满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The morning she left for Camp Kanawa, Ma...

    The morning she left for Camp Kanawa, Maria awoke with an ache in her stomach. She had gone on plenty of parties. She ’ d even spent a whole weekend at Aunt Jolie and Uncle Ed ’ s. So what happened to her?

No breakfast today, she thought, imagining the ache turning into throwing up and a horrible road trip after a full meal. As usual, Maria felt hungry as soon as the room smelled of French toast. On the other hand, maybe a good breakfast was exactly what she needed.

“There’ s my big camper!’’ said her mom. Then, she walked to the stove, placed two pieces of French toast on a plate and powdered sugar snowing down. “Just like you like it. ’’ At the meanwhile, Maria was already in position, armed with knife, fork, napkin and full glass of milk.

‘‘Get started while it ’ s hot. Your father ’ s coming down in a minute. I told him to shave. Don’t want the bear—I mean, the bushy black beard.

“Okay,okay,” Maria’s dad said with a smile. “Clean as a whistle. Just like you ordered. ”

“ Really?” Maria ’ s mom shrugged (耸肩).

“ I think it ’ s fashionable,” Maria said,dipping a bite in some syrup (糖浆).

“Well, your old man is fashionable,” her dad said, moving his head the way he did when he wanted to look like a cool surfer man but looked more like an Egyptian robot. “ In fact,I was the most popular kid at my camp.”

“For the record,it was a science camp,”  Maria’s mother reminded her, looking her straight in the eyes. “In all seriousness, Maria, popularity is not important and finding the people who like you for you—that ’ s what matters. ”

“Your mom speaks the truth, Sugar,” said Maria’ s dad,wiping his thick beard with a napkin. “Just be yourself. You’ 11 definitely enjoy it.

1.What probably led to Maria’s hesitation to eat breakfast?

A.The lack of adequate nutrition.

B.The concern about feeling sick.

C.The inviting smell of French toast.

D.The worry about getting overweight.

2.What is Maria’s attitude towards her father’s beard?

A.Favorable. B.Disapproving.

C.Concerned. D.Uncaring.

3.Why did Maria' s mother remind her that her father went to a science camp?

A.To advise Maria not to focus on popularity.

B.To share her similar experience with Maria.

C.To emphasize the importance of science to Maria.

D.To persuade Maria not to discuss subjects except science.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.Father ’ s beard B.A wonderful breakfast

C.Family talk about a camp D.Maria ’ s dream to be a big camper


1.B 2.A 3.A 4.C 【解析】 本文主要讲述了一家人关于野营的谈话。父母建议女儿做自己,不要太关注是否受到每个人欢迎。 1.细节理解题。根据No breakfast today, she thought, imagining the ache turning into throwing up and a horrible road trip after a full meal.,可以得知玛利亚没有吃早餐因为怕疼痛引起呕吐,担心自己生病了。故选B。 2.推理判断题。根据“ I think it ’ s fashionable,” Maria said,dipping a bite in some syrup (糖浆),可以得知玛利亚认为爸爸的胡子很时尚,从而推断她支持爸爸蓄胡子。故选A。 3.细节理解题。根据“In all seriousness, Maria, popularity is not important and finding the people who like you for you—that ’ s what matters. ”,可以得知妈妈提醒玛利亚受欢迎不重要,不要过多关注受欢迎。故选A。 4.主旨大意题。根据全文大意,可以得知本文主要讲述了一家人关于野营的谈话。故选C。

    Want a wonderful travel in London? Don’t miss the following!

The Guards Museum

The Guards Museum was created as an educational tool for the newest intake of the Guards and includes exhibits of uniform for the five Roval regiments () dating from the Civil War, with details of the nature and origin of their ceremonial duties right up to their contemporary role. To anyone interested in these world-famous soldiers this London tourist attraction is a must-see.

Telephone: 020 7414 3428

Toy theatre

Toy theatre (or paper theatre) was most popular in the 1800s, and consists of paper theatres, some with an extraordinary level of detail, allowing children to stage their own productions at home, usually with cut-out sheets of figures for the scenery, props (道具) and various characters in the play.

Telephone: 020 7967 1066

Charles Dickens Museum

The Charles Dickens Museum, an author’s house museum at Doughty Street, is a celebration of one of the greatest novelists in British history. The museum exhibits over 100, 000 items from personal items to artworks (艺术品) from some of his books. It is said that Dickens wrote 3 of his most famous stories while living here, Oliver Twist, Nicholas Nickleby and The Pickwick Papers. The building is the writer’s only surviving London house and we can get to know what life in the household would have been like.

Telephone: 020 7405 2127

Foundling Museum

The Foundling Museum was originally one of the first houses in London for abandoned children and housed over 27, 000 children before its closure (关闭). Since then this London attraction has transformed (转化) itself into one special London museum with a large collection of artworks and social history relating to the children taken in and the terrible social problems that led to children being abandoned by their parents.

Telephone: 020 7841 3600

1.Which will you call if you prefer some history of the army?

A.020 7414 3428 B.020 7967 1066

C.020 7405 2127 D.020 7841 3600

2.What can we learn from the Charles Dickens Museum?

A.The house remains famous as before.

B.It is Charles Dickens’ only surviving house.

C.Visitors can have a taste of Dickens’ life there.

D.Charles Dickens wrote most of his novels there.

3.Which used to be a welfare(福利) institute?

A.The Guards Museum B.Toy theatre

C.Charles Dickens Museum D.Foundling Museum




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提示词: 物业 the management department

Last week, a rest station was set up at my suggestion in our community. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________




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Dear Sir/Madam,


Yours Sincerely,

Li Hua



    At one point or another, you’ve probably heard someone speak with confidence on a topic that they actually know almost nothing about. This phenomenon is known as the Dunning-Kruger effect, which refers to the finding that people who are relatively unskilled or unknowledgeable in a particular subject sometimes have the tendency to overestimate their knowledge and abilities.

In a set of studies, researchers Justin Kruger and David Dunning asked participants to complete tests of their skills in a particular domain. Then, participants were asked to guess how well they had done on the test. 1. This effect was most pronounced among participants with the lowest scores on the test.

David Dunning explains that “the knowledge and intelligence that are required to be good at a task are often the same qualities needed to recognize that one is not good at that task.” In other words, if someone knows very little about a particular topic, they may not even know enough about the topic to realize that their knowledge is limited. Importantly, someone may be highly skilled in one area, but be influenced by the Dunning-Kruger effect in another domain.2.

If people who know very little about a topic think they’re experts, what do experts think of themselves? Interestingly, Dunning and Kruger found that although experts typically guessed their performance was above average, they didn’t realize quite how well they had done. They often make a different mistake:3.

What can people do to overcome the effect? Dunning and Kruger once had some of the participants take a logic test and then complete a short training session on logical reasoning. After the training, the participants were asked to assess how they’d done on the previous test. 4.

Afterward, the participants who scored in the bottom 25 percent lowered their estimate of how well they thought they had done on the initial test. In other words, one way to overcome the effect may be to learn more about a topic.

The Dunning-Kruger effect suggests that we may not always know as much as we think we do.

5. However, by challenging ourselves to learn more and by reading about opposing views, we can work to overcome the effect.

A.Researchers found that the training made a difference.

B.They assume that everyone else is knowledgeable, too.

C.This happens when people don’t know much about a topic.

D.All of them had a more accurate view of their performance.

E.They found that participants tended to overestimate their abilities.

F.This means that everyone can potentially be affected by the Dunning-Kruger effect.

G.In some domains, we may not know enough about a topic to realize that we are unskilled.



    Once I told someone I wanted to get a master’s degree of fine arts in creative writing and they told me it was the second-to-worst post-graduation plan they’d ever heard from a student. Arts degrees — especially fine arts degrees, which usually come in the form of music, studio art, creative writing and theater — have been, over the years, labeled useless.

It’s true that for the most part, STEM degrees lead to higher paying jobs than liberal and fine arts degrees, and it’s understandable why young people care about a higher starting salary and financial security. Student loan debt is playing a role in the physical and mental stress of young people.

And while STEM majors usually have starting salaries that are $20,000 higher than those of liberal arts majors, by the time people reach the age of 40, the salaries between those who majored in the liberal arts and those who majored in STEM are virtually the same. For example, women who major in STEM earned nearly 50% more than social science and history majors at ages 23-25, but only 10% more by ages 38-40, a New York Times analysis reported. So even in terms of salary, which doesn’t solely determine whether or not a degree is useful, liberal arts degrees aren’t all that far behind STEM.

It seems too that since people nowadays are going to have to work longer, it’s more important than ever that we actually like and care about what we’re doing. Pursuing something enjoyable, or else a passion, is continuously found to be a key factor in maintaining healthy relationships, mental health, physical health and energy. In other words, not useless.

Art is also a method of communication. It allows people from different backgrounds, from different walks of life to communicate with each other. In a world where borders and division seem to be all over the place, we need art more than ever. We need liberal arts majors. And more than anything, we need to be able to pursue what we love with confidence, and we need to not get caught up in the “usefulness” of what we love.

And just because someone’s primary job isn’t in their field of study — a writer who teaches high school for example— doesn’t make the degree useless. It just means that their way of finding a stable income is different. The same goes for artists who have to work multiple jobs to support themselves. They might have to find other means of supporting themselves and their artistry. It might be copy editing or it might be tutoring.

So I am going to graduate school, and I am going to graduate school for writing. I might be paying rent by way of overnight restaurant shifts — there’s so much I’m not sure of. But one thing I am sure of is this — I would rather be a writer working two jobs to pay my bills than be no writer at all.

1.A New York Times analysis report is mentioned in Paragraph 3 to ______.

A.analyse the potential value of different majors

B.put forward the opinion on majors by example

C.prove the argument against arts degrees wrong

D.demonstrate the link between majors and incomes

2.Why does the author think learning arts is useful?

A.Following one’s dream of arts keeps one in good condition.

B.Doing what one loves builds up one’s self-confidence in arts.

C.Mastering arts improves one’s understanding of different jobs.

D.Developing a love for arts helps one maintain passion for work.

3.The author thinks that doing multiple jobs is _______.

A.unavoidable B.common

C.traditional D.acceptable

4.What can we infer from the passage?

A.Students learning arts are more concerned about the value of life.

B.People tend to place income in the first place when choosing majors.

C.The man who doesn’t love his work won’t stick with the job for long.

D.Graduates can find a broader space of development in the field of arts.



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