满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Many people set an academic goal: gradua...

    Many people set an academic goal: graduating from college. ______, One woman waited a long time to ______ that goal. Last week, 84-year-old Janet Fein received her bachelor’s ______ of sociology (社会学) from the University of Texas at Dallas.

Fein ______ in New York City. In high school, she just wanted to ______ and get a job. After ______ early, at the age of 16, she went to work. After getting married, she spent 18 years staying home with her children. She held several jobs throughout her life, ______ 20 years as a secretary at a Dallas hospital. But she still wanted to ______ a bachelor’s degree.

Fein ______ a program that lets people aged 65 and older take free classes at universities. “With each class I already ______ a lot, but then I also learned a lot.” Health experts say continuing with education later in life is one way to keep ______. They believe keeping active and giving yourself something to look forward to is a ______ move.

In Fein’s case, she kept going to class even as her health conditions ______. She needed to use a walker (助步器) to get around and required oxygen. She also ______ knee problems. So, Fein took ______ classes to finish the last part of her degree requirements. But she never showed ______ of giving up.

Tracy Glass, Fein’s classmate, said Fein’s personal ______ of world events — like the women’s movement — improved a lot of class discussions. Their sociology teacher Carol Lanham ______ that Fein made the classroom experience more meaningful for other students.

Fein has also ______ her caregiver Renee Brown. At 53, she plans to begin nursing school to ______ her career. Fein told her, “Renee, you can do it. If I can do it, you can do it, and you will feel so good about it.”

1.A.However B.Therefore C.Instead D.Moreover

2.A.miss B.accept C.set D.reach

3.A.position B.application C.offer D.degree

4.A.got by B.grew up C.passed by D.took off

5.A.teach B.study C.finish D.retire

6.A.working B.settling down C.graduating D.giving up

7.A.supposing B.regarding C.concerning D.including

8.A.earn B.make C.check D.abandon

9.A.took part in B.was in charge of C.handled with D.was aware of

10.A.paid B.knew C.considered D.forgot

11.A.awake B.calm C.fit D.quiet

12.A.positive B.frustrating C.special D.difficult

13.A.improved B.worsened C.strengthened D.required

14.A.caused B.solved C.developed D.destroyed

15.A.academic B.regular C.additional D.online

16.A.symbols B.significance C.signs D.signals

17.A.memories B.opinions C.preferences D.interests

18.A.criticized B.agreed C.argued D.recommended

19.A.praised B.amazed C.comforted D.inspired

20.A.start B.further C.change D.discover


1.A 2.D 3.D 4.B 5.C 6.C 7.D 8.A 9.A 10.B 11.C 12.A 13.B 14.C 15.D 16.C 17.A 18.B 19.D 20.B 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文。本文讲述了珍妮特·费恩在84岁高龄获得社会学学士学位的励志故事。 1. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:然而,一位女人等待了很久才有机会实现这一目标。A. However然而;B. Therefore 因此;C. Instead反而;D. Moreover 此外。根据前文“Many people set an academic goal: graduating from college.”可知很多人都设下了从大学毕业的学术目标,根据后文“One woman waited a long time to ___2___ that goal”和“84-year-old Janet Fein received her …University of Texas at Dallas.”可知女人Janet Fein等了很久才有这个机会,到八十多岁才获得大学学位。一般人都在二十多岁毕业,而她等了这么久,所以前后文是转折关系,故选A项。 2. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:然而,一位女人等待了很久才有机会达成这一目标。A. miss错过;想念;B. accept接受;C. set 放;置;D. reach 达到。根据“Last week, 84-year-old Janet Fein received …from the University of Texas at Dallas.”可知这位女人等待了很久才有机会实现从大学毕业的目标,reach the goal意为“达成目标”符合句意。故选D项。 3. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:上周,84岁的珍妮特·费恩(Janet Fein)拿到了得克萨斯大学达拉斯分校的社会学学士学位。A. position位置,方位;B. application 申请;C. offer提议; D. degree 程度;学位。根据“of sociology (社会学) from the University of Texas at Dallas.”可知珍妮特·费恩获得的是得克萨斯大学达拉斯分校的社会学学士学位(bachelor’s degree)。故选D项。 4. 考查词组辨析。句意:费恩在纽约市长大。A. got by通过;经过;B. grew up 长大;C. passed by经过;走过;D. took off 起飞。根据下文“. In high school, she just wanted to …early, at the age of 16, she went to work.”可知这一段在介绍珍妮特·费恩的个人成长经历,所以这里要表达的是她在纽约市长大。故选B项。 5. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:读高中时,她只想毕业找份工作。A. teach教;B. study 学习;C. finish完成;结束;D. retire 退休。根据后文“get a job.”可知她只想找份工作,这说明她想结束高中学业去找工作。故选C项。 6. 考查动词词义和词组辨析。句意:16岁早早毕业后,她就去工作了。A. working工作;B. settling down定居;安定下来;C. graduating 毕业;D. giving up 放弃。根据后文“at the age of 16, she went to work”可知费恩在16岁的时候去工作了,这说明她之前已经从高中毕业不读书了,故选C项。 7. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:她一生中做过好几份工作,包括在达拉斯一家医院当了20年秘书。A. supposing 假设;认为;B. regarding认为;把……看作;C. concerning涉及;关系到;D. including 包括。根据“She held several jobs throughout her life,”可知费恩做过好几份工作,在达拉斯一家医院当了20年秘书也是其中一份工作,故选D项。 8. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:但她仍然想获得一个学士学位。A. earn获得; B. make做;制造;C. check核对;D. abandon 放弃。费恩仍然想获得一个学士学位,earn意为“获得”符合句意。故选A项。 9. 考查词组辨析。句意: 费恩参加了一个项目,该项目允许65岁及以上的老人在公立大学免费就读。A. took part in 参加;B. was in charge of掌控;C. handled with处理;D. was aware of 意识到。根据“a program that lets people aged 65 and older take free classes at universities.”可知有个项目允许65岁及以上的老人在公立大学免费就读,根据前文“Last week, 84-year-old Jane… Dallas.”可知费恩拿到了一个学士学位,说明费恩是参加了这个项目进入了大学,故选A项。 10. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:她说:“即便充分了解每节课的内容,但还是能学到不少知识。”A. paid支付;B. knew知道;了解;C. considered考虑;D. forgot 忘记。根据“but then I also learned a lot.”可知费恩说她仍然学到了很多,此处与前文形成转折关系,说明费恩其实已经知道不少课程的内容,但仍然收获颇丰。故选B项。 11. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:健康专家表示,晚年继续接受教育是保持健康的一种方法。A. awake醒着的;B. calm 冷静的 C. fit 健康的;D. quiet 安静的。根据“Health experts”可知这是关于保持健康的内容,故选C项。 12. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:保持积极的心态并且有所期待是非常积极的一步。A. positive积极的;B. frustrating令人灰心的;C. special 特别的;D. difficult 困难的。 keeping active and giving yourself something to look forward to(保持积极的心态并且有所期待)这是非常积极向上的,故选A项。 13. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:以费恩来说,即使健康状况恶化,她仍坚持上课。A. improved提升;B. worsened 恶化;变得更坏;C. strengthened 加强;D. required 要求。根据后文“She needed to use a walker (助步器) to get around and required oxygen. She also ___14___ knee problems.”可知费恩需要借助助步器行走,还需要吸氧。她的膝盖状况也不好。这说明她的健康状况恶化了。故选B项。 14. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:她的膝盖状况也不好。A. caused导致;引起;B. solved 解决;C. developed 患(病); 出现(问题);D. destroyed 摧毁; 毁灭。根据“knees problems”可知费恩的膝盖也有问题,故选C项。 15. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:所以费恩参加了在线课程,以完成学位要求的最后一部分课程。A. academic学术的;B. regular 整齐的;定期的;C. additional 附加的;另外的;D. online 在线的;网上经营的。根据前文“he needed to use a walker (助步器) to get around and required oxygen. She also ___14___ knee problems.”可知费恩的身体健康状况很不好,所以为了完成学位,她应该是参加了网上课程,这样不用奔波。故选D项。 16. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:但她从未有过放弃的迹象。A. symbols象征;B. significance意义;重要性;C. signs 迹象;D. signals 信号。根据“But”可知虽然费恩身体状况不好只能参加网上课程,但是她没想过放弃,没有放弃的迹象。故选C项。 17. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:特蕾西·格拉斯(Tracy Glass),费恩的同学,说费恩对妇女运动等世界大事的个人印象提高了课堂讨论的氛围。 A. memories记忆;B. opinions 意见;C. preferences 偏爱;优先;D. interests 兴趣。根据“84-year-old Janet Fein”可知费恩已经84岁了,她一定经历过妇女运动等世界大事,所以这里要表达的是费恩对妇女运动等世界大事的个人记忆提高了课堂讨论的氛围。故选A项。 18. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:她们的社会学老师卡罗尔·拉纳姆(Caro Lanham)也认同费恩让课堂体验对其它学生来说更具意义。A. criticized批评;B. agreed 同意;C. argued争论;D. recommended 推荐。根据“Tracy Glass, … class discussions.”可知费恩促进提高了课堂讨论,她的老师自然也会认同费恩让课堂体验对其它学生来说更具意义。故选B项。 19. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:费恩也激励了自己的看护员蕾妮·布朗(Renee Brown)。A. praised 赞扬;B. amazed使惊讶;C. comforted安慰;D. inspired 激励;启发。根据后文“Fein told her, “Renee, you can do it. If I can do it, you can do it, and you will feel so good about it.””可知费恩激励她的看护员,鼓励她可以做到自己想做的。故选D项。 20. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:今年53岁的她计划进入护理学校来进一步提升自己的事业。A. start开始;B. further促进;推进;C. change改变;D. discover发现。根据“plans to begin nursing school”可知费恩的看护员决定进入护理学校,这说明她想促进自己的护理事业。故选B项。

    Climate change has already begun to impact our planet in more ways than we can think.

1. Saving the environment starts with us and it is our responsibility to act against these terrible changes to preserve the planet for future generations.

Make your commute green. Millions of people drive to work every day. 2. However, the downside to this is that millions of cars emit greenhouse gases that destroy our atmosphere. There are always other options that you can utilize to make your commute to work eco-friendly. For starters, taking public transportation to work is a great way to cut out emissions. Riding your bike to work is also incredibly helpful to the environment and is a great method to get exercise.

Be more conservative with energy usage. Becoming more energy efficient is a great way to prevent pollution. 3. Make sure to turn off lights and unplug devices that you are not using anymore when you are done with them. Replace your light bulbs with energy-efficient light bulbs to help you save electricity too.

Recycle. Manufacturing plants emit a large number of greenhouse gasses per year. It is unavoidable in the production of goods that we use on a regular basis. However, a cleaner alternative would be to invest in recycling. 4. The professionals will take these items to a processing plant where they will be remade into other recyclable materials again.

5. Focusing your efforts to spread awareness about renewable energy is the best way to create a positive impact in your community. By informing others about how renewable energy is better than fossil fuels (化石燃料), you will persuade others into investing in the idea.

A.Educate yourself and others.

B.Encourage the use of renewable energies.

C.It’s simply unavoidable in our modern-day society.

D.Be sure to collect your abandoned paper, plastic and electronics.

E.Fortunately, there are always things we can do to fight against it.

F.This requires you to cut down on energy usage in your household.

G.Recycling is a cost-effective and eco-friendly process that eliminates waste.



    When was the last time you listened to someone? And when was the last time someone really listened to you? I asked people what it meant to be a good listener. The typical response was a blank stare. People had no trouble, however, telling me what it meant to be a bad listener.

Of course, technology plays a role. Social media helps filter out (滤掉) opposing views. People find phone calls disturbing and ignore voice mail, preferring text or wordless emoji. But tech is not the only blame. High schools and colleges rarely, if ever, offer classes or activities that teach careful listening. Traffic noise on city streets and music playing in shops exceed (超过) the volume of normal conversation by as much as 30 decibels (分贝), and can even cause hearing loss.

So how can we reclaim the lost art of listening? After years of studying and consulting, I discovered that listening goes beyond simply hearing what people say. It also involves paying attention to how they say it and what they do while they are saying it, in what context, and how what they say resonates (. . . 共鸣) within you. It’s not about merely holding your peace while someone holds forth. Quite the opposite. A lot of listening has to do with how you respond — the degree to which you assist in the clear expression of the other person’s thoughts and in the process, express your own.

Good listeners ask good questions. Good questions don’t begin with “Wouldn’t you agree. or “Don’t you think. . . ?” and they definitely don’t end with “right?” The idea is to explore the other person’s point of view, not sway it. You also want to avoid asking people personal and evaluating questions. Instead, ask about people’s interests so that they feel more connected than if they spend time together accomplishing a task.

The reward of good listening will almost certainly be more interesting conversations. Attentive listeners receive more information, related details from the speakers, even when the listeners didn’t ask any questions. We are, each of us, the sum of what we attend to in life. And to listen poorly, selectively or not at all limits your understanding of the world and prevents you from becoming the best you can be.

1.Which is NOT mentioned as a factor that contributes to bad Listening?

A.People prefer text message to phone calls.

B.Listening skills are not taught in school.

C.The noise around us drowns out our speech.

D.Our responses to others while listening is different.

2.What does the author find about listening?

A.Listening combines hearing, understanding and responding.

B.Listening requires the listener to keep in total silence.

C.Listening isn’t just hearing but also predicting questions.

D.Listening is to put your thoughts into other person’s mouth.

3.What does the underlined word “sway” in paragraph 4 mean?

A.Influence. B.Stop.

C.Prove. D.Complain.

4.Which of the following will the author most probably agree with?

A.Good listeners should express themselves bravely.

B.Good listening promotes our understanding of the world.

C.Good listeners always receive reward from the speakers.

D.Good listening develops people’s interest in private life.



    The decline in sea ice seen in the Arctic in recent decades has been linked by scientists to the spread of a deadly virus in marine (海洋的) mammals. Researchers found that Phocine distemper virus (PDV) had spread from animals in the North Atlantic to populations in the North Pacific.

According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the ice has been retreating by around 12% per decade between 1979 and 2018. These sea ice changes in September (2018) are likely unprecedented (前所未有的) for at least 1, 000 years. “Between 1979 and 2018, the real proportion (比例) of multi-year ice that is at least five years old has declined by approximately 90%,” the IPCC said in their report on the oceans and the cryosphere (冰冻圈) published in September.

Against this changing background, researchers have investigated the likely spread of the PDV infection, which caused a large number of deaths among harbour seals in the North Atlantic in 2002. Melting sea ice is now connecting marine mammals, like these Steller sea lions, which were formerly separated by ice . “As animals move and come in contact with other species, they carry opportunities to introduce and catch new infectious disease, with potentially destructive effects.” said author Dr Tracey Goldstein, from the University of California, Davis.

The authors warn that this trend could continue as they believe climate driven changes in the Arctic ocean will increase. The opportunities for the spread of PDV will likely grow, with uncertain health outcomes for many species.

1.What does the word “populations” in paragraph 1 refer to?

A.The marine mammals. B.The people.

C.The virus. D.The land animals.

2.What are the statistics in paragraph 2 about?

A.The loss of sea ice. B.The formation of sea ice.

C.The effect of sea ice. D.The proportion of sea ice.

3.What does paragraph 3 try to tell us?

A.How marine mammals adapt to their habitats.

B.How a large number of seals died in the Arctic.

C.How melting ice is linked to the spread of virus.

D.How marine mammals live with the melting ice.

4.In which section of a newspaper may this text appear?

A.Entertainment. B.Health.

C.Education. D.Nature.



    Oscar Valera likes to use 3D printers to build a collection of crafts (模型), but he is now turning his hobby toward the fight against the coronavirus pandemic (新冠大流行).

In just four days, the New Jersey high school teacher has printed and distributed 200 face masks to medical professionals across the country, including Florida and Texas. He is far from done. “One woman told me what you’re doing right now is giving people peace of mind. You’re probably saving lives,” said Valera, who found a mask design posted online.

Demand for face masks, along with N95-masks and other personal protective equipment (PPE) has increased with the surge (大量涌现) of patients infected with the highly infectious virus. That has prompted volunteer 3D printers like Valera to step in to support doctors, nurses and first responders, who are all in danger of contracting the sometimes deadly illness.

In Sunnyvale, California, community workspace nonprofit Maker Nexus has been running its 13 3D printers and three laser cutters (激光切割机) nonstop. The company produced 1,800 masks for local hospitals and now has requests for another 13,000.

Elsewhere in Silicon Valley, more companies are joining in. Fremont-based PrinterPrezz, a 3D-printing medical device contract manufacturer that specializes in metal spinal implants, switched production to printing PPE after getting a request from nearby Washington Hospital Healthcare System.

Snap Lab, a unit of Snap Inc, is also producing face masks to donate to hospitals. In New Jersey, Valera said he will continue to do his part. “I don’t mind doing this,” Valera said. “I just hate the fact that I have.”

1.What do we know about Oscar Valera?

A.He is a professional craftsman.

B.He is helping medical worker to save lives.

C.He adopts the online mask design.

D.He is forced to print face masks.

2.How many enterprises are mentioned to help produce medical equipment?

A.2. B.3. C.4. D.5.

3.What’s the tone of the author when reporting the news?

A.Concerned. B.Critical.

C.Objective. D.Enthusiastic.

4.What’s the best title of the passage?

A.A Teacher’s Creativity to Produce Masks.

B.3D Printers Help Make Face masks.

C.Face Masks Are in Great Demand.

D.The Fight Against the Pandemic.



    In California, there are farms that you can visit, tour, and buy locally grown products to sample and enjoy. These are some of the best farms to visit when you’re in California!

China Ranch Date Farm, Tecopa

China Ranch is a small family-owned farm that is truly an oasis in the desert. When you visit, you can try fresh dates and bread, muffins, and cookies made with dates. The shop is open every day except for Christmas and is an easy 85-mile drive from Las Vegas as well. There’s a small museum that’s open to the publicand the China Ranch is available for film and photography shoots.

Tanaka Farms, Irvine

For farm-fresh fruits and vegetables in Southern California, look no further than Tanaka Farms. This Irvine destination allows you to take a guided walking tour around the farm to pick your own produce. Throughout the year, there are watermelon, pumpkin patch, and Christmas tree tours. Make sure to bring your own water, wear comfortable close-toed shoes, and leave your pets at home.

Underwood Family Farms, Somis

This is a family-friendly farm that is open every day throughout the year and has an animal center as well. One of the most fun things to do here is to pick your own strawberries, blueberries, blackberries and raspberries. For kids, this is a fun place to host a birthday party, take an educational farm tour, or attend farming camp in the summer. McClelland’s Dairy Farm, Petaluma

McClelland’s is a dairy farm, but it is also an organic pumpkin patch and sells free-range eggs and organic artisan butter. This farm offers tours that are designed for both kids and adults with a hands-on approach to learning about farming. The traditional farm tour takes you through the history of the farm and to see baby calves. You’ll watch a cow being milked by hand over the 1. 5-hour tour.

1.Which is not available in China Ranch Date Farm?

A.Tasting fresh dates. B.Visiting a museum.

C.Shooting a picture. D.Celebrating Christmas.

2.What is the style of Tanaka Farms?

A.Pet-friendly. B.Family-owned.

C.Camp-based. D.Pick-your-own.

3.What do Underwood Family Farms and McClelland’s Dairy Farm have in common?

A.They are open every day throughout the year.

B.They allow visitors to pick up fruits by themselves.

C.They offer chances to kids to experience farming.

D.They have an animal center to sell dairy products.



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