满分5 > 高中英语试题 >






注意:1. 词数100左右;

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Dear Peter,



Li Hua


Dear  Peter, How is everything?I'm doing a project on how America and Chinese students spend their winter holidays. In China, the winter vacation is usually about twenty days long. It falls during the Chinese New Year, so most students take part in different Spring Festival activities, such as visiting family, eating lots of foods, and most importantly, getting lucky money! During the holiday many students will also go travelling with their parents. Unfortunately, they can't travel for long because Chinese students always have a lot of homework to do during this break. Many must even attend special holiday classes. What about in the USA?How do the students spend the winter holidays there?I'm looking forward to your reply. Yours, Li Hua 【解析】 这是一篇应用文。本篇要求考生给笔友Peter写信,介绍中国学生的寒假生活,并询问美国学生的寒假生活,以收集素材完成一项关于美国学生寒假生活的调查。 体裁:应用文 时态:根据提示,时态应以一般现在时为主 结构:总分总 要求: 1.写信的原因; 2.介绍中国学生的寒假生活:时长约20天;过春节等 3.询问美国学生的寒假生活。 第二步:列提纲(重点词组) spend/ take part in/ travel/ attend/ look forward to/ fall on/ lucky money/ accompany 第三步:连词成句 1. How is everything? 2. I'm doing a project on how America and Chinese students spend their winter holidays. 3. In China, the winter vacation is usually about twenty days long. 4.It falls during the Chinese New Year, so most students take part in different Spring Festival activities, such as visiting family, eating lots of foods, and most importantly, getting lucky money! 5. During the holiday many students will also go travelling with their parents. 6. Unfortunately, they can't travel for long because Chinese students always have a lot of homework to do during this break. 7. Many must even attend special holiday classes. 8. What about in the USA? 9. How do the students spend the winter holidays there? 10. I'm looking forward to your reply. 第四步:连句成篇(加入衔接词或从句) 表示并列的连词:and/but/or/so… 状语从句连词:because/ if/ though/ although… 定语从句连词:which/ that/ when/ where… 第五步:修改润色(加入高级词汇或短语)







My experience with a foreign language begins in junior middle school. I had a kind and patient English teacher which often praised all the students. Because his positive method, I eager answered all the questions I could, never worrying much about make mistakes. However, my experience in senior school was very difference from before. When my former teacher had been patient with all the student, my new teacher quickly punished those who gave incorrect answers. As a result, not only did he lose my joy in answering questions, but also I totally lost my desire to say anything at all in the English.




In modern India, polluting sectors continue to be important pillars of the economy. Many argue that any attempt to get rid of coal would result 1. a widespread loss of jobs. 2. (similar), much of India's commercial transport is run on diesel(柴油). The idea of replacing diesel trucks and cars with cleaner electric powered vehicles 3.(consider) too expensive. As the change from coal to natural gas would increase their operating 4. (cost), business owners fear becoming less 5. (compete) in an increasingly global market.

One of the 6. (large) contributors to air pollution in India, especially in the north of the country, is the agricultural sector. Every year, between October and November, thousands of farmers burn harvest residue(剩余物) as 7. prepare fields for the new crop. The practice, 8. (know) as stubble burning, leads to a smoky haze(雾霾) forming in much of northern India.

The government 9. (try) to encourage the use of green technology, such as so-called "Happy Seeder" machines 10. can sow seeds without having to remove the agricultural residue. However, this has proven to be expensive.



    For centuries, Beijing has been one of China's most important cities. _______ a place for emperors and officials, today it is an international city and a popular tourist_______. People from all over the country are moving to Beijing to _______ jobs and opportunities as this exciting city is a place where dreams can come true. Throughout the city, _______ dressed business people _______ for their offices, mobile phones held to their ears and visitors can only watch and imagine the deals and _______ being made at that very second.

Beijing's streets provide a fascinating _______ of the past and the present. In tea houses, groups of old men play chess _______ the Macdonald's next door is filled with laughing teenagers sipping milkshakes. Walking through the broad streets _______ with designer stores and multi-storey skyscrapers, you can________ a turn and suddenly find yourself in a century’s old ________ where a fruit seller chats happily to an old woman sitting in the sun. Many of the road signs and advertising billboards are now in ________, making Beijing more ________to foreigners. Public transport is efficient, new businesses are ________, and every modern convenience and international brand is ________ in this booming global city.

Beijing has some of China's most stunning ________. Visitors often come to Beijing with the single ________ to see the Great Wall, one of the ancient wonders of the world, but once they’ve arrived, they realize that this is only one of the city's ________. In fact, what visitors ever seem to only________about Beijing, is that they simply________time before seeing it all.

1.A.Separately B.Importantly C.Originally D.Specially

2.A.place B.destination C.scenery D.feast

3.A.search for B.look into C.race with D.struggle against

4.A.casually B.seriously C.smartly D.traditionally

5.A.call B.work C.advertise D.head

6.A.benefits B.fortunes C.calls D.appointments

7.A.development B.description C.introduction D.mix

8.A.while B.when C.as D.although

9.A.filled B.accompanied C.lined D.equipped

10.A.take B.cross C.find D.face

11.A.shop B.square C.house D.lane

12.A.English B.Chinese C.sight D.order

13.A.attractive B.impressive C.unforgettable D.accessible

14.A.changing B.growing C.trading D.declining

15.A.affordable B.beneficial C.available D.significant

16.A.sights B.traditions C.events D.records

17.A.advantage B.desire C.benefit D.routine

18.A.descriptions B.attractions C.possessions D.marks

19.A.enjoy B.travel C.complain D.praise

20.A.take up B.get rid of C.make use of D.run out of



    Do you think studying in a different country is something that sounds very exciting? Certainly, it is a new experience, which brings the opportunity of discovering fascinating things and a feeling of freedom. 1. You will experience culture shock. Evidently, at least four essential stages of culture-shock adjustment occur.

The first stage is called "the honeymoon". In this stage, you feel excitement about living in a different place, and everything seems to be marvelous. 2.

Eventually, however, the second stage of culture shock appears. This is the "hostility stage". 3. You become tired of many things about the new culture. Moreover, people don't treat you like a guest anymore. Everything that seemed to be so wonderful at first is now awful, and everything makes you feel distressed and tired.

Then you come to the third stage called "recovery". You start feeling more positive, and you try to develop comprehension of everything you don't understand. The whole situation starts to become more favorable. 4.

The last stage of culture shock is called "adjustment". 5. The things that initially made you feel uncomfortable or strange are now things that you understand. Now you feel comfortable; you have adjusted to the new culture.

A.Actually, culture shock is something you cannot avoid when studying in a foreign country.

B.You have reached a point where you feel good because you have learned enough to understand the new culture.

C.You like everything, and everybody seems to be so nice to you.

D.You recover from the symptoms of the first two stages.

E.In spite of these advantages, however, there are also some challenges you will encounter.

F.However, when you have completely adjusted to a new culture you can more fully enjoy it.

G.You begin to notice that not everything is as good as you had originally thought it was.



    Recently I rolled into a local restaurant to try an Impossible Burger, an all-plant patty(人造肉饼) invented by Impossible Foods. It's well known for having an strangely chewy(有咀嚼感), even bloody, meat-like quality, a surprising verisimilitude(逼真) that has made it ''perhaps the country's most famous burger, '' as New York magazine wrote. One bite into its wonderful, smoky taste and, damn, I was convinced.

This is good news, because the time has come to consume fake meat. In the fight against climate change, meat replacement is something we can try. A University of Oxford study recently found that, to keep global warming below 2 degrees this century, we need to be eating 75 percent less beef and 90 percent less pork.

However, diets are culturally enshrined, so changing them will be hard. It isn't easy to replace 75 to 90 percent of beef and pork with fake meat. The first taste of an Impossible Burger—a moment when low expectations work a powerful magic in the product's favor—is one thing. But how do you keep meat-eaters asking for more after their sixth, and their 26th

To get to true mass adoption, fake meat will need to compete favorably with the real thing on multiple fronts. Impossible Foods' goal is to drive the price of its product below that of Safeway's 80/20 hamburger meat, at which point people will simply vote with their wallets. The new industry also wants to improve on animal flesh in various ways. Fake meat has an advantage over traditional meat because ''you won't need to refrigerate it'' cofounder Niko Koffeman says. Plus, custom(定制的) production could improve choice. ''You could have very soft and tender meat for elderly people,'' Koffeman adds. ''You could have a tailored meat for whatever you need.''

You can tell the world is shifting this way, because the ranchers(牧场主) are nervous. Last year, the US Cattlemen's Association asked the government to define ''meat'' as a product ''coming directly from animals.'' That anxiety—and the power of the science driving it—goes to show that this grand shift isn't impossible.

1.According to passage, the author was convinced by the Impossible Burger because__.

A.it has a special taste that is different from normal ones.

B.it contains all non-meat materials that taste like meat.

C.more vegetables are used as main materials for the burger.

D.one bite of this burger can provide people with the energy needed for a whole day.

2.What does the author mean by saying "Diets are culturally enshrined"?

A.That people think their diet is the best in the world.

B.That people are unwilling to go against their culture by changing their diets.

C.That people's preference for food is linked to the food choice available to them.

D.That people's eating habits are consistently observed and closely connected with their culture.

3.Which of the following statements is true about the advantages that fake meat will have to beat over traditional meat?

A.Fake meat will not be necessarily stored in a refrigerator.

B.The price of fake meat will be just one-fourth of traditional meat's.

C.Fake meat will win over older people thanks to its tender and soft taste.

D.Fake meat will own a taste that is not found in traditional meat.

4.What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A.Meat must come from animals.

B.The world will probably embrace the idea of fake meat.

C.The ranchers are suffering economic loss due to fake meat.

D.The definition of meat has been changed because of fake meat.



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