满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Inside a library in a seaside town is a ...

    Inside a library in a seaside town is a room changed into a cafe. There might be a homeless man _______ coffee for a sad mother, an elderly woman _______ a young man advice and strangers sharing stories. This community open space _______ to solve the central problems that commonly lead to homelessness: _______ and a lack of purpose.

It’s the _______ of Maff Potts. While working with charities for the homeless, he felt _______ because they weren’t reducing homelessness. All the shelters only helped people once they’d already lost everything, _______ trying to solve the problems that led to their homelessness in the first place. A main _______, he discovered, is that many people who ended up at the shelters were alone. Their relationships had broken down, they didn’t have a(n) _______ system, or they had no one to show them __________.

Potts understands how altruism (利他主义) can help. Over the years during his work on homelessness, when he met people in their __________ moments, Potts began asking them to do him a favour. One man __________ he’d been a painter, so Potts started __________ how the reception area could use redecorating and asked the man for his __________.The man ended up offering to __________ it himself. The task gave him a __________, a reason to keep living.

“The thing that led to a lasting transformation was when they __________ somebody else,” Potts said. “That was __________ time.”

So Potts started thinking there must be a way to __________ the lives of people who are __________ not by making them feel like they’re always receiving help, but by giving them a space to help others — and in the end, help themselves.

1.A.drinking B.making C.growing D.hiding

2.A.saving B.paying C.awarding D.offering

3.A.seeks B.deserves C.happens D.pretends

4.A.Sickness B.Tiredness C.Loneliness D.Weakness

5.A.idea B.excuse C.hobby D.feeling

6.A.shocked B.interested C.disappointed D.frightened

7.A.regardless of B.instead of C.as for D.along with

8.A.mistake B.result C.technique D.cause

9.A.support B.power C.health D.alarm

10.A.freedom B.wisdom C.kindness D.patience

11.A.latest B.funniest C.fittest D.darkest

12.A.preferred B.mentioned C.recommended D.demanded

13.A.insisting on B.hearing of C.depending on D.talking about

14.A.advice B.duty C.research D.attention

15.A.repair B.repaint C.reinvent D.replace

16.A.break B.lesson C.purpose D.promise

17.A.challenged B.invited C.helped D.recognised

18.A.familiar B.strange C.terrible D.magic

19.A.copy B.improve C.reflect D.record

20.A.struggling B.changing C.relaxing D.escaping


1.B 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.A 6.C 7.B 8.D 9.A 10.C 11.D 12.B 13.D 14.A 15.B 16.C 17.C 18.D 19.B 20.A 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文,文章讲述了一个咖啡厅帮助无家可归的人,给他们提供建议,改善他们的生活的故事。这是Maff Potts的想法,从根本上帮助无家可归的人找回重新生活的希望,让这些人在帮助他人中找到自身的价值,也帮助了自己。 1. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:咖啡厅里可能会有一个无家可归的男人在给一个伤心的母亲制作咖啡。A. drinking 喝;B. making 制作; C. growing生长;D. hiding隐藏。前文提到在咖啡厅,后文说这个母亲跟别人分享故事,所以这里是给这位母亲做咖啡。故选B项。 2. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:一个年长的女人给年轻人提供建议,跟陌生人分享故事。A. saving 喝;B. paying 支付; C. awarding奖赏;D. offering 提供。offer advice是固定搭配,表示提供建议。故选D项。 3. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:这个社区开放空间力图解决导致无家可归的中心问题:孤独并且缺少目的性。A. seeks 寻求;B. deserves值得; C. happens 发生;D. pretends 假装。根据上文给年轻人提供建议,和陌生人分享故事,可推断此处指这个社区开放空间力图解决问题。seek to表示力图做……。故选A项。 4. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:这个社区开放空间力图解决导致无家可归的中心问题:孤独并且缺少意志。A. Sickness 疾病;B. Tiredness 疲惫;C. Loneliness 孤独;D. Weakness 虚弱。和无家可归的人相匹配的是孤独。故选C项。 5. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:这是Maff Potts的主意。A. idea主意 ;B. excuse 借口; C. hobby 爱好;D. feeling 感觉。这里的主意指的是给无家可归的人提供建议。故选A项。 6. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在和慈善机构一起为无家可归的人工作时,Maff Potts感到很失望,因为他们并没有减少无家可归。A. shocked 震惊的;B. interested 感兴趣的;C. disappointed 失望的;D. frightened 害怕的。后一句说到他们并没有减少无家可归的人,所以这里感到很失望。故选C项。 7. 考查介词短语。句意:所有的避难所只帮助那些一无所有的人,而不是首先去解决导致他们无家可归的问题。A. regardless of 不管 ;B. instead of 而不是;C. as for 至于;D. along with 同……一起。根据前文说Maff Potts感到很失望,所以这里是没有解决问题。故选B项。 8. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:他发现一个主要的原因是许多最终来到避难所的人都是孤身一人。A. mistake 错误;B. result 结果;C. technique技巧;D. cause 原因。后文提到来到避难所,所以这里是来到避难所的原因。故选D项。 9. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:他们的人际关系已经破裂,他们也没有支援系统,或者也没有人对他们展现出善意。A. support支持;B. power 权力;C. health 健康;D. alarm 闹钟,警报。无家可归的人没有人供养支持。故选A项。 10. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:他们的人际关系已经破裂,他们也没有支援系统,或者也没有人对他们展现出善意。A. freedom 自由;B. wisdom 智慧;C. kindness 善良;D. patience 耐心。没有人对无家可归的人表现善意,所以他们无处可去。故选C项。 11. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当他在这些人最黑暗的时候遇见他们,Potts开始请求他们帮他一个忙。A. latest 最近的;B. funniest 最有趣的;C. fittest 最合适的;D. darkest 最黑暗的。无家可归的人的生活应该是黑暗的。故选D项。 12. 考查动词词义辨析。句意: 其中一个无家可归的人提到他曾经是一个画家。A. preferred 偏爱;B. mentioned提到;C. recommended 推荐;D. demanded 需要。这里是人说到,mention的意思最接近。故选B项。 13. 考查动词短语辨析。句意: 所以Potts开始讨论接待处如何去重新装饰,并且寻求这个男人的建议。A. insisting on 坚持;B. hearing of 听说;C. depending on 依靠;D. talking about谈论。这里是和别人讨论重新装饰地方。故选D项。 14. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:所以Potts开始讨论接待处如何去重新装饰,并且寻求这个男人的建议。A. advice 建议;B. duty责任;C. research 研究;D. attention 注意。根据下文The man ended up offering 可知,是想这个画家寻求建议,ask for advice表示寻求建议。故选A项。 15. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:这个男人最终主动自己来重新绘制。 A. repair 修理;B. repaint 重新绘制;C. reinvent 重新发明;D. replace 代替。这里和画家相关,所以选择重新绘制。故选B项。 16. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:这项任务给了这个男人继续生活的目的和原因。A. break 休息;B. lesson 课程;C. purpose 目的,意志;D. promise 承诺。后文说到keep living,所以这里是继续生活的目的。故选C项。 17. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:导致持续转变的事情就是当他们帮助别人的时候,那是神奇的时刻。A. challenge挑战;B. invited 邀请;C. helped帮助;D. recognized 识别出。后文有提到by giving them a space to help others,所以这里是给无家可归的人机会去帮助他人。故选C项。 18. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:所以Potts开始讨论接待处如何去重新装饰,并且寻求这个男人的建议,那是神奇的时刻。A. familiar 熟悉的;B. strange陌生的;C. terrible糟糕的;D. magic神奇的。帮助别人是神奇的一刻。故选D项。 19. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:所以Potts开始想,必须要有一个方法来提高正在挣扎的人们的生活水平不是让他们觉得自己总是得到帮助,而是给他们一个帮助别人的空间-最后,帮助自己。A. copy 抄袭;B. improve提高;C. reflect 反映;D. record 记录。improve the lives of people提高人们的生活水平,live和improve搭配,表示帮助无家可归的人提高他们的生活。故选B项。 20. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:所以Potts开始想,必须要有一个方法来提高正在挣扎的人们的生活水平,不是让他们觉得自己总是得到帮助,而是给他们一个帮助别人的空间-最后,帮助自己。A. struggling 挣扎;努力;B. changing 改变;C. relaxing 放松;D. escaping 逃跑。这里指无家可归的人在生活中挣扎。故选A项。

    For thousands of years, salting was a common way to preserve food. Corned beef (咸牛肉), bacon, green beans, and hundreds of other foods were preserved with salt.1. Then, in the 1800s, a Frenchman named Louis Pasteur discovered the secret: bacteria.

What does salt have to do with bacteria? Two things: First, bacteria need moisture (水分)to grow and multiply. Salt pulls moisture out of food, so the bacteria die. 2. If you cover food with salt or very salty liquid, bacteria outside the food die before they get in, and bacteria already in the food are poisoned by the salt that goes inside.

3. For meat or fish,you pour on a layer of salt, then rub it in well, leaving a salt crust (盾)all over the outside. Hams are often made this way. Another way is to put food into very salty water, called brine (卤水).4. The salt will draw the moisture out of the food, creating a kind of brine that the food sits in.

Today, in most parts of the world, salting, is no longer necessary. 5. But even though we no longer rely on salt to keep our food fresh, we haven’t lost our taste for salt. We don’t want to give up our bacon, corned beef or salted beans.

A.So how do you preserve food with salt?

B.Next, it can make food too salty to eat.

C.Second, salt is poisonous to many bacteria.

D.But for a long time, no one knew why salt worked.

E.You can alternate layers of food and salt in a big jar.

F.People buy food in cans, keep it in the refrigerator, or freeze it.

G.They use salt to preserve meat, fish, vegetables, and even fruit.



    Imagine you are floating in space on a huge NASA spacecraft. A satellite is on a collision course with your spaceship. You have just been told by your commanders on Earth to evacuate. You and your teammates have to make rapid decisions for your escape and survival.

Engaging children in a NASA mission (任务) is a lesson that 23 pre-service teachers (职前教师)were taught to carry out at a recent Pre-Service Teacher Institute (PSTI) summer workshop (讲习班)at NASA’s Ames Research Center.

At this two-week workshop, these college students were given hands-on activities designed to increase their skills in teaching STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) . They were shown how to include NASA missions and research into their lesson plans. They met with NASA engineers and were given tours of NASA facilities (设施)by the latter to help them develop and teach a problem-based lesson to children.

“NASA is pleased to support college students who want to teach STEM to young children,” said Lewis Braxton, director of the research center. “It was exciting to see PSII students fully engaged in developing new skills in STEM to meet the challenges of a space-related teaching task,” said Steve Price, the principal investigator of PSTI at California State University, Fresno.

“PSTI has provided me with the necessary tools and techniques to fully develop my skills as a teacher. I’ll use what I’ve learned to help my students succeed in their studies,” said Elijah Carnillo, one of the pre-service teachers.

1.What does the underlined word “evacuate” in Paragraph 1 mean?





2.What is the purpose of the PSTI workshop?

A.To invite students to engage in NASA missions.

B.To encourage graduates to work at NASA.

C.To introduce the latest space technology.

D.To help with space-related STEM teaching.

3.What did NASA engineers do for the PSTI students?

A.They graded their homework.

B.They adjusted their work schedules.

C.They built them a spacecraft model.

D.They showed them some space equipment.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.PSTI: Getting You Ready for Your Class

B.STEM: The Key to a Successful Career

C.Space: The Final Homework Frontier

D.NASA: The Home of Astronauts



    Picture this: You’re playing soccer with friends. As you kick the ball, you realize the bottom of your foot feels cold and wet. You turn your sneaker up to look at the sole (鞋底). A big crack(裂缝) is letting water from the ground in. When you get home, you throw your ruined sneakers away.

Now imagine another ending to the story. You don’t throw the sneakers away. Instead, you push the two sides of the cracked sole together so they’re touching. You leave the sneaker in a warm spot. A few hours later, the crack disappears.

Thanks to Qiming Wang, a professor at the University of Southern California, a self-healing (自我修复的) sneaker sole could soon become reality. Wang and his team have invented 3D printable rubber that could fix itself. When it’s exposed to heat, it causes a chemical reaction that bonds its atoms back together. The material could be used to3D print not only sneaker soles, but also toys, bike tires, even satellites.

To 3D print a self-healing object, the first step is to make a model of it on the computer. The model is “divided” into 100 smaller pictures. This first picture is projected onto a thin laver (层) of the rubber, which starts as a liquid. The rubber takes on the shape of the picture, and the light from the projection turns it from liquid to solid. The next picture is projected on another layer of liquid rubber on top of the first one. The final, complete shape is built up layer by layer like this.

Many footwear companies want to buy this technology. First, though, Wang and his team have to try to make the material in different levels of hardness. Wang thinks it will take two or three years for their material to show up in shoes we buy in stores.

One exciting thing about the special rubber is the amount of waste it can reduce, Plus, it can self-heal “more than 10 times”. When it can’t heal anymore, it can be recycled.

1.How does the author introduce the topic?

A.By asking questions for readers to think about.

B.By presenting a possible situation in our life.

C.By telling an interesting story about himself.

D.By comparing different research findings.

2.What is the key to the self-healing process?

A.Proper temperature.

B.Strong light.

C.Enough water.

D.Fresh air.

3.What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?

A.The process of 3D printing a self-healing object.

B.The steps to make the self-healing rubber.

C.The material of self-healing objects.

D.The advantages of 3D printing.

4.What do we know about the special rubber?

A.It has a high price.

B.It is environment-friendly.

C.It has a very short usage period.

D.It is being tried by footwear companies.



    As a children's author and former English teacher, Abi Elphinstone has spent almost all of her life surrounded by the written word. Now an ambassador for the charity Coram Beanstalk, Ms Elphinstone plays a key role in championing the importance of literacy (读写能力)and the role played by its volunteers.

The charity has teamed up with the i (a British newspaper) to increase the number of its helpers, which it sends into schools to give children aged 3 to 13 who have fallen behind with their reading or are at risk of doing so support with their reading.

“I think there is an absolute need to reach kids who don't have access to books,” she said. “Just reading for 10 minutes a day improves a child’s achievement at school. Books show children the world is big and varied and full of wonder.”

And Ms Elphinstone knows first-hand how tricky reading is from her own experience. “In class when the teacher said 'could you read aloud', the words would jump all over the page and I’d stumble (结巴)and lose so much confidence,” she said. “That was difficult. Until way after leaving school, I just assumed I needed to put in a lot more work than other people to finish an essay or process information.”

Nowadays she thinks one of the biggest challenges is the competition books face from screens, which are being used by children for everything from videos and games to social media.

“There's so much demand on their time and it’s such an easy, quick-fix demand,” she said. “It's immediate satisfaction. Screens are loud and books whisper with quieter magic, but I think the effects are transformative and they are longer lasting than a Screen.”

This is where she thinks Coram Beanstalk can help, both with reading and also making children Feel valued.

1.Why did Coram Beanstalk work with the i ?

A.To advertise its ambassador.

B.To find more book donators.

C.To attract more people to volunteer.

D.To help increase the newspaper's subscription.

2.What is the goal of Coram Beanstalk?

A.To teach children English.

B.To encourage reading in children.

C.To inspire children to write books.

D.To improve children's social skills.

3.Which of the following Ms Elphinstone's school experience?

A.She had limited access to books.

B.She could hardly finish reading a book.

C.She was afraid of reading loudly in public.

D.She seldom handed in her class essay on time.

4.What's Ms Elphinstone's opinion on screens?

A.They affect children in a quict way.

B.They have a short-term effect on children.

C.They offer children easy access to books.

D.They bring children transformative change.



Nanny (保姆)Positions

Applicant Requirements:

·Be at least 21 years of age.

·Have a minimum of 3 years of private in-home childcare experience.

·Provide phone and e-mail information for 2 recent childcare employment references.

·Provide current US work authorization.

·Be able to make a minimum one-year commitment.

Battery Park

Here is the schedule: Monday 2:30 pm6:30 pm, Tuesday 4:30 pm6:30pm, Wednesday 3:30 pm6:30pm, Friday 7:30 am6:30 pm. Children include 2 girls and a boy. Responsibilities include children’s care, playful engagement (参与)and organization of their spaces and belongings, children’s laundry and evening baths.


The schedule is Tuesday to Friday from 11 am7 pm. One 6-month-old boy. Responsibilities are all related to the baby and his care. You'll monitor and promote his continued strong development, provide clothing care and healthy meal options. Please like cats; they have an animal friend.

Forest Hills

The schedule is Monday to Friday from 2:15 pm7:15 pm. A boy aged 9 and a girl aged 5. Responsibilities include school pick-ups, homework help, children’s meal preparation and keeping the common areas tidy. There are no pets, no travel and there is a weekly housekeeper for deep cleaning.

The Upper East Side (UES)

The schedule is Monday to Thursday from 2:30 pm8 pm and Fridays from around noon7:30 pm. Children include a 3-year-old boy and a 4-year-old girl. Responsibilities are all child-related and a willingness to work alongside the full-time nanny to help with meal preparation. Must swim and drive.

For more information, please call 1-212-333-6411.

1.What is required of all applicants?

A.Living in the US for three years.

B.Working as a nanny for at least one year.

C.Working for no less than 30 hours per week.

D.Offering former employers’ phone numbers.

2.When is the working time for the Battery Park position?

A.Monday morning.

B.Tuesday morning.

C.Wednesday morning.

D.Friday morning.

3.What is a responsibility for the UES position?

A.Taking care of a cat.

B.Helping prepare meals.

C.Cleaning the house thoroughly.

D.Picking up children after school.



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