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Are you a bookworm? Is your head permane...

    Are you a bookworm? Is your head permanently stuck in a book? 1. There are many benefits to reading. Getting into a good novel improves our literacy. Bui who what encourages us to pick up a book and start reading?

Of course, when we are young, our parents and teachers inspire us by introducing us to characters that we love or hate. As a child, I loved books written by RoaldDahl, such as Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and The Twits. 2. They are popular with children even today, despite competition from contemporary authors.

One modern-day children's author is J. K. Rowling, who's known for her books about the wizard, Harry Potter. 3. The UK's National Literacy Trust awarded her the title for “turning a generation of children into readers”.

4. It can also help people in difficult circumstances. The author Pat Winslow worked as a writer in prisons and found reading and discussing stories helped prisoners reflect on their patterns of behavior. She says, “very often we would have discussions about the moral compass of a character. What was the motivation of somebody? Why did they behave that way?”

Today I like to read factual books such as biographies, where you get an insight into the lives of important and well-known people. I also enjoy looking at travel books and learning about journeys and new destinations. 5.

A.If so, that's a good thing for you.

B.It's a good substitute if you can't visit in person.

C.Good writing can really capture our imagination.

D.Reading books is more than an enjoyable leisure time.

E.These fictional stories were funny, twisted and slightly evil.

F.Who are your favorite authors and which are your favorite books?

G.She was named as a "literacy hero" for improving people's love of reading.


1.A 2.E 3.G 4.D 5.B 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了阅读的好处,作者在文章中还提到了一些著名人物,如提高了人们对阅读的热爱的J. K. Rowling以及发现阅读和讨论故事可以帮助囚犯反思自己的行为模式的Pat Winslow。 1. 结合后文There are many benefits to reading. Getting into a good novel improves our literacy.可知阅读有很多好处。读一本好的小说可以提高我们的读写能力。由此可知,本句是在说明如果你是个书虫,沉浸在书本里,那么对你来说这是件好事。故A选项“如果是这样,那对你来说是件好事”符合上下文语境,故选A。 2. 根据上文As a child, I loved books written by RoaldDahl, such as Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and The Twits.可知小时候,我很喜欢RoaldDahl写的书,比如《查理和巧克力工厂》和《傻瓜》。由此可知,本句应当承接上文说明这些书本中故事的类型。故E选项“这些虚构的故事有趣、扭曲,还有点邪恶”符合上下文语境,故选E。 3. 根据后文The UK's National Literacy Trust awarded her the title for “turning a generation of children into readers”.可知英国国家扫盲基金会授予她“将一代儿童变成读者”的称号。由此可知,J. K. Rowling提高了人们对阅读的热爱,被称为扫盲英雄,还被英国国家扫盲基金会授予“将一代儿童变成读者”的称号。故G选项“她被称为‘扫盲英雄’,因为她提高了人们对阅读的热爱。”符合上下文语境,故选G。 4. 根据后文It can also help people in difficult circumstances.可知它还可以帮助处于困境中的人。由此可知,本句是在说明读书给人们带来的好处——不仅仅是一种愉快的休闲时间,还可以帮助处于困境中的人。故D选项“读书不仅仅是一种愉快的休闲时间”符合上下文语境,故选D。 5. 根据上文I also enjoy looking at travel books and learning about journeys and new destinations.可知我也喜欢看旅游书籍,学习旅行和新的目的地。由此可知,本句承接上文说明,旅游书籍能够在你不能亲自参观的情况下,带你学习旅行和新的目的地。故B选项“如果你不能亲自参观,这是一个很好的替代”符合上下文语境,故选B。

    Why do people lie? Many psychologists agree that lying can start from childhood. There are various reasons why children make false statements. They usually tell untruthful stories to cover up the mistakes that they have done in the past. Lying is also a way to avoid receiving punishments from parents. If parents, fail to reprimand their children for making up false stories, then there is a possibility that they will continue to lie during their teenage years.

Teenagers lie because they want to be accepted by their friends. This is the main reason why they create stories that are not true just to become presentable and acceptable to other people. In some instances, teenagers tell untruthful statements to avoid criticisms from their families and friends.

As teenagers grow, lying becomes one of their habits. Their knowledge on making up untruthful stories becomes more developed. People lie in workplaces if they fail to meet the deadlines and if they fail to accomplish and do their tasks efficiently. Some of the common lies made in workplaces are getting sick and having emergencies at home. The danger involved in frequent lying is when it becomes a character. Frequent lying causes the development of the condition known to doctors as pathological lying.

Pathological lying is a mental health condition, which is associated with individuals who have the urge to tell untruthful statements. Patients suffering from it make up stories about everything and anything. These individuals pretend to meet the standards of other people who they want to please. These patients cheat other people because it gives them an unexplained pleasure. One of the best ways of treating pathological liars is to help them tell true statements and stories at all times. This may be hard for them, but as they are accustomed to it, they will start to realize that they will be more accepted by their families and other people if they stop themselves from making up false stories.

1.What does the underlined word "reprimand'' in Paragraph 1 mean?

A.satisfy B.criticize

C.discourage D.praise

2.Why do Teenagers tell lies according to the passage?

A.Because they want to avoid being punished. B.Because they want to fool other people.

C.Because they want to satisfy others. D.Because they want to attract others' attention.

3.Why is Pathological lying a disease?

A.Because the patients can't help lying.

B.Because the patients lose interest in everything.

C.Because the patients are critical about themselves.

D.Because the patients have the urge to please others.

4.What are patients suffering pathological lying most likely to do?

A.They really want to play jokes on others.

B.They often suffer from some other diseases.

C.They usually want to show off themselves by making some statements.

D.They always like making up pleasing stories.

5.How does the writer explain pathological lying?

A.By showing some typical examples. B.By predicting the future consequences.

C.By analyzing its causes and development. D.By listing a group of phenomena.



    I'd like to share a little story with you about something that happened when I was four, remember it clearly. Our loving family dog was nearing the end of his life. My father picked him up and put him in a little bed we had made for him. Our dog, my companion. whom we had cared for, bit my father when he attempted to help him. How could he? Why? I couldn't understand it. I didn't like him anymore.

I hadn't thought about that story for a long time but something that happened last week brought it back to me. I went to speak with a friend. When I knocked on the door, I met in an instant an angry look and a few harsh(尖刻的) words. When the door was skimmed(砰地关上) in my face, I stood there shocked, and in a rush, I was reminded of my dog which bit my father 20 years ago or so.

What brought that story back was that same feeling of betrayal.

Both stories taught me something the next day. You see, when I got up in the morning and was told my dog had died, it became clear to me that he must have been in great pain. For him to have bitten a family member, he could not have been himself. Much the same for the other story when I learned that my friend's wife had just left him.

We are all beings of our environments, our opinions and feelings. And all of those things can cause you to say and do things that can't be understood by those who are not in the same situation with you.

If you meet someone either behaving out of character or acting in a way that doesn't seem to fit the situation, be patient when you think it is least possible for him to do so and try to get to know why he had such behaviour.

1.What's the influence of the incident that happened when he was four?

A.It hurt his father's feeling deeply. B.It has puzzled the author ever since.

C.It left a deep impression on the author. D.It made the author dislike dogs.

2.What made the author think about the story of about 20 years ago?

A.The photo of the dog, B.His friend's attitude.

C.His father's wound. D.His friend’s suffering.

3.Why did the authors friend say harsh words to the author?

A.Because he was bad-tempered.

B.Because they once quarreled and lie couldn't forgive the author.

C.Because he was bothered by an unexpected visit.

D.Because he was suffering the pain of losing his wife.

4.What conclusion did the author get from the two stories?

A.Misunderstanding should be removed in time.

B.Sometimes one will be hurt without any reason.

C.Many people think more of themselves and less of others.

D.Many factors will affect one's behavior.

5.What's the author's advice to us?

A.Learn to understand others. B.Look before you leap.

C.Help those in need. D.Tolerance is a kind of virtue.



    A polished resume is essential for a successful school or job application. A clear structure and well-organized content can be the difference between success and failure.

Structuring your resume

(1) Create a header with your name and contact information. There are also down loadable templates(模板) available online. If none of them appeals to you, however, you can always use your own design.

(2) Use a chronological(时间顺序排列的)resume. In a chronological resume, you list your work and education experiences, starting with your most recent experience.

(3) Include your relevant education, awards or training. Typically, your highest academic qualification is the only one you need to include on your resume.

If you had a cumulative(累积的)GPA of 3.5 or higher, feel free to include it. Otherwise, it would be best to leave it out. If you re listing more than one degree, include your GPA on both of them, if possible.

(4) List work experience, including relevant volunteer work and internships. Use specific job titles and short explanations that tell potential employers exactly what you did, what skills you gained and how they could be useful in a new job.

(5) Try a functional resume, if you lack direct work experience. With a functional resume you can highlight your specific skills and resources without having to list previous jobs. A functional resume emphasizes what you can do rather than what you've done.

Making your content shine

Place keywords in your resume strategically. Schools or employers often use software to scan resumes for specific keywords.

1.How should you present your job and education experiences on a resume?

A.Begin with your most successful experience.

B.Stan with your most recent experience.

C.Include as many details as possible.

D.Only introduce your highest degree.

2.When should you leave your GPA out of your resume?

A.If your total GPA was below 3.5. B.If your cumulative GPA was below 4.0.

C.If you're listing more than one decree. D.If you are still a student.

3.What should you do if you don't have much work experience according to the text?

A.List my job you've done before.

B.talk about how much you know about the job.

C.Focus on your abilities and skills related to the job.

D.Share what you've learned from your previous work.

4.How can you make your resume noticeable according to the text?

A.Use a catchy template. B.Send your resume in a DOC file.

C.Mention a hobby that you are good at. D.Highlight some keywords in your resume.

5.What is the main idea of this passage?

A.The ways to shine the content of your resume

B.How to structure your resume.

C.The recipe of resume success.

D.The contact information in the resume.




Ali and his younger sister, Zahra, lived with their parents in a poor neighborhood. Their mother was very sick and their father was struggling to find a job, and they had only a little money with which to buy food. As they had not paid the rent for several months, the landlord was breathing down their necks.

One day, Ali took Zahra’s shoes to a shoe repairman to be fixed, but he lost them on the way home. It wasn’t until he got home that he realized he had lost the shoes. He was afraid that his parents would be angry and disappointed, so he begged his sister to keep it secret. Zahra agreed and the two decided to share Ali’s running shoes. Zahra’s school hours were in the morning, so she would wear them first. After school, she would rush back and give them to Ali. He could then run to his school, which began in the afternoon. Although he ran as fast as he could, Ali often arrived late and was warned by the school.

Ali heard about a long distance race that was held for the boys in the city. When he learned that the third prize was a new pair of shoes, he decided to take part. He ran home excitedly and promised his sister that he would win her the new shoes.

The day of race arrived. Ali had a strong start, but halfway through the race he began to get tired and his legs began to ache. Getting more and more exhausted he thought only of Zahra and his promise to her. Dreaming of the new shoes he would win for his sister gave him strength, and he stayed right behind the two fastest runners, determined to finish third. Suddenly, as the finish line drew near, another runner collided (碰撞) with Ali from behind and he crashed to the ground.


1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;

3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;

Paragraph 1:

Ali looked up and saw the other boys rushing ahead.


Paragraph 2

Filled with delight, Ali walked home quickly.





1. 表达关心;2. 介绍经验;3. 分享感受。

注意:1. 词数80左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

提示词:新型冠状病毒肺炎 the novel coronavirus pneumonia COVID-19;疾病的大流行 pandemic

Dear Jim,



Li Hua



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