满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Understanding the context for the Ebola ...

Understanding the context for the Ebola outbreak: What went right, what went wrong, and how we can all do better. Like no other event in recent history, the 2014 Ebola outbreak has made clear the fragility of existing health systems. While responding to the current epidemic is critical, we also have an opportunity to learn lessons to prevent the next global health catastrophe, create partnerships across borders and disciplines, and demonstrate our commitment to value all human lives.

This four-week course provides the context in which to understand the Ebola outbreak-why now, and why did so many people suffer and die? The course lays out the global governance structure -what was the global response supposed to look like, and where did it fail?

The course will feature experts and scholars who will focus on cultivating a better understanding of the Ebola epidemic and implications for future health systems to ensure that the world is more effective in preventing the next epidemic .  

1.What can we learn from the text?

A.Learners will learn to attend patients with epidemic effectively.

B.Learners should pay extra fee to gain a verified certificate.

C.Learners should spend no more than 10 hours during the whole course.

D.Learners will follow a fixed schedule and should be good at English.

2.The course is designed to _________.

A.prevent the next pandemic B.understand the 2014 Ebola

C.improve health systems D.provide academic support


1.B 2.A 【解析】 本文是应用文。介绍了一门持续四周的有关埃博拉疫情的公共健康课程,包括课程的内容,设置目的,时间安排,课程语言、获取证书等。 1. 细节理解题。根据表格中CREDIT部分的Audit for free. Add a Verified Certificate for $49可知想要得到一个认证证书需要额外支付$49,故选B。 2. 细节理解题。根据文章最后一段The course will feature experts and scholars who will focus on cultivating a better understanding of the Ebola epidemic and implications for future health systems to ensure that the world is more effective in preventing the next epidemic .可知该课程将以专家和学者为特色,他们将致力于更好地理解埃博拉疫情及其对未来卫生系统的影响,以确保世界更有效地预防下一次疫情。即本课程旨在预防下一次埃博拉大流行,故选A。

    One spring, two friends and I sought permission to plant a garden. Our school was located in the downtown area of a large city. There wasn’t_______of a backyard._______ , it was our garden, a stone-covered dirt parking lot with no extra space. However, we carefully_______taking into account the area that received the best sunshine.

The three of us_______the headmaster with our plan for a small area to plant some squash, tomatoes and cucumbers. The only real _______  involved was to rent a rake(), a pickax(丁字镐), and a hoe(锄头). However,_______ the headmaster’s permission would still be difficult. We will never forget his _______ to our request. With a slightly bored tilting (偏斜) of his head, he _______ replied, “ You are wasting your time. Nothing will ever grow there! But go ahead _______ you still want to.”

We had received permission_______ ! So what if it wasn’t enthusiastic? We rented tools, raked four inches of stones into neat walls _______ the garden, raised the pickax and _______what must have been a former waste area. A gardener dream-dark, rich soil just sitting there_______ to be discovered. We looked at each other, repeating together: “Ah, nothing will grow there.” As you might have_______ by now, things did grow there in our garden.

Have you ever _______ that way about your life-Nothing will grow there… Have you felt  _______ about your life’s progress? Worried about crop failure? Disappointed that nothing good ever seems to  _______ ? Don’t believe that “Nothing will grow there”. It’s never too  _______ to be who you might have been. You may not always see the _______ for growth, but it is there. All the rich soil you need may be left just _______ the surface, but can only be discovered after you begin digging.

1.A.more B.little C.much D.less

2.A.Suddenly B.Now C.Again D.Actually

3.A.carried out B.laid out C.gave out D.made out

4.A.greeted B.ignored C.approached D.lectured

5.A.cost B.reward C.bargain D.bonus

6.A.allowing B.getting C.granting D.adopting

7.A.promise B.tease C.response D.result

8.A.warmly B.coldly C.readily D.hesitantly

9.A.if B.unless C.even if D.as if

10.A.at most B.at least C.at first D.at last

11.A.separating B.setting C.establishing D.outlining

12.A.carved B.landed C.struck D.smoothed

13.A.waiting B.staring C.glancing D.lying

14.A.wished B.guessed C.liked D.planned

15.A.lost B.made C.followed D.felt

16.A.discouraged B.excited C.puzzled D.awkward

17.A.go up B.bring up C.come up D.pile up

18.A.hard B.easy C.early D.late

19.A.potential B.foundation C.vision D.strategy

20.A.beyond B.beneath C.above D.off



—I lost five pounds just after a week on this new diet. It's definitely worth a try.

—Right, _____. I definitely need to get in shape for my school reunion.

A.You have my words B.I don’t buy it C.You’ve sold it to me D.I just can’t help it



Beijing has abandoned setting a specific GDP target for this year and shifted its policy priority to ensuring employment, people’s livelihoods and the ________ of businesses.

A.survival B.proposal C.approval D.arrival



—Hopefully, China’s economic power is likely to increase in the years to come.

—Well, trust me, more and more foreigners ________ employment here.

A.seek B.are seeking C.will have sought D.will be seeking



Thompson’s business was originally ________ in size, but in recent years he has expanded it by opening scores of chain stores across the country.

A.modest B.grand C.full D.handsome



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