满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

South Carolina is my home state and I am...

    South Carolina is my home state and I am the aunt, granddaughter, daughter, and sister of Baptist ministers(牧师). The church was a center of Black children's social _______ and caring Black adults were buffers(缓冲) against the segregated(种族隔离的) and hostile outside world that told us we weren't _______. But our parents said it wasn't so, our teachers said it wasn't so, and our ministers said it wasn't so. The _______ of my childhood was clear: let no man or woman _______ on you, and look down on no man or woman.

We couldn't play in public playgrounds or sit at drugstore lunch counters and _______ a Cokeso Daddy built a playground and canteen behind the church. In fact, whenever he saw a need, he tried to _______. There were no Black homes for the aged in Bennestsville, so he began one across the street for which he and Mama and we children cooked and _______ and cleaned.

We learned early what our parents and extended community “parents” valued. Children were _______—not by sermonizing(说教), but by personal example—that _______ was too lowly to do. I remember a debate my parents had when I was eight or nine as for ________ I was too young to go with my older brother, Harryto help clean the bed and bedsores of a very sickpoor woman. I went and learned just how much the ________ helping hands and kindness can mean to a person in need.

The adults in our churches and community made children feel ________ and important. They took time and paid attention to us. They tried to find ways to keep us busy. And ________ life was often hard and resources ________we always knew who we were and that the ________ of our worth was inside our heads and hearts and not outside in our possessions or on our backs. We were told that the ________ had a lot of problems; that Black people had an extra lot of problems; but that we were able and ________ to struggle and change them; that being poor was no ________ for not achieving; and that extra intellectual and material gifts brought ________ them the privilege and responsibility of sharing with others less ________

1.A.attitude B.existence C.background D.media

2.A.friendly B.powerful C.important D.intelligent

3.A.advantage B.vision C.direction D.message

4.A.come down B.look down C.catch up D.give up

5.A.order B.share C.make D.find

6.A.research B.reply C.respond D.reflect

7.A.played B.ate C.helped D.served

8.A.rewarded B.disciplined C.taught D.assessed

9.A.nothing B.something C.everything D.anything

10.A.why B.whether C.where D.how

11.A.greatest B.smallest C.strongest D.weakest

12.A.impressed B.accomplished C.valued D.protected

13.A.since B.unless C.before D.while

14.A.scarce B.precious C.necessary D.available

15.A.security B.defense C.description D.measure

16.A.world B.community C.people D.church

17.A.contented B.obliged C.relieved D.delighted

18.A.condition B.exception C.reason D.excuse

19.A.for B.to C.with D.in

20.A.fortunate B.smart C.wealthy D.kind


1.B 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.A 6.C 7.D 8.C 9.A 10.B 11.B 12.C 13.D 14.A 15.D 16.A 17.B 18.D 19.C 20.A 【解析】 这是一篇夹叙夹议文。文章中作者记叙了自己的童年因为外界对于黑人的隔离和敌对,在外界生存充满了障碍,在这样的情况下作者的父亲还是对人们的需要做出回应。文章还说明了社区成年人对于孩子们的教育问题,他们让孩子们感到被重视和重要,花时间关注他们。 1. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:教堂是黑人儿童社会生存的中心,有爱心的黑人成年人是对抗隔离和敌对的外部世界的缓冲,外部世界告诉我们,我们不重要。A. attitude态度;B. existence生存,存在;C. background背景;D. media媒体。结合后文We couldn't play in public playgrounds or sit at drugstore lunch counters可知儿童不能在公共操场上玩耍,也不能坐在药店的午餐柜台前买可乐,所以教堂就是黑人儿童社会生存的中心。故选B。 2. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:教堂是黑人儿童社会生存的中心,有爱心的黑人成年人是对抗隔离和敌对的外部世界的缓冲,外部世界告诉我们,我们不重要。A. friendly友好的;B. powerful强大的;C. important重要的;D. intelligent聪明的。结合上文的描述segregated and hostile outside world可知外面的世界对黑人是隔离和具有敌意的,认为黑人对社会来说不重要。其他选项不符合语境。故选C。 3. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我童年的信息很清楚:不要让任何男人或女人轻视你,也不要轻视任何男人或女人。A. advantage优势;B. vision视力;C. direction方向;D. message信息。结合后文let no man or woman …on you, and look down on no man or woman可知“不要让任何男人或女人轻视你,也不要让任何男人或女人轻视你”是作者童年接收到的信息。故选D。 4. 考查动词短语辨析。句意:我童年的信息很清楚:不要让任何男人或女人轻视你,也不要轻视任何男人或女人。A. come down下来;B. look down俯视;C. catch up赶上;D. give up放弃。结合后文and look down on no man or woman可知此处指不要让任何男人或女人轻视自己。故选B。 5. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们不能在公共操场上玩耍,也不能坐在药店的午餐柜台前点可乐,所以爸爸在教堂后面建了一个操场和食堂。A. order点餐,命令;B. share分享;C. make制作;D. find找到。结合上文at drugstore lunch counters可知是指坐在药店的午餐柜台前点可乐喝,故选A。 6. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:事实上,每当他看到需要的时候,他都试图做出回应。A. research研究;B. reply答复;C. respond回应;D. reflect反映。结合上文In fact, whenever he saw a need, he tried to可知是指父亲对需要做出回应。reply多指对某陈述或主张的回答,respond多指对号召、职责等作出响应或反应;偏重于用行动回答或响应,此处应用respond更符合语境。故选C。 7. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:在本尼斯维尔没有黑人养老院,所以他在街对面开了一家,由他和妈妈还有我们这些孩子做饭、服务和打扫卫生。A. played玩耍;B. ate吃;C. helped帮助;D. served招待,服务。结合上文he began one across the street for which he and Mama and we children cooked and老师父亲开了一家养老院,由作者和妈妈在里面做饭、服务和打扫卫生。故选D。 8. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:孩子们被教导——不是通过说教,而是通过个人例子——没有什么事情是不能做的。A. rewarded奖赏;B. disciplined使有纪律;C. taught教导,教;D. assessed评估。结合后文not by sermonizing可知孩子们是被父母教导的,而不是一味地说教。故选C。 9. 考查不定代词辨析。句意:孩子们被教导——不是通过说教,而是通过个人例子——没有什么事情是不能做的。A. nothing没有什么;B. something某事;C. everything一切;D. anything任何事。结合后文作者父母争论作者是否能够去帮助人,可推知孩子们被教导没有什么事情是不能做的,最小的帮助也是有益的。故选A。 10. 考查名词性从句。句意:我记得在我八九岁的时候,父母曾争论过我是否太小,不能陪我的哥哥哈里去帮一个病重、可怜的女人打扫床和褥疮。此处为宾语从句,从句中不少成分,表示“是否”应用whether。故选B。 11. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我去了解了最小的帮助之手和善良对一个需要帮助的人意味着什么。A. greatest最伟大的;B. smallest最小的;C. strongest最强壮的;D. weakest最弱的。结合上文I was too young to go with my older brother可知此处指的是最小的帮助之手。故选B。 12. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我们教会和社区的成年人让孩子们感到被重视和重要。A. impressed印象深刻的;B. accomplished完成的;C. valued被重视的;D. protected受保护的。结合后文and important可知是指让孩子们感到被重视和重要。故选C。 13. 考查连接词辨析。句意:虽然生活通常很艰难,资源也很匮乏,但我们总是知道自己是谁,我们的价值是在我们的头脑和内心中衡量的,而不是外在的财产或背上。A. since既然;B. unless除非;C. before在……之前;D. while虽然,当 ……时候。此处为while引导让步状语从句,表示“虽然”。故选D。 14. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:虽然生活通常很艰难,资源也很匮乏,但我们总是知道自己是谁,我们的价值是在我们的头脑和内心中衡量的,而不是外在的财产或背上。A. scarce匮乏的;B. precious宝贵的;C. necessary必要的;D. available可获得的。结合上文life was often hard and resources可知生活艰难,资源匮乏。故选A。 15. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:虽然生活通常很艰难,资源也很匮乏,但我们总是知道自己是谁,我们的价值是在我们的头脑和内心中衡量的,而不是外在的财产或背上。A. security安全;B. defense防御;C. description描述;D. measure衡量,措施。结合后文of our worth was inside our heads and hearts可知此处表示价值是在头脑和内心中衡量(measure)的。故选D。 16. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们被告知,这个世界有很多问题;黑人有额外的很多问题;但我们有能力也有义务去奋斗和改变它们;贫穷不是不成功的借口;额外的智力和物质天赋带来了与其他不幸者分享的特权和责任。A. world世界;B. community社区;C. people人们;D. church教堂。结合上文内容可知外面的世界对黑人存在敌意,觉得黑人不重要,因此此处指世界(world)有很多问题。故选A。 17. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我们被告知,这个世界有很多问题;黑人有额外的很多问题;但我们有能力也有义务去奋斗和改变它们;贫穷不是不成功的借口;额外的智力和物质天赋带来了与其他不幸者分享的特权和责任。A. contented满足的;B. obliged有责任的,必须的;C. relieved放心的;D. delighted高兴的。结合上文Black people had an extra lot of problems; but that we were able and可知but表示转折,说明黑人有额外的很多问题;但我们有能力也有责任去奋斗和改变它们。be obliged to“有义务”。故选B。 18. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们被告知,这个世界有很多问题;黑人有额外的很多问题;但我们有能力也有义务去奋斗和改变它们;贫穷不是不成功的借口;额外的智力和物质天赋带来了与其他不幸者分享的特权和责任。A. condition条件;B. exception例外;C. reason理由;D. excuse借口。结合上下文语境being poor was no … for not achieving可知作者认为不成功不能用贫穷作为借口。故选D。 19. 考查介词辨析。句意:我们被告知,这个世界有很多问题;黑人有额外的很多问题;但我们有能力也有义务去奋斗和改变它们;贫穷不是不成功的借口;额外的智力和物质天赋带来了与其他不幸者分享的特权和责任。A. for为了;B. to朝向;C. with和;D. in在里面。此处考查短语bring with表示“带来”。指额外的智力和物质天赋带来了与其他不幸者分享的特权和责任。故选C。 20. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我我们被告知,这个世界有很多问题;黑人有额外的很多问题;但我们有能力也有义务去奋斗和改变它们;贫穷不是不成功的借口;额外的智力和物质天赋带来了与其他不幸者分享的特权和责任。A. fortunate幸运的;B. smart聪明的;C. wealthy富有的;D. kind亲切的。有额外智力和物质天赋的人,应当是与没那么幸运(fortunate)的人分享特权和责任,二者形成对比。故选A。

—We are going to have a picnic this afternoon. Are you excited?


A.You know B.You bet C.You name it D.You mean it



Today is a day of celebration, a day for you to be proud of all the hard work that ________ you to this place where you can sit.

A.gets B.would get C.had got D.got



China is playing a key role in controlling the virus. However, it will take long and much effort ________ it is under control.

A.until B.after C.before D.unless



All the information available has been checked, but ________ is directly relevant to this murder case.

A.nothing B.it C.no one D.none



This flu season in the US. began earlier than usual and started  ________ in mid­November with an increase of influenza B.

A.building up B.piling up C.rising up D.picking up



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