满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

动词短语填空 1.He was late as a result of bein...


1.He was late as a result of being held _____ in a traffic jam.

2.European leaders are unwilling to acknowledge the existence of the hidden economic threat to the whole Europe, let _____ deal with it effectively.

3.It is uncertain what side effect the GM food will bring ____, although some scientists consider it to be safe.

4.Not knowing when Zhang Yingying’s murder case would be solved, her mother broke ______ at the start of a recent court hearing.

5.After experiencing the initial failures, his career began to take _____.

6.Conventional wisdom has it that we should put _____ some money for rainy days when we have a lot in hand.

7.When asked about his childhood, the man choked _____. Obviously, it is a scar he doesn’t want to be touched.

8.I could have told the whole story to you if you hadn’t broken ____ so often.

9.His writing is so confusing that it is difficult to make ______ what he is trying to express.

10.The police combed _____ this area for the missing boy, but in vain.


1.up 2.alone 3.about 4.down 5.off 6.aside 7.up 8.in 9.out 10.through 【解析】 选择恰当的词组成合适的动词短语。 1. 考查动词短语。句意:因为陷入交通堵塞中,所以他迟到了。这里在解释迟到的原因,要用hold up表示“阻挡、耽搁”。故填up。 2. 考查动词短语。句意:欧洲的领导人们不愿意承认对整个欧洲潜藏着经济威胁的存在,更别说有效地进行处理了。分析句子可知,前后句句意上呈现一种递进关系,要用let alone表示“更不用说,更别提”。故填alone。 3. 考查动词短语。句意:转基因食品能带来什么副作用尚不明确,尽管有些科学家觉得它们很安全。这里的动词短语主语是GM food,宾语是side effect,要用bring about表示“导致,引起(结果)”。故填about。 4. 考查动词短语。句意:尚不知道章莹颖被谋杀的案子什么时候能有个结果,她的母亲在最近一次庭审现场开始时,失声痛哭。以常理推断,作为被害人的母亲情绪应该是比较悲痛的,这里要用break down表示“失控痛哭”。故填down。 5. 考查动词短语。句意:在经历了一开始的失败后,他的事业开始腾飞。从句中隐含的这层“欲扬先抑”的意思中,可以推断,这里要用take off表示“(事业)突然成功”。故填off。 6. 考查动词短语。句意:传统智慧告诉我们,应该手头宽裕时,要存一些钱以备不时之需。根据时间状语从句和该动词短语的宾语some money可知,这里要用put aside表示“储存……备用”。故填aside。 7. 考查动词短语。句意:当被问到童年时,这个男人语塞了。显然,这是一道他不想揭的伤疤。从后句的解释中,不难看出,这个男人是不愿提及童年的,要用choke up表示“说不出话来”。故填up。 8. 考查动词短语。句意:如果你不是老打断我,我本可以把整个故事讲给你听的。分析条件状语从句表示的逻辑关系可知,因为对方频繁的某个动作,让“我”不能把整个故事讲完,要用break in表示“打断(谈话)”。故填in。 9. 考查动词短语。句意:他的字迹太潦草了,让人难以理解他想表达什么。so…that引导的结果状语从句中,显然要表示字迹潦草,让人难以辨认、理解,要用make out表示“理解,辨认出”。故填out。 10. 考查动词短语。句意:警方彻底搜查了这一区域,寻找失踪的男孩,但结果却是徒劳。既然目的是找到失踪的男孩,这里要用comb through表示“梳理,彻底搜查”。故填through。


1.The manager has decided to put ______ he thinks is energetic and clever in the position of the leadership of the company.

2.The government stressed that efforts must be made to prevent risks ______ (arise) from gathering of tourists.

3.But for the medical team’s efforts, more lives _______(claim) in this pandemic.

4.We choose this hotel because the price for a night is down to $ 20, half of _____ it used to charge.

5.What you did seems ______ (violate) the law. It won’t be long before you are sent into prison.

6.The importance of music and the effort ______ has on children’s intelligence development has been widely acknowledged.

7.It is necessary that every rule we set up _______(apply) to everyone.

8.Hard _______ the doctors had tried to save his life, the scholar died in the end.

9.It is the third time that the little boy __________ (subscribe) to China Daily.

10.TikTok, known as Douyin in China, is a social media platform ______ short videos can be edited and uploaded easily.




1.President Trump announced that the United States would w_______from the Paris Climate Agreement, which would weaken efforts to fight global warming.

2.Mike runs a hotel in Yunnan and shares his stories with others v_____ his online blog.

3.Thousands are ________(不顾一切地) trying to leave their battled homes and villages.

4.“It never occurred to me that I could possibly save a life through the hotline,” she added, r_____ a story about saving a suicidal man.

5.Many coffee drinkers in China have been in a panic that coffee causes cancer after a post was c______ in social media on the weekend.

6.You should try to understand what’s actually happening instead of acting on the _________(假设) you’ve made.

7.His arm has s_______ up where the bee stung him.

8.Guests attending the conference are trying out mobile phones with a 5G _______(终端).

9.Every time he gets drunk, he becomes violent and a_______.

10.Educators from across the globe share a common belief that education should not be interrupted under any c_________.

11.The boss donated ________(慷慨地) a large sum of money to the earthquake-stricken area.

12.It rained heavily and a stream _______(蜿蜒) its way across the field.

13.Peter stood out among the job hunters because of his c_______ of English, so the company employed him as a translator.

14.He refused to eat any pork in the restaurant because of his r______ belief.

15.At the end of the lecture, the whole audience rose, _______(鼓掌,称赞)the speaker for his wonderful speech.



    Within a minute’s walk of my house there was a wild stretch of unspoiled woodland, where there were blackberry plants, squirrels and their young. I _________ walked in this park with Rex --- a friendly, harmless little dog; and _______ we rarely met anyone in the park, I took Rex along without a leash(狗绳).

One day we met a mounted policeman in the park, a policeman eager to show his _______.

“What do you mean by letting that dog run _______ in the park without a leash and a muzzle(口套)?” he shouted at me angrily. “Don’t you know it’s against the law?”

“Yes, I know it is,” I replied softly, “but I didn’t think he would do any _______ out here.

“You didn’t think! You didn’t think! The law doesn’t know about what you think. That dog _______ kill a squirrel or bite a child. Now, I’m going to _______ this time; but if I catch this dog out here again without a leash, you’ll have to tell it to the _________.”

I humbly _________ to obey.

And I did obey --- for a few times. But Rex didn’t like the muzzle, and neither did I; so we decided to take a __________. Everything was lovely for a while, and then we got into ________. Rex and I raced over the hill one afternoon and there, suddenly --- to my __________ --- I saw the majesty of the law, riding on a horse. Rex was out in a front, heading straight for the officer.

I was in for it. I knew it. So I didn’t ________ until the policeman started talking, I beat him to it. I said: “ Officer, you’ve caught me ________. I’m guilty. I have no alibis, no excuses. You ________ me last week that if I brought the dog out here again without a muzzle you would fine me.”

“Well, now,” the policeman responded in a soft tone, “I know it’s a ________ to let a little dog like that have a run out here when nobody is around.”

“Sure it is,” I replied, “____________ it is against the law.”

“Well, a little dog like that isn’t going to harm anybody,” the policeman protested.

“No, but he may kill __________,” I said.

“Well now, I think you are taking this a bit too seriously,” he told me.

“I’ll tell you what you do. You just let him run over the hill there where I can’t see him --- and we’ll forget all about it.”

That policeman, being human, wanted a feeling of ________; so when I began to condemn myself, the only way he could nourish his self-esteem was to take the kind and generous attitude showing __________.

1.A.seldom B.sometimes C.frequently D.never

2.A.when B.since C.if D.while

3.A.authority B.force C.magic D.dignity

4.A.loose B.freely C.wildly D.quickly

5.A.wrong B.damage C.good D.harm

6.A.can B.might C.will D.must

7.A.give you up B.let you off C.give in to you D.put up with you

8.A.owner B.policeman C.judge D.children

9.A.listened B.promised C.agreed D.kept

10.A.change B.chance C.charge D.cheat

11.A.trap B.difficulty C.trouble D.shape

12.A.disappointment B.surprise C.joy D.regret

13.A.wait B.move C.say D.walk

14.A.on the scene B.blue-blooded C.in spot D.red-handed

15.A.warned B.told C.informed D.taught

16.A.appeal B.temptation C.urge D.crime

17.A.and B.so C.but D.because

18.A.blackberry B.birds C.children D.squirrels

19.A.importance B.achievement C.happiness D.respect

20.A.sympathy B.regret C.mercy D.optimism



    Surveillance (监视) is a fact of life. Your boss is monitoring your performance at work. Supermarkets are collecting data on your grocery shopping. 1.

In a few months, European Union law-makers are due to approve proposals that will make driver assistance systems mandatory (强制的) in cars within three years. All new models of car will come with black boxes (event data recorders), intelligent speed assistance, lane-keeping assistance and more besides.

A large number of technologies will soon be monitoring a driver’s every move. Are we prepared for devices that watch how we drive and try to help us do it better?

2. In a report published in April 2018, it found that the suite of changes could save at least 7,300 lives by 2030, and reduce the number of serious injuries from car crashes by 38,900. “We can have the same kind of impact as when safety belts were first introduced,” says Oliver Carsten, who studies transport safety at the University of Leeds, UK.

3. The black box is the most controversial (有争议的) tech because of fears that the tech encourages surveillance. It would be easy to worry about being watched in your car. But the EU rules say the system is only checked in the event of an accident to help with insurance claims and police investigation. The point is to provide for a fair allocation (分配) of responsibility when a crash occurs. Some people choose to have a black box because it can reduce their individual insurance premium (保险费). 4. What’s more, the data collected in human-driven cars will help train automated driving systems to the point that they could be ready for large-scale deployment in the future.

5. Drivers should think of it as an extra layer of protection, rather than the vehicle trying to take over driving from you.

A.Now there is a new field: the automobile.

B.There is concern about these technologies, however.

C.The tech is reducing costs because it’s reducing the number of crashes.

D.Safety isn't much discussed, principally because cars are already very safe.

E.While the EU is taking the boldest steps, these technologies aren't far behind in other parts of the world.

F.As a result, what may at first glance seem like a surveillance technology is actually a benefit for society.

G.The European Commission says that introducing these advanced driver assistance systems will make driving safer.



    An introduction to this book is as superfluous as a candle in front of a powerful searchlight. But a convention of publishing seems to require that the candle should be there, and I am proud to be the one to hold it. About ten years ago I picked up from the pile of new books on my desk a copy of Sons and Lovers by a man of whom I had never heard, and I started to race through it with the immoral speed of the professional reviewer. But after a page or two I found myself reading, really reading. Here was—here is—a masterpiece in which every sentence counts, a book packed with significant thought and beautiful, arresting phrases, the work of a remarkable genius whose gifts are more richly various than those of any other young English novelist.

To appreciate the rich variety of Mr. Lawrence we must read his later novels and his volumes of poetry. But Sons and Lovers reveals the range of his power. Here are combined and blended(混合的) sort of ''realism'' and almost lyric(抒情的) imagery and rhythm. The speech of the people is that of daily life and the things that happen to them are normal adventures and accidents; they fall in love, marry, work, fail, succeed, and die. But of their deeper emotions and of the relations of these little human beings to the earth and to the stars, Mr. Lawrence makes something near to poetry and prose(散文) without violating its proper “other harmony.”

Take the marvellous paragraph on next to the last page of Sons and Lovers (Mr. Lawrence depends so little on plot in the ordinary sense of the word that it is perfectly fair to read the end of his book first):

Where was he? One tiny upright speck of flesh, less than an ear of wheat lost in the field. He could not bear it. On every side the immense dark silence seemed pressing him, so tiny a spark, into extinction, and yet, almost nothing, he could not be extinct. Night, in which everything was lost, went reaching out, beyond stars and sun, stars and sun, a few bright grains, went spinning round for terror, and holding each other in embrace, there in the darkness that outpassed them all, and left them tiny and daunted(气馁). So much, and himself, infinitesimal, at the core a nothingness, and yet not nothing.

Such glorious writing lifts the book far above a novel which is merely a story. I beg the reader to attend to every line of it and not to miss a single one of the many sentences that await and surprise you. Some are enthusiastic and impressive, like the paragraph above; others are keen, ''realistic'' observations of things and people. In one of his books Mr. Lawrence makes a character say, or think, that life is ''mixed''. That indicates his philosophy and his method. He blends the accurately literal and trivial(琐碎的) with the extremely poetic.

To find a similar blending of tiny daily detail and wide imaginative vision, we must go back to two older novelists, Hardy and Meredith. I do not mean that Mr. Lawrence derives(源于) immediately from them or, indeed, that he is clearly the disciple(弟子) of any master. I do feel simply that he is of the elder stature(名望) of Hardy and Meredith, and I know of no other young novelist who is quite worthy of their company. When I first tried to express this comparison, this connection, I was contradicted by a fellow-critic, who pointed out that Meredith and Hardy are entirely unlike each other and that therefore Mr. Lawrence cannot resemble both. To be sure, nothing is more hateful than forced comparisons, nothing more boring than to discover parallels between one work of art and another. An artist's mastery consists in his difference from other masters. But to refer a young man of genius to an older one, at the same time pronouncing his independence and originality, is a fair, if not very superior, method of praising him.

1.The underlined word ''superfluous'' in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to _______.

A.meaningful B.unnecessary

C.fundamental D.unbelievable

2.What does the author want to illustrate by including one paragraph from Sons and Lovers?

A.The plot of the novel has little to do with daily life.

B.It is wise to read Lawrence's books from the end.

C.Lawrence is capable of telling good stories.

D.The language in Lawrence's books is elegant.

3.Who were Hardy and Meredith?

A.They taught Lawrence literature when he was young.

B.They were the realistic novelists of Lawrence’s time.

C.They were novelists who resemble each other in writing.

D.They were novelists combining details with imagination.

4.What is the author's purpose in writing the passage?

A.To introduce Lawrence's novel Sons and Lovers.

B.To show his experiences of reading classics.

C.To analyze Lawrence's writing characteristics.

D.To compare the styles of different novelists.



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