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Project A:Introductory(入门的)Hip Hop for a...

Project A:Introductory(入门的)Hip Hop for ages 7-12

Hey kids...go back to school with some cool dance moves!

This 4-week hip hop workshop introduces the popular hip hop style of dance in a fun and kid-friendly way. Learn basic hip hop dance moves featured in today's popular music videos, including footwork, freezes, and more.

Open to ages 7-12 with no or little hip hop experience.

Instructor:Jared Hale

Time:Wednesdays,Nov 27-Dec 18   5:00pm-5:45pm(4 weeks)

Cost:$75-4 weeks

Project B:Beginning Musical Theatre Dance for Ages 13 and up

Are you a Musical Theatre student in middle school or high school?Or maybe you just want to give musical theatre a try?This workshop at the beginning level is for YOU!

This 4-week workshop will be taught by the best at the beginning level to help the musical theatre lover learn some of the common dance moves of musical theatre!

Instructor:Adam Roberts

Time:Sundays,Dec 1-Dec 22  1:15pm-2:15pm(4 weeks)

Cost:$80 per 4-week workshop

Project C:Intermediate(中级的)Musical Theatre Dance for Ages 13 and up

Anyone with dance experience at the intermediate level that wants to improve their Musical Theatre Dance skills will not want to miss this workshop!

You will spend 4 weeks with an instructor who has served as an artistic director,choreographer(编舞者),and musical director.

Instructor:Taylor Williams

Time:Sundays,Nov 10-Dec 1  2:15pm-3:15pm(4 weeks)

Cost:$70 per 4-week workshop

Project D:Beginning Ballet Drop-in Class for Ages 11-18

This beginning level ballet class is offered on our drop-in schedule(插班课程)every Tuesday between Nov 26 and Dec 31 this winter.This class gives students the opportunity to try ballet and get some ballet basics needed for other dance styles.

You can start any time and come when you can, enjoying the flexibility you need during the winter!

Instructor:Adam Roberts

Time:Tuesdays,between Nov 26 and Dec 31

Cost:$25 per class.

1.When can a student attend a Hip Hop dancing class?

A.Dec 18  5:00 pm. B.Nov 26  1:15 pm.

C.Dec 1  2:15pm. D.Dec 22  1:15pm.

2.What do Project B and Project D have in common?

A.They share the same class time. B.They share the same instructor.

C.They teach the same dance moves. D.They share the same classroom.

3.How does Project C differ from the other three projects?

A.It costs students more money.

B.It includes free extra lessons.

C.It has changeable class time for beginners.

D.It is for students with middle-level dance experience.


1.A 2.B 3.D 【解析】 本文是应用文。文章介绍了四个学习舞蹈的项目的情况。 1. 细节理解题。根据Project A:Introductory(入门的)Hip Hop for ages 7-12部分的介绍中“Time:Wednesdays,Nov 27-Dec 18 5:00pm-5:45pm(4 weeks)”可知,街舞班的时间是11月27 日——12月18日,每星期三,下午5点——5:45。故选A项。 2. 细节理解题。在Project B:Beginning Musical Theatre Dance for Ages 13 and up 和Project D:Beginning Ballet Drop-in Class for Ages 11-18部分介绍中都提到了“Instructor:Adam Roberts”,可知这两门课程都是同一个教练授课。故选B项。 3. 细节理解题。根据Project A:Introductory(入门的)Hip Hop for ages 7-12 可知项目A是为7 — 12岁孩子开设的街舞入门班;根据Project B:Beginning Musical Theatre Dance for Ages 13 and up可知,项目B是针对13岁及以上学生开设初级音乐剧舞蹈班; 根据Project D:Beginning Ballet Drop-in Class for Ages 11-18可知,项目D是针对11—18岁学生的初级芭蕾舞旁听课程;这三个项目中都提到了“Introductory”或“Beginning”,都是初级的课程;根据Project C:Intermediate(中级的)Musical Theatre Dance for Ages 13 and up和该部分介绍中提到“Anyone with dance experience at the intermediate level”可知,项目C与其他的三个项目不同,是针对有一定舞蹈基础的13岁及以上学生开设的中级音乐剧舞蹈班。故选D项。

Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.



1. 你的活动计划(从上述四个选项中任选两样);

2. 你的理由。




Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.

1.这事他越想越不对劲。(The more ... )



4.危机时刻,我们要摒弃成见、同心协力,坚信人类的勇气、智慧和创造力无可限量。(there be)



Directions: Read the following three passages. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.

Should You Disinfect Your Online Shopping?

People who are self-isolating are increasingly relying on grocery deliveries. This raises a new worry: whether delivered goods carry the new coronavirus. Research suggests it can spread via particles in the air, but also via surfaces. How long can the virus survive and how can we protect ourselves?

COVID-19 is a respiratory(呼吸道的)illness and is largely transmitted via drops in the air from coughing or sneezing, says John Lednicky at the University of Florida. The new virus has also been found to persist on surfaces. A team led by Vincent Munster at the US National Institute of persist on surfaces. A team led by Vincent Munster at the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases in Montana found it may survive on plastic and stainless steel for up to 72 hours.

But other research suggests the coronaviruses that cause SARS and MERS can persist on metal, glass and plastic for up to nine days. Research by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggested that traces of the new coronavirus could be on surfaces for even longer; its RNA was detected in cabins of people who had vacated the Diamond Princess cruise ship 17 days earlier, including those without symptoms.

This doesn't necessarily mean these virus particles could still infect other people, says Lednicky. How long virus particles remain active depends on various factors. Those coughed or sneezed out may be covered in a layer of mucus(黏液)that helps them survive longer. Surface survival may also be affected by UV light, which can destroy the ability of some viruses to reinfect us. Heat and higher humidity can also inactivate viruses.

Is it worth trying to disinfect your shopping? Lednicky doesn't think so. Most household cleaning products won't kill coronaviruses, he says. Even if you use one that does, you're unlikely to be able to clean every nook and cranny of, for example, a bunch of grapes. It is more practical to practise social distancing and good personal hygiene, he says.



Directions: Read the passage carefully. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.

Einstein's Opinions on Creative Thinking

“The greatest scientists are artists as well,” said Albert Einstein, one of the greatest physicists and an amateur pianist and violinist.

For Einstein, insight did not come from logic or mathematics. 1. As he told one friend, “When I examine myself and my methods of thought. I find that the gift of imagination has meant more to me than any talent for absorbing absolute knowledge. All great achievements of science must start from intuitive knowledge. Imagination is more important than knowledge.”

But how did art differ from science for Einstein? Surprisingly, it wasn't the content of an idea, or its subject, that determined whether something was art or science, but how the idea was expressed. If what is seen and experienced is described in the language of logic, then it is science. If it is communicated and recognized intuitively, then it is art. 2. That's why he said that great scientists were also artists. Einstein first described his intuitive thought processes at a physics conference in Kyoto in 1922 when he indicated that he used images and feelings to solve his problems and found words, logical symbols or mathematical equations later.

3. “If I were not a physicist,” he once said, “I would probably be a musician. I often think in music and I see my life in terms of music. I get most joy in life out of music. Whenever I feel that I have come to the end of the road or into a difficult situation in my work. I would bury myself in music, and that would usually solve all my difficulties.”

Music provided Einstein with a connection between time and space which both combine spatial and structural aspects. “The theory of relativity occurred to me my intuition and music is the driving force behind this intuition”, said Einstein. “My parents had me study the violin from the time I was six. 4..”

A.There is no doubt that my theory was a great breakthrough then.

B.Instead, it came from intuition and inspiration

C.For Einstein, it was the humanities that mainly contributed to his achieve-ments.

D.Einstein also owed his scientific insight and intuition mainly to music.

E.My new discovery is the result of musical perception.

F.Einstein himself worked intuitively and expressed himself logically.



    I have been wondering lately why I should teach my newborn son English. Everyone I know speaks English, but would Peter be better off learning a more sensible, mellifluous(流畅的)language, like maybe Italian? It is, I admit, a stupid question. But stupid questions can contain the seeds of great insights. This particular stupid question leads to the frontier of economic theory, as well as to the intellectual foundation            for the government's antitrust(反垄断)case against Microsoft.

Why are American children taught English? The answer is that everyone learns English because everyone else learns it. In this respect, language is a perfect example of what economic theorists call a network. In a network, the benefit one person gets from using some good - in this case, English -- depends on the number of other people using it.

Networks fascinate economic theorists because they don't fit nearby into the standard model of how markets work. In most cases, economists are defenders of free markets. People left to their own devices, we argue, will typically achieve an outcome that is good society as a whole - the vaunted(被大肆吹捧的)invisible hand.

In the case of networks, however, this logic doesn't seem to work. It is easy to imagine that people might get stuck with a network that, once established, is hard to replace. Parents deciding what language to teach their children, for instance, don't really have much choice. How else can we explain why the Chinese keep speaking Chinese when less complicated languages are available?

For a while supporters of the new economics of networks pointed to what seemed to be a compelling example of the problem - the QWERTY keyboard. As the story goes, this arrangement of letters was originally designed to prevent typists from jamming the keys on early typewriters. Despite the availability of superior designs and the fact that jamming keys is no longer an issue, QWERTY remains the standard. This, theorists argued, was a network-driven market failure: People still type on this inefficient keyboard just because that's what everybody else does.

This debate over networks, keyboards, and market failure might seem like arcana(奥秘)only economists can love, but it is having a profound influence on public policy. Many academics who have written about the theory of networks have worked for the Justice Department and other federal agencies. A frequent claim is that computer operating system are like languages: Once a standard becomes dominant, it is practically impossible for anyone to consider an alternative, even a better one. The only difference between English and Windows, the argument goes, is that English is free.

1.Which of the following examples best illustrates the idea "network" mentioned in the passage?

A.Microsoft limits reasonable competition through its aggressive pricing mechanism.

B.Some scholars speak out against the fundamental economic theory in a journal.

C.Peter chooses to learn Italian for the purpose of an early promotion in his company.

D.Families sit together to watch the Spring Festival Gala on New Year's Eve.

2.The underlined phrase "this logic" in Paragraph 4 refers to the idea that ________.

A.networks don't fit into the standard model of how markets work

B.less governmental intervention is good for society

C.what language we learn depends on the environment we live in

D.the market wouldn't operate properly without the "invisible hand"

3.What can we infer from the passage?

A.Free market contributes most to a prosperous economy.

B.The QWERTY keyboard reflects a network failure in business.

C.Convenience gave way to efficiency in the design of the keyboard.

D.Personal preferences may well be determined by how others act.

4.Which of the following can be the best title for this passage?

A.The Dominance of Microsoft Is to Blame

B.Networks Make Substitutes Impossible

C.The Language We Use Depends on Networks

D.Policy-making Is Subject to Public Opinions



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