满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。 It was th...


It was the first time that my father had asked me to help him. By the time we finished, herring (鲱鱼) covered the bottom of the boat as deep as my knees. For the first time in days, my father seemed happy.

Then he looked at the western sky, and his smile disappeared.

They are called Northwesters. They're storms that sweep out of Canada hard and fast. No one can predict their arrival. All fishermen fear them.

“We're going back,” my father said.

He started the motor. We were only two miles out, but the shore looked to me to be as far away as the moon. Over the distant hills, black clouds ran toward us like wild horses. My father set a course directly for them.

We made it only halfway home before we met the storm.

The wind came first. It lifted the lake in whitecaps. The weight of the herring made us ride low in the water, and the waves broke over our bow(船头).

By the time the rain came, we'd put more distance behind us. Although we were now only half a mile from shore, the rain fell so hard that we couldn't see the land.

I was scared, but I saw my father sitting straight in the stern(船尾), holding the boat steady into the wind, and I felt hopeful.

I was starting to think we were going to make it. That's when the motor died. My father tried many times to restart it, but failed. I saw that the boat was coming about. I knew what that meant.

We would sink in no time.

"Grab an oar(), "he shouted above the wind.

We set the oars in the locks and began to pull hard. My father dug his oar into the water, bringing the boat around, bow into the wind again. With all my strength, I pulled on my own oar.

The wind pushed hard against us. We seemed to be fighting the anger of the whole lake.


1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;

2 应使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语;

3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;

4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。

Paragraph 1:

I was tired.


Paragraph 2:

My mother rushed through the rain to greet us.



I was tired. My arms were really heavy and I felt as if they were on fire. We were made up and down by the waves. I didn't know how much longer I could pull that oar through the water. As if he heard my thinking, my father called to me, "I need you, Karl. Only a little longer. "So I kept pulling. Just when I thought I had no more strength, I heard it-the sound of waves breaking against the shore. It refreshed us greatly and we kept pulling. At last we moved into the shelter with all the herring. My mother rushed through the rain to greet us. "I've been so worried, "she said. She hugged me tightly and then my father. "Nothing to worry about, "he assured her. He put his hand on my shoulder."You did well, son. How do you feel?"Tired as I was, I managed a smile."Fine. And Daddy, you are a hero." 【解析】 本文是一篇读后续写作文,考查学生的读写能力。要求考生用150词写出接下来的两段,且必须使用5个以上文章中标出的关键词语,并标出这些关键词。 考生在动笔前,一定要认真阅读所给故事,充分理解文字内容,认真看清题目要求,把握文章的脉络和串起文本的关键词,判断关键词语与主题内容的关联程度,在此基础上,确定要选用的词语以及所在的段落位置,判断故事情节发展的方向,写作下文。重点阅读每一段的首句,写第一段的内容时,要兼顾两段的首句;第二段的首句决定第一段的走向。比如这篇文章中根据第二段的首句My mother rushed through the rain to greet us.可知,他们虽然经历了很多困难,但是还是安全地回到了家。注意故事要连贯,要完整。同时注意综合运用语法与句法结构,按照行文逻辑组织语言,写作时要准确运用正确的时态。尽量使用自己会的单词、词组和句型,不要刻意追求运用高级、新颖的词汇,强行运用复杂句型等语法结构,而忽略了与原文语言环境的符合度和连贯度。最后也要注意不要出现单词拼写错误。











Earthquakes can be destructive. Unfortunately, we don’t have a 1.(rely) way to predict. But technologies can still help us under such a desperate situation. China is building the world’s largest earthquake alert system and it’s2.(possible) the most advanced. Engineers3.(set) up over 15000 sensors(传感器) nationwide and writing them into a web. Once4. earthquake happens, the sensors can send electrical pulses to the control center and then ordinary people’s smart phones.

The signal travels at almost light speed and faster than the earthquake shaking,5.(give) local people a little time to prepare, and the system can usually send messages to people in less than two seconds. It’s life-saving. The system,6.can be the most advanced in many ways, will be the largest earthquake observation network in the world, not only detecting the movement of the7.(continent) but also calculating the possible impact8.an earthquake. It will automatically warn local people, making9.(it) much faster than human observation. The system, overseen by China’s Ministry of Emergency Management, is set 10.(complete) in 2022.



    Looking overwhelmed(淹没) the attentionRubi Ibarra celebrated her 15th birthday on a big farm in central Mexico. The_______to the event by her father_______rapidly and made her a star in her country. Family members had to open a path for the girl through dozens of_______  and photographers so she could reach the Mass(弥撒) for her on a farm in the state of San Luis Potosi. A large board_______“Welcome to my 15th birthday party” with Rubi’s picture towered over the tents and tables_______ with food.

Thousands of people_______ from across Mexico for the celebration. Rubi’s party_______ national and international fame after a local event photographer posted on his Facebook page a video of the girl’s father_______a birthday party complete with food, horse races and local bands. In the video, Crescencio Ibarra_______describes the party and prizes, before announcing that “everyone is__________invited.”

Rubi’s mother later__________that Crescencio had only been referring to everyone in the__________communities, not the world, but by then the video had been picked up many times on YouTube and been seen by millions.

Mexican Airline Interject published a promotion offering 30%__________on flights to San Luis Potosi, under the slogan ”Are you going to Rubi’s party? ” Actor Gael Garcia Bemal made a funny video of the invitation, and singer Luis Antonio Lopez wrote a lovely__________especially for Rubi.

Several hundred guests__________on the morning of the day for the party, but the number increased as the day__________so that by evening there were thousands and the event looked like a rock concert. Cars__________the access roads to the communities and police monitored the__________.

“What happened with Rubi is an interesting example of how the__________amplifies(放大) people’s personal lives and how__________medias look for stories on social network to bring in new audiences,” said Sergio Octavio Contreras, a professor from a Mexican university.

1.A.argument B.invitation C.plan D.secret

2.A.troubled B.moved C.switched D.spread

3.A.reporters B.doctors C.teachers D.scientists

4.A.lying B.saying C.confirming D.promising

5.A.finished B.linked C.filled D.shared

6.A.heard B.dated C.kept D.came

7.A.gained B.accepted C.touched D.produced

8.A.complaining B.recalling C.describing D.reflecting

9.A.wisely B.impolitely C.proudly D.guiltily

10.A.accidentally B.sincerely C.unwillingly D.unbelievably

11.A.explained B.proved C.refused D.introduced

12.A.friendly B.differently C.other D.neighboring

13.A.protections B.discounts C.suggestions D.services

14.A.diary B.letter C.song D.book

15.A.arrived B.researched C.took D.carried

16.A.determined B.reached C.progressed D.formed

17.A.limited B.blocked C.controlled D.destroyed

18.A.competition B.situation C.adventure D.decision

19.A.video B.television C.newspaper D.internet

20.A.traditional B.fashionable C.perfect D.special



Why I Love Cycling

One of the first things I did when I moved to a new city was to hire a bike. Why?1.You travel much faster than on foot and you notice so much more of your surroundings than when in a bus or a car. It’s more appealing to wander down small streets if they seem interesting, as you can quickly get back to the main road.

Besides, I soon discovered plenty more benefits to cycling. A bike means that fewer places, especially in a small city like the one where I live now, feel far away. For example, cycling to work takes me half the time that it would to walk.2.For example, I planned to go to a concert on the other side of town. While my cyclist friends and I simply looked at a map, our friends without bikes had to deal with the complicated bus system.

Of course, there are obvious health benefits of cycling—a bit of extra movement as part of your daily routine can help you keep fit and healthy. Cycling on my way to work also makes me feel more energetic in the mornings.

3.While cars pollute the environment, bikes are carbon-neutral. Furthermore, thanks to being petrol-free, bikes are cheaper to run, buy and fix than cars. Even if you don’t own a car, a bike can pay for itself when compared to the price of bus tickets.

4.Always wear a helmet, pay attention to other traffic and don’t forget your lights at night. Make sure you know the road rules, especially in a new place. Some cities are more cycle-friendly than others.5.Luckily, where I live now is pretty easy to ride a bike around, thanks to having lots of cycle lanes and not too many hills!

A.However, be careful when cycling.

B.A bike means more happy time with your friends.

C.I have to learn to ride safely on the right of the road.

D.Importantly, cycling also helps to reduce your carbon footprint.

E.Riding a bike also means you’re not restricted by bus timetables.

F.And sometimes city roads are difficult or unpleasant for cyclists.

G.Seeing a city by bike is ideal for settling in and learning your way around.



    Slowly but surely, we're moving closer and closer to 5G world. From smart-home security to self-driving cars, all the internet-connected devices in our life will be able to talk to each other at lightning-fast speeds with reduced delay. Objectively speaking, the fastest 4G download speeds in the US top out at an average of 19. 42 Mbps. But by comparison 5G promises gigabit (千兆)speeds.

“5G is one of those heralds (使者),along with artificial intelligence , of this coming data age.” said Steve Koenig, senior director of market research for the Consumer Technology Association. “The self-driving vehicle is a great emblem of this data ageand that is to sayit is a sign of time, because with one single task, driving, you have massive amounts of data coming from the vehicle itself, and a variety of sensors are collecting a lot of information to model its environment as it moves. It's pulling in data from other vehicles about road conditions down the lane. It could be weather information, and also connected infrastructure (基础设施)construction. There is lots of data behind that task, which is why we need the high speed.   

And virtual reality glasses and headsets haven't yet broken the mainstream, but tech companies are joyfully betting that these devices will eventually replace our smart phones. With 5G, that could actually happen. This is notable because companies such as Apple are reportedly developing AR glasses to assist— or even replace — smart phones.

Ericsson stated at February's Mobile World Congress how smart glasses could become faster and lighter with a 5G connection, because instead of being weighed down with components, the glasses could rely on hardware for processing power.

But don't get too excited. There is still a lot of work to be done in the meantime, including various trials to make sure the radios play nicely with hardware and infrastructure construction so 5G isn't concentrated only in big cities.

1.What is the first paragraph mainly about?

A.A right security of 5G. B.The super speed of 5G.

C.A potential dream of 5G. D.The present world of 5G.

2.What do some tech companies expect of virtual reality glasses?

A.They will be heavier than present ones.

B.They will process power on their own.

C.They will serve people instead of smart phones.

D.They will bring a big fortune to tech companies.

3.What will the author tell us in the next paragraph?

A.How to fully expand 5G coverage.

B.How to effectively reduce 5G trials.

C.How to nicely operate 5G hardware.

D.How to widely construct 5G big cities.



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