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I got up lately yesterday because my alarm clock didn't ring. With no time for the breakfast, I rushed out of my house. I had intended to catch the 7:30 subway, and I didn't make it. Have a little time left, I take a taxi instead. I arrived at the school only find, with great sadness mixed with some relief, that the school where should have been full of students was empty. It was Saturday. However, our ill luck showed no sign of coming at the end. When I returned home, I found myself lock out. I had forgotten to bring the key. Just my luck!


lately→late 去掉the and→but Have→Having take→took only后加to where→which\that our→my at→to lock→locked 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者因为闹钟没响,起床晚了。之后,出现了一系列糟糕的事情。 1.考查副词。此处get up late译为“起床晚了”,此处late(adv)译为“晚,迟到”,而lately译为“不久前,近来”。故将lately改为late。 2.考查冠词。一日三餐前,通常不用the,故去掉the。 3.考查连词。句意:我本打算赶7:30的地铁,但是没有成功。结合句意可知,前后为转折关系,应使用连词but。故将and改为but。 4.考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,此处have为非谓语动词,其逻辑主语为I,二者构成主谓关系,应使用现在分词作原因状语,故将Have改为Having。 5.考查时态。本文讲述的是过去的事情,应该用一般过去时。故将take改为took。 6.考查不定式。此处only to do译为“不料(却)…”表示出乎意料的结果。故在only后加to。 7.考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,本句为定语从句,先行词为school,关系词在从句中作主语,指物,故把where改为that\which。 8.考查代词。通读全文可知,通篇讲述的是“我”的经历,故将our改为my。 9.考查介词。come to an end译为“结束”,属固定短语,故把at改为to。 10.考查非谓语动词。此处考查find+宾语+宾语补足语结构,“我”和“锁在外面”是被动关系,用过去分词。故将lock改为locked。  


Everyone knows that regular exercise is good for the body. But exercise is also one of the most effective 1.(way) to improve your mental health. Regular exercise can have a profoundly positive influence 2. depression, anxiety, and more. It also relieves stress, 3.(help) you sleep better, and makes you feel happy. Research indicates that no matter how old you are or how fit you are, you can learn to use exercise as a 4. (power) tool to feel better.

Sure, exercise can improve your physical health, improve your waistline, 5. even add years to your life. So people who exercise 6.( regular)) tend to do so because it gives them an enormous sense of well-being. They feel more energetic throughout the day, sleep 7. (well) at night, have sharper memories, and feel more relaxed and positive about 8.(they) and their lives. And it's also powerful medicine for many common mental health challenges.

Wondering just how active you need to be to get a mental health boost? It's probably not as much as you think. You don't need 9.(devote) hours out of your busy day, train at the gym, or run mile. You can gain all 10. physical and mental health benefits of exercise with 30-minute of moderate exercise five times a week. Two 15-minute or even three 10-minute exercise sessions can also work just as well.



    At the very young age of six, my life was thrown into a downward spiral (旋涡)of constant pain, surgeries, sadness and depression. I was in a car _______ on my way home, being hit by a truck. My left leg got _______ between the wheels. I was left with an exposed bone, lots of pain and the _______ memories of those few moments, which were forever _______ in my mind.

At first I spent a year and half in the _______. I had dressings every day, surgeries every Friday and _______ nights and days. I'm sure most of you don't know this because I've probably never _______ this with anyone. People have questioned so many times and I eventually got _______; I just wore clothes that could _______ my leg. I couldn't do this in school because we had a ________ and of course I was bullied by some and called names, ________ in primary school.

Scars shouldn't define a person. My scars are my proof(证明)of my ________ . Many years later I have changed - I began to love and accept myself. I ________ what I want and I am happy with myself. I have always risen above my circumstances and my ________ has never stopped me from pursuing (追求)my dreams. It may have ________ me down but it never took my ________ away.

You don't know what I've ________ but I have been and continue to be ________ for being myself, so when you see me ________, don't be quick to judge. Just be glad for me because I'm definitely ________. I am more than my leg and I am more than what people choose to see.

1.A.exhibition B.accident C.trip D.company

2.A.operated B.examined C.trapped D.lost

3.A.silly B.terrifying C.constant D.brief

4.A.planted B.forgotten C.destroyed D.changed

5.A.waiting room B.hospital C.school D.bedroom

6.A.strange B.cold C.lonely D.painful

7.A.experienced B.enjoyed C.tasted D.shared

8.A.fed up B.worn out C.cheered up D.knocked out

9.A.protect B.cover C.decorate D.warm

10.A.lesson B.class C.uniform D.teacher

11.A.personally B.formally C.especially D.luckily

12.A.knowledge B.strength C.shortcoming D.illness

13.A.drink B.watch C.wear D.buy

14.A.hand B.eye C.mouth D.leg

15.A.wrote B.pushed C.slowed D.cut

16.A.life B.hope C.health D.money

17.A.gone through B.talked about C.cared for D.handed in

18.A.cheated B.followed C.questioned D.loved

19.A.smile B.sleep C.die D.drive

20.A.sorry B.disappointed C.proud D.happy



    The science of papermaking addresses the methods, equipment, and materials used to make paper and cardboard, these being used widely for printing, writing, and packaging, among many other purposes and useful products. Today almost all paper is produced using industrial machinery. 1.

The method of manual(手工的)papermaking changed very little over time, despite advances in technologies.2.Separate the useful fibre from the rest of raw materials. Beat down the fibre into pulp(纸浆).Adjust the color, chemical, biological, and other properties of the paper. Screen (筛选)the resulting liquid. Press and dry to get the actual paper.

3. It is made of stainless materials and set in a wooden frame similar to that of a window. Then completely bathe it in the liquid and draw it out. Water is removed and the wet mat of fibre is laid on top of a damp cloth. The fairly damp fiber is then dried. Finally, the paper is then cut to the desired shape and packed.

The wooden frame is called a “deckle” (定纸框). 4. The “deckle edges” are one of the indications that the paper was made by hand. Deckle-edged paper is occasionally imitated today to create the impression of old-fashioned luxury.

5. It is also used in paper factories to check the quality of the production process. The “handsheets" made according to TAPPI Standard T205 are tested for paper characteristics such as brightness, strength and degree of sizing.

A.Screening the fibre involves using a special net.

B.The process of papermaking is really complicated.

C.It leaves the edges of the paper slightly irregular and wavy.

D.In laboratories handmade paper is prepared to study papermaking.

E.However, traditional papermaking in Asia uses the inner skin fibres of plants.

F.The process of manufacturing handmade paper can be generalized into five steps.

G.But handmade paper is still appreciated for its distinctive uniqueness and the skilled craft.



    Scientists have discovered why the Mona Lisa's expression looks so different to different people and at different times.

For centuries, art lovers and critics have been confused by and debated the Leonardo Da Vinci painting's gaze and slight smile.

But new research from the University of California, San Francisco has shed new light on the shining and seemingly changing face of the Mona Lisa.

Through experiments, they discovered that our emotions really do change how we see a neutral face.

Dr Erika Siegel and her colleagues study how our emotions change our perceptions of the world around us—even when we aren't aware that something has changed our feelings.

This relies on the modern theory of" the brain as a predictive organ, instead of a reactive one,” says Dr Siegel.

In other words, “we have a lifetime of experience and we use those experiences to predict what we are going to experience next.”

We all have one dominant eye and one more passive non-dominant one. If each eye is receiving different information, we only consciously perceive what dominant one sees. But non-dominant sights can still enter our subconscious.

They showed 43 people two sets of flashing images simultaneously, so that the dominant eye saw and registered neutral expressions, while the non-dominant eye “saw” flashes of neutral, or smiling faces, which they would only subconsciously be aware of.

After viewing the flashing faces, the researchers showed the participants options of faces and asked them to pick out which ones they had seen.

When their non-dominant eyes had seen a happy face, they were more likely to think the neutral face had actually been smiling, and the same was true for other expressions.

This means that “if you see the Mona Lisa after you have just had a screaming fight with your husband, you're going to see the painting differently,” says Dr Siegel.

“But if you're having the time of your life at the Louvre, you're going to see the mysterious smile,” she adds.

“We are the architects of our own experience. Our brain makes predictions about what it expects to see and uses information from the world to update its expectations,”Dr Siegel says.

1.What is the purpose of Dr Siegel's research?

A.To discover why people perceive the same thing differently.

B.To help appreciate the Mona Lisa.

C.To win a debate.

D.To tell a smiling face from a neutral face.

2.Which of the following is the closest in meaning to “shed new light” in Paragraph 3?

A.Made something bright. B.Provided new explanations.

C.Added light-colored paints. D.Increased amount of natural light.

3.Why did the researchers show the participants two sets of flashing images?

A.To play a game.

B.To pick out their dominant and non-dominant eyes.

C.To strengthen the effect of the non-dominant eyes.

D.To provide images of more expressions.

4.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

A.Effects of Emotions B.Seeing Is Believing

C.A Mysterious Research D.Is Mona Lisa Smiling?



Most heroes are not super. They don’t appear in comic books, on television, or in movies. They just do what they believe needs to be done to make their world a better place. Bike Batman is one of them.

Bike Batman is a 30-year-old married engineer who lives in Seattle, Washington. He’s a cyclist who also buys and sells bikes as a hobby.

About three years ago, he was looking for a bike for his wife. He found one on Craigslist, a website where people list things they want to sell. As he often does, he also looked at Bike Index, a popular website that allows users to register their bikes and post reports when they’re taken. The bike, which he was considering purchasing, clearly matched one reported stolen on Bike Index. Then he called the person who claimed to be the bike’s owner and arranged to meet him— supposedly to complete the sale. When the two men met, Bike Batman told the thief, “You’ve got two options. You can wait until a police officer gets here, or you can just get out of here.” You can imagine what the thief did.

After that first success, Bike Batman developed a safer routine. When he sees questionable bike ads on Craigslist, he cross-references the image with bikes reported on Bike Index. Once he has confirmed it with the owner, he arranges a meet-up with the thief and will call the Seattle police department so that officers can participate in the action. In more than half of the 22 cases in which he has got back and returned bikes, the thieves have been arrested. In one case, Bike Batman even helped a family recover a wide range of prized possessions that suspects had stolen during a home burglary.

His nickname came from a discussion with a police officer who suggested he be called “Robin Hood”. Since he wasn’t exactly stealing from the rich and giving to the poor, “Batman” seemed a better fit. The idea of a superhero punishing criminals feels pretty silly to him, but the main reason he continues his work is to keep up Seattle’s reputation as a friendly city.

1.What is Bike Batman?

A. A superhero.    B. A website manager.

C. A Seattle citizen.    D. A police officer.

2.What will Bike Batman first do when he discovers a questionable bike?

A. Arrange to meet the thief.

B. Call the police department.

C. Contact the owner of the stolen bike.

D. Look up the bike’s information on Bike Index.

3.Why does Bike Batman help find the lost bikes?

A. To become famous.    B. To help poor people.

C. To punish bike thieves.    D. To build a friendly city.

4.What can we learn from the passage?

A. the thieves refused to return the bikes.

B. the police failed to perform their duties.

C. Bike Batman began his good deeds by accident.

D. Bike Batman felt relieved to see the thieves arrested.



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