pale),故选A。 19. 考查名词辨析。句意:“我的飞机,”他大声说,“如果我没有睡过头,我就在那架飞机上了”。A. My play我的戏剧;B. My ticket我的票;C. My flight我的飞机航班;D. My mum我妈妈。 根据最后一句If I HADN’T overslept , I would have been on that plane可知,本来他要做的那班次飞机,可知,此处是说“我的飞机航班。故选C。 20. 考查动词(短语)辨析。句意:“我的飞机,”他大声说,“如果我没有睡过头,我就在那架飞机上了。”A. made tea泡茶;B. slept睡觉;C. woke up醒来;D. overslept睡过头。根据前面的语境,詹姆斯因为闹钟停了睡过了头,没有赶上这班飞机。可知选D。

How many nights do you plan to stay with us?

Three. I’ll be______Friday morning.

A.turned in B.leaving out C.checking out D.kept out



I felt somewhat disappointed and was about to leave _________something occurred which attracted my attention.

A.unless B.until

C.when D.while



Did you have a good time at the party?

Thanks. I appreciated______to your home.

A.to be invited B.to have invited C.being invited D.having invited



Most people who’ve had chicken pox(水痘)once are _____it for the rest of their lives.

A.free from B.immune to C.concerned about D.infected with



He left home early only______he was late as he went a wrong way.

A.found B.to find C.finding D.being found



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