满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Days after New Jersey residents were ord...

    Days after New Jersey residents were ordered to stay at home last week because of the coronavirus,Sandy and John Driska were running _________on groceries.Then Sandy Driska, 72,  hear through a friend that an acquaintance who  _______ the local newspaper,found a typed note _______up in her morning paper.

“My name is Greg Dailey and I deliver your newspaper every morning,"the note _______.” I understand during these _______times it is difficult for some to get out of their house to get everyday _______I would like to offer my services_______to anyone who needs groceries."

It included his phone number.She was skeptical,but she_______anyway because she was feeling desperate.Sandy said,"I called Greg,and he delivered$302 of groceries to the front of my garage the very next day without charging me a penny _______

Dailey,50,is a self-described"shy guy".But when he noticed that an older customer didn't want to walk down to the sidewalk to __________her morning newspaper after the coronavirus pandemic arrived,it made him think there must be plenty of people on his __________who were afraid to leave their home-even for groceries.

Some grocery stores deliver,but it can__________days or weeks.Customers have to figure out how to__________their orders online,which can be__________  ,and then there are delivery __________to pay,a financial__________ for many.

Dailey sat down at his computer and typed out a(n)__________ to shop for all 800 of his newspaper customers and __________else in his delivery area that might need a little help.

A few days ago,he received another thank-you note from a longtime subscriber,"You're the __________thing to an angel I've ever seen.”

Do you know what that does to your heart? I just  __________,"Dailey said.

1.A.low B.high C.small D.large

2.A.contributed to B.subscribed to C.applied to D.submitted to

3.A.rolled B.pulled C.wound D.cleared

4.A.wrote B.spoke C.read D.warned

5.A.inspiring B.boring C.consuming D.trying

6.A.loads B.products C.necessities D.packages

7.A.for good B.for certain C.for once D.for free

8.A.reached out B.got out C.gave out D.found out

9.A.less B.fewer C.more D.higher

10.A.take up B.pick up C.give up D.put up

11.A.avenue B.approach C.route D.lane

12.A.spend B.take C.cost D.charge

13.A.put B.place C.set D.send

14.A.conflicting B.convincing C.contradicting D.confusing

15.A.fares B.tips C.expenses D.fees

16.A.hardship B.shortcoming C.depression D.disorder

17.A.invitation B.recommendation C.request D.offer

18.A.something B.anything C.anyone D.no one

19.A.dearest B.closest C.furthest D.highest

20.A.melted B.froze C.hardened D.frightened


1.A 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.D 6.C 7.D 8.A 9.C 10.B 11.C 12.B 13.B 14.D 15.D 16.A 17.D 18.C 19.B 20.A 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了在疫情期间,因为不能正常出门,许多人生活必需品出现短缺。Dailey作为该地区的报纸配送员,主动提出帮大家免费配送生活日用品,得到了大家的感谢和赞美。 1. 考查固定搭配。句意:由于冠状病毒,新泽西州人被要求待在家里,第二天,Sandy和Driska的食品快用完了。从文中“She was skeptical, but she___8___anyway because she was feeling desperate. Sandy said," I called Greg,and he delivered$302 of groceries to the front of my garage the very next day without charging me a penny ___9___”可知她联络Dailey,Sandy说他已经给Dailey打电话了,并且Dailey第二天会免费给他把302美金的食品送到他们前面的车库,这说明Sandy 和 John Driska的食品已经快用完了。A项run low(固定搭配)表示“快用完了;缺少”的意思,run low on groceries指食品短缺。故选A项。 2. 考查动词短语辨析。句意:后来Sandy从一个朋友那里听说一个订阅当地报纸的熟人在她的晨报里发现一个卷着的纸条。A. contribute to有助于;B. subscribe to 同意; 赞成订阅;定期捐款;C. apply to 应用于;D. submit to递交。从后半句“found a typed note ___3___up in her morning paper.”可知在她的晨报里发现了一个纸条,说明她订阅了报纸,故选B项。 3. 考查动词短语辨析。句意:后来Sandy从一个朋友那里听说一个订阅当地报纸的熟人在她的晨报里发现一个卷着的纸条。A roll up使成筒状(或球状);pull up使突然中断,(车或驾车者)减速停下;wound up焦躁不安的,紧张的;clear up清理。从文中“an acquaintance who___2___the local newspaper, found a typed note ___3___up in her morning paper.”可知这是一个放在报纸里的纸条,结合选项,roll up在此处做被动表示被卷成桶状的纸条。故选A项。 4. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我叫Greg Dailey,我每天早晨送报纸。纸条上写着。A. wrote写下;B. spoke说;C. read读,写(纸条上写着);D. warned警告。结合选项,这里是说纸条上写着送报纸人的信息。Wrote虽有写的意思,但是用法应该是write down。此处read应是固定搭配,意为“纸条上写着一句话”。故选C项。 5. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我理解在这段令人厌烦的日子里,对一些人来说外出去买一些必需品是很困难的。A. inspiring激动人心的;B. boring无聊的;C. consuming重要的;D. trying令人厌烦的,难以对付的。从文中“it is difficult for some to get out of their house to get everyday ___6___”可知一些人这段时间不能离开家,说明这样的日子是很让人厌烦的,故选D项。 6. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我理解在这段令人厌烦的日子里,对一些人来说外出去买一些必需品是很困难的。A. loads负荷;B. products产品;C. necessities必需品;D. packages包装好的东西。从下文“I would like to offer my services___7___to anyone who needs groceries.”可知他可以帮那些需要食物的人提供帮助,所以此处应该是由于不能离开家而无法获得每天的必需品。食物这些是属于必需品,Necessity意为“必需品”,故选C项。 7. 考查短语辨析。句意:我可以给那些需要食品的人提供免费帮助。A. for good永久;B. for certain确切地;C. for once破例一次;D. for free免费地。由第三段最后一句“I called Greg,and he delivered$302 of groceries to the front of my garage the very next day without charging me a penny ___9___”可知给我送食品是免费的,那么说明Greg Dailey提供的这项服务是免费的,故选D项。 8. 考查动词短语辨析。句意:她心存怀疑,但是因为她感到很绝望,所以不管怎么样,她要联络Greg Dailey。A. reach out伸(手),联络;B. get out出去;C. give out发出(气体、热量、气味等);分发;散发;公开,宣布(消息等);D. find out发现,找到。从本段第一句话“It included his phone number.”可知纸条上有Greg的号码,所以Sandy联络了他,故选A项。 9. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我给Greg打电话了,并且他第二天就会把302美金的食品送到我前面的车库,不收我一分钱。A. less更少地;B. fewer更少地;C. more更多地;D. higher更高地。从文中“I would like to offer my services___7___to anyone who needs groceries.”可知他为需要帮助的人提供免费服务,所以为Sandy送东西也是免费的。without charging me a penny more意为“没有多收一分钱”,故选C项。 10. 考查固定搭配。句意:但是当他注意到一个老人因为冠状病毒不想走到人行道去取他的晨报。A. take up占据;B pick up拾起;捡起;取走;C. give up放弃;D. put up建造;搭起;设立;张贴。从本句“But when he noticed that an older customer didn't want to walk down to the sidewalk to ___10___her morning newspaper after the coronavirus pandemic arrived,”可知这个老者是不想离开家走到人行道上取走他的报纸,结合选项,故选B项。 11. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:这让他想起在他这条送报纸的路线上一定有许多人害怕离开家,甚至是为了食品。A. avenue大街;B. approach方法;C. route路线;D. lane小路。从文中“it made him think there must be plenty of people on his ___11___who were afraid to leave their home-even for groceries.”可知,这些人都是在他派送报纸的路线上的人。故选C项。 12. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:一些商店给送货,但是这要花费几天或者几周的时间。A. spend花费;B. take花费;C. cost花费;D. charge负责。从文中“Some grocery stores deliver,but it can___12___days or weeks.”可知许多杂货店送货,但是需要花费几天或者几周的时间,对于时间的花费,只AB两项符合,但A项是spend time in doing /on something,所以A项排除,只能用take,故选B项。 13. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:客户们不得不想办法,找出怎么在网上下单,这个过程让人困惑,并且会有送货费需要支付,对于很多人来说这是一个经济困难。A. put放;B. place放(订单;广告);C. set设置;D. send派送。从文中“there must be plenty of people on his ___11___who were afraid to leave their home-even for groceries.”可知,人们害怕离开家,甚至是为了食品,也害怕离开家,所以他们找出了在线下单的方法, place their orders online指在线下单。Place后跟订单、广告等词,表示下单的意思,故选B项。 14. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:客户们不得不想办法,找出怎么在网上下单,这个过程让人困惑,并且会有送货费需要支付,对于很多人来说这是一个经济困难。A. conflicting矛盾的;B. convincing使人信服的;C. contradicting反驳的;D. confusing令人困惑的。从前一句“Customers have to figure out how to___13___their orders online,”可知,顾客们需要研究出怎么在线下单,说明这个过程可能是不易的、令人困惑的。根据句意,故选D项。 15. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:客户们不得不想办法,找出怎么在网上下单,这个过程让人困惑,并且会有送货费需要支付,对于很多人来说这是一个经济困难。A. fares车费;船费;B. tips小费;C. expenses花销;D. fees(做某事支付的)费。从本句“and then there are delivery ___15___to pay,a financial___16___ for many.”可知需要付送货的费用即运费,结合选项,delivery fee意为运费,故选D项。 16. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:客户们不得不想办法,找出怎么在网上下单,这个过程让人困惑,并且会有送货费需要支付,对于很多人来说这是一个经济困难。A. hardship困难;B. shortcoming缺点;C. depression萧条;D. disorder杂乱。从本句“then there are delivery ___15___to pay.”可知送货还需要再付运费,这运费对于许多人来说是一种经济困难。结合选项,故选A项。 17. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:Dailey坐在电脑前,为他的800位订阅报纸的客户和任何其他在他派送范围内的需要小帮助的人们给商店打印了一个服务建议。A. invitation邀请;B. recommendation推荐;C. request要求;D. offer建议;(提供)服务。从文中第二段“I would like to offer my services___7___to anyone who needs groceries.”可知,与offer相呼应,空处需要填offer,故选D项。 18. 考查代词词义辨析。句意:Dailey坐在电脑前,为他的800位订阅报纸的客户和任何其他在他派送范围内的需要小帮助的人们给商店打印了一个服务建议。A. something一些事情;B. anything任何事情;C. anyone任何人;D. no one没人。从本句“and ___18___else in his delivery area that might need a little help.”可知这是一个定语从句,从句是说需要帮助的人,所以主句也应该是任何在他配送范围内的人。故选C项。 19. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:几天前,他从一个长期订阅报纸的客户那里收到一个感谢纸条,纸条上写着“你是我见过的最像天使的人。”A. dearest最亲爱的;B. closest最近的;接近的,最像的C. furthest最远的;D. highest最高的。从文中“Dailey sat down at his computer and typed out a(n)___17___ to shop for all 800 of his newspaper customers and ___18___else in his delivery area that might need a little help.”可知,Dailey的行为帮助了很多人,所以这句是对他的一个赞扬,称赞他是最接近或者是最像天使的人,故选B项。 20. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意;“你知道那对你的内心来说是什么吗?我的心也变得柔软起来”Dailey说道。A. melted(使)软化,变得柔软;B. froze冰冻的;C. hardened坚硬的;D. frightened害怕的。从文中“few days ago, he received another thank-you note from a longtime subscriber, You're the ___19___thing to an angel I've ever seen.”可知,当看到这感谢的话后Dailey的心变得柔软起来。故选A项。

My interview is in the afternoon.I am so nervous.

You've prepared so well._____________.

A.Have butterflies in your stomach B.Be as sly as a fox

C.Interviews are battlefields D.Success is yours for the taking



This amusement park with all the exciting rides and other fun activities_____also home to  outdoor concerts every summer.

A.are B.have been C.is D.has been



I am so frustrated that the house we______in for so many years was consumed by the fire.

Come on.Look on the bright side.I feel lucky to have escaped in time.

A.would live B.had lived C.live D.have lived



We_________stop unless you've got something else you want to talk about.

OK.Let's call it a day.See you tomorrow.

A.may well B.are able to C.used to D.might as well



My boss is so mean.I should quit my job.

I_______very seriously about that if I were you.After all it's not easy to get a job these days.

A.will think B.will have thought C.would think D.would have thought



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