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阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 Everyon...


Everyone has their own unique fingerprint; 1. makes fingerprints an ideal way to unlock smartphones. However, this may be 2. (safe) than we think.

Scientists at New York University and Michigan State University in the US have developed a set of fake fingerprints. They say that the prints 3. unlock any fingerprint-enabled smartphone up to 65 percent of the time.

The artificial fingerprints 4. (create) by using many common features found in human prints. They work 5. taking advantage of the way smartphone scanners check a fingerprint.

The fingerprint scanners  6. (use) in smartphones are so small that they only read parts of fingerprints. So they have to take many scans of your finger or thumb (拇指) 7. they work properly. Smartphones also let users save several finger and thumbprints. Since a print only has to match one of the saved images 8. (unlock) the phone, the scanner is more likely to make mistakes.

Although the scientists have only tested their findings in computer simulations (模拟), 9. (worry) about the safety of using fingerprints are reasonable .They warn that the technology used to create artificial fingerprints is improving  10. (extreme) fast.


1.it /this/that 2.less safe 3.can 4.were created/have been created 5.by 6.used 7.before 8.to unlock 9.worries 10.extremely 【解析】 这是一篇议论文。文章论述了指纹解锁没有想象中的安全。 1. 考查代词。句意:每个人都有自己独特的指纹;它使指纹成为解锁智能手机的理想方式。指纹能成为解锁智能手机的方式,是因为指纹是独特的,故此空应指代前面的独特的指纹,可用代词it、this和that。故填it或者this或者that。 2. 考查形容词的比较级。句意:然而,这可能没有我们想象的那么安全。根据后文可知,人造指纹可以解锁智能手机,可知,指纹解锁没有想象中的安全,同时根据句中“than”可以推测此处应用比较级。故填less safe。 3. 考查情态动词。句意:他们说,指纹解锁任何使用指纹的智能手机的几率高达65%。科学家研制出的一套假指纹可以解锁使用指纹的智能手机,此处表示能力,意为“能、会”,应用情态动词can。故填can。 4. 考查时态和语态。句意:人工指纹是利用人类指纹的许多共同特征创造出来的。主语The artificial fingerprints与create为动宾关系,人工指纹利用人类指纹的共同特征被创造出来,故用被动语态。人工指纹是过去创造的,或表示现在已经完成的,可以用一般过去时或者现在完成时态。故填were created或者have been created。。 5. 考查介词。句意:它们利用智能手机扫描仪检查指纹的方式工作。此处表示工作的手段,应用介词by。work by doing sth表示通过某种方式工作。故填by。 6. 考查非谓语动词。考查非谓语动词。句意:智能手机上使用的指纹扫描仪非常小,只能读取部分指纹。指纹被应用于智能手机,use和The fingerprint scanners之间是被动关系,这里用过去分词used作定语,“被用于智能手机的”的指纹扫描仪。故填used。 7. 考查连词。考查连词。句意:在它们正常工作之前,必须对你的手指或拇指进行多个扫描。根据逻辑关系,可以推理,在智能手机指纹解锁之前,需要扫描手指上的指纹,故填before。 8. 考查非谓语动词。句意:因为打印只需要匹配其中一张保存的图片就可以解锁手机,所以扫描仪更有可能出错。分析句子结构可知,打印和一张图片相匹配是为了解锁手机,此处用动词不定式表目的。故填to unlock。 9. 考查名词复数。句意:关于使用指纹的安全性的担忧是合理的。该空作主句主语,用名词。根据句中系动词“are”可知,句中的主语为复数形式。故填worries。 10. 考查副词。句意:他们警告说,用于创建人工指纹的技术发展的极快。此处修饰形容词“fast”,应用“extreme”的副词形式“extremely”。故填extremely。

    Here’s an awkward confession (承认): I’ve cried at every job I’ve had. I always find it difficult to___ my emotions. And each time I’ve___ exactly why these emotional moments are considered so taboo (忌讳的). Is it a universal truth that you just can’t cry at work ?

As someone puts it on the internet, as professional women, we’re dealing with the great expectation to “be __ in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire” while also making enough money to pay rent. __ , my eyes get a little watery just thinking about it. So if crying at work is unavoidable – yet taboo – what is an ambitious young woman to do to __ after one of these embarrassing  incidents?

My usual routine after an in-office __ is to remove my contact lenses, have a massive iced-coffee, and ___it never happened (until it happens again). Clearly, I’m no expert on the right professional response. So I spoke with my personal finance coach, Ashley Feinstein Gerstley, to see if she had any __ for reducing the humiliation (丢脸).

“It’s so __ , but telling yourself not to cry usually __ making you cry more,” she says. “You’re using all your energy to hold it together, but there’s so much pressure that the tears will almost unavoidably come. If you do get upset, it can be helpful to __ yourself from the situation. Take a minute to get it together, and come back ready to have a more composed (镇静的) exchange.”

Maybe there’s some __ in crying. I’ve definitely found that __ the taboo can lead to greater relationships with __. I’ve noticed how tears have helped solve a disconnection or problem that might __ have gone unsolved. To be honest, I’m hoping to recognize, if not celebrate, the rare office cry as a hidden skill for greater future.

1.A.describe B.contain C.maintain D.distinguish

2.A.understood B.remembered C.wondered D.explained

3.A.fearless B.curious C.cautious D.flexible

4.A.Thankfully B.Finally C.Gradually D.Frankly

5.A.compete B.communicate C.recover D.celebrate

6.A.training B.practice C.discussion D.disaster

7.A.prove B.pretend C.believe D.expect

8.A.tips B.plans C.choices D.answers

9.A.boring B.complicated C.different D.embarrassing

10.A.turns to B.comes to C.ends up D.leads up

11.A.protect B.ban C.separate D.excuse

12.A.benefit B.purpose C.lesson D.interest

13.A.respecting B.breaking C.following D.improving

14.A.friends B.relatives C.colleagues D.neighbors

15.A.still B.otherwise C.similarly D.therefore



    When you sleep, do you ever realize that you are dreaming? If yes, then you have had a lucid dream (清醒梦). 1. Only some people are able to have them. Now, scientists have found ways to help more people to have lucid dreams, Live Science reported.

Denholm Aspy from the University of Adelaide in Australia found that certain skills are key to helping people have lucid dreams.

First, people can train themselves to figure out whether they are dreaming or not. For example, someone may look at a clock, look away, and then look back. 2. Then, they might dream about this trick while sleeping. But in their dreams, the time on the clock may change very quickly. So people know they are dreaming.

Another trick is to wake up after five hours of sleep. 3. During this time, repeat the words, “The next time I’m dreaming, I’ll remember that I’m dreaming.” Then, go to bed again to enter rapid eye movement (REM,快速眼球运动) sleep. In REM sleep, people are more likely to be aware of their dreams.

Scientists found that those who used these tricks had a 17 percent success rate at having lucid dreams. 4.

In a lucid dream, people might study a hobby and then become better at it in real life, according to Aspy. For example, you might learn to play the piano in a lucid dream. 5.

A.Then, stay awake for a while.

B.The time should stay the same.

C.This was far higher than if they did nothing.

D.People learn new skills faster in a lucid dream.

E.It is hard for most people to have a lucid dream.

F.Then, your real-life piano skills might improve.

G.Some people will need more time to fall asleep and have a dream.



    When I tell people I wrote a book with my dad, they usually say, “It must be nice to think of the legacy (留下来的东西) you created with someone who means so much to you.”

This was a beautiful idea, but it was not the way I, or my dad, ever thought about the cooperation. Though we created something we’re proud of, “nice” is not the word either of us uses to describe the process.

“It was more confrontation (对抗) than cooperation,” my dad likes to say. I agree.

When we landed a book deal, we began a writing journey that was more difficult than either of us had anticipated, but also far more rewarding.

For almost three years, we met once or twice a week at my parents’ house and talked daily to plan and outline each chapter. After these meetings, one of us would write a rough draft that the other would build on. I wanted the book to focus on positive vices (不良习惯): such as moderate (适度的) chocolate. However, my dad felt the book should include chapters dealing with things like walking and spending time with family. Ultimately , I saw it his way. He said the book was about more than just good vices. It was about encouraging people to enjoy life in healthy ways.

Writing this book was a reminder that our family members share not only our faults but also our strengths. My dad is smart, funny, critical and caring. He has a strong passion for the truth. I hope I share these great qualities. For this book, he researched each topic with an enthusiasm I’d never seen from him, and he insisted that we constantly question and critically analyze every piece of information – even our own conclusions. He was determined to cooperate with me on a book, not because he couldn’t write one on his own, but because he believed that we could create something better together than we could alone.

I’m not sure if our cooperation led to better writing, but I’m sure it led to a better writing experience. Writing this book was difficult, sometimes more difficult than past projects, but it was never lonely.

1.How would the author describe the writing process according to the first 3 paragraphs?

A.Nice. B.Struggling.

C.Relaxing. D.Disappointing.

2.What is Paragraph 5 mainly about?

A.A healthy lifestyle.

B.The theme of the book.

C.How the author and his father worked together.

D.Why the author wanted to write the book.

3.What can we learn about the author’s father?

A.He is not good at writing.

B.He lacks confidence in himself.

C.He likes to criticize others’ works.

D.He likes to get to the bottom of things.

4.What did the author learn from the cooperation with his father?

A.It’s important to make a plan before work.

B.Their cooperation resulted in a better book than the author expected.

C.It’s worthwhile to work with someone close to you.

D.Communicate more when there is an argument.



    Almost everyone has heard the expression, “the calm before the storm”. It is usually used to describe a peaceful period just before a very stressful situation or a tense argument.

British sailors coined the phrase in the late 1600s; they noted that before certain storms the seas would seem to become static and the winds would drop.

But why is it often so calm before a storm?

Science has given us the answer. According to US infotainment (资讯娱乐) website HowStuffWorks, a calm period occurs because many storms, such as tornadoes and hurricanes, draw in all the warm and humid air from the surrounding area. As this air rises into the storm clouds, it cools and acts as “fuel for the storm, like petrol in a car”.

Once the storm has taken all the energy it can from the air, it is pushed out from the top of the storm clouds and falls back down to ground level. As the air descends (下降), it becomes warm and dry. Warm, dry air is stable, so once it covers an area, it causes a calm period before the storm.

This same process also causes the “eye of the storm” in hurricanes and tornadoes. In these conditions, the calm occurs in the center of the storm because of the strong rotating (旋转的) winds.

The Weather Network has a tip for working out how far away a storm is. First, count how many seconds there are between a flash of lightning and a clap of thunder. Roughly three seconds equal one kilometer. So, for example, if you count nine seconds, the storm is about 3 kilometers away. A good gauge (评估) is that if your count is below 30 seconds, you should seek shelter straight away.

However, due to the complexity of storm system, not all storms are preceded by calm. Given the right conditions, some storms announce themselves with heavy rain and chilling (寒冷的) winds. So, your best bet is to keep yourself updated with weather reports for any predictions regarding a coming storm in your area. That’s the most reliable and sensible way to predict the next display of nature’s temper (脾气).

1.What is the main idea of Paragraphs 4 and 5?

A.To explain how a storm comes into being.

B.To support previous research on storm clouds.

C.To explain why a peaceful period occurs before a storm.

D.To show how dangerous a storm can be in certain situations.

2.If there are 15 seconds between a flash of lightning and a thunder clap, how far away is the storm?

A.Three kilometers. B.Four kilometers.

C.Five kilometers. D.Six kilometers.

3.What can we learn from the last paragraph?

A.It is not always quiet before a storm.

B.Storms have a big influence on life.

C.Heavy storms don’t usually last for a long time.

D.Weather reports may fail to predict a storm.



    The year 2019 saw the end of the hit sitcom The Big Bang Theory. Now, another popular comedy, Modern Family, follows in their footsteps. After 11 seasons the final episode aired on April 8, bringing an end to a sitcom “widely recognized as one of the funniest and most decorated sitcoms of this century”, according to EOnline.

Hitting our screens in 2009, the show claimed 22 Emmys in total, an American award that recognizes excellence in television. At its peak the show attracted over 9 million viewers for its relatable family dynamic, loveable characters and mockumentary (伪纪录片) style. In this format, characters can convey their own thoughts and feelings directly to the audience via a short sit-down interview.

Over the course of the series, fans have witnessed the Pritchett-Dunphy-Tucker clan (家族), an extended Los Angeles family, overcome the trials and tribulations of any modern family, including death, adoption and mental health.

The big family’s highs and lows have made it so relatable that we see them as part of our own family and care about their stories. From fights between siblings (兄弟姐妹) to parental disagreement about children’s education, the show, despite being a comedy, deals with serious modern issues that are familiar to the audience.

Despite its success, showrunners  admitted that the sitcom had been running on fumes (后劲不足的) during the last few seasons. The final episode went as expected, with the growing branches of each family going their separate ways following one giant on-screen embrace involving every cast member.

As the camera cut to each departing family member, Jay Pritchett, the patriarch (大家长) of the family, expressed an important theme of the show. “Life is full of change. I learned a long time ago you can fight it, or you can try to make the best of it. And that’s a whole lot easier if you’ve got people helping you face whatever life throws at you,” he said emotionally.

Just as the final episode concluded, fans were treated to one last heartfelt moment. As each family switched off their porch (门廊) light, Claire asks Phil (a couple in the show) what they’ll do now that their kids have grown up and moved on. Phil said, “Leave the porch light on – they come back,” a subtle (巧妙的) hint that the show might someday return.

1.How can we define Modern Family?

A.A mockumentary series about an extended family’s history.

B.Sit-down interviews about people’s emotional problems.

C.A comedy encouraging people to adapt to changes.

D.A sitcom about funny family stories and social issues.

2.Why has Modern Family appealed to the audience so much?

A.It applies a variety of shooting formats.

B.It won the most Emmy Awards.

C.Its characters, plot and style are quite relatable.

D.It teaches them how to deal with challenges in life.

3.What does the underlined phrase “trials and tribulations” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?

A.fears B.problems

C.changes D.boundaries

4.What does Modern Family convey to us, according to Jay Pritchett?

A.Parenting and education are important.

B.Fighting is the best way to handle changes.

C.Life will be easier if you are able to get help.

D.Changes in life shape a harmonious family.



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