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Choosing the right career can be hard. M...

    Choosing the right career can be hard. Many people graduate from school or college not knowing what to do with their lives, and get a job without really thinking about it. For some, things work out fine. 1. Your working life lasts an average of forty years, so it's important to find a job you like and feel enthusiastic about. Luckily, there are many ways you can get help to do this.

The Australian website, www.careersonline.com, compares choosing a career with going to the movies. Before you see a movie, you find out what films are showing. 2.— find out what jobs are available and what your options are. Next, decide which movie you like best; if you're not a romantic person, you won't want to see a love story. In other words, with your career, you should decide which job will suit your personality. 3. Meanwhile, you should find out where the theater is before you go. With your career, you need to find information about where you can work, how much you will earn, and how to get a job in that profession.

So, how do you start? Begin by asking yourself some questions. 4. Have you travel overseas? Do you have any extra certificates besides your degree, such as a first aid license, for example? Your physical state and build can also affect which jobs you can do. A person, for example, who is allergic to cats would probably never become a veterinarian. Flight attendants, firefighters, and police officers have to be over a certain height, and be physically fit. 5. Are you outgoing and extroverted, or shy and introverted? If you like working alone, a job that requires lots of teamwork might not suit you.

A.Your personality matters, too.

B.Finally, decide how to get movie tickets.

C.The site suggests you do the same with your career.

D.Choosing a career can take time and a lot of thought.

E.Some jobs require you to have certain life experiences.

F.But others often find themselves stuck in a job they hate.

G.When you know you can work in your dream job, you'll be glad.


1.F 2.C 3.B 4.E 5.A 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。针对现在很多人找不到合适工作的现象,作者给读者推荐了一些可以在这方面提供帮助的方法。 1. 上文For some, things work out fine.(对于一些人来说,事情进展得很顺利)与F. But others often find themselves stuck in a job they hate.(但其他人常常发现自己被困在不喜欢的工作中)承接自然,上下文构成明显的转折关系,some和others是关键词,故选F项。 2. 下文find out what jobs are available and what your options are.(查明现在有什么工作,以及你的选择是什么)与C. The site suggests you do the same with your career.(这个网站建议你这样来处理你的职业)承接自然,下文是对选项内容的解释,故选C项。 3. 根据本段的结构,尤其是上文的Before you see a movie(在你看电影前) 和Next, decide which movie you like best(然后,决定你最喜欢哪部电影)可知此处用B. Finally, decide how to get movie tickets.(最后,决定你怎样买到电影票)符合陈述事情的发展顺序,故选B项。 4. Have you travel overseas? Do you have any extra certificates besides your degree, such as a first aid license, for example?(你是否有旅外经历?你是否有任何除学位之外的其它证书,例如急救执照)与 E. Some jobs require you to have certain life experiences.(一些工作要求你有特定的生活经历)承接自然,下文提到的内容就是一些工作所要求的特定生活经历或技能,故选E项。 5. 下文Are you outgoing and extroverted, or shy and introverted? If you like working alone, a job that requires lots of teamwork might not suit you.(你是外向还是内向。是害羞还是内向?如果你喜欢独自工作,那么需要大量团队合作的工作可能不适合你)与A. Your personality matters, too.(你的性格也很重要)承接自然,下文提到的outgoing, extroverted, shy 和introverted都是一个人的性格,故选A项。

    Why should most of us hate spiders when we know deeply how much good they do? Is it because they somehow seem so alien? After all, what other land creatures on earth have eight legs? What other creatures spin silk webs in which to catch and wrap their prey to preserve it for the future, much as we put food in the fridge to eat later? I do not personally suffer from arachnophobia, the name given to an abnormal fear of spiders, but I can't say that I like the little beasts. However, some people do, and they actually keep them as pets!

There is a wide variety of spiders in the world. In fact it has been estimated that there are some 35,000 species——from little "money spiders" that live in your back garden, to the "black widow spider", and the “tarantula” the spider that is now sometimes kept as a pet.

A tarantula can be any one of a large hairy spiders family and there are about 800 species of them. While experts can tell the difference between species at a glance, most are usually described in reference books as “rather slowly" with “a strong bite which may be poisonous”. They are covered with hairs which can cause a rash (皮疹)if they are handled.

No one has calculated the number of human deaths caused by a bite from a tarantula perhaps because it has never happened, or happened so rarely, and indeed a tarantula will do no harm to anyone if handled correctly. Their disgusting image cannot belie their gentle nature but experts tell us not to handle a tarantula without expert advice.

Tarantulas are popular as pets and it requires very little space to maintain them in excellent condition. They should be kept singly in a glass container, which need not be very large but should have a layer of stones in the bottom. They feed on insects, and while young tarantulas eat twice a week, adults will often eat no more than once every 10 days.

You might like the idea of keeping a tarantula, but personally I am content with just watching them at a distance.

1.According to the text, why do most people dislike spiders?

A.They are abnormal beasts.

B.They take food from fridges.

C.They have unpleasant appearance.

D.They make people suffer from arachnophobia.

2.What do we know about the tarantula?

A.It must be kept in groups.

B.It feeds on poisonous insects.

C.It doesn't belong to hairy spiders.

D.It has mild nature if handled properly.

3.What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 4 refer to?

A.The death caused by a tarantula.

B.The number of human deaths.

C.The bite from a tarantula.

D.The rash caused by hairs.

4.What's the best title for the text?

A.Never judge a book by its cover.

B.Nothing seek, nothing find.

C.No sweet without sweat.

D.Once bitten, twice shy.



    For years, the U.S. has experienced a shortage of registered nurses. The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that while the number of nurses will increase by 19 percent by 2022, demand will grow faster than supply, and that there will be over one million unfilled nursing jobs by then.

So what's the solution? Robots.

Japan is ahead of the curve when it comes to this trend. Toyohashi University of Technology has developed Terapio, a robotic medical cart that can make hospital rounds, deliver medications and other items. It follows a specific individual, such as a doctor or nurse, who can use it to record and access patient data. This type of robot will likely be one of the first to be implemented in hospitals because it has fairly minimal patient contact.

A robot's appearance affects its ability to successfully interact with humans, which is why the RIKEN-TRI Collaboration Center for Human-Interactive Robot Research decided to develop a robotic nurse called Actroid F. It is so human-like that some patients may not know the difference. This conversational robot companion has cameras in its eyes, which allow it to track patients and use appropriate facial expressions and body language in its interactions. During a month-long hospital trial, researchers asked 70 patients how they felt being around the robot and "only three or four said they didn't like having it around."

It's important to note that robotic nurses don't decide courses of treatment or make diagnoses, though robot doctors and surgeons may not be far off. Instead, they perform routine and laborious tasks, freeing nurses up to attend to patients with immediate needs. This is one industry where it seems the interaction of robots will lead to collaboration, not replacement.

1.What does the author say about Japan?

A.It ranks top in future robotics technology.

B.It takes the lead in offering robotic nursing.

C.It is in desperate need of registered nurses.

D.It provides the best medication for the elderly.

2.Which of the following best explains “implemented'' underlined in Paragraph 3?

A.Cancelled. B.Constructed. C.Improved. D.Applied.

3.What do we know about the robot Actroid F?

A.It has no difference from a human nurse.

B.It gets favorable remarks from all the patients.

C.It interacts with patients like a human companion.

D.It uses body language even more effectively than words.

4.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

A.Cooperation will not be replaced.

B.Nurses will still play their roles.

C.The robotics industry will be promising.

D.Robots can meet patients' immediate needs.



    I was seven when I first questioned my imagination. I remember watching the first Harry Potter film and my friend was complaining that the characters weren't how she imagined them to be. I couldn't understand what she meant because, in my mind, they had never been images at all, just concepts. When l shut my eyes, I see nothing. I have no visual imagination.

I thought everyone's minds worked this way until about two years ago, when I came across a text about aphantasia, a condition where you lack a functioning mind's eye. I was 23, and it blew my mind to learn that others could visualize things. It was clear I had aphantasia, too, and a lot of things started to make more sense. For me, imagination had always been impossible. If someone asked me to close my eyes and picture myself by the sea, I would see nothing.

I am currently studying for a PhD in biology at college. A good little test for me is drawing. I can copy things almost like for like if they are in front of me, but if I were to draw from my imagination it would look terrible. It doesn't mean you cannot be creative; you just have to adapt. Regardless of how many times I read a technique, it didn't make sense. But when I came to do it in the lab, I understood it immediately. If you have a visual imagination, you can look at a diagram and it triggers your memory; but I learn by repetition or physically doing something.

I'd love to experience life with a mind's eye. I think it'd be cool and beneficial to imagine things so vividly. If you offered me a day with a visual imagination, I'd be excited. I think it'd be so brilliant that I wouldn't want to give it back.

1.After watching the first Harry Potter film, the author ______.

A.misunderstood what her friend said

B.became a huge fan of the Harry Potter film

C.found it impossible to picture its characters in her mind

D.complained its characters different from what she imagined

2.How did the author know she had aphantasia?

A.Her friend told her the fact.

B.She read about aphantasia.

C.She had a medical examination.

D.Her life experience made it clear.

3.What can we learn about the author?

A.She lacks creativity.

B.She always draws terribly.

C.She learns by hands-on practice.

D.She gets benefit from techniques.

4.What is the author's attitude towards her disability?

A.Uncertain. B.Uncaring. C.Upset. D.Positive.



    Four things that you can't miss in Macao.

Macao Tower AJ Hackett Bungee Jump

The Macao Tower, 338 meters tall, is the world's 10th highest tower, with a variety of activities, such as gambling, eating and entertainment. One of the acclaimed activities is the bungee jump. The AJ Hackett Macao Tower Bungee Jump is 233 meters high, making it the highest commercial bungee jump in the world. Raise your arms and off you go! If you are not daring enough to jump that height, you can try the skywalk on the 57th floor --- it's still remarkable.

Grabbing a traditional Portuguese dinner

Macao was colonized by Portugal before 1999. As a result, Portuguese culture is deeply immersed into many comers of Macao. Many Portuguese settled and opened Portuguese restaurants in the special administrative region, but the flavor is more adaptable to Chinese people.

Marking at the Ruins of St. Paul

The Ruins of St. Paul is the signature landmark of Macao. The ruins consist of the St. Paul's College and the Church of St. Paul, built in 1583. However, after three intense fires in 1595, 1601 and 1835, the church was seriously damaged. It is beyond belief that after the vigorous cycles of rebuilding and fires, the huge surface and the front stairway remain unburned.

Visiting a museum

Macao, as a tiny city with only an area of 30.5 square kilometers, has 23 eye-catching museums. Due to its unique history, both Eastern and Western historical sites can be found. Many of them are preserved for cultural heritage, tourist spots or museums, such as the Grand Prix Museum, Maritime Museum and Wine Museum.

1.Which activity will be popular with adventurous visitors?

A.Going Bungee Jumping.

B.Grabbing a traditional Portuguese dinner.

C.Marking at the Ruins of St. Paul.

D.Visiting a museum.

2.What is incredible about the Ruins of St. Paul?

A.It has a unique culture.

B.It serves as a symbol of Macao.

C.It partly stays undamaged after fierce fires.

D.It is a combination of a college and a church.

3.What do "'Grabbing a traditional Portuguese dinner" and "Visiting a museum" have in common?

A.Taking a selfie in it.

B.Finding historical sites.

C.Enjoying a breathtaking experience.

D.Feeling both eastern and western cultures.




A video showing a traffic police officer pretending to be blind being denied permission to get on a bus with a guide dog has been drawing public attention and has led to heated online discussions about the lack of support and care for the visually impaired(视觉障碍人士). As shown in the video, wearing a blindfold, the officer wasn't allowed on the bus with the guide dog, and was told no dogs are allowed whether they're guide dogs or not. Some passengers also scolded the officer for making a scene and wasting their time, while the dog appeared very distressed.

The guide dog's owner Gao Zhipeng, who is visually impaired, told media Monday that this has been happening almost every day since he brought Taobao home in 2014and it is the same when catching a cab. And each time they were refused, Taobao would sink into depression for days.

The guide dog being denied boarding is just the tip of the iceberg, compared to the various difficulties faced by the country's visually impaired population every day when they leave their home.


1. 用约30个单词概述上述信息的主要内容;2. 用约120个单词发表你的观点,内容包括:(1) 表达你对此事件的看法,并说明理由;(2) 关于如何帮助视觉障碍人士,请你提出23个建议。


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