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阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 1.(...


1.locatein Nanping County, Aba Tibetan-Qiang Autonomous Prefecture, Jiuzhaigou Ravine extends 80 kilometers in one direction and takes up 2.area of more than 60,000 hectares(公顷). The area3. (consist) of six scenic spots——Changhai, Jianyan, Nuorilang, Shuzheng, Zharu 4. Heihai. The mountains, lakes, natural primeval(原始的) forest, beautiful flowers all make Jiuzhaigou a fairyland. Mountains ranging 1,980 to about 3,100 meters 5. height are covered by a variety of trees and plants.

Scenes change according to the season and the area is particularly colorful in autumn when the wind makes6. (kilometer) of tree belt along the lake wave like a sea. The Shuzheng Scenic Spot is one of the central point of Jiuzhaigou's landscape. The spot, 7.covers an area of three square kilometers, is made up of 40 lakes extending five kilometers along a valley. The lakes vary in color according to 8.(they) depths and scenery around them. 9.(obvious), the magnificent view in Jiuzhaigou will make you reluctant to leave, and don't forget that the autumn is the 10.(good) season to visit it.


1.Located 2.an 3.consists 4.and 5.in 6.kilometers 7.which 8.their 9.Obviously 10.best 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。短文介绍了九寨沟风景区。 1. 考查过去分词。be located in“位于……”为固定短语,本句为过去分词作作状语,所以去掉be动词,置于句首,首字母大写。故填Located。 2. 考查冠词。area为可数名词,此句中表示泛指“一个区域”。且area首字母的发音为元音音素。所以冠词为an,takes up an area of表示“占……的面积”。 故填an。 3. 考查主谓一致和时态。The area为主语,句子为一般现在时,所以谓语动词为单数第三人称,consist of 无被动语态。 故填consists。 4. 考查连词。根据句意“景区由长海、建岩、诺日朗、舒正、扎鲁和黑海六大景点组成”可知,为并列关系,用and连接。故填and。 5. 考查介词。表示在“高度上”,用介词in。故填in。 6. 考查名词复数。根据句意“风景随季节而变化,秋天的景色尤其丰富多彩,风吹得公里长的树带沿着湖面像大海一样波浪起伏。”可知,应该用kilometers表示“几公里长的树带”,且kilometer为可数名词,前无不定冠词修饰,用复数表示泛指。故填kilometers。 7. 考查非限制性定语从句。The spot为先行词,在非限制性定语从句中做主语,关系代词为which。 故填which。 8. 考查形容词性物主代词。depths为名词,用形容词性物主代词修饰名词 。故填their。 9. 考查副词。副词置于句首修饰句子,首字母大写。故填Obviously。 10. 考查形容词最高级。根据句意“别忘了秋天是游览它的最佳季节”,可知,要填形容词最高级。故填best。

    I got off the bus, walking towards my home. It was_________. Opening the door, I was _______by the smells of pine and oranges. Just then I heard a(n)_______voice, “You’re home, brother! Come to_______with me!” Melissa, my baby sister, looked at me_______.

Too old, I felt, for her_______. So I thought of a(n)_______to make her not cry. “OK,” I said, “_______you share your red car with me, I will . I only like the car.” Melissa quickly_______the car tightly, ran to her bedroom and shouted, “No!” She never let others even__________the car.

A moment later, Melissa asked me, “Have you got me any__________yet?” “Not yet, but I will, ” I said. “I’ve got __________ I’m giving you,” said Melissa.

The day of__________gifts quickly came. I sent Melissa a__________statue(塑像) bought at the local dollar store. The whole family were excited to__________ and open gifts. “We need a truck for the package paper,” Dad joked, sweeping up the wastes.

“Wait, Daddy!” said Melissa. “I’ve another gift for my brother.” Clearly she had__________ the gift herself. It had at least four layers() of paper. I tore off the package’s papers,  saying, “Melissa, I can’t…” “What is it?” asked Mom__________. I pulled back the rest of the paper so as to__________the gift to my parents—Melissa’s favourite red car. Looking at the__________ gift I had given her, my face went red with__________. The dog statue seemed to be barking and laughing at me.

1.A.Christmas vacation B.National Day C.Children’s Day D.summer vacation

2.A.embarrassed B.greeted C.surprised D.amazed

3.A.worried B.astonished C.excited D.satisfied

4.A.chat B.draw C.sing D.play

5.A.calmly B.quietly C.eagerly D.worriedly

6.A.songs B.tools C.toys D.pets

7.A.suggestion B.joke C.entertainment D.trick

8.A.Once B.If C.Since D.Unless

9.A.threw B.pulled C.pushed D.held

10.A.borrow B.see C.touch D.push

11.A.car B.chocolate C.gift D.clothes

12.A.who B.what C.that D.which

13.A.exchanging B.buying C.choosing D.sending

14.A.fish B.cat C.bird D.dog

15.A.accept B.receive C.give D.make

16.A.decorated B.designed C.prepared D.created

17.A.curiously B.seriously C.clearly D.carefully

18.A.hand B.bring C.send D.show

19.A.cheap B.ugly C.rare D.dirty

20.A.interest B.shame C.anger D.joy



How to Be a Good Listener to Your Family

Communication is important for strong family relationships. However, if you don't truly listen to others, it can be difficult to communicate. Working on your listening skills can help you communicate better and form stronger bonds.1.

Stay in the present.

When listening to a family member, do not let your mind wander to other things. It's important to strive to stay in the present to make your family member feel heard and valued.

2.Instead, focus only on what's being said. If you feel your mind wandering, return your thoughts to the speakers’ words.


When talking to someone, you often are focusing on what you're going to say next. This tendency can get more intense when talking to a family member. If you're, say, discussing a family problem or disagreement, you may be eager to share your thoughts. However, do not think about how you feel or wish to respond. Focus only on the speaker and their thoughts and opinions on the matter.

Show you're listening using non-verbal cues.

You want the speaker to feel valued. Make sure to show you're listening. You can convey you're paying attention via non-verbal cues. 4. Smiles and laugh when necessary, and keep eye contact.

Make sure the speaker has finished talking before you talk.

It's okay to accept a pause. A couple of seconds of silence in a conversation is not a bad thing, and allows the speaker a chance to fully express themselves. Instead of immediately launching into your response, pause for a moment after the speaker finishes talking.5.

People have a natural tendency to pause when they speak. If you notice the speaker has paused, do not assume they've done talking. Give them a few seconds before you respond.

A.Focus on the speaker’s words and not what you'll say next.

B.Never think about other things when someone is talking.

C.You can think of how you will respond later.

D.Thus, it is necessary to make sure to listen actively and here are how.

E.This will allow you to make sure they’ve completely finished talking.

F.Therefore, the following will tell you how to be interactive with the speaker.

G.Nod as the speaker talks.



    Scientific research gives new explanations to a very old relationship.

Dog Sense: How the New Science of Dog Behaviour Can Make You a Better Friend to Your Pet. By John Bradshaw. Basic Books; 324 pages; $25.99. Buy from Amazon.com, Amazon.co.uk

Dogs seem to have been our beloved companions since there was written history. It is hard to be precise(精确地) about when the friendship began, but a reasonable guess is that it has been going strong for more than 20,000 years. For John Bradshaw, a biologist who founded the anthrozoology department(the place known as human-non-human-animal studies) at the University of Bristol, having some idea about how dogs got to be dogs is the first step towards gaining a better understanding of human-dog relationship. It is generally accepted that dogs were raised by human beings from wolves. However, Bradshaw’s research refuted the wrong ideas about the close relationship of dogs to wolves and the mistakes that this has led to, especially in the training of dogs over the past century or so.

Dogs are not like nicely brought-up wolves, says the author, nor are they much like people despite their excellent ability to enter our lives and our hearts. However, dogs have a distinguish talent: they experience and react to the world through their extraordinary sense of smell: their sensitivity to smells is between 10,000 and 100,000 times greater than ours. And their trainability allow dogs to perform almost unimaginable tasks, such as smelling the early stages of a cancer long before a normal medical diagnosis(诊断) would discover it.

The latest scientific research can help dogs and their owners have happier, healthier relationships by encouraging people to understand dogs better. But Mr. Bradshaw is also fearful. In particular, he fears the incestuous(近亲繁殖)narrowing of the gene pool that modern breeders have brought about. He also worries that the increasing urbanization of society and the pressures on couples to work long hours are putting dogs under huge stress.

“Dog Sense” is neither a report nor a description of the joys of dog-ownership. At times its use of research data can be slightly difficult to understand. But this is a wonderfully informative, instructive book that will do good to every dog whose owner reads it.

1.What’s the meaning of the underlined word in Paragraph 3?

A.Proved B.Disagreed C.Described D.Explained

2.Which of the following statements about dogs is not true according to the passage?

A.Dogs and wolves are close relatives.

B.Some dogs can smell early stage cancers.

C.The relationship between dogs and humans has a long history.

D.Dog may suffer from depression.

3.The purpose of the passage may be         .

A.to introduce something about dogs

B.to present the result of a book

C.to change people’s attitude towards dogs

D.to advertise a book about dogs

4.How does the author find Dog Sense?

A.Boring B.Interesting C.Useful D.Hard



    The future of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, which will open on Tuesday, has been doubted by some experts due to their low expectations as to its logistic(后勤的) functions. But instead, the bridge will play an important role in promoting the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

According to research made by the One Country Two Systems Research Institute, the grand bridge connecting Hong Kong, Macao and Zhuhai will have limited effects on freightage(货运) but it will have a meaningful influence on passenger traffic.

Under the economic environment of the Bay Area, particularly the western part, the bridge's transport function will focus on passenger traffic.

The bridge will give a big improvement to cross-boundary passenger traffic as using it will not only be less time-consuming than the currently used circuitous(迂回的) land routes, it will also be more economical than travel by sea. Demand for cross-boundary passenger transport is expected to increase greatly.

And prospects(前景) for the bridge's traffic volumes have received a improvement from two policies. The first is that the bridge charge for vehicles will be driver-friendly — between 60 yuan ($8.66) and 300 yuan per trip.

The second policy is connected with private car drivers. Hong Kong drivers without a mainland license can apply for a permit online and drive around Guangdong for a short period after entering the province through designated(指定的) ports.

Along with other favorable policies, which have already been carried out, the operation of the bridge is likely to strength regional unity.

Greater cooperation between Hong Kong and the western Pearl River Delta is a major value of the bridge.

1.According to the passage, we know that        .

A.Some experts once thought poorly of the future of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge

B.The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge is only used for passenger traffic

C.Travel by sea will be replaced

D.Charge for vehicles will be high

2.The influence of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge includes        .

A.Make the transportation easier in this area

B.Improve tourism

C.Promote cooperation among Hong Kong, Zhuhai and Macao

D.All of the above

3.A Hong Kong driver without a mainland license can        .

A.enter the mainland through any port

B.stay in Guangdong for a short period

C.live in Guangdong as a citizen

D.drive around the mainland for a short period



    I found my email address was sold online, so now instead of just getting letters from the few charities(慈善机构) I can afford to support, I am also getting letters from a dozen other charities asking for my help. One of my more cynical(愤世嫉俗的) friends talked a lot about the old saying, “No good deed ever goes unpunished.” I just smiled and didn't argue knowing it wouldn't change his mind. My own mind, however, was remembering another moment from many years ago.

It was a windy, snowy day in December. I was a young dad who had saved just enough cash to buy my children a few presents for Christmas. As I walked to the store I saw the Salvation Army kettle with a man ringing a bell standing beside it. Next to him was his daughter, a little girl no more than three feet tall, got together against the biting cold. I took a one -dollar bill out of my wallet and dropped it into the kettle. As the man was thanking me, though, I felt pressure on my legs. I looked down and saw that the little girl was giving me her own thank you hug. I smiled down at her, bent down and hugged her back. Then I went inside feeling the warmth that no winter wind could ever take away.

Thinking back to that moment in time reminded me that no good deed ever goes unrewarded(无回报的). We may not always get a heartfelt hug but in time every act of giving, every act of kindness, and every act of love that we make flows from heart to heart and soul to soul, around the world and back to us again.

No good deed is ever wasted. Don't let this sometimes cynical world get you down then. Share your love today! Give from your heart. Fill your life with acts of kindness.

1.Why did the author receive a lot of letters?

A.His mailbox was made public. B.He had a good many friends.

C.Many charities had his mailing address. D.He let out his personal information.

2.For what purpose did the author go out on a windy, snowy day?

A.To buy presents. B.To ask for help.

C.To raise money for the poor. D.To give the passers-by warmth.

3.What does the author really want to say in Paragraph 3?

A.A good deed is never lost. B.A little help is worth a deal of pity.

C.No good deed ever goes unpunished. D.Treat others as you want to be treated.

4.Which of the following can best describe the author?

A.Considerate. B.Brave. C.Helpful. D.Thankful.



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