满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Do you want a part-time job to earn some...

    Do you want a part-time job to earn some extra money? Check out the list and find one that suits your fancy.


It seems almost everyone has a friend who is a technical genius. Such people earn money using their talent. If you are one of them, you could be responsible for technical support in your college or university and get your part-time job. You can enjoy the process of earning money while doing your favorite thing.


A lot of students hire a tutor to help them in high school or college. If you are good at some subjects, why not work as a peer tutor? You help your friends and earn money at the same time. If you know foreign languages, you can make more money. All you need to do is to make an appropriate advertisement of your services using college newspapers. One of the best things about being a tutor is that you can set your hours.


If your college or university has a fitness center and if you are a sporty person, go and sign up to get this job. You will have an absolute free opportunity to engage yourself in sports. You need to be a good psychologist, because you are going to work with people and it'll be your job to persuade and motivate them to become sporty, healthy and strong. Being a fitness instructor is a perfect position for those who love to help other people and want to make more friends. OFFICE


Nowadays many companies cooperate with college students giving them part-time jobs. Some of the major job duties of an office worker are answering calls and scheduling appointments. If you are interested in doing this job. contact the representatives of different companies to find out if they’re currently hiring anyone.

1.If you want to have a flexible schedule while earning some money, which of the following suits you most?

A.Technical support B.Tutor

C.Fitness instructor D.Office worker

2.Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?

A.As a part-time office worker. you are responsible for answering emails.

B.If you work as a fitness instructor, you should be sporty and sociable.

C.If you are good at foreign languages, you are able to earn more as a tutor.

D.The four kinds of part-time jobs are intended for college students.

3.How can one get a job as a part-time office worker?

A.By submitting the application

B.Through an online interview

C.By advertising on the newspaper

D.By contacting the representative of the company


1.B 2.A 3.D 【解析】 这是一篇应用文。文章介绍了业余时间大学生可以从事的四个工作:技术援助,家教,健身教练和办公室职员。 1. 细节理解题。根据第2段You help your friends and earn money at the same time. If you know foreign languages, you can make more money.One of the best things about being a tutor is that you can set your hours.(你在帮助你的朋友的同时也赚了钱。如果你懂外语,你可以赚更多的钱。做家教最好的一点就是你可以自己安排时间)可知,如果你想有一个灵活的工作时间,同时又想挣钱,家教最适合你。故选B项。 2. 细节理解题。根据最后一段Some of the major job duties of an office worker are answering calls and scheduling appointments(办公室职员的一些主要工作职责是接电话和安排预约)可知,办公室职员的主要职责包括接电话和安排预约,不包括回复邮件。故选A项。 3. 细节理解题。根据最后一段If you are interested in doing this job contact the representatives of different companies to find out if they’re currently hiring anyone(如果你对这份工作感兴趣的话。联系不同公司的代表,看看他们现在是否在招人)可知,如果感兴趣,可以联系公司的代表。故选D项。

    During my junior year of college, I signed up for a volunteer leaching program in Costa Rica. I lived within an inspiringly colorful living quarter which was ______ into a female and male section, along with a kitchen, eating room and conference room. I taught at a school. It was located(位于)within a ______ and every day birds and butterflies flew throughout our school. It was ______ . We were ______ on Costa Rica’s school system, the country, the language and how to ______ a lesson. Additionally, we took part in ______ acclivities lo relax ourselves.

The experience was beneficial to my English writing ______ when I got back to college, I began writing. I wrote so much that a piece of my writing about that experience was ______ in Folio’s Literary Magazine. Because of that, I was more ______ to continue working abroad.

After ______ , I moved to China for a year and worked in schools to teach reading and writing. It was a life-changing ______ of my life. Not only did I ______ my experiences through a weekly blog, but I began a book. Culture differences ______ me and even consumed me in the beginning, but ______ I fell in love with the people, their schools and their history.

Upon ______ to my home, I became a teacher in Trenton, New Jersey. The moment I stepped into the classroom. I could empathize(感同身受)with my ______ . I truly feel volunteering in Costa Rica was where it all ______ and working in China enriched my leaching life. If I could do anything ______ , it might be volunteering or working abroad more before settling down.

The ______ I’ve made through volunteering and working abroad are an English major’s dream and I hope that every English major ______ the chance to study or work abroad.

1.A.trained B.pulled C.absorbed D.divided

2.A.desert B.sea C.forest D.river

3.A.beautiful B.boring C.vivid D.shocking

4.A.praised B.educated C.interviewed D.commented

5.A.choose B.learn C.plan D.attend

6.A.legal B.fun C.brief D.safe

7.A.because B.unless C.although D.if

8.A.exchanged B.read C.rejected D.published

9.A.worried B.determined C.Frightened D.relaxed

10.A.graduation B.requirement C.operation D.ceremony

11.A.shelter B.topic C.move D.conflict

12.A.confirm B.gain C.compare D.share

13.A.confused B.amuse C.calmer D.excited

14.A.easily B.gradually C.strangely D.usually

15.A.belong B.pointing C.returning D.referring

16.A.volunteers B.classmates C.colleagues D.students

17.A.replied B.disappeared C.escaped D.started

18.A.correctly B.deliberately C.differently D.strictly

19.A.excuses B.discoveries C.preparations D.decisions

20.A.jumps at B.stands for C.turns down D.speaks our




Three years ago. I was arranged to work for a few weeks as a dentist in a new dental clinic at Victor Harbor, to the south of Adelaide and an hour further away than my usual workplace. My first day there was rush driving to a new and unfamiliar clinic and getting used to the different rules and clinical environment.

In my worry and anxiety, and feeling a little unfamiliar in the new setting, I removed my three things: my wedding ring, a ring that belonged to my mother and one that was an anniversary gift from my husband. I wrapped them in a tissue(纸巾) and placed them beside my computer.

During my lunch break, I noticed the wrinkled tissue and thought that it didn’t look very neat and dropped it into the rubbish bin. I went about my duties and my day went on well; I met new patients and felt that I had been productive and efficient. Driving home at the end of the day, just moments before I reached my house, I noticed that I was missing my rings. I felt the heart in my body rose, my cheeks burning red. I went inside and tried to calm down. I felt sick to my stomach and I had that sinking feeling in my heart. I spent an hour or so making calls trying to follow the track of my rings. The first people I called was my manager and clinical leader and they gave me a few contact numbers for cleaners. I got in touch with a lady who managed the cleaning services for the clinic and she informed me that the bins had already been collected.

Heartbroken, I knew nothing could be done now. I had lost my wedding ring and one of my most treasured rings my mother’s wedding ring. Had it not been for my carelessness, all this would not have happened. With great sorrow and regret, I just sat there rooted in my chair.

Paragraph 1:

After two hours or so, I received a most amazing phone call. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Paragraph 2:

I decided to thank the wonderful person face to face. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



假设你是某中学学生李华,你的朋友Tom 写信与你讨论友谊的问题。请写一封80词左右的回信,谈谈你对友谊的认识,内容包括:

1. 人和人、人和动物都能产生友谊;

2. 朋友能提供精神和物质上的帮助;

3. 朋友有好坏之分,友谊也有真假之别。

Dear Tom,

Glad to have received your letter. In your letter you said you would like to talk about friendship with me.



Looking forward to your reply.






1.When it comes to second hand cars, one has to be as c_____________ as possible about the condition of them.

2.Although we both like sports, I’m more a_____________ than Liu Li.

3.The captain a______________ to us for being unable to tell us more about the accident.

4.Both men were found g_____________ of illegally entering the country.

5.He a____________ having done wrong. As a result, I forgave him.

6.I was against the project, but he continued r_______________.

7.It’s no use a__________ with Mr. Baker. He won’t accept your thoughts.

8.Don’t be too serious about the r___________ made on the Internet.

9.He told the policeman that he made the _______________ (认识) of the young man on the trip to New York.

10.With the instrument (仪器) m__________ patients’ heartbeats, there’s no need to worry too much.



    In life, we will succeed and fail often for reasons that are entirely out of our control. For instance, we can be _________ nice and love someone deeply, and they may not love us _________. We can work harder than anyone else in the office and still not be promoted to management. We can eat _________ food, exercise and stay away from alcohol and cigarettes, and still get sick.

The bottom line is that life is not _________.

That is a bitter pill to _________ for many of us. As a result, some people shut down after being hit by even one unfair blow from life. They can’t handle the fact that our efforts don’t always get the results that we _________. But if we let life’s unfairness _________ us, we will never receive the beautiful blessings that life has in store for us.

For example, my first marriage _________ divorce (离婚). To me, it felt very unfair. However hard I had tried to be a good wife, I could not make the relationship work. I could have been _________ by that experience and decided that if one person didn’t appreciate me as a wife, then no one would. I could have ______________. ____________, I knew I wanted to be married and experience traditional family life. Then I met my present husband and now have a happy family.

What I’ve learned over the years is that we can do all the things that deserve a good result, but get bad things in return ____________. When life doesn’t go ____________ plan, we have to ____________ the result that we have been looking forward to and keep trying, and doing the right thing. Accept that life is neither fair nor easy. ____________ we remain confident, we can drive our unfair experiences away and use them for our benefit.

1.A.firmly B.extremely C.nearly D.physically

2.A.hardly B.back C.enough D.well

3.A.delicious B.clean C.fresh D.healthy

4.A.ideal B.smooth C.fair D.fortunate

5.A.ruin B.grasp C.access D.swallow

6.A.expect B.promote C.wish D.concern

7.A.defeat B.win C.damage D.confuse

8.A.led to B.ended in C.consisted of D.started with

9.A.injured B.discouraged C.hurt D.forbidden

10.A.reached out B.calmed down C.shut up D.given up

11.A.But B.So C.However D.And

12.A.otherwise B.therefore C.instead D.rather

13.A.ahead of B.according to C.instead of D.due to

14.A.watch out for B.take control of C.take advantage of D.let go of

15.A.If B.Whether C.While D.As



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