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注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

There has a public library in every town in Britain. Anyone can borrow books if he or she wish. In some places you may borrow as more books as you need, but in others you are limited in a certain number of books. You may keep the books for several weeks so as you can have enough time to finish it. If the book you want is out, you may ask for it to kept for you. Most public libraries also have a reading-room, that you can sit at the desk and read the daily newspapers, magazines and the other books. However, you are not permit to take them out.


1. have →is 2.wish →wishes 3.more →many 4.in →to 5.as →that 6.it →them 7.在to和kept之间加be 8.that → where 9. 去掉the 10. permit→ permitted 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。这里介绍在英国城镇公共图书馆借书的一些规则。 1.考查there be句型。句意:英国的每个城镇都有一个公共图书馆。此处是there be句型,且在说一个客观事实,句子用一般现在时态,主语是library,单数第三人称,故把have 改成is。 2.考查一般现在时态。句意:任何人只要愿意都可以借书。此处是if引导的条件状语从句,主句含情态动词,表示将来,则从句用一般现在时态,且从句主语是he or she,是单数第三人称,故把wish 改成wishes。 3.考查固定结构。句意:在一些地方,你可以借你需要的书,但在另一些地方,你被限制在一定数量的书。固定结构:as many+可数名词复数+as,“同……一样多”。这里应该用形容词的原级,故把more 改成many。 4.考查固定词组。句意:在一些地方,你可以借你需要的书,但在另一些地方,你被限制在一定数量的书。固定词组:be limited to“被限制在……上”。故把in 改成to。 5.考查目的状语从句。句意:你可以把这些书保存几个星期,这样你就有足够的时间来读完它们。此处表示目的,是目的状语从句,用 so that。故把as改成that。 6.考查人称代词宾格。句意:你可以把这些书保存几个星期,这样你就有足够的时间来读完它们。此处指前半句提到的books,是复数形式,故把it改成them。 7.考查动词不定式一般式的被动式。句意:如果你要的书借出去了,你可以要求替你保管。此处“书”和keep之间是被动关系,是动词不定式一般式的被动式作宾语补足语。故在to和kept之间加be。 8.考查定语从句。句意:大多数公共图书馆也有阅览室,你可以坐在桌子前阅读日报、杂志和其他书籍。此处reading-room是先行词,在后面的定语从句中作地点状语,故把that改成where。 9.考查冠词用法。句意:大多数公共图书馆也有阅览室,你可以坐在桌子前阅读日报、杂志和其他书籍。此处“泛指”其他的书,不是特指,故把other前的the去掉。 10.考查一般现在时态的被动语态。句意:但是,您不能把它们取出来。固定搭配:be permitted to do sth.“被允许做某事”。此处是一般过去时态的被动语态,故把permit改成permitted。  


Growing numbers of travelers are deciding not 1.(fly) in order to help save the planet even if it means 2.(spend) days on a train. The no-fly movement is small but many3.have joined it think it will eventually receive  4. same attention as the no-plastic or less-meat movements because of flying’s 2% 5.(contribute) to carbon emissions, which they say could rise to 16% by 2050. Some supporters suggest that people should fly no more than once per year and any further flights should be taxed. Critics of the movement, however, argue that most flying is done by small numbers of people when 6.(compare)to other forms of transport and so flying is an easy target. Much more environmental damage is done by cars they argue. But people won’t target 7. (driver) because the majority of people drive. In addition, the no-fly movement 8. (lead) by people who don’t really need to travel very far and have plenty 9. free time to spare. Most people who fly, they say, 10.(rare) have time to spend extra days getting to destinations and employers are unlikely to give employees extra time off so they can be kind to the environment.



    In 2009 a group of parents in an English town started sharing worries about their children’s money-management skills. Shopping was done online; the children _______ saw their parents handling cash. They were _______ online, too. Money had become intangible (无形的), How, then, were children to learn its _______?

The answer they _________was GoHenry, an app now available in Britain. It is designed to help young people learn good _______ habits through real-world money management. Parents sign up with their own bank accounts and pay a monthly _______ of 2.99 for each child aged six or over. Adults and children _______ separate versions. At the end of last year 379,000 children had active accounts.

Parents can schedule pocket money and _________ tasks. When those tasks are marked as _________, the child is paid the agreed amount. Parents can see what the child has ________ and where. And they can choose ________ to use the card: in shops, online or at ATMs.

Children get debit cards (借记卡) with their name. They can ________ their spending and set savings targets. They can decide to ________ for someone’s birthday or set a goal at 12 to ________ $2,000 to buy a car at age 18. The app tells them how much to save each week to meet their ________ .

Some GoHenry customers are rich parents who ________ that their children will grow up financially careless. Others regard the ________ as an investment(投资) in their child’s future. Some say that they have been ________ and want their children to avoid that mistake when they grow up; others say that the app is cost-effective because their children ________ to budget. Even though young people no longer touch and hold ________, they can still be taught to handle it well.

1.A.suddenly B.regularly C.seldom D.simply

2.A.playing B.writing C.talking D.spending

3.A.pattern B.value C.history D.material

4.A.came up with B.put up with C.stepped away from D.looked down on

5.A.physical B.social C.financial D.cultural

6.A.fine B.fee C.income D.salary

7.A.overuse B.create C.show D.download

8.A.finish B.enjoy C.set D.change

9.A.done B.lost C.gone D.used

10.A.read B.bought C.eaten D.worn

11.A.who B.where C.why D.whether

12.A.avoid B.continue C.view D.increase

13.A.compete B.return C.wait D.save

14.A.waste B.have C.donate D.borrow

15.A.goal B.rule C.request D.deadline

16.A.promise B.prove C.accept D.worry

17.A.subscription B.construction C.presentation D.persuasion

18.A.in service B.in danger C.in action D.in debt

19.A.forget B.learn C.dream D.admit

20.A.time B.power C.money D.knowledge



    Whether you' re a child, teenager, young adult or are middle-aged, respect for your parents is an important value. Your parents are the people who raised you, devoting time, energy and money to your development. 1. No matter your age is, there are 5 ways to show respect.

●Respect their belongings.

One important way to show respect is to show regard for the things important to your parents. For younger children, this may mean not touching jewelry or other valuable things. For grown children, respect may mean returning a borrowed tool in good condition and on time. Lack of respect for a parent's belongings is a violation of personal boundaries. 2.— And never borrow things without asking first.

●Punctuality .

3. Therefore, always be on time. For teenagers, showing up on time means coming home by curfew (宵禁).Adult children should show up on time for family dinners or events, or to pick a parent up for a medical appointment. Call if you're going to be late because parents worry about children, no matter their age is.


Remembering birthdays, anniversaries and other special days is a sign that you honor your parents. Make plans to take them to lunch or dinner or bake a cake or cookies. Most parents don't expect expensive gifts, but a handmade gift is always appreciated .A phone call from a grown child who lives too far for a visit is a welcome sign of respect.

●Be kind.

Kind words and affection are simple ways to show respect. Tell your parents you love them. Listen and allow your parents to speak without interruption. Show a sincere interest in what your parents have to say. Be patient with your parents and don't rush them. Never talk back or be rude or disrespectful. Acknowledge your parents' achievements. 5.

A.Celebrate with them.

B.Be a good listener.

C.Don't take advantage of your parents' kindness and generosity.

D.Treat your parents the way you would like to be treated.

E.Being respectful helps build positive relationships with others.

F.And they love you unconditionally throughout your life.

G.Lateness indicates a lack of respect.



    It is quite reasonable to blame traffic jams, the cost of gas and the great speed of modern life, but manners on the road are becoming horrible. Everybody knows that the nicest man would become fierce tigers behind the wheel. It is all right to have a tiger in a cage, but to have one in the driver’s seat is another matter.

Road politeness is not only good manners, but a good sense. It takes the most cool-headed drivers great patience to give up the desire to beat back when forced to face rude driving. On the other hand, a little politeness goes a long way towards reducing the possibility of quarrelling and fighting. A friendly nod or a wave of thanks in answer to an act of politeness helps to create an atmosphere of good will and becomes so necessary in modern traffic conditions. But such behavior of politeness is anything but enough. Many drivers nowadays don’t even seem able to recognize politeness when they see it.

However, misplaced politeness can also be dangerous. A typical example is the driver who waves a child crossing the street at a wrong place into the path of oncoming cars that may not be able to stop in time. The same goes for encouraging old ladies to cross the road wherever and whenever they want to.

An experienced driver, whose manners are faultless, told me it would help if drivers learnt to correctly join in a traffic stream without causing total blockages that give rise to unpleasant feelings. Unfortunately, modern drivers can’t even learn to drive, let alone master the roadmanship(公路驾车技能). Years ago, experts warned us that the fast increase of the car ownership would demand more give-and-take(互谅互让)from all road users. It is high time for all of us to take this message to heart.

1.The passage mainly talks about _________.

A.traffic jams B.good manners C.road politeness D.modern drivers

2.Troubles on the road are often caused by _________.

A.traffic jams B.the behavior of the drivers

C.the great speed of modern life D.terrible road conditions

3.What does the underlined word “anything but” in the second paragraph mean?

A.in no way B.by coincidence C.in particular D.in effect

4.It is not always right for drivers to _________.

A.master the roadmanship

B.neglect politeness when they see it

C.give a friendly nod in answer to an act of politeness

D.encourage old ladies to cross the road whenever and wherever they want to



    British people work some of the longest hours in Europe, but are among the least productive. Now some companies are shortening the working week to increase efficiency, health and happiness.

Rich Leigh has introduced a four-day week at his PR company. In fact, his entire company has Friday off, because his firm has adopted a four-day week. It is one of several UK businesses that now operate like this: staff still get paid their previous five-day salary, but they work a day less. The company found that they achieved just as much-and there were even signs of growth. “The key to the scheme’s success,” Leigh says, “is how happy our employees now are.”

The average British worker takes only a 34 minute lunch break and works 10 hours overtime each week (more often than not this is unpaid). Yet UK productivity falls seriously behind their European neighbors, who tend to work fewer hours.

British working practices have caused loss and damage to the nation’s health and happiness. More than half a million workers in the UK were signed off with work-related stress or anxiety last year. Moreover, the work landscape itself is changing. Automation and AI will have a significant impact on the labor market, where unsteady work becomes more common.

Britain is the only EU member that allows workers to ignore the EU working time limit and work longer hours. For campaigners, now is the time for a change. O’Grady, an advocate, argues that where businesses have increased their profits (利润)as a result of automation, success should be shared with workers in the form of reduced hours. “It’s time to share the benefits from new technology, not allowing those at the top to grab them for themselves.” she says.

1.We can learn from the passage that ________.

A.British people are the least productive in the world

B.Most companies in Britain have conducted a four-day week

C.PR company has witnessed a rise in employees’ happiness

D.British people work longer and get more payment than other countries

2.Which is the proper description of British working practices?

A.The working time of British workers is within the EU limit.

B.In productivity, Britain is beaten by the United States.

C.Profits gained from new technology are on the decrease.

D.Automation and AI are likely to cause an unsteady work market.

3.Which can be inferred from O’Grady’ s words in the last paragraph?

A.It’s time for employers to share the increased profits created by automation.

B.Workers should benefit from automation in the form of less working hours.

C.New technology should belong to both businesses and workers.

D.Businesses can’t make more profits without new technology.

4.What is the author’s purpose of writing the passage?

A.To introduce some British firms’ switch to a four-day working week.

B.To explain the reasons why British workers suffer stress and anxiety.

C.To appeal for more reasonable working conditions.

D.To show the present productivity problem in Britain.



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