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The Covid-19 disaster will have many los...

    The Covid-19 disaster will have many losers, but it already has one clear winner: big tech. The large digital platforms, including Alphabet and Facebook, will come out of the crisis even stronger. They should use this good chance to reset their sometimes tense relations with their users. Otherwise the government is likely to do it for them.

Demand for online services has exploded and the infrastructure behind the internet has proved to be admirably reliable. Newcomers such as Slack and Zoom, which help businesses operate remotely, have become household names. Facebook has said that messaging activity has increased by 50%in those countries hit hard by the virus. Amazon is planning to hire 100,000 new staff to keep up with higher e-commerce.

Just as the big firms are standing even taller, many of the tech industry's younger, smaller firms are being crushed since the dotcom crash 20 years ago. Even before the coronavirus hit. trouble was starting to develop .Among many firms catering to consumers, the strategy of growing at all costs had turned out to be problematic, Some firms had already started laying off people. All this will make it easier for the big firms to hire the best talent.

If that happens, it is likely that regulators will do little or nothing to stop a round of expansion. In America antitrust(反垄断) investigations against Alphabet, Google's parent. and Facebook have essentially been put on hold, as officials deal with other priorities during a crisis. A new federal privacy law seems further away than ever. Even tech skeptics in the European Union want to rethink their approach to regulating artificial intelligence(AI). In an abrupt twist, big tech's business practice is essential to deal with the virus. Yet before Covid-19,such activity would have caused howls of great anger over privacy and prejudice.

In fact, more than ever it is clear that big tech firms play vital roles. There lies the trap, because almost everywhere other big firms, such as water or electricity, are heavily regulated and have their prices and profits capped(规定限额). Once this crisis passes, concerned citizens and governments could make a push for the state to have similar control over big tech.

The companies seem to sense this danger. Their best defence is to propose a new deal to the citizens of the world. That means clear rules on how they publish and moderate content, helping users own, control and profit from their own data, as well as fair treatment of competitors that use their platforms. This approach may even be more profitable in the long run. Today the most valuable firm in America is Microsoft, which has been more successful by building a reputation for being trustworthy.

1.The writer suggests the big techs use the outbreak of Covid-19 to      _

A.escape from the crisis of large digital platforms

B.improve their relationship with their users

C.ask for help from the government

D.demand more online services and reliable infrastructure

2.What has led big tech firms' business to increase rapidly?

A.The crush of the tech industry. B.The strategy of growing at all costs.

C.The stricter antitrust investigations. D.The loosened government regulations.

3.What does “that” in Paragraph 4 refer to?

A.The easier access of best tech talents to big tech firms.

B.The severe unemployment rate in companies.

C.The fast spread of the coronavirus.

D.A new round of expansion of big firms.

4.In Paragraph 6,Microsoft is used as an example of___.

A.benefiting from good relations with its users B.catering to consumers whatever they want

C.sensing danger from other big firms in time D.being heavily regulated by the government


1.B 2.D 3.A 4.A 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章主要说明了以疫情爆发为契机,讲述当下许多大公司借此机会修复与消费者关系的现象。通过分析大公司市场上的优势和危机,得出消费者的信赖可以使公司持续健康发展。 1. 细节理解题。根据第一段中They should use this good chance to reset their sometimes tense relations with their users.可知他们应该利用这个好机会来重新调整与用户之间有时紧张的关系。由此可知,作者建议大型科技公司利用新冠肺炎疫情来改善与用户的关系。故选B。 2. 细节理解题。根据第四段中If that happens, it is likely that regulators will do little or nothing to stop a round of expansion.可知如果这种情况发生,监管机构很可能不会采取什么行动或根本不采取任何行动来阻止一轮扩张。由此可知,是政府放宽管制导致了大型科技公司业务的快速增长。故选D。 3. 词义猜测题。根据第三段中All this will make it easier for the big firms to hire the best talent.可知所有这些都将使大公司更容易雇佣到最好的人才。由此可知,如果大公司更容易雇佣到最好的人才这种情况发生,监管机构很可能不会采取什么行动或根本不采取任何行动来阻止一轮扩张。故that指的是“大公司更容易雇佣到最好的人才”。故选A。 4. 推理判断题。根据第六段中Today the most valuable firm in America is Microsoft, which has been more successful by building a reputation for being trustworthy.可知今天,美国最有价值的公司是微软,它通过建立可信赖的声誉而更加成功。结合第一段,许多大公司借疫情的机会修复与用户之间的关系,上下呼应,由此可推知,在第6段中,微软被作为一个从消费者与公司之间良好关系获益的例子。故选A。

    Researchers have confirmed that there are several effective methods for cleaning the N95 masks worn by health professional so that they can be used more than once,the National Institutes of Health announced Wednesday.

A research already showed that the masks,designed for one-time use,can be reused in a crisis.And the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in March authorized reuse because of shortages driven by the Covid-19 pandemic.

None of these rules or methods are intended for the cloth masks recommended or in some locations required for use by everyone in public.

Earlier research had not,of course,involved the new coronavirus.The new research determined which cleaning procedures were most effective.

N.I.H.publicized the study because it could be helpful to health care professionals in the crisis.Dr.Munster and his colleagues tested four methods of killing the virus:UV light,dry heat, vaporized hydrogen peroxide(YHP)(汽化过氧化氢)and ethyl(乙醇)alcohol.Of those methods,they did not recommend ethyl alcohol because although it killed the virus,it degraded the mask material.

Vaporized hydrogen peroxide,a method often available in large hospitals,was effective, and left the masks still functioning for at least three rounds of cleaning,as did UV light.

Dry heat,at 70C,was effective,but the masks withstood only two rounds of cleaning.Dr. Munster said that"vaporized hydrogen peroxide would be the method of choice if that's available."However,he said,a nursing home might not have that,while for dry heat,what's needed is basically an oven.

Another recent study from Canadian researchers confirmed the value of cleaning.It included masks of different brands and found that the material of the mask was still effective after 10 rounds of vaporized hydrogen peroxide cleaning.

The findings are intended to be useful for health care workers wearing N95 masks.With personal protective equipment in short supply at many overwhelmed hospitals,some front-line workers have complained that masks were rationed.

The public has been advised not to use or try to buy N95 masks because they would be preventing health care workers from having lifesaving equipment.

1.Of the different cleaning procedures of N95 masks,which one is the least effective?

A.UV light B.dry heat

C.vaporized hydrogen peroxide(VHP) D.ethyl alcohol

2.In a dictionary,the underlined word"ration”has the.following explanations.Which explanation do you think agrees with the context?

A.a fixed allowance of something that is scarce

B.the amount of something one normally has

C.to assign to someone for a particular purpose.

D.to restrict the distribution of something

3.What's the main idea of the passage?

A.The public has been advised not to use N95 masks.

B.The health care workers are in great need of N95 masks.

C.N.I.H.announced N95 masks can be reused if cleaned effectively.

D.Personal protective equipment is in short supply at many hospitals.



Creamy cooked White Beans


●1 tablespoon unsalted butter

●1 head garlic,cut into halves

●1 cup whole milk

●1 can chickpeas,with their liquid

●1 can white beans

●1 thyme sprig, 2 sage leaves or 1 bay leaf

●1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg,allspice or gram masala

●Salt and black pepper

●4 slices crusty bread or thick toast

●Extra-virgin olive oil,for serving

●Freshly grated Parmesan,for serving

●Pepper flakes,for serving

Nutritional analysis(4 servings)

428 calories,9 grams fat;4 grams saturated fat;0 grams trans fat;2 grams monounsaturated fat; 2 grams polyunsaturated fat;68 grams carbohydrates;14 grams dietary fiber;9 grams sugars;21 grams protein;732 milligrams sodium.


1.In a medium saucepan,melt the butter over medium-high heat.Add the garlic,cut side down,and cook until golden brown,I to 2 minutes.

2.Add the milk,chickpeas and their liquid,white beans,thyme and nutmeg and stir to combine.Season(加作料)generously with salt and pepper.When the mixture begins to bubble around the edges of the pan(you don't want it to come to a full boil),reduce the heat to low and let it boil gently,stirring occasionally,until it has thickened and tastes great to you,about 15 minutes.Season with salt and pepper,to taste.

3. Use a fork to remove the garlic halves from the beans.Set aside until cool enough to handle,then use the fork to remove the cloves from the skins.Spread the cloves on bread or toast.

4.Mash(捣烂)some of the beans using the back of a spoon.Serve beans and milk in bowls.Serve with the bread alongside for dipping.

1.Which of the following steps of the cooking process is correctly stated?

A.The first step is to melt the salted butter in a medium saucepan.

B.Add little salt and pepper so that the mixture of ingredients tastes good.

C.Turn the heat from medium-high to low before the mixture fully boils.

D.The last step is to mix the beans,milk and bread and serve them in bowls.

2.A person will bum about 400 calories if jogging for an hour.To consume the calories produced when having the dish,you'll have to run for about

A.15 minutes B.half an hour

C.an hour D.one hour and a half



    Days after New Jersey residents were ordered to stay at home last week because of the coronavirus,Sandy and John Driska were running _________on groceries.Then Sandy Driska, 72,  hear through a friend that an acquaintance who  _______ the local newspaper,found a typed note _______up in her morning paper.

“My name is Greg Dailey and I deliver your newspaper every morning,"the note _______.” I understand during these _______times it is difficult for some to get out of their house to get everyday _______I would like to offer my services_______to anyone who needs groceries."

It included his phone number.She was skeptical,but she_______anyway because she was feeling desperate.Sandy said,"I called Greg,and he delivered$302 of groceries to the front of my garage the very next day without charging me a penny _______

Dailey,50,is a self-described"shy guy".But when he noticed that an older customer didn't want to walk down to the sidewalk to __________her morning newspaper after the coronavirus pandemic arrived,it made him think there must be plenty of people on his __________who were afraid to leave their home-even for groceries.

Some grocery stores deliver,but it can__________days or weeks.Customers have to figure out how to__________their orders online,which can be__________  ,and then there are delivery __________to pay,a financial__________ for many.

Dailey sat down at his computer and typed out a(n)__________ to shop for all 800 of his newspaper customers and __________else in his delivery area that might need a little help.

A few days ago,he received another thank-you note from a longtime subscriber,"You're the __________thing to an angel I've ever seen.”

Do you know what that does to your heart? I just  __________,"Dailey said.

1.A.low B.high C.small D.large

2.A.contributed to B.subscribed to C.applied to D.submitted to

3.A.rolled B.pulled C.wound D.cleared

4.A.wrote B.spoke C.read D.warned

5.A.inspiring B.boring C.consuming D.trying

6.A.loads B.products C.necessities D.packages

7.A.for good B.for certain C.for once D.for free

8.A.reached out B.got out C.gave out D.found out

9.A.less B.fewer C.more D.higher

10.A.take up B.pick up C.give up D.put up

11.A.avenue B.approach C.route D.lane

12.A.spend B.take C.cost D.charge

13.A.put B.place C.set D.send

14.A.conflicting B.convincing C.contradicting D.confusing

15.A.fares B.tips C.expenses D.fees

16.A.hardship B.shortcoming C.depression D.disorder

17.A.invitation B.recommendation C.request D.offer

18.A.something B.anything C.anyone D.no one

19.A.dearest B.closest C.furthest D.highest

20.A.melted B.froze C.hardened D.frightened



My interview is in the afternoon.I am so nervous.

You've prepared so well._____________.

A.Have butterflies in your stomach B.Be as sly as a fox

C.Interviews are battlefields D.Success is yours for the taking



This amusement park with all the exciting rides and other fun activities_____also home to  outdoor concerts every summer.

A.are B.have been C.is D.has been



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