满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

"Like a monster, it destroys everything....

    "Like a monster, it destroys everything. " That's how one school girl described a tsunami(海啸).

On Dec. 26, 2004, a magnitude-9. 1 earthquake in Indonesia set off a massive tsunami. It killed more than 230,000 people across four countries and cost an estimated $ 10 billion in damage.

Nov. 5 is World Tsunami Awareness Day and at the United Nations Wednesday, disaster risk reduction was high on the agenda.

"What I can tell you is that the tsunami wave cannot be stopped," said Bulgarians U. N. Ambassador Georgi  Velikov Panayotov. He was on vacation in Thailand in 2004 and survived the tsunami. "What we can do is build early warning systems and, of course, educate the population about the damaging power of the tsunami wave," he said.

On March 11, 2011, a magnitude-9 earthquake rocked northeastern Japan triggering a fierce tsunami that also damaged the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, south of Sendai.

"When the big earthquake hit Japan in 2011, people thought that we were prepared for it," said Japan's U. N. Ambassador Koro Bessho. "It caused severe damage. We had dams we had drills. However, we had been counting on something that hits every 100 years and the earthquake was of the size of possibly every 500 years or thousand years, he said.

These two events sent the countries of the region into overdrive to review and improve disaster preparedness. In 2015 the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction was born. It aims to help create a better understanding of disaster risk and improve preparedness for an effective response.

Indonesia is made up of thousands of islands which are disaster-prone(易受灾地区). Willem Rampangilei, head of the Disaster Management Agency of Indonesia, said his government now has plans for every disaster-prone city.

Countries at risk are also expanding their education programs. Children from an early age are taught how to react in case of a tsunami and then go with their classmates to higher ground away from coastal areas to avoid the walls of water the tsunami triggers.

1.What does Georgi Velikov Panayotov mainly talk about?

A.The general features of a tsunami. B.Ways for humans to face a tsunami.

C.His suffering in the 2004 tsunami. D.The loss caused by the 2004 tsunami.

2.In Koro Bessho's opinion, why did the 2011 earthquake cause severe damage?

A.It caused a fierce tsunami. B.It destroyed a nuclear plant.

C.The size was beyond expectation. D.There was no effective defense system.

3.What common belief pushed different countries to take action to face a coming tsunami?

A.Children should be protected by all means.

B.The improvement of preparedness can reduce damage.

C.Proper response in case of a tsunami can save one's life.

D.Stronger measures should be taken in disaster-prone areas.

4.Which can be the best title of the text?

A.World Tsunami Awareness Day

B.Nations Attacked by Massive Tsunami

C.The Unpredictable and Destructive Disaster

D.Learn from Disasters to Prevent Future Ones


1.B 2.C 3.B 4.D 【解析】 本文是一篇说明文。海啸频发的国家从灾难中吸取教训,防止未来再次发生海啸。 1. 推理判断题。根据第四段“What I can tell you is that the tsunami wave cannot be stopped," 和"What we can do is build… of the tsunami wave," he said.可知Georgi Velikov Panayotov说“我能告诉你们的是,海啸的浪潮是无法阻止的。2004年,他在泰国度假,并在海啸中幸存下来。他说:“我们能做的是建立早期预警系统,当然,教育人们海啸的破坏力。”也就是说他主要在谈论人类面对海啸的方法,故选B项。 2. 推理判断题。根据第六段中的“When the big earthquake hit Japan in 2011, people thought that we were prepared for it,…However, we had been counting on something that hits every 100 years and the earthquake was of the size of possibly every 500 years or thousand years, he said.”可知Koro Bessho说他们已经为地震做好了准备,但是他们一直以为这次的地震是100年一次的地震,结果这次地震的规模可能是500年或1000年一次。也就说他认为地震的规模超过了他们的预期,导致他们准备不足从而遭受了严重的损失。故选C项。 3. 推理判断题。根据第七段中的“These two events sent the countries of the region into overdrive to review and improve disaster preparedness. …It aims to help create a better understanding of disaster risk and improve preparedness for an effective response.”可知这两起事件促使该地区各国加紧审查和改进防灾准备工作。2015年,仙台减少灾害风险框架诞生。它的目的是帮助人们更好地了解灾害风险,并改进对有效应对的准备工作。根据第八段“said his government now has plans for every disaster-prone city.”可知印度政府现在已经为每个灾害易发城市制定了计划。印度和日本都吸取教训加强了防灾准备工作来应对海啸,由此判断这些国家都认为改进准备工作可以减少损失。故选B项。 4. 主旨大意题。文章首先用印度的一场海啸以及引用保加利亚以及日本国家大使在联合国会议的发言来表明海啸的危害以及人们从中吸取的教训。接着作者以日本仙台和印度为例说明海啸频发地区各国从灾难中学习,加紧审查和改进防灾准备工作,并提到面临海啸风险的国家也在扩大其教育项目。D项(人们从灾难中学习来预防未来的灾难)最能概括本文,是最适合的标题。故选D项。

    Find volunteer opportunities on Australia's largest volunteer website

Community Visitors Plan

Volunteer to visit and talk with a selected resident in an aged care facility in Sydney on a one- to-one basis, at least once a fortnight or a minimum of 20 visits per year. Your visit will help brighten the day of an elder member of your community and improve their quality of life through friendship and companionship.

Volunteer Non-Executive Director

Greater Whitsunday Alliance GW3 is looking for a willing and experienced industry or community leader from the Whitsunday region who is passionate about the economic development of the greater Whitsunday region to join the GW3 board as volunteer, non-executive director.

Gallery Attendant

Your commitment to volunteering at the Museum is highly valued by Army Museum North Queensland, the Australian Army History Unit and the Australian Defence Force. The role of volunteers is important in enhancing Museum activities and providing programs and services that would not otherwise be available.

Red Cross Shop Summer Season Volunteer

Multiple volunteer positions available at Red Cross Shops across Metro Melbourne. Monday to Sunday minimum of two four-hour shifts per week from the start of December to February 29th. By joining the team you'll get the opportunity to provide customer service, create window and visual merchandising displays, sort donations, and help raise money for those in need.

1.Who will most probably get the job as non-executive director?

A.An agricultural expert in his fifties.

B.A retired economist from Whitsunday.

C.A senior college student majoring in finance.

D.An accountant expecting a handsome income.

2.How many hours at least will a volunteer work in the Red Cross Shop for the season?

A.48. B.52. C.104. D.144.

3.Which one might interest a military fan most?

A.Gallery Attendant.

B.Community Visitors Plan.

C.Volunteer Non — Executive Director.

D.Red Cross Shop Summer Season Volunteer.



假定你是李华,你的交换生朋友 Thomas发来邮件请你给他推荐一些汉语学习资源( resource),包括书籍、网站或者应用程序(app)。请你用英语给他回一封邮件。

注意: 1. 词数100左右

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Thomas,



Li Hua







注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

There has a public library in every town in Britain. Anyone can borrow books if he or she wish. In some places you may borrow as more books as you need, but in others you are limited in a certain number of books. You may keep the books for several weeks so as you can have enough time to finish it. If the book you want is out, you may ask for it to kept for you. Most public libraries also have a reading-room, that you can sit at the desk and read the daily newspapers, magazines and the other books. However, you are not permit to take them out.




Growing numbers of travelers are deciding not 1.(fly) in order to help save the planet even if it means 2.(spend) days on a train. The no-fly movement is small but many3.have joined it think it will eventually receive  4. same attention as the no-plastic or less-meat movements because of flying’s 2% 5.(contribute) to carbon emissions, which they say could rise to 16% by 2050. Some supporters suggest that people should fly no more than once per year and any further flights should be taxed. Critics of the movement, however, argue that most flying is done by small numbers of people when 6.(compare)to other forms of transport and so flying is an easy target. Much more environmental damage is done by cars they argue. But people won’t target 7. (driver) because the majority of people drive. In addition, the no-fly movement 8. (lead) by people who don’t really need to travel very far and have plenty 9. free time to spare. Most people who fly, they say, 10.(rare) have time to spend extra days getting to destinations and employers are unlikely to give employees extra time off so they can be kind to the environment.



    In 2009 a group of parents in an English town started sharing worries about their children’s money-management skills. Shopping was done online; the children _______ saw their parents handling cash. They were _______ online, too. Money had become intangible (无形的), How, then, were children to learn its _______?

The answer they _________was GoHenry, an app now available in Britain. It is designed to help young people learn good _______ habits through real-world money management. Parents sign up with their own bank accounts and pay a monthly _______ of 2.99 for each child aged six or over. Adults and children _______ separate versions. At the end of last year 379,000 children had active accounts.

Parents can schedule pocket money and _________ tasks. When those tasks are marked as _________, the child is paid the agreed amount. Parents can see what the child has ________ and where. And they can choose ________ to use the card: in shops, online or at ATMs.

Children get debit cards (借记卡) with their name. They can ________ their spending and set savings targets. They can decide to ________ for someone’s birthday or set a goal at 12 to ________ $2,000 to buy a car at age 18. The app tells them how much to save each week to meet their ________ .

Some GoHenry customers are rich parents who ________ that their children will grow up financially careless. Others regard the ________ as an investment(投资) in their child’s future. Some say that they have been ________ and want their children to avoid that mistake when they grow up; others say that the app is cost-effective because their children ________ to budget. Even though young people no longer touch and hold ________, they can still be taught to handle it well.

1.A.suddenly B.regularly C.seldom D.simply

2.A.playing B.writing C.talking D.spending

3.A.pattern B.value C.history D.material

4.A.came up with B.put up with C.stepped away from D.looked down on

5.A.physical B.social C.financial D.cultural

6.A.fine B.fee C.income D.salary

7.A.overuse B.create C.show D.download

8.A.finish B.enjoy C.set D.change

9.A.done B.lost C.gone D.used

10.A.read B.bought C.eaten D.worn

11.A.who B.where C.why D.whether

12.A.avoid B.continue C.view D.increase

13.A.compete B.return C.wait D.save

14.A.waste B.have C.donate D.borrow

15.A.goal B.rule C.request D.deadline

16.A.promise B.prove C.accept D.worry

17.A.subscription B.construction C.presentation D.persuasion

18.A.in service B.in danger C.in action D.in debt

19.A.forget B.learn C.dream D.admit

20.A.time B.power C.money D.knowledge



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